Mikey and JJ Survive the Tsunami On the Island in Minecraft (Maizen)
- 🚢 两位主角Mikey和JJ在航行中遭遇船难,被海浪冲到一个未知的岛屿上。
- 🐉 岛上的怪物不仅接受了他们,还为他们提供了庇护,这与他们以往的经历截然不同。
- 🏡 怪物们用树叶为他们建造了临时的住所,显示出了意外的友善。
- 🤔 Mikey和JJ对怪物的动机持怀疑态度,但也开始考虑它们可能是出于好意。
- 🌊 他们意识到由于海浪太强,无法立即离开岛屿,需要制作小船。
- ⏳ 随着时间的推移,他们感到情况越来越危急,需要尽快找到解决方案。
- 🍪 怪物们提供了资源,如铁锭、钻石和食物,这表明它们确实愿意帮助他们。
- 🔨 他们计划制作工具和船只,以便逃离岛屿,同时也准备了防御措施。
- 🔑 通过钓鱼竿,他们找到了一个关键的钥匙,这可能是逃离岛屿的关键。
- 📜 他们找到了一张包含船只建造说明的纸张,这为他们提供了逃生的希望。
- 🌊 他们面临着即将到来的海啸威胁,必须在有限的时间内完成船只的建造。
- 🛶 最终,由于海啸的破坏,他们的船只被毁,他们只能依靠一个筏子在海上求生。
Q & A
🏝️ 荒岛求生:与怪物共存
🔍 探索与发现:寻找逃离之路
🛠️ 建造与准备:制作船只逃离
🌊 面对灾难:海啸的挑战
friends it was simply incredible Mikey
and I are going on a big trip our ship
completely sank and the waves washed us
to the island we were saved the monsters
on this island accepted us and saved us
it was really strange but this was just
the beginning everything difficult is
Yet to
Come Oh Mikey we're finally awake what
even happened I don't remember anything
at all JJ because we were sailing
somewhere for a very long time most
likely our ship sank and we ended up in
an unknown place we need to look around
as quickly as possible I completely
agree with you Mikey apparently these
Monsters made a base for us from leaves
this is really very very cool for some
reason I don't really trust them we
fought against such monsters all the
time are you saying that they helped us
now why not not all monsters are bad
just like not all villagers are good you
have to understand this yourself Mikey
if the monsters really saved us and made
some kind of Base this is only good for
us we can really win want to sail away
from this island as quickly as possible
but the waves bother me this is just
incredibly terrible JJ to tell the truth
it really is we must cling to this wave
as quickly as possible and move we can't
sail from this island because the waves
here are very strong we will need to
make at least a small boat Mikey there's
really something wrong here most likely
an incredibly huge wave is going to
happen if we try to sail somewhere now
we could get caught in a huge tsunami or
storm so let's stay on the island for
now this is a really interesting plan I
just don't like these monsters that are
on the same island with us we must get
out of here as quickly as possible
because I won't even be able to sleep
they will constantly be above me and I
will think that they are some kind of
enemies let's just wait a little and get
ready most likely we will be able to
implement and do at least something this
will be incredibly cool okay we
definitely need to come up with a plan
for what we will do next after all
staying on such an island can be very
very dangerous that's really a fact we
have absolutely no food water Etc it
will be incredibly difficult for us to
survive here Mikey look these monsters
really give us some resources iron
ingots diamonds and food wow really this
means that they are really good and want
to help us this is my first time meeting
such monsters if everything has become
very good for us at the moment we must
go make some tools and at least
something so that we can escape from
this island start mining wood and we
need to create something perhaps tools
perhaps a boat or barricades we have to
get down to business okay whatever you
say I really hope that we won't have any
special problems we must see this
through to the very end each of us is
doing everything possible to move on and
Escape From This Island we don't know
what awaits us next but the longer we
are on this island the more problems we
may have we must deal with with them all
our main task is to get off this island
we must save ourselves because an
unknown wave appears it really becomes a
problem when we can't solve everything
at once I think there will be a tsunami
very soon in this case we will have to
sail away as quickly as possible if
there is a tsunami we will simply have
to build some kind of ship we can't go
far on a boat this is just unreal I can
agree with this too that's why we always
have to have a backup plan Mikey we must
solve all these problems as quickly as
possible in any case we don't have many
options on what to do we will have to do
the same thing just to survive in such
conditions the monsters really helped us
a lot but this may not be enough we must
control all this as much as possible we
must just take and solve all the issues
right here and right now only then can
we win this battle we must quickly
collect all the necessary resources and
start doing at least something what a
Pity that we can't save these monsters
they will always be on this island in
any any case we have a plan According to
which we must act Our Last Ship sank we
won't have to do the same with another
JJ look there carefully we must
implement this idea and make it happen
as quickly as possible this is the
coolest thing the wave is really getting
bigger and bigger we need to do
everything quickly so that we don't get
flooded it's decided we must act as
quickly as possible we'll have to find a
lot of resources just to escape this
island let's go to the cave and find out
what the monsters are doing there
because they they were the only ones
helping us with resources now what why
is the zombie fighting the skeleton I
don't understand this at all apparently
they didn't share something we must stop
them now apparently this zombie attacked
the skeleton and I had to destroy it oh
no those who helped us were destroyed I
never thought we would beat them but
apparently they didn't share something
we don't have much time and we need to
figure out what to do next what's our
plan now the zombie dropped a fishing
rod this means we can catch some food
either while are sailing or now in any
