5 SECRETS That You Missed In My Most VIRAL Videos…
TLDRيتضمن النص المقدم قصصًا مثيرة للاهتمام من حياة مستخدم يوتيوب يدعى فاز ريگ، يحكي عن أسرار خفية وتجاربه المثيرة التي لم يشاركها مع الجمهور من قبل. يتضمن النص تجاربه المثيرة في التونل المزعوم، وتجربة الفندق المهيئ للوحوش، وتحديات اللحية الخبيثة، وحادث الشرطة الصارمة التي أدت إلى تلقيه في القبض، وتجربة ال_ghost encounter_ التي شهدتها في المنزل الذي نشأ فيه. يتضمن النص أيضًا تحذيرات حول الأخطاء الخطيرة التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تلقي الشخص في مواقف خطيرة، ونصائح لتجنب الوقوع في مثل المواقف في المستقبل.
- 😱 القناة الشخصية على يوتيوب قد تعرضت لجزء كبير من حيات الشخصية الخاصة، مما أدى إلى تحويل المنزل إلى ملعب مائي داخلي ومفاجأة الناس بسيارات ومال وتقاعد أولياء الأمور.
- 🤫 هناك أسرار لم يكشف عنها من قبل، وتلك الأخطاء قد تكون مذهلة وغير متوقعة للجمهور.
- 👻 في مقطع الفيديو الأول، يُveal أن القناة قد تعرضت لتجارب خطيرة جدًا مثل الدخول إلى نفق مروع يشبه ساتانيا.
- 🧭 في مقطع ال_tunnel، يُذكر أن القناة قد ذهب أكثر من مرة إلى النهاية المجهولة للنفق، مما أدى إلى تكاليف وأخطار معقدة.
- 👨👦 يُذكر قصة تحدٍ مشترك بين القناة ووالده، حيث ذهب الوالد في مغامرة نفق الESP، مما أدى إلى تجاوز الخطر.
- 🏨 في مقطع الفندق المروع، يُذكر تجربة القناة مع سام وكولبي، والأشخاص اللذين يبحثون عن الأرواح، والأشخاص الخارجين من الفندق.
- 🚔 يُذكر قصة مطاردة القناة من قبل مجموعة من الfans، مما أدى إلى تلقي القناة بطريقة خائفة وخطيرة.
- 🔥 في تحدٍ الubble-gum الحار، يُذكر كيف أدى اللقمة إلى تجاوز الخطر لوالد القناة، مما أدى إلى استدعاء الإسعاف السريع.
- 👻 يُذكر قصة تحدٍ آخر للقناة، حيث تعرضت لتجربة خارقة تسببت في تلقيها بطريقة مزعجة من قبل فريق الشرطة السريع.
- 🏠 يُذكر قصة Childhood القناة في المنزل الذي يبدو مروعًا، مع تجارب الأصوات والخطوات والظلال الغير متوقعة.
- 👍 يُطلب من الجمهور التفاعل والمشاركة ب方式喜欢看 هذا النوع من المحتوى، مما يشير إلى أن القناة مهتمة بمشاعر الجمهور ورغبته في المزيد من المحتوى.
Q & A
ما هي بعض الأسرار التي سيكشف عنها في هذا الفيديو؟
-سوف يكشف عن خمسة أسرار مجنونة وراء بعض مقاطع الفيديو الأكثر انتشارًا، بما في ذلك لقطات لم تُرَ من قبل وقصص غير مروية.
ما هي تجربة النفق المسكون التي تحدث عنها؟
-تحدث عن دخوله لنفق مسكون للمرة الثانية مع أصدقائه، حيث واجهوا أصواتًا مرعبة وظروفًا خطيرة كادت أن تودي بحياتهم.
لماذا كان المقطع في الفندق المسكون خطيرًا؟
-أثناء تصويرهم لفيديو في فندق مسكون، توافد مئات الأشخاص إلى الفندق مما أدى إلى فوضى وتعرضهم للاعتداء من قبل أحد المعجبين.
ما الذي حدث خلال تحدي العلكة الحارة؟
-قام هو ووالده بتجربة علكة حارة جدًا، مما أدى إلى إصابة والده بألم شديد في المعدة ونقله إلى المستشفى.
