Using the Internet Archive's Open Library APIs (Live Demos)

Mek Karpeles
27 Jan 202121:15

TLDRThe Internet Archive's Open Library offers a vast collection of books available for borrowing through its digital lending system. The program lead introduces the Open Library's APIs, focusing on the Book APIs and Search APIs, which allow users to access detailed book information and perform searches. By appending '.json' to any Open Library URL, users can access API data. The video also showcases a demo called Bazaam, which uses the full-text search API to identify book quotes. The speaker encourages developers to reach out for support and to utilize the data dumps for heavy usage needs.


  • 🌐 Open Library is an internet library catalog with millions of books available for borrowing through the browser.
  • 📚 The Open Library's API portal can be found at the bottom of the page under the 'Develop' section.
  • 🔍 Two main APIs are highlighted: the Book APIs and the Search APIs, both essential for building book-related websites.
  • 📖 Every URL on Open Library is an API, allowing for easy access to information by appending '.json' to the URL.
  • 📈 A 'Work' represents a logical collection of different versions or editions of a book, accessible via the Work API.
  • 📕 Editions of a work can be explored by appending '/works/ol' and the work ID followed by '/editions' and '.json' to the base URL.
  • 🔗 ISBNs can be used to fetch book information directly through the Open Library API by appending '.json' to the ISBN endpoint.
  • 🔎 The Search API allows converting query strings into a list of book matches, accessible by appending '.json' to search URLs.
  • 🎉 Open Library encourages the use of their APIs for creating rich presentations and linking to borrowable or readable copies of books.
  • 🤖 Open Library provides data dumps for heavy API users and community-written bots to help clean up and improve the catalog.
  • 💌 Users with questions or issues can reach out to Open Library through email, Slack channel, or their public GitHub repository.

Q & A

  • What is the Internet Archive's Open Library and how does it function?

    -The Internet Archive's Open Library is an online library catalog that provides access to millions of books. Users can borrow books directly from their browsers through the Internet Archive's controlled digital lending library. The library is unique in that almost every URL on Open Library is itself an API, allowing for extensive programmable interaction and data retrieval.

  • What are the two APIs that the speaker finds particularly useful for users?

    -The speaker finds the Book APIs and the Search APIs particularly useful for users. The Book APIs allow users to get information for a specific book or multiple books, while the Search APIs enable users to convert a query string into a list of book matches.

  • How can one access the API documentation for Open Library?

    -The API documentation for Open Library can be accessed by navigating to the bottom of the Open Library page, under the 'Develop' section in the footer, and clicking on 'API Documentation'.

  • What is a Work ID in the context of Open Library, and how is it structured?

    -A Work ID in Open Library is a unique identifier for a logical collection of different versions or editions of a book. It starts with 'OL', followed by a series of numbers, and ends with the capital letter 'W'.

  • How can one retrieve information for a specific edition of a book?

    -To retrieve information for a specific edition of a book, one can append '.json' to the URL following the pattern '' where 'OLXXXXXXW' is the Work ID of the book.

  • What is the significance of the '.json' extension in Open Library URLs?

    -Adding the '.json' extension to any URL on Open Library converts the webpage into a JSON API, providing programmable access to the data in a valid JSON format.

  • How does Open Library handle full-text searches within books?

    -Open Library handles full-text searches by using the '/search/inside.json' endpoint. Users can input a search query, and the API will return matches from within the full text of books in the Internet Archive's collection.

  • What is the purpose of the 'bazaam' demo mentioned in the script?

    -The 'bazaam' demo is an example of a simple application that uses Open Library's APIs to perform full-text searches for book content. It is designed to mimic the functionality of Shazam for books, allowing users to identify a book by typing in a phrase or quote.

  • How can developers contribute to Open Library and its community?

    -Developers can contribute to Open Library by utilizing the provided APIs to create new applications or enhance existing ones. They can also help clean up the catalog and improve its data by participating in the community and contributing to the 'open library dash bots' repository on GitHub.

  • What resources are available for developers who need assistance with Open Library's APIs?

    -Developers can seek help through a dedicated Slack channel where they can interact with hundreds of community members, as well as through a public Gitter chat linked on the Open Library GitHub page for quick questions and Slack invites.



📚 Introduction to Open Library's APIs

This paragraph introduces the speaker's role as the program lead for the Internet Archive's Open Library, an online library catalog with millions of books available for borrowing through a digital lending library. The speaker aims to provide a tour on utilizing Open Library's APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for building custom book websites. The paragraph highlights the Open Library's unique feature where every URL is an API, allowing users to access valid JSON data by appending '.json' to any URL. The speaker also introduces the concept of 'works' and 'editions', explaining that a 'work' represents a logical collection of different versions or editions of a book.


