5 children killed in Gaza during aid drop: Officials

ABC News
8 Mar 202402:29


TLDRIn a tragic incident in Gaza, five children were killed when a pallet of aid, intended to alleviate the desperate situation, fell from the sky due to a parachute failure. The Hamas-run Health Ministry reported the incident, while the Pentagon confirmed that the US was not responsible for the airdrop. Amidst the humanitarian crisis, with over half a million Gazans facing starvation, President Biden's plan to build a temporary pier for aid delivery is backed by a coalition of countries, with Israel providing security. Tensions rise as worshippers are called to march on Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of Ramadan, with no ceasefire in sight.


  • 🚚 A tragic incident occurred in Gaza where five children were killed by a pallet of aid that fell from an airplane due to a parachute failure.
  • 🏛 The Hamas-run Health Ministry reported the incident, highlighting the desperate need for aid in the region.
  • 🛫 The Pentagon confirmed awareness of the reports but clarified that the aid was not delivered by the US.
  • 🌍 Humanitarian aid drops are a critical lifeline for the people of Gaza, with over half a million facing starvation.
  • 🀝 The UN and a coalition of countries are supporting President Biden's plan to build a temporary pier off Gaza's coast for aid delivery by sea.
  • 🇮🇱 President Biden assured that Israelis will provide security for the aid operation without deploying US troops on the ground in Gaza.
  • 🕋 Tensions are escalating in Jerusalem ahead of Friday prayers, with calls for worshippers to march on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • 🕰 The situation is tense as Ramadan approaches without a ceasefire agreement.
  • 📢 President Biden addressed the possibility of a ceasefire before Ramadan, acknowledging the challenges in achieving one.
  • 🎥 The ABC News YouTube channel provides ongoing coverage of these events, with live updates and alerts available through their app.

Q & A

  • What is the new tragedy reported in Gaza?

    -Five children were killed by a pallet of aid that was dropped from an airplane when the parachute failed to open.

  • Which organization is responsible for the report on the children's deaths?

    -The Hamas-run Health Ministry reported the incident.

  • How did the Pentagon respond to the reports of the aid drop causing casualties?

    -The Pentagon confirmed that it was not a US airdrop that caused the casualties.

  • What did the UN report about the situation in Gaza?

    -The UN reported that more than half a million Gazans are facing starvation.

  • What was President Biden's statement regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu?

    -President Biden spoke about telling Netanyahu that he needs to do more to get aid in.

  • What is the US military's plan to assist with aid delivery to Gaza?

    -The US military plans to build a temporary pier off Gaza's coast to allow aid in by sea.

  • What security measures are being proposed for the aid operation?

    -President Biden has stated that the Israelis will provide security for the aid operation.

  • What is the current status of the ceasefire negotiations?

    -The negotiations are ongoing, but President Biden has acknowledged that it's looking tough to reach a ceasefire before Ramadan.

  • What is the significance of the holy month of Ramadan in this context?

    -The holy month of Ramadan is approaching, and there is no deal on a ceasefire, which adds to the tensions and urgency of the situation.

  • What is the situation at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque?

    -Tensions are flaring with calls for worshippers to march on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and young men are being moved away from the area by police to maintain peace.

  • What is the US position on deploying troops in Gaza?

    -President Biden has promised that there will be no US boots on the ground in Gaza.



🚚 Tragedy in Gaza: Children Killed by Aid Pallet

The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza reports that five children were killed when a pallet of desperately needed aid, dropped from an airplane, crushed them as its parachute failed to open. The Pentagon confirms awareness of the incident but denies responsibility for the airdrop. The situation in Gaza is dire, with over half a million people facing starvation. President Biden addresses the issue, emphasizing the need for aid delivery and a temporary pier off Gaza's coast for sea-based aid, with Israel providing security. Tensions rise as worshippers are called to march on Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of Friday prayers, with no ceasefire in sight before Ramadan.




Gaza is a Palestinian territory located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In the context of this video, it is the site of a tragic incident where children were killed by an aid package. The video discusses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with over half a million people facing starvation.


Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007. The video mentions the Hamas-run Health Ministry, which reported the tragic death of children due to an aid package accident.


Aid refers to the assistance provided to countries or regions in need, often in the form of food, medical supplies, or financial support. In this video, the aid is crucial for the people of Gaza, but the delivery of this aid turned tragic when a parachute failed, causing the death of children.


The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. It is mentioned in the video as being aware of the reports about the aid package incident but clarifying that it was not a US airdrop responsible for the casualties.