case we must solve all problems as
quickly as possible and bring them to
the very end I hope we can do this there
is some kind of chest here but it is
closed we need to open it as quickly as
possible suddenly there is something
very useful there most likely that's why
the chests are closed because they want
to hide something really cool but JJ we
can't build a ship we have absolutely no
idea what it should look like this is a
really big problem we need to find some
kind of layout and make it according to
it this will truly be right for all of
us that's why we need another plan we
need to solve all the issues somehow
differently to approach this issue
comprehensively what do you want to
offer what should we do now to try to
find this key no wonder the zombies had
a fishing rod most likely this key is
somewhere in the water I just have to
try and catch him this will truly be the
coolest thing I can do right now if we
really move like this it will be just
incredibly cool I hope we can get
through this if you really think it will
help then why not try to fish and catch
this key if he's in the water somewhere
you can get him out really quickly
because it will really glow in any case
we must see this through to the end this
is the most important thing now and I
think that each of us is trying to do
this it's simply Unforgettable okay I
have my Readiness and I will catch this
key as quickly as possible I hope there
is something useful in the chest oh I'm
just incredibly lucky there was someone
in the water and he has the key most
likely it's from this chest apparently
we are not the first to come to this
island this is just incredibly strange
we must solve all the problems and bring
everything to the very end I hope to win
this battle without too much difficulty
in any case this is very cool you were
able to find the same key we must solve
all problems as quickly as possible and
bring them to the very end let's open
the chest and see what's in there if
there is something useful there we will
definitely use it friends thanks to this
key we are really closer to finding a
way out of this island the tsunami
really got bigger we have to really
hurry because it's already incredibly
huge our Survival on the island from the
tsunami is just beginning if we don't
have time to build the ship it will be
simply incredibly bad we simply must do
this no one else can organize something
like this Mikey run to the chest as
quickly as possible we can open it and
see what's inside this is just
incredibly interesting after all if
there is something very cool there we
are obliged to take it and of course use
it because I want to leave this island
as quickly as possible I want to go home
great there are materials here to make a
real ship there's even a mockup of what
it should look like this is just
incredibly cool now we know what the
ship should look like let's do it as
quickly as possible we can definitely
sail away from the wave on it but we
must hurry as much as possible because
the tsunami will soon destroy everything
on this island this is a really big
problem because it's a game of time
we must build the ship as quickly as
possible and without any problems in our
village everyone is already waiting for
us we can't let them down it's just
incredibly difficult I want to go to the
Village quickly this piece of paper
contains instructions we must follow it
to build a ship great since you already
understand everything let's build a ship
I don't think it will be very difficult
you just need to make one similar
exactly there is no need to invent
anything else we should just make one
like take this and hit the water this is
our only way out we really have no other
options to escape this tsunami it's just
incredibly big we must resolve all
issues very quickly indeed very one is
doing everything possible to bring
everything to the very end I hope to win
this battle and prove that I am
incredibly cool first of all we must
build the foundation what will we sail
on it must be really big so we can all
fit in this definitely won't be a big
problem we don't even have anything to
transport there are no more monsters
either they just destroyed each other in
any case it says so in the instructions
we just do everything else now is the
hard part we must realize and build a
huge ship even though something like
this had never been built before this
could be a mistake in any case the
sooner we do all this the better it will
be I hope we can win this battle it
seems to me that a ship is not that
difficult to build it just takes a lot
more time and effort we need to make
sure it floats on the water it's really
difficult it will be difficult to tell
from the instructions whether the ship
is good or bad we make just the same in
any case anything can happen and the
second ship will go to the bottom this
too can easily happen I just want to get
the job done without too much difficulty
I believe that we can defeat them all
the first thing we have to defeat is a
huge tsunami that is heading towards us
everything else is really easy it's just
a matter of time I want to bring
everything to its logical conclusion as
quickly as possible I want to go home I
want to watch cartoon and eat cookies
this is exactly what is important for me
now JJ is completely right I also want
to just be at home and eat cookies this
is like the meaning of my life but we
got into this adventure ourselves and
now we have to get out if we can't it
will be incredibly bad I hope we can
still do it at least somehow we
definitely can for this we need a lot of
time you and I are the best builders in
the entire Village so we must cope with
