lies I believed as a kid
TLDRIn this humorous video, the speaker reflects on common lies told to children and explores their impact. They discuss the myth of eating cookies before dinner leading to bat wings sprouting from eyeballs, and the supposed benefits of lies for maintaining order. Sponsored by Opera browser, the video also highlights its features, such as battery saving mode and workspaces, for managing numerous tabs. The speaker shares personal anecdotes, like being told making faces would make them permanent, and the falsehood of car interior lights being illegal at night. They conclude by considering the positive intentions behind these lies, suggesting they were meant to guide children towards better behavior.
- 🍪 The script humorously addresses the potential lies parents tell children, such as eating cookies before dinner leading to bat wings sprouting from their eyeballs.
- 🗣️ It discusses the negative impact of lying, suggesting that lies can hurt people, but also acknowledges the complexity of parenting and the occasional necessity of bending the truth for maintaining order.
- 👶 The speaker reflects on their own childhood experiences with being lied to, such as the myth that making a face could make it permanent, and considers the benign nature of some of these lies.
- 🎥 The video is sponsored by Opera browser, which is highlighted for its features like battery saving mode and workspaces to organize browsing, especially useful for those with many tabs open.
- 🚗 A personal anecdote about a lie regarding the illegality of using interior car lights at night is shared, illustrating how some lies are told for practical reasons rather than to deceive.
- 🏊 The script mentions a lie told in swimming classes about peeing in pools turning the water red, which effectively deterred the speaker from the behavior.
- 🍬 It dispels the myth about Lifesavers candy having a hole in the center to prevent choking, revealing that the design was actually inspired by life-saving buoys.
- 🎲 The speaker shares their habit of cracking their knuckles and the myth that it causes arthritis, which research has shown to be unfounded.
- 👐 The script suggests that some lies told by parents might be attempts to guide children onto a better path in life, reflecting a sweeter intention behind them.
- 📺 The video concludes with a light-hearted reminder to 'lie to everyone,' emphasizing the humorous tone of the content.
Q & A
Why did the speaker warn Timmy about stealing cookies?
-The speaker warned Timmy about stealing cookies to discourage him from spoiling his appetite before dinner.
What humorous consequence does the speaker mention will happen if children eat cookies before dinner?
-The speaker humorously mentions that bat wings will sprout from their eyeballs and they will fly away into the sun where they will explode.
What is the speaker's opinion on lying?
-The speaker believes that lying is generally bad and can hurt people, but acknowledges that some lies told to children might be warranted to maintain order.
Why does the speaker empathize with parents who lie to their children?
-The speaker empathizes with parents who lie to their children because sometimes lies are necessary to keep peace and order in the household.
What childhood lie does the speaker recall about making faces?
-The speaker recalls being told that if they kept making a funny face, it would stick that way.
What lie did the speaker's dad tell about using the car's interior light at night?
-The speaker's dad lied that it was illegal to use the car's interior light at night, when in reality, it was just hard for the driver to see.
What myth was the speaker told about peeing in the pool?
-The speaker was told that peeing in the pool would react with a chemical and turn the water red, revealing who had peed.
What incorrect fact did the speaker learn about Lifesaver candies?
-The speaker learned the myth that Lifesaver candies were designed with a hole to prevent choking, when in fact, they were just designed to look like lifesaver buoys.
What did the speaker discover about the relationship between cracking knuckles and arthritis?
-The speaker discovered that research found no correlation between cracking knuckles and developing arthritis.
What is the speaker's overall conclusion about lies told to children?
-The speaker concludes that while lies are generally bad, some lies told to children might have been intended to guide them along a better path in life.
🍪 Tales of Parental Deception and Opera Browser Sponsorship
In this humorous and reflective script, the speaker begins by addressing a common childhood deception about eating cookies before dinner, humorously exaggerating the consequences to include bat wings sprouting from eyeballs. The narrative then transitions into a discussion about the ethics of lying to children for the sake of maintaining order, with the speaker sharing personal anecdotes about being told lies as a child, such as faces becoming permanently stuck if made in a certain way. Sponsored by Opera browser, the speaker promotes its features like battery saving mode and workspaces for managing numerous open tabs. The video script acknowledges that while lying is generally frowned upon, some parental fibs might be justified for the sake of instilling good behavior or maintaining peace.