The United Nations (UN) is an international organization aimed at maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, and promoting social progress, better living standards, and human rights. The video references the UN's statement about the aid bundles landing safely and the dire situation in Gaza.


Starvation is the severe deficiency in the consumption of essential nutrients, leading to extreme hunger and potential death. The video highlights the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, with more than half a million people facing the risk of starvation due to the lack of aid.

💡President Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States. In the video, he is mentioned in relation to his response to the situation in Gaza, including his interactions with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his support for a plan to build a temporary pier for aid delivery.


A ceasefire is a temporary or permanent halt to fighting in a war or conflict. The video discusses the possibility of a ceasefire before Ramadan, which is a significant religious period for Muslims, and the efforts to negotiate peace in the region.


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. The video mentions the upcoming holy month and the tensions in the region, with calls for worshippers to march on Jerusalem's mosque.

💡Temporary Pier

A temporary pier is a provisional structure built for the purpose of facilitating the loading and unloading of goods, typically in water bodies. In the video, it is mentioned as part of a plan to allow aid to enter Gaza by sea, with the US military's involvement in its construction.


Tensions refer to a state of strained relations or heightened anxiety between groups or nations. The video describes the tensions in Gaza, particularly around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as people prepare for Friday prayers and the holy month of Ramadan.


Five children killed in Gaza by an aid pallet dropped from an airplane.

The parachute on the aid pallet did not open, leading to the tragic incident.

The Pentagon confirms awareness of the reports but denies responsibility for the airdrop.

The incident occurred as humanitarian aid was being dropped from the sky in Gaza.

Palestinians desperately ran to collect the aid, unaware of the fatal outcome.

The UN reports over half a million Gazans are facing starvation.

President Biden's response to the tragedy was captured after his State of the Union address.

Biden urged Prime Minister Netanyahu to facilitate more aid into Gaza.

A coalition of countries supports Biden's plan for a temporary pier off Gaza's coast for aid delivery.

Biden assures no US military presence on the ground in Gaza.

Tensions rise in Gaza ahead of the holy month of Ramadan with no ceasefire deal.

Calls for worshippers to march on Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque, escalating tensions.

President Biden addresses the possibility of a ceasefire before Ramadan, acknowledging challenges.

The Pentagon warns Hamas not to target the aid operation if they care about the Palestinian people.

Efforts to build a pier off Gaza for aid delivery without US military involvement.

The situation in Gaza remains tense with young men being moved away from the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Concerns for the future as peaceful prayers are held outside the mosque walls.

ABC News coverage of the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the international response.



overseas tonight and to the new tragedy


in Gaza the Hamas run Health ministry


tonight saying five children were killed


by a pallet of desperately needed Aid


that had been dropped from an airplane


the parachute did not open authorities


say it crushed the children tonight the


Pentagon aware of the reports but also


adding it was not us delivered Aid Tom


Sufi Burge in the region tonight this is


the moment humanitarian Aid dropped from


the sky of a Gaza and turned deadly


pallets raining down that parachute


appearing to fail plunging to the ground


kale says desperate Palestinians run to


scoop up Aid what you don't see five


children crushed to death by a pallet


according to the Hamas run Health


ministry tonight the Pentagon saying it


wasn't a US airdrop that caused the


casualties we've confirmed that all of


our Aid bundles landed safely on the


ground with the UN saying more than half


a million garans are facing starvation


President Biden caught on this hot mik


moment after the State of the Union


speaking about prime minister Netanyahu


I told


the president quickly interrupted by an


aid today saying Netanyahu needs to do


more to get Aid in and tonight A


Coalition of countries backing President


Biden's plan for the US military to


build a temporary Pier off gaza's Coast


to allow Aid in by sea President Biden


saying the Israelis will provide


security promising there will be no us


boots on the ground in


Gaza and just days before the start of


the holy month of Ramadan with no deal


on a ceasefire herass tonight calling on


worshippers to march on Jerusalem's


Alexa mosque tensions flaring ahead of


Friday prayers well you can see there's


real tension here young men are not


allowed into the alexos up there the


police are moving them away then


peaceful prayers outside the walls amid


fears for what the future may


hold and David just moments ago


President Biden addressing a possible


ceasefire before Ramadan saying it's


looking tough and on that mission to


build a peer off Gaza the Pentagon


saying hamash should not Target that Aid


operation if it truly cares about the


Palestinian people David Tom Sufi bur


reporting again tonight Tom we thank


you hi everyone George Stephanopoulos


here thanks for checking out the ABC


News YouTube channel if you'd like to


get more videos show highlights and


watch live event coverage click on the


right over here to subscribe to our


Channel and don't forget to download the


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thanks for



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