What is AI Detector II How to check AI Score with Plagiarism II Can we still use ChatGPT, Quillbot.?

My Research Support
29 Apr 202308:06

TLDRThis video discusses AI detection tools used in classroom software to identify AI-generated content. It explains the difference between AI score and similarity score, noting that a high AI score doesn't necessarily indicate academic misconduct. The video provides examples using tools like Turnitin, Plagiarism Eye Detector, and compares AI-generated text with paraphrasing tools. It emphasizes the importance of expert review and proper citation, even when using AI tools like ChatGPT, Quillbot, and WordTune.


  • 🔍 AI Detectors are tools used by classroom checking software to identify AI-generated content.
  • 📝 AI Score and Similarity Score are two different metrics; a low similarity score doesn't necessarily indicate a high AI score.
  • 💡 AI Scores can suggest that a portion of the text may be generated by AI, but a review by an expert is always required.
  • 🤖 Popular AI text generators include ChatGPT, Quillbot, and WordTune, which are used for various writing tasks.
  • 🔧 Plagiarism detection tools are incorporating AI algorithms to identify and flag AI-generated texts.
  • 🌟 AI detection is not 100% accurate; there's a chance that the tools may not catch all AI-generated content.
  • 📚 Even with an AI score, the document might still be original if it's been properly paraphrased or rewritten.
  • 🔄 Text generated by AI can sometimes pass AI detection tools if it's been altered with filters or paraphrasing techniques.
  • 🚫 AI detection tools are not meant to replace human judgment and are used as a guide for further review.
  • 📈 Universities and institutions may have different levels of access to AI detection features in plagiarism checkers like Turnitin.

Q & A

  • What is an AI detection tool and how does it function?

    -An AI detection tool is a software enabled by classroom checking software to identify content that may have been generated by artificial intelligence, such as text generators or article rewriters. It works by analyzing the text and providing an AI score, which is a probability that the content was machine-generated. However, it does not definitively prove academic misconduct and requires a human review for confirmation.

  • How is the AI score different from the similarity score?

    -The AI score indicates the likelihood that the text was generated by an AI, while the similarity score measures the percentage of content that matches existing sources. A low similarity score does not necessarily mean a low AI score, as AI-generated content might still be unique but stylistically or structurally indicative of machine generation.

  • What is the significance of the AI score notification in detection tools like Turnitin?

    -The AI score notification serves as an alert that a significant portion of the text might have been generated by AI, suggesting that further review is needed. It does not confirm plagiarism or academic misconduct but indicates that the text should be examined more closely by an expert or professor.

  • How accurate are AI detection tools in identifying AI-generated text?

    -AI detection tools are not 100% accurate. They use algorithms to detect patterns that are typical of AI-generated content, but these patterns can vary, and the tools may not catch every instance of AI-generated text. The accuracy can range significantly, and human review is still essential for a conclusive determination.

  • What are some popular AI text generators and rewriters mentioned in the script?

    -ChatGPT is mentioned as a popular AI text generator used for creating assignments, research papers, and theses. Quillbot is cited as a tool that can be used for rewriting text.

  • How do AI detection tools handle AI-generated text that has been altered or filtered?

    -Some text generators and rewriters have started using filters to alter the output, making it harder for AI detection tools to identify. Even with these filters, AI detection tools may still detect the text, but the accuracy may vary. It is crucial to use proper citation and credit when using such tools to avoid academic misconduct.

  • What is the role of human review in the process of using AI detection tools?

    -Human review is essential as AI detection tools can only provide a probability score. An expert or professor must review the content to determine if there is actual academic misconduct. The human review ensures that the AI's analysis is corroborated and that the final judgment is more accurate and fair.

  • How can one ensure their text is not flagged by AI detection tools when using AI-generated content?

    -To avoid detection, one must use proper citations, give credit where it's due, and utilize paraphrasing tools to modify the AI-generated content. This way, even if the content originated from an AI, it is presented in a manner that respects academic integrity and avoids plagiarism.

  • What is the current state of AI detection tools in universities?

    -Not all universities have AI detection tools enabled. Some have upgraded their systems like Turnitin to include AI detection features, but these are typically only accessible to instructors. The reliance on AI scores is not complete, and human review remains a critical component of the academic process.

  • What are the limitations of AI detection tools in detecting plagiarism?

    -AI detection tools have limitations as they rely on algorithms that might not catch every instance of AI-generated text, especially if the text has been altered or filtered. Additionally, they cannot definitively prove academic misconduct; they can only suggest the likelihood of AI involvement.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those who create their content without using AI generators?

    -The speaker advises that if an individual writes their content without using AI generators, they do not need to check their document against the AI score. However, it is always good practice to ensure originality and proper citation to maintain academic integrity.



🤖 Introduction to AI Detection Tools

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI detection tools used in academic settings to identify AI-generated content. It explains that these tools have been developed in response to the increasing use of AI in creating academic documents. The speaker discusses the difference between similarity scores and AI scores, using examples from Turnitin to illustrate how a low similarity score does not necessarily indicate original work, as a high AI score may suggest that the text is generated by an article writer or rewriters like Chat GPT. The importance of academic review, despite the AI-enabled tools' indications, is emphasized to ensure the authenticity of the work.