🔍 Exploring Book and Edition APIs

The speaker delves into the specifics of the Book and Edition APIs, explaining how to retrieve information for a specific book or multiple books. The paragraph outlines the process of accessing data through work IDs and ISBNs, and how to navigate to different editions associated with a work. It also touches on the capabilities of the Open Library's catalog, including the ability to identify various editions of a book in different languages. The speaker encourages the use of these APIs to enhance online book discussions and provide links to borrowable or readable copies of books, emphasizing the potential for increased accessibility to literary works.


🌐 Utilizing Search API and Full-Text Search

This paragraph discusses the Search API, which allows users to convert query strings into a list of book matches. The speaker demonstrates how to use the API in the context of Open Library's standard search functionality, explaining how appending '.json' to a search URL transforms it into an API call. The paragraph also introduces the full-text search capability, which enables users to search within the content of books. The speaker provides a practical example by creating a mini-application called 'Bazaam', which uses the full-text search API to identify books from quoted text. The simplicity of the application's codebase is highlighted, emphasizing the ease of leveraging Open Library's APIs.


💡 Additional Resources and Community Engagement

The speaker concludes by offering additional resources for further exploration of Open Library's APIs. They mention the availability of data dumps for heavy users and the existence of community-written bots to help clean up the catalog. The speaker encourages users to follow Open Library on Twitter and read the blog for updates on projects like the new Library Explorer. They also mention the existence of a Slack channel and a public GitHub page for users to ask questions and engage with the community. The speaker invites users to reach out for assistance and expresses a willingness to help users engage with Open Library's resources.



💡Internet Archive Open Library

The Internet Archive Open Library is an initiative that provides a vast collection of books accessible digitally. It allows users to borrow books directly from their browsers, making it a unique online resource for literature enthusiasts. The video script discusses how to utilize the Open Library's APIs to create personalized book websites, highlighting the platform's features and potential for developers.

💡APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are defined as sets of protocols and tools that facilitate building software applications. In the context of the video, APIs are used to interact with the Open Library's database, allowing developers to extract and use information about books and authors to build their own applications or websites. The script explains how to use the Open Library's APIs to access book data programmatically.

💡Digital Lending

Digital lending refers to the process of loaning out digital copies of books, allowing users to read and access content online without the need for physical books. The Open Library's digital lending library is a platform that enables this service, making reading material available to a wider audience through the convenience of their internet-connected devices.

💡Work ID

A Work ID is a unique identifier used within the Open Library to represent a logical collection of different versions or editions of a book. It is a crucial concept in the video as it allows developers to access metadata about a book as a whole, including its various editions, through the Open Library's APIs.

💡Edition API

The Edition API is a specific type of API provided by the Open Library that allows developers to access detailed information about individual editions of a book. This includes details such as the language, publication date, and other specific attributes of that edition, which are not available at the Work level.


ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, a unique numeric identifier for books. In the context of the video, ISBNs are used as an alternative way to access book information through the Open Library's APIs. Developers can use an ISBN to directly query and retrieve data for a specific book.

💡Search API

The Search API is a tool that enables developers to perform queries based on user input, such as search strings, and receive a list of matching books from the Open Library's catalog. This API is particularly useful for creating search functionalities within applications or websites that utilize the Open Library's extensive book database.

💡Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search is a feature that allows users to search for specific words or phrases within the entire text of books available in the Open Library's catalog. This advanced search capability enables developers to create applications that can find and reference specific passages or content within books, enhancing the user experience by providing more precise search results.


Introduction to the Internet Archive's Open Library and its APIs for building book websites.

The Open Library's API portal can be found at the bottom of the page under the 'Develop' section.

Open Library's uniqueness lies in every URL being an API, allowing for .json extensions to access API data.

Explanation of the Work API, which provides information on a logical collection of different versions or editions of a book.

Demonstration of how to access specific book information using the Open Library Work ID and the .json extension.

Description of how to use Author APIs to fetch information about authors using their Open Library identifiers.

Introduction to the Edition API, which provides detailed information on specific editions of a work.

Explanation of how to use ISBNs to access book information through the Open Library's ISBN endpoint.

Discussion of advanced APIs for querying by OCLC number and other formats and options.

Upcoming plans to combine the Book Edition API with the Work API for richer search results.

Introduction to the Search API, which converts query strings into a list of book matches.

Demonstration of the full-text search capability within the Internet Archive's collection.

Presentation of a simple application called 'Bazaam', which uses the Open Library's APIs for book identification.

Guidance on how to access and use the Open Library's data dump for heavy usage needs.

Invitation to engage with the Open Library community through Twitter, blog, and Slack channel for support and updates.