كيف انتهى مقطع الفيديو الذي تم فيه مداهمة منزله من قبل فرقة التدخل السريع؟
-تلقى مكالمة في الساعة الثالثة صباحًا واضطر للخروج من المنزل وسط توجيه أسلحة الشرطة نحوه بعد بلاغ كاذب عن احتجازه لعائلته.
ما هي أول تجربة له مع الأشباح؟
-تحدث عن تجربة مرعبة عندما كان في الثانية عشرة من عمره، حيث سمع خطوات ورأى ظلالًا تتحرك في منزله، وانتهت التجربة بارتجاج سرير والديه.
ما هي النصيحة التي يقدمها بخصوص التعامل مع الشرطة أثناء حالة طوارئ؟
-ينصح بمتابعة تعليمات الشرطة وعدم القيام بأي حركات مفاجئة، والتأكد من إظهار اليدين بشكل واضح.
لماذا كان مقطع الفيديو الخاص بفندق غلين تافيرن إن مرعبًا؟
-أثناء تصويرهم للفيديو، تجمع حشد كبير من الناس خارج الفندق في منتصف الليل، وأطلقوا الألعاب النارية وقاموا بأعمال شغب.
ما هي المخاطر التي واجهوها داخل النفق المسكون؟
-واجهوا نقص الأكسجين، هواء سام، نقص الماء، أصوات مرعبة، وضياع الاتجاهات داخل النفق.
كيف أثر نشاطه على يوتيوب على حياته الشخصية؟
-أدى إلى كشف تفاصيل كثيرة من حياته الشخصية، وتحويل منزله إلى موقع مغامرات خطيرة، ولكنه كان يخفي بعض الحقائق لحماية مشاعر متابعيه.
😱 تحديات القناة الشهيرة على يوتيوب
يحكي القناة عن أسرار مجهولة كانت تحافظ عليها من أجل الحفاظ على الإيجابية في محتوى القناة. يُذكر قصة تجربته في القناة الخبيثة التي ت差点 تقتله وصديقه، وكيف كانت التجربة مثيرة وخطيرة. كما يحكي عن تحديات أخرى مثل ال_tunnel_ المخيفة والتجارب الغير متوقعة التي لم يتم مشاركتها على القناة.
👻 تجربتي الخطيرة في الفندق المهمش
يحكي القناة عن تجربة مثيرة في الفندق المهمش مع سام وكولبي، الباحثين عن الأرواح. وكيف أصبحت التجربة أكثر من مجرد تحدٍ عندما تحول الجمهور الخارجيين إلى حشدًا يهدد بطرد القناة من الفندق. وكيف تعرض للخطر في محاولة الخروج من الفندق والمطارد على الشارع.
🔥 تحدٍ الفودكا الحار
يحكي القناة عن تجربة فشل في تحدٍ الفودكا الحار، وكيف أدى ذلك إلى تجاوز الحدود الأمنية للأمان. يُذكر كيف أدى التجربة إلى تلقي القناة مساعدة طبية على الفور، وكيف كانت التجربة مثيرة ومثيرة للقلق.
🚔 التدخل العسكري في منزلي
يحكي القناة عن تجربة مثيرة عندما تعرض لتدخل عسكري بسبب مكالمة زائفة. وكيف كان يحاول التعامل مع الوضع الخطيرة مع وجود النايلات الطويلة، وكيف أدى ذلك إلى تلقي القناة تعليمات من الشرطة ومحاولة التعامل مع الوضع بشكل آمن.
👻 تجاربي الأولى مع الأرواح
يحكي القناة عن تجربة شهيرة في القناة مع الأرواح، وكيف بدأت التجربة عندما كان يعيش في المنزل الذي يعتقد أنه محمش. يُذكر كيف شهدت الأحداث الغير متوقعة مثل الأضواء والأصوات والظلال، وكيف كانت التجربة مثيرة وغير متوقعة.
👻 تجربة مثيرة مع الأرواح في المنزل
يحكي القناة عن تجربة أخرى مثيرة مع الأرواح في المنزل الذي نشأ فيه، وكيف بدأت التجربة عندما كان يشاهد فيلم إخفاعي مع أخيه. يُذكر كيف شهدت الأضواء والخطوات والصوت، وكيف كانت التجربة مثيرة وغير متوقعة.