🏊♂️ Childhood Myths and the Impact of White Lies
The speaker continues the conversation on childhood deception by sharing more personal stories and common myths. They recount being told that peeing in the pool would turn the water red, which effectively deterred them from the behavior. They also touch on the myth of Lifesavers being designed to prevent choking, revealing the true origin of the candy's design. The script humorously addresses the belief that cracking knuckles leads to arthritis, which the speaker has found to be unfounded through research. Throughout the narrative, the speaker reflects on the potential reasons behind these white lies and concludes that they may have served a purpose in guiding them towards better behavior, ending the script on a light-hearted note about the importance of these fibs in shaping a person's life.
💡Stealing cookies
💡Opera browser
💡Myths and folklore
💡Video games
💡Swimming lessons
💡Cracking knuckles
The speaker warns Timmy against eating cookies before dinner, using a humorous and exaggerated story about bat wings sprouting from eyeballs.
The 'hot take of the day' suggests that lies can be harmful, but the speaker empathizes with parents who use them to maintain order.
A sponsored segment promotes the Opera browser for its features like battery saving mode and workspaces, which are beneficial for users with many open tabs.
The speaker reflects on childhood lies, such as faces getting stuck, and considers them mostly harmless and sometimes necessary for managing unruly behavior.
A personal anecdote shares a lie told by the speaker's mom about making faces, which the speaker later realized was to stop them from being annoying.
The speaker discusses the myth of backlit devices being illegal in cars, a lie told by their father to prevent reading in the dark.
A swimming instructor's lie about peeing in pools turning red is mentioned, illustrating how lies can influence behavior for the better.
The speaker humorously mentions the myth of Lifesavers being designed to prevent choking, which they later found out was not true.
Cracking knuckles is discussed, with the speaker's personal experience showing no correlation with arthritis despite common beliefs.
The speaker contemplates the idea that some lies might be told to guide children towards better behavior, rather than to deceive them.
A closing remark humorously encourages viewers to lie to everyone, followed by a sign-off.
now now little Timmy you know better
than to steal cookies from the cookie
jar you know I never told you this but
if little children eat cookies before
dinner time they spoil their appetite uh
and bat wings will Sprout from their
eyeballs and they will fly away into the
sun where they will
explode hot take of the day I think lies
they're bad if you lie to somebody there
stands a chance that you could really
hurt them Bud go over there
don't worry it's
safe why would you do but sometimes kids
can be
unruly and I'm not a parent so I don't
know what's considered good parenting
and bad
parenting but sometimes as kids to keep
the peace we were lied to and I think
about that sometimes at least for the
lies that I was told when I was a kid it
I think it's mostly fair but uh come
here I got to show you something really
this video is sponsored by Opera browser
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thank you Opera for sponsoring this
video normally as stated before lying
bad but I can't empathize with parents
if they need a little more order in the
house I look back on my childhood and I
remember how I was lied to from time to
time and I think yeah that was warranted
like one time when I was a kid I was
told if I keep making that face it will
stick that way I remember at the time I
was harassing my mom while she was
making us dinner mom mom
mom you got to be careful cuz if you
keep um making that face it'll stick
way I didn't believe this lie but I
should have I am very gullible and
believe most things I would say 45% of
my working memory misinformation but
either way in my opinion this lie is
fine I admittedly was being a walking
headache and this lie really isn't that
damaging unlike some other folklore
Tales like little German boys being told
not to put your fingers in pie or else
you're going to be taken away by a
monster oh my
go a long l long time ago there was a
time where back lit things didn't exist
or were at least very rare and if you
were in a car on a road trip and wanted
to read some spooky goosebumps you would
need an overhead
light I remember lots of times on road
trips I wanted to play Pokemon on my
game boy but I didn't have any backlit
stuff as many kids my age I too wanted
to be a Pokemon Master obliterate every
enemy I could with my team okay I'm
ready to battle to do any of this I