📝 Testing AI Detection Tools on Generated Text

The speaker proceeds to demonstrate the effectiveness of AI detection tools by using text generated from Chat GPT 3.5 and testing it with various tools, including Plagiarism Originality Eye Detector and a tool designed specifically for GPT-2. The results show varying AI scores, indicating that the tools are not 100% accurate in detecting AI-generated content. The paragraph highlights the limitations of these tools and the necessity of human review to confirm academic misconduct. It also touches on the use of paraphrasing tools to alter AI-generated text to pass these checks, while stressing the importance of proper citation and credit to avoid plagiarism.



💡AI Detector

AI Detector refers to artificial intelligence-based tools that are designed to identify content generated by AI, as opposed to human-written content. In the context of the video, AI Detectors are used by classroom checking software to determine if a document's text may have been generated by AI, such as article writers or rewriters. The script mentions that these tools provide a score indicating the likelihood of AI-generated content, but a human review is still required to confirm academic misconduct.

💡AI Score

AI Score is a metric provided by AI detection tools that represents the likelihood of a document's content being generated by artificial intelligence rather than written by a human. A higher AI Score suggests a greater possibility that the text is not original. The video emphasizes that while an AI Score can be indicative, it is not definitive proof of academic dishonesty and that a human expert's review is necessary to make a final determination.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission, essentially presenting it as one's own. In the context of the video, plagiarism detection is a critical aspect of academic integrity, and AI tools are being used to help identify potential cases of plagiarism by comparing documents to existing content and assessing the likelihood of AI generation.


ChatGPT is a popular AI-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. It is often used to create content such as assignments, research papers, and theses. The video script highlights that ChatGPT is one of the most well-known text generators that can potentially be detected by AI detection tools when used to generate academic content.


Quillbot is an AI-powered paraphrasing and article rewriting tool that helps users rephrase and reword their content to avoid plagiarism and produce unique texts. In the video, Quillbot is mentioned as a tool that can be used to alter AI-generated text so that it may not be detected by AI detection tools, emphasizing the ongoing development of techniques to evade AI-based plagiarism detection.


Turnitin is a widely used online plagiarism detection service that checks documents for similarity against a vast database of academic papers, websites, and other content. The video script mentions that Turnitin has incorporated AI detection algorithms to identify potential AI-generated texts, but it is not fully reliant on the AI Score and still requires human review for accurate assessment.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct refers to the violation of academic standards, such as plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication of data, which undermines the integrity of the academic process. In the context of the video, the discussion around AI detection tools and AI Scores relates to their role in identifying potential cases of academic misconduct that require further investigation by experts or professors.

💡Text Generators

Text generators are AI-based tools that can automatically produce written content, often used for creating articles, essays, or other written assignments. The video script discusses the prevalence of text generators like ChatGPT and how they can be detected by AI detection tools, as well as the measures taken by these generators to avoid detection.

💡Article Rewriter

An article rewriter is a tool or software that uses AI algorithms to paraphrase or reword existing content to create a new version that is distinct from the original, often for the purpose of avoiding plagiarism. In the video, tools like Quillbot and WordTune are mentioned as examples of article rewriters that can alter AI-generated text to lower its AI Score and make it less likely to be flagged by AI detection tools.

💡Plagiarism Checker

A plagiarism checker is a tool that helps identify instances of plagiarism by comparing a document's content against a database of existing works to determine the level of similarity. The video script explains that traditional plagiarism checkers may not be able to detect AI-generated content, leading to the development of AI detection tools that can provide an AI Score to complement the similarity score.

💡Proper Citation

Proper citation refers to the correct and formal way of acknowledging the sources of information used in a written work, giving credit to the original authors and respecting their intellectual property rights. In the context of the video, even when using AI tools like ChatGPT or Quillbot, it is emphasized that users must provide proper citations to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity.


AI detection tools are being integrated into classroom checking software to identify text generated by AI.

AI Score and similarity score are different metrics; a low similarity score doesn't rule out a high AI Score.

An AI Score of 95% suggests that 95% of the text might be generated by an article writer or rewriter.

A high AI Score requires academic review to determine if there's academic misconduct.

ChatGPT, Quillbot, and other AI tools can generate text for assignments, research papers, and theses.

Plagiarism detection tools are incorporating AI algorithms to identify AI-generated text.

AI detection is not 100% accurate; there's a chance of false positives and negatives.

Even with AI detection tools, expert review is necessary to confirm academic integrity.

Text generators like ChatGPT have started using filters to avoid detection.

Proper citation and credit are essential even when using AI-generated text.

Paraphrasing tools can be used to alter AI-generated text to reduce the chances of detection.

AI detection tools in platforms like Turnitin are only available to instructors and not to students.

The effectiveness of AI detection tools varies based on the algorithms they use.

AI tools can sometimes generate text that is not detected by AI detection tools.

The use of AI in text generation and detection is an ongoing challenge in academia.

Students and professionals should be aware of the capabilities and limitations of AI detection tools.

The video provides insights on how to navigate the use of AI in academic writing and the potential for detection.