💡Haunted Tunnel
💡Satanic Ritual
💡Haunted Hotel
💡Spicy Gum Challenge
💡SWAT Team
💡Ghost Encounter
💡Estus Method
YouTuber reveals secrets kept from the audience to maintain positive vibes.
The first secret involves a near-death experience in a haunted tunnel.
During the haunted tunnel exploration, the YouTuber and his friend lost track of time and direction.
The haunted tunnel had no exit signs, leading to a gamble on which way to go.
They encountered a deep water section in the tunnel, adding to the fear and uncertainty.
The second secret tells of a haunted hotel visit that ended with a mob of fans and a police intervention.
The YouTuber was attacked by a fan while trying to escape a chaotic situation at the haunted hotel.
Fans followed and attempted to cause an accident with the YouTuber's car after the hotel incident.
The third secret is about a spicy gum challenge that went terribly wrong.
The YouTuber's father participated in the spicy gum challenge, leading to severe reactions.
Lemon juice was used as a remedy, which caused an extreme reaction and a hospital visit.
The fourth secret recounts a SWAT team raid on the YouTuber's home due to a prank call.
The YouTuber had difficulty complying with police instructions due to long acrylic nails from a video.
The prank call resulted in a serious police response and a lesson on the dangers of swatting.
The fifth and final secret describes the YouTuber's personal experiences with ghosts since childhood.
A specific childhood incident of hearing footsteps and seeing a shadow in the house is shared.
The YouTuber believes there is something attached to him due to consistent paranormal experiences.
The YouTuber expresses willingness to share more secrets in a potential part two video.
being a YouTuber for the past 10 years
has allowed every inch of my private
life to be seen on YouTube turning my
home into an indoor water park
surprising people with cars money and
even retiring my parents might seem like
an awful lot of harmless fun but there's
some secrets that I've kept from you
that will absolutely blow your mind yes
you heard me right Secrets I kept these
away from you to keep you smiling my
channel is all about Positive Vibes and
well seeing my dad come close to death
because of a YouTube stunt might not
have put a smile on your face in this
video I'll be revealing five of the
craziest Secrets behind some of my most
viral videos from never before seen
footage to untold stories get ready to
witness a side of me that you've never
seen before get ready to see FaZe rug
number one trapped in a haunted tunnel
oh my God I don't even know how to start
this one bro the haunted tunnel bro I
don't want to hear those words I can't
believe I'm finally good to talk about
this now there's so much about the money
tunnel that we haven't talked about but
this one in specific is nuts this was
only our second time entering that
tunnel we wouldn't be here today if
that's if one thing went different that
day we wouldn't be here right now so we
went to the tunnel for the first time
what's happening guys are we gonna do
this we are all right let's do this we
could literally see through the whole
thing look just go
after about an hour into our first trip
we hear what seemed like a Satanic
ritual in the Deep Darkness
hear that
it was coming towards us let's go
Anthony let's get out of here made it
out alive made a banger video terrifying
of course people want a part two we were
very hesitant on it because the first
time was scary I was a few amount of
times you guys all know this two of me
saying this is the last time we're going
to the tunnel I went like a hundred
times after the second time we went I
was saying my final goodbyes to my
family my mom was begging me not to go
before that but I'm like hey like I just
gotta do it I didn't tell anybody else
your mom used to call me and tell me
like please
we were this close from never being seen
again from that time dude stop what's up
oh no
it's so funny they look so funny they're
about to go in I just got 10 times more
scared right now
no oxygen bro it gets thick when you
start walking like 30 minutes and you
start like he tried to drag her breath
but it's like you're breathing through a
straw exactly can't wait to Just Breathe
thresh here when we get out of here I
mean if we get down here we wanted to
obviously go further than the first
because the video would just be the same
so we tried pushing our limits and tried
going to the very end of this tunnel
passing by multiple twists and turns
with the hopes of reaching the end if
there even is one FaZe rug Brian
I saw here serious
I heard the click wait holy stop dude
stop their spray paint ran out just just
think about that a tunnel with only one
entrant no one knows where the exit is
because we don't know if it travels to
freaking Canada we tried finding that
out we had no idea how far we had to go
we've never been to the end before you
also lose track of time you have no idea
if it's daytime or nighttime outside
sometimes we'll go in the middle of the
day come out and it's just pitch black
completely dark and another thing that's
important to know is you have zero
service in the tunnel nothing oh my gosh
I can't forget the scariest thing I hate
talking about it I get anxiety when I