the ship if not then it will be very bad
indeed it's one thing to build houses
and at least something like that and
another thing is to build a real ship
that should save your life yes friends
if this tsunami hits us it will be very
very bad for us I don't even know what
to do in such situations it is only to
hope for salvation this will be
difficult none of the villagers will
swim for us to save us therefore we will
have to solve all our problems ourselves
this is truly the biggest mistake in
life the longer we try to solve problems
the fewer options we have to win this is
completely logical we must understand
all this in any case we really have come
very very far I was hoping not to get
into such situations at all but what can
I do this is the only way we can solve
all the problems and bring the matter to
the end I hope it's only a matter of
time it seems to me that sooner or later
we will really do something it's just
important that it sticks I don't want to
build all this a second time this is
very long and difficult for me I will
100% need rest we won't have another
chance either we win or we don't it's
quite simple friends we want to win and
forget about all the problems that
surround us when we get out of here
we'll definitely have a party we will
dance until the night watch cartoons and
eat cookies it is most important yes
yooo we will really do this I want a
party in delicious cookies this is the
most important thing for me great
friends Mikey and I are really on to
something I hope it works and we can
sail you'll have to swim really far
because we were brought to an island
where there was no one at all it's very
far away of course it's bad that we have
neither a compass nor a map we have
absolutely nothing you'll have to swim
at random this can also be dangerous
because we will swim at random and get
completely lost we need to come up with
a plan in any case sooner or later we
will be able to get home it's only a
matter of time before we do it all you
also need to remember that there are all
sorts of pirates they might attack us
and take our ship there will be a really
big problem with pirates we have
absolutely no weapons to fight against
them our problem now is not Pirates but
a huge tsunami every time it gets bigger
and bigger we must do everything very
quickly the faster we do all this the
faster we can leave this island this
will really be very cool I just want to
take on and win this battle we have
already devoted a lot of effort and time
to all this I don't think this can be
solved very quickly I just want to see
it through to the very end and defeat
them all uh it's only a matter of time
before this is all resolved because we
simply have to win our ship will
definitely be able to fulfill its
Mission but we need to think about a
backup plan because if we fail we will
be swimming in the open ocean for a very
long time this happens we will
definitely ask our friends to help us
they'll come up with something yes our
friends are really very cool and smart
they will be able to tell us what and
how to do we're almost done there really
isn't much left and we can experience it
all I'm really glad glad to hear that
because we spent a lot of effort and
time on all this I hope we can win this
tough battle Mikey there really isn't
much left we must build a sail this will
really help us get up to speed we must
solve all problems as quickly as
possible and bring them to the very end
I want to escape from this island as
quickly as possible this is really the
hardest part but without her we won't be
able to sail this is in fact the very
basis of everything I hope we can build
it quickly it really takes skill and
understanding how to do it all but we
will try as we understand ourselves
things could turn out to be much worse I
want to finish this job and Escape From
This Island I just can't believe this is
really happening to us because I've
never been to the island before this is
all too new for me you really have to be
in situations that put you in a trap we
simply have to decide something and
somehow overcome it we will have to
fight really long and hard well the sale
looks really good we can implement it
really quickly and build it it's only a
couple of moments we must do everything
as quickly as possible because we only
have a couple of minutes left before the
tsunami hits us this will be very very
dangerous indeed I'm definitely ready to
do all this I already understood how it
should work so we can quickly win and
start sailing from here come on JJ take
the helm okay as you say we must ship as
quickly as possible from here because
the tsunami is already coming she will
definitely try to destroy destroy us and
ship oh no JJ the tsunami is really
hitting us quickly get inside the ship
this is simply incredible I've never
seen so much water hold on with all your
might we must survive after all this
it's just incredibly painful friends as
you can see the water really covered us
she destroyed a lot and we must solve
all these problems really really quickly
we were never able to sail away on our
ship it's is completely flooded and this
means that we are in a big trap there is
no land around at all it's just terrible
that we didn't have time to do it there
is only one raft left here apparently we
will survive on it one will push the
second will sit and rest we will change
like this and we will definitely find
land it will be incredibly difficult
friends we really need your support and
help we definitely can't do it without
you things didn't go according to my
plan but now we will say goodbye to you
see you very soon
goodbye everybody bye everyone
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