needed light a simple thing to come by
these days but at that time I had none
there's this thing I used to have that
was like a just a little spiral light
that would connect to the Game Boy just
be like a lamp a literal lamp shown on
the screen can't remember if I just
didn't have it at the time or it broke
but either way I needed the top light so
I turned it on and then my dad turns it
off apparently as my dad put it it was
illegal I remember thinking of course I
can't turn that on now if I did then we
would get pulled over and then my dad
would be put in jail and then I would
have to drive and we all know how that
go I'm a Pokemon Master not a NASCAR
driver come on and I didn't have a job
so how am I supposed to post bail sorry
Dad my only option was to wait and to
look out the window and pretend little
guy's running around and dodging all the
stuff that we're driving past how's he
doing that but as you may expect if you
look at the law there's nothing in here
about inner car lights on at night being
illegal my dad only said this because it
was simply hard to see at
night which is honestly Fair even though
I was fighting the biggest criminal
organization in the history of
mankind in Pokemon I do know now it's
harder to see when the inner lights are
on I didn't understand at the time how
important visibility was however I would
learn how very vital it is years later
while I attempted to get my own license
do you need sunglasses no I'm fine now I
understand kids tend to pee in pools
just the way things are I don't make the
rules this can become a problem when you
try to teach a bunch of them how to swim
so when I was in swimming class before
we started at all our swimming
instructor told us if you pee in the
pool it'll react with a chemical in the
pool and turn it red and so everyone
will know that you peed in the pool and
that you're a pool peer hey this guy
pees in pools give me that give me the
pool Nole bad and up to that point I had
been being in the pool used to be so
vile I'm sorry to admit that but as a
kid I was just like well if fish can do
it oh dude e come on man my kids's in
this Lake it's very selfish to be in the
pool you ruin the pool for everyone it's
like everybody's having a soup and
everybody's really excited to eat the
soup and then you throw a bunch of spice
in the soup and you're just like oh no
that's just for me don't
worry just going to mix that up a little
bit now looking back I'm glad that I was
lied to cuz I stopped peeing a pools
right away who knew lies could be so
effective on an unrelated note did you
know not subscribing to this channel in
24 hours gives you
scurvy just saying okay so when I was
was recording this earlier I was going
to say a thing about how Lifesavers are
with candy that helps prevent kids from
choking because the little hole in the
center but did you know that's also a
myth I was told that the inventor
designed the candy like that because his
kid choked down candy and he didn't want
other kids to befall the same fate and
that's also why it's called lifes Savers
because it's
saving lives turns out that's wrong he
just wanted to make a candy that looked
like Lifesaver buoys that's it it's just
kind of disappointing why not make candy
of something cool like me they say that
cracking your knuckles ruins your hands
but I've been cracking my knuckles for
years and look at how they turned out
does this look broken or mangled to you
H take a close
look your skin is really soft could you
stop I was always so worried about
cracking my Knuckles because I would
often hear people say you're going to
get arthritis if you keep doing that I
don't want arthritis I need my hands but
unfortunately became a habit so I did it
a ton then I started to crack my my
ankles my elbows my back my sternum
somehow my neck it was getting out of
control so I was worried about the
future of my hands but as I was worrying
research was being conducted about the
correlation between arthritis and
cracking your fingers and they found no
correlation which means I don't have to
better myself nor my bad habits yay I
think what was really going on here is
maybe parents thought it was really
nasty whenever their kids cracked their
Knuckles which is fair it's pretty gross
and then just told them
they need to stop because of health
reasons but also if you think about it
it just kind of makes sense it doesn't
seem like a healthy thing to do maybe
one day my fingers will just fall off
only time will tell anyway lies are bad
but when I look back on it maybe not all
lies were bad and maybe it was just
people trying to guide me along a better
path in life which is kind of sweet
thanks for watching and don't forget to
lie to
everyone okay bye
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