get the worst anxiety we've been through
crazy stuff so we're walking in the
tunnel every like 10 minutes there's a
thing at the top that you can escape
from with a lot of gutter every third
one is big enough to escape from well
then oh my God wait I think it's this
Brian goes bro we haven't seen one in
like 40 minutes like we were walking and
seeing the same thing like as if we were
trapped in some like circus bro in a
dream it was a dream and I remember like
we're talking to each other and then it
just hits me I'm like oh my gosh he's
right we haven't seen that like exit so
we're talking to each other we're also
recording we realize we run out of water
I'm thirsty bro when you're breathing
that heavy like almost toxic air it is
you just want to drink something we
always have water on us only our second
time so we didn't have that much water
we try to forget about all the creepy
the toxic air and the water filled with
unknown items possibly containing
diseases the water gets deeper but we
continue forward are we going through it
though yeah wait this is hella deep huh
if I drop my camera no wait how are we
supposed to Anthony no I don't think we
we're crazy
now we're kind of knock it out okay
start recording each other we're talking
we're kind of moving around do you
remember what happened dude oh my God
God we forgot which was the front and
which was the back
so I don't even know if we're walking in
the right direction walking back yeah
you can make it out walking forward
nobody knows what's forward we don't
know where we are going we don't know if
we're ending up in a waterfall that
leads to the worst thing possible only
our imagination knew what was on the
other side there was no more graffiti on
the walls usually we would tell from the
graffiti like okay we're going in the
right direction about the graffiti ended
like 40 minutes back so we just took a
gamble I mean I think who made the call
you made the call which way to go yeah I
just said hey like I'm trusting my gut I
think we came from that direction all we
had to do was hope we were walking back
towards an exit we saw 40 minutes ago
making a mistake here could put mine and
Anthony's lives at risk as going the
wrong way could lead us to a days long
journey something we did not have the
resources for it was so hard to breathe
you're good you're good I pulled my
phone out trying to call my mom trying
to call someone no service no signal no
crazy you really go crazy you're hearing
the same thing it's the same exact
visual image for two three hours
straight you don't have no more water
you don't have cell phone service your
body can't help but think of the worst I
just start thinking the what my mom is
thinking are we gonna make it out are we
gonna make it out are we gonna be on the
news headlines is anyone ever gonna find
us bro so many things are going through
our mind and in that moment like you
can't Panic you have to try to actually
your body goes in that mode yeah we just
were like at this point let's walk and
let's hope and that's exactly what we
did until we found like finally like a
sewer hole to like it was so slow
thousands of spiders by my biggest fear
of spider thousand baby spiders I should
tell you how scared I was you got to
overcome it here you have to overcome it
after hours of walking we finally find
an exit the only thing that determine if
we make it out alive is a tiny hole the
size of a shoe box regardless we had to
try to get out of there okay
I don't think you could
here's the home down here alone
he's alive oh my God
right away right away he's darkest
camping because I'm down here alone
because Anthony went through that hole
oh my God okay here I'm coming oh my God
I can't see here's your camera take it
if you can't here's your camera and then
here's mine
go I'm gonna have to pull you out
come to find out pitch black outside
when he walked in it was daytime yeah oh
my gosh the amount of missed calls that
we had my mom Brandon my dad your
parents your sisters the cops were
called it was the most like when I
answered my phone it was like my mom's
voice she started crying she believed
that she knew I was alive she thought
the worst happened to us guys we just
called through that hole I was down
there alone I'm sorry we had no service
our parents came and picked us up I
remember they were mad but Mama came and
hugged me and my mom went and hugged you
and they were so like happy that we got
out of there alive and me and you are
just idiots that were like guys you
never really what happened no one knows
about that because Ryan was the YouTuber
at the time he's like bro we can't say
this on YouTube yeah I don't want people
to think we're going out and harming
ourselves I didn't want to like show
exactly how dangerous it was but I'm
sure people can get the gist from
watching that yeah but it was way worse
off camera and we couldn't we didn't
want to say anything terrifying moments
hey are we here though we are dude let's
number two attacked at a haunted hotel
man this one is crazy scary so this goes
back over a year ago when I moved to LA
and I wanted to do a haunted video so I
called two of the best Ghost Hunters Sam
and Colby who are now some of my closest
friends they came over talking about the
hotel how it's gonna go down this hotel
is called The Glen Tavern Inn it was in
this small town called Santa Paula and
it was literally in the middle of
nowhere so it was scary as is we pull up
to the hotel the lobby itself looked
absolutely terrifying my mistake we get
to the hotel I post a story on Instagram
of the lobby I literally just wanted to
show off that I was with Sam and Colby
and we're doing a haunted video I didn't
think anything of it we're filming this
video a lot of crazy is happening
already yeah yeah look at them
from it
too yeah we were just getting ready to
do the Estus method which is the closer
to every haunted video where we actually
try to contact the spirits we're all
sitting in the hotel room we're gathered
around in a circle sitting on the bed
and this was like to finalize everything
like okay we're going to talk to them
directly we're trying to talk to spirits
and then we start hearing maze run
coming from outside of the hotel
I don't know
I hope not
and the site that we saw when we pulled
the curtain bro there was hundreds of
people outside of the hotel and I'm not
talking just standing there shooting
fireworks into the sky
oh my God para's doing donuts I don't
keep in mind it's midnight when you look
down it looked like a sea of ants just
with flashes people started throwing
stuff at our window like we were
literally trying to film and things were
being thrown out the window because
every time we'd look out people saw us
looking out a lot of people from the
hotel were complaining their manager
came upstairs kicked us out
oh my God what is that I would
understand too if I was a guest I would
be really annoyed this is where it gets
crazy everything we just talked about
you guys already have knowledge of this
is something that you guys have never
heard before
oh man I appreciate you though man
we're in the lobby there's two cops
downstairs we look outside there's
hundreds of people outside
they know we're leaving no like a
stampede was about to go on
so Envision this hotel group of people
car I asked the cop like hey can you
please escort us in the car like I'm
really scared and they're like unless
someone physically harms you we can't
step in it just felt like a free-for-all
at that point the cop walks us outside
and as soon as we get to the fans he's
go ahead yeah
there's people screaming going crazy
like they were like stampeding
I see flashes it's very dark every time
I blink it's something new in front of
me people yelling my name
and then I feel someone put me in a
I thought it was Noah I look and it's
like a fan his breath reeked of alcohol
yeah it was bad at that point my head is
down and I'm like looking at the person
it's like a fan and like he's a lot
bigger than me so like he got me like in
a strong headlock and I'm just like like
trying to push him away like pushing him
like the cop was nowhere to be found by
the way like he didn't break that up or
anything I pushed the guy off he let go
thankfully and I'm still trying to get
through trying to get through he finally
get to Noah's car
this is after like people were kind of
like kicking those stuff there's like
hand prints on his new car so I felt
really bad but as we left we got out of
everything and we're like oh my God that
was so crazy until we noticed cars
following us and we're not just talking
like following us like at a regular
speed they were cutting us off and
trying to break check us so we could hit
them and then cause an accident through
all this like these are streets like we
were saying that are freaking dark like
there's a lot of twists imagine like
we're already scared it's late and then
there's like a big red truck trying to
cut us off and like break check us and
no I had to Swerve a few times we didn't
know what they were gonna do do we have
to call the cops like it seemed like the
cops there didn't really do anything for
us so I'm like I don't think it's
serious enough I don't even think they
were trying to say what's up to us
they're behind us I'm gonna like stay
with us and follow us to wherever we
were trying to go I'm glad we made it
out safely from that but it was
definitely one of the craziest
situations we've been in and that right
there was a lesson for me to never post
exactly where I'm at but I didn't tag a
location it's just obviously one
person's like hey that's that hotel the
word spread Word of Mouth from there
number three the spicy gum challenge
gone wrong I never thought I would be
sitting here in front of the camera
telling this story but here we are I
like to keep my content safe but there
are those moments where there's a gut
feeling telling me not to do something
and this was definitely one of them I
was getting tagged in this video spicy
gum spicy gum do this video do this
video I'm known to do a lot of spicy
videos on my channel because I like to
push my limits I like to test how far I
can go in videos so I immediately
ordered it how bad can it really be it's
just gum two days go by the package
arrives I opened the box I'm just like
you know what let's just do it we'll be
good we'll be chilling so Noah and I
filmed throughout the entire day and the
moment comes where we have to eat the
gum my dad came home he asked what we
were doing and I told him that we were
doing the spicy gum he's like I want to
do it with you I told my dad he doesn't
have to do this I want to do it he wants
to actually try it in my head I'm like I
don't think this is a good idea not
saying anything about your age but I
just know how hard these videos can be
and how spicy they really are but at the
same time my dad loves doing extreme
videos he's like it's just gum how bad
can it be it's a gum bubble gum
spicy though and he's like Brian I want
to do it it'll be funny so I'm like you
know what Dad okay let's do it were you
even scared no because not a pepper it's
gum you know what can go wrong well I
witnessed after the challenge was
Haunting so we unwrapped the gum oh my
gosh why does it look like that dude
that's not a powder or the mine looks
like regular bubble gum we eat it we
chew it the whole point of the challenge
was to see you could blow a bubble
oh oh God
I'm sure you remember this day
of course we ate the gum you know the
heat has started going like over my body
my head to my hands leg everything so
I did it
yo it's burning that is no joke who
knows dude it's never ending it's never
ending are you okay Dad just burning
it's not going away my eyes red yeah
even my dad I did blow a little bit
he had the hose in his mouth pouring
milk all over himself I was kind of
scared for my dad as is I was like dude
I've never seen my dad like that the gum
it's it was something different so The
Challenge end and then I tried to cool
off like I went inside like after 20 30
minutes feeling a little bit good like
okay to tell what happened Brian uh this
is where things literally spiral
downwards I walk into my dad's room to
check on him oh my gosh this is
literally giving me horrible flashbacks
but I went to my dad's room he's laying
down and he's kind of just like oh like
how are you feeling he was talking he
was responsive so I'm like okay like he
just needs to recover sleep it off you
know the pain inside you know I just
don't want to tell him I'm in pain I
don't want to scare them you know so I
was in so much pain but I still tell him
I'm okay don't worry about it and I keep
asking but I'm like you sure that you
should I said yeah yeah just just go you
know but then after he love the room I
think he hear me like uh you know like
I'm starting like he was groaning so he
came back I said dad you're not okay at
that moment we're all kind of panicking
but we don't want to show it in front of
my dad and this is the craziest part we
all started searching up remedies to
like cool off your stomach after eating
something spicy and we saw a lot of
cures but one that stuck out to me the
most was lemon juice everyone from my
team was there and they're like lemon
juice is gonna help it's a savior this
is the one thing that will cure your
stomach so we grab a cup of lemon juice
for my dad not knowing what was about to
happen Papa rug chugged the lemon juice
not even within 30 seconds or less I
just about drinking the lemon juice I
put it down right away I start screaming
like I I jump from the bed screaming
screaming like the pain in my stomach
like someone like stabbing you stopping
me like I I started crawling to the
bathroom like this you know I went to
the bathroom and I started throwing up
then I wouldn't lay down and about and
then the pain comes like out of nowhere
again like I try to throw up so much
that way I can get other things out of
my system but it seems to be like the
pain is not going away the sweat and
stuff and then I just stole them
immediately call 9-1-1 that's it I can't
have it and this is panic mode he's
pretty much screaming the whole time and
again I've never seen my dad like that
so I start panicking I'm like what do we
do what do we do so I immediately call
9-1-1 they're like giving me
instructions on make sure he doesn't
pass out make sure he's still conscious
put his head on a pillow don't have him
lay flat all this while my mom is also
screaming my dad is screaming so they
said they were gonna send an ambulance
right away and once they hung up that
phone my mom started bringing wet towels
upon my dad's head I was trying to keep
him up like my mom is like slapping his
face because he was slowly like going in
and out of Consciousness I was like
almost crying I'm like dude they need to
hurry up they need to hurry up and this
is the craziest part I was holding my
dad's hand and I feel his tight grip
slowly fade like that and he like lets
go of my hand and I'm I'm automatically
assuming the worst I'm like I don't know
if he passed out I don't know if he
fainted and luckily the paramedics got
there they went in the room they rushed
to my dad's room my mom's crying I'm
like hugging her and we're just waiting
for them to come out and tell us
something and they walk out and they
started asking me questions about the
gum and I was telling them all the
information the Scoville they bring you
onto the stretcher where you still
passed out at this moment well I wake up
I think I told him don't take me right
yeah you were telling them not to take
you and I'm like they better take you to
the hospital they took them straight in
the ambulance
but my mom and I followed behind right
when we get to the hospital they're not
letting us go inside like they're like
we'll keep you updated stay out here and
like they're not giving us updates like
that's what was scaring us about 20
minutes later we see papa rug stand up
and then he comes out into the lobby and
starts dancing he started dancing I know
we're laughing about it and stuff but
that was a horrific night like the sight
that I saw of my dad on the floor
shirtless not responding to us I felt
like I was the one to blame for it even
though he wanted to do it I still
obviously blame myself I'm like I'm such
an idiot I shouldn't have let my dad do
it you know I always want to try stuff
you know so it wasn't you it just oral
of the story don't drink lemon juice if
you just ate something spicy just stick
to milk number four SWAT team raids my
home it's always a normal FaZe rug film
day that video that I filmed was wearing
the world's longest acrylic nails the
nails were about like this long the
place that we went to they didn't really
understand when I tried telling them I
wanted it temporary so they actually
glued them as tight as possible to my
nails they were not moving whatsoever I
wanted to take these off right when the
video finished but that was not the case
I don't think I could do this anymore
but the nail salons are all closed so I
can't take these off I have no choice
but to sleep with them so the video is
over I'm trying to take these nails off
but I was in a lot of pain it's really
really painful and I was actually trying
to watch YouTube videos on how to take
the acrylic nails off it was taking too
long so I decided to just figure it out
the next morning and sleep with them but
little did I know that keeping these
nails on were gonna put me in the most
dangerous situation in my entire life so
it's about 3 A.M and my phone is ringing
like crazy I quickly jump out of my bed
and I start hearing Sirens outside my
house and to make matters worse I hear a
police helicopter flying above my house
saying come outside with your handset
they have the search light pointing
through my window lighting up my entire
room so I'm heading downstairs I put my
robe on and I have these long acrylic
nails I just had like I just had them I
couldn't take them off from the video
and I'm just like yo do I walk out with
the nails or what so don't get me wrong
I didn't care about having the nails on
I wasn't embarrassed or anything it's
just that I've never had nails so I
didn't know how to act so I decided to
just put them in my pocket as I was
walking outside it's also three in the
morning I have my hands in my pockets my
eyes are still opening and as I walk
outside there is light pointed at me
imagine you're escaping a prison and
they catch you and all the spotlights
are on you and I'm an idiot I had my
hands in my pocket and I walk out and I
just hear them say hands up hands up
hands up and I quickly take them out
like this and I just realized that my
nails are on when I saw all the weapons
pointed at me I immediately took my
hands out of my pockets didn't even care
about the nails got on my knees they
came and put me in handcuffs and yeah my
nails were just they were literally this
long as you guys saw after they went and
searched the house they had to make sure
everything was good they came outside
and started talking to us and I asked
what the reason for the SWAT call was
and they said someone called in saying
that I was holding my family hostage
which is crazy so that's how they found
out that we were YouTubers because I
told them why I had the long nails on
and how you know we get these fake SWAT
calls and they were all laughing about
it but it was definitely a situation
that I never thought I'd be in like what
are the chances that I would get swatted
the same night that I did the world's
longest acrylic nails Challenge and I
couldn't take them off I just somehow
couldn't take them off the night before
and then in the middle of the night we
get swatted so it's heartbreaking to
know that the cops waste their time on
stuff like that just because someone
wants to be a funny jokester like you
should never ever ever joke about
swatting someone because you're putting
someone's life at risk somebody that
actually swatted a family which resulted
in a death is now in jail for life like
this is not a joke you can prank call
pizza places and prank call your friends
and stuff but just don't ever mess with
the cops if you're ever in a position
like that just follow what the cop tells
you to do make sure your hands are seen
by the cops follow their orders and if
it's up prank call like that you could
just explain it at the end but just
don't make any sudden movements and
don't walk out with your hands in your
number five my first ghost encounter the
house I grew up in is easily easily
looked at one of the most haunted
youtuber houses on the entire platform
from hearing voices a lot of footage
wait hold on
footsteps save my mom that's when I was
going down I swear to God like almost to
the last step and something just seen
Shadows because he had I was like here
and I saw the shadow running to the
garage I swear I've seen it all in that
house but it didn't just start when I
became a YouTuber it started back when I
was a child so what you're about to hear
I've never shared on YouTube or shared
with anyone in general this experience
happened when I was about 12 years old
and I was home alone with my brother but
sadly he's not here to share the
experience with me so try to follow
along as I explain this story guys tell
me this is not the scariest video I'm
literally editing this right now and I'm
getting the chills and I'm home alone
bro like I'm literally Home Alone
there's no one here I keep hearing
noises whatever back to the video guys
sorry so on this particular night my mom
and dad went out and they had my brother
watch me so every time we were home
alone I would always go to Brandon's
room and we would watch you know
basketball or scary movies we always
used to watch scary movies The Exorcist
in particular that was our favorite
scary movie Out of Nowhere me and
Brandon are just chilling and we hear a
door Creek open from my brother's room
he has a view of the front of the house
so any anytime anyone would come over or
pull up you could see it from my
brother's room but in this situation in
specific there was no car outside so my
brother and I start panicking We're
Young so we don't even think that oh it
could just be because the house is old
like no we automatically assume that
someone is in the house in that moment
we just jumped on his bed and stared at
the door in complete silence we start
hearing footsteps come up the stairs one
by one very slow and it's very quiet so
you could hear these footsteps loud and
clear we didn't say anything but we were
both just hoping that it was my mom or
dad trying to prank us so my brother's
door was closed and the light was turned
on in the hallway so you can literally
see the light from under the door and
the footsteps started getting louder and
louder and as they were getting louder
we see a black shadow walking towards
the door and it's stung no more
footsteps complete silence there's a
black shadow standing in front of
Brandon's door complete silence you
could hear our heartbeats that's how
silent it was and this isn't even the
craziest part as we're waiting for
someone to just come completely open the
door and say ah get scared praying we
just see the shadow completely walk in
the opposite direction with the
footsteps it walked away from the door
me and Brandon are like kind of just
quivering and it was one of those
moments where you were so scared that
you couldn't even mouth the words and
out of nowhere the footsteps just
stopped my brother and I finally built
the courage to go to the door and open
it hello hello we're literally yelling
in the house no answer we even thought
that maybe it was one of our family
members that came by like a cousin
trying to scare us
dude stop I hate that we're seeing this
like when I'm talking about the story
and we're talking about a shadow wait
should we like show like real quick like
how was that that reflection right there
we saw a shadow who was that so me and
Brandon are walking really close to each
other very slowly throughout the entire
house opening doors to the rooms turning
on every single line yelling and asking
if someone's in the house nothing no one
was there complete silence we quickly go
back upstairs as we're walking up the
stairs to go back to Brandon's room
seems like no one's in the house but
what I'm about to tell you guys it might
sound crazy if you have never
experienced anything paranormal I don't
blame you if you don't believe what I'm
about to tell you if you have
experienced Paranormal Activity then
you'll understand how crazy this is we
start walking up the stairs and out of
nowhere we hear my parents bed shaking
like crazy
and in that moment me and Brandon
quickly Sprint and run to Brandon's room
and close the door we thought it was an
earthquake we sprinted to Brandon's room
we're both screaming you shut the door
and Asthma and Brandon's room the
shaking Stone it was complete silent
again Brandon tried telling me that it
was an earthquake there was no
explanation to what we just heard we
both called my mom and dad we had them
rush home my parents searched the house
everything was clear no one was there no
signs of someone breaking in that's it
the bed shaking we left it at we thought
there was an earthquake the footsteps
and shadows completely unexplainable I
was too young to look deeper into this I
kind of just left it at that but after
that experience that's when more ghost
stuff started happening and since I was
a kid I felt like there was something
always attached to me but I was too
young to understand or comprehend it but
when I became a YouTuber and I started
doing the Ouija board that's when it
really Amplified I truly still think
that there's something attached to me
because even when I do ghost videos with
other ghost YouTubers we always end up
experiencing more than what they usually
do my guess is that it's because I'm
there literally the people who worked at
the Whaley House for 20 plus years said
they've never experienced that much
activity why only when I go well guys
that's the end of the video it took a
lot for me to sit here in front of the
camera and explain all these stories and
let me tell you I have a lot more so if
you guys enjoyed this type of video
please drop a like show some love and
I'd love to do a part two in the future
make sure you're subscribed as well
peace out
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