Inside Brisbane’s ROUGHEST Area - LOGAN - Into The Hood
TLDRالنص يحكي عن رحلة مثيرة في شارع لوغان في شارلز، كوينزلاند، أستراليا، حيث يعيش مغني الراب المثيرة للجدل واليوتيوبر الشهير. يشير النص إلى أن المنطقة تعاني من مشاكل مثل العنف والجريمة، وتشير إلى وجود مدنيين يحاولون التقاط الشخص المطلوب. يُشير إلى أن المنطقة هي أكثر المناطق في ولاية كوينزلاند خطيرًا وأقل تكلفة للعيش، مع وجود تنشئة من الجماعات العنصرية والشباب المسلحين. يُشير إلى وجود مgarties مختلفة مثل السود الأفارقة والجزائر والأستراليين الأصليين. كما يُشير إلى وجود مشاكل مثل العنف الجسدي والتفجيرات والتحريض على العنف بين الجماعات العرقية المختلفة. يُشير إلى أن المنطقة مليئة بالمخدرات، وتشير إلى وجود ممارسات غير قانونية مثل السرقة والتدبير بالدراجات. يُشير إلى أن الشرطة تتخذ إجراءات قوية في المنطقة، مثل الraids على المنازل والاستخدام النشط ل直升laners الشرطة. يُشير إلى أن الأحداث تؤثر على المجتمع المحلي بشكل سلبي، وتشير إلى وجود مشاعر من القلق والقلق من قبل السكان.
- 🎵 موسيقى: يشير إلى وجود نغمة موسيقية في النص، قد تكون في الخلفية أو مصاحبة لحدث ما.
- 🚨 الشرطة: يُشير إلى وجود الشرطة في الأحداث، إما في حالات المراقبة أو التدخل في الأحداث.
- 🚔 سيارة الشرطة: يُشير إلى وجود سيارات الشرطة المستهدفة أو المتضررة في الأحداث.
- 🚶♂️ الأحداث العنيفة: يُشير إلى تحدث الأحداث العنيفة مثل القتل أو الاعتداء في المنطقة.
- 🏠 ال Raids: يُشير إلى وجود مداولات من قبل الشرطة في المنازل أو الأماكن.
- 🌟 النجومية: يُشير إلى وجود شخص مشهور أو يثير الجدل في الأحداث، مثل راAPPER أو YouTuber.
- 🌐 الأخبار: يُشير إلى أن الأحداث تم تغطيتها من قبل وسائل الإعلام والأخبار.
- 🤝 المجتمع: يُشير إلى وجود روح المجتمع والتعاون بين السكان.
- 🚗 السرقة: يُشير إلى وجود حالات السرقة والجري الهادئ في المنطقة.
- 💉 العقاقير: يُشير إلى وجود مشاكل بالعقاقير والمخدرات في المنطقة.
- 🌆 المناطق المدمرة: يُشير إلى وجود مناطق محددة في المدينة تعاني من مشاكل العنف والجريمة.
Q & A
视频中提到的Lan City是指哪个城市?
-Lan City在视频中指的是澳大利亚的布里斯班(Brisbane)。
-RSL是'Returned and Services League of Australia'的缩写,是一个为澳大利亚退伍军人提供支持的组织。
视频中的'Adana kebabs'是什么?
-Adana kebabs是一种土耳其烤肉,视频中提到它是Logan地区一家名为Sunshine kebabs的店提供的食物。
视频中提到的'racial war'是什么意思?
-在视频中,'racial war'指的是社区内不同种族群体之间的冲突或对立,这导致了社区内的紧张局势。
🚨 社区动荡与警察冲突
第一段描述了Lan City的社区情况,提到了警察在街头开枪的事件,以及一个被终身禁止的女性仍然每天访问该地区。提到了一个名叫James的人物,他曾因犯罪入狱13年,现在出狱后探索世界各地的社区。还提到了一位有争议的澳大利亚说唱歌手,他的粉丝在Logan地区引发了骚乱,警察在维持秩序时遭到袭击。
🏙️ Logan City的社区生活与挑战
第二段进一步讨论了Logan City的社区生活,提到了该地区的犯罪率是布里斯班平均水平的两倍,并且是昆士兰州最便宜和最危险的地方。还提到了该地区的多元文化,包括来自非洲、岛国、澳大利亚本土和阿富汗的移民。此外,还提到了社区中的紧张关系,包括监狱中的种族冲突,以及摩托车俱乐部在该地区的影响。
🚔 警察的存在与社区反应
🏠 Logan的社区精神与日常生活
🚓 社区与警察的紧张关系
🌐 社区的多元文化与日常生活
第六段描述了Logan社区的多元文化面貌,提到了社区中不同族裔的居民和他们的生活方式。还提到了社区中的一些商业活动,如一家名为Sunshine Kebabs的烤肉店。同时,也提到了社区中存在的问题,如毒品使用和犯罪活动。
📰 Logan社区的新闻报道与影响
🚨 警察突袭与社区的不安
😔 Logan社区的困境与挑战
💡Lan City
💡Police Choppers
💡Controversial Australian Rapper
💡Crime Scene
💡Gun Violence
💡Community Tension
Controversial Australian rapper spion visited Logan, a rough suburb in Brisbane, causing chaos with hundreds of fans flooding the streets to take selfies.
Logan was recently labeled as Queensland's most dangerous and cheapest place to live, with a crime rate more than double the Brisbane average.
The area has a diverse population with many refugees, including Africans, Islanders, Aussies, and Afghans.
There have been incidents of racial tension and violence in the area, with rival groups causing disturbances that have spilled over into the streets.
The crime in Logan has significantly increased in recent years, with a rise in shootings, stabbings, and other violent crimes.
Despite the crime and violence, the community in Logan is described as tight-knit, with residents supporting each other.
The area has produced many successful individuals, including boxers and UFC fighters, who serve as local heroes.
The video documents a police raid in progress, with officers searching homes in the neighborhood.
There is a significant drug problem in Logan, with many residents addicted to drugs like ice and heroin.
The transcript describes a tragic situation where children are exposed to crime, violence, and drug use in their daily lives.
The video features a well-known local resident, James, who provides a tour of the area and shares his experiences growing up in Logan.
The area has a reputation for lawlessness, with high rates of car thefts, vandalism, and assaults.
Despite the challenges, there is a sense of community pride in Logan, with residents showing resilience in the face of adversity.
The video provides a rare, unfiltered look at life in one of Australia's most notorious and dangerous neighborhoods.
The rapper's visit to Logan and the resulting chaos was covered by national news outlets, highlighting the area's notoriety.
The video sheds light on the complex social issues facing Logan, including poverty, crime, and addiction, while also showing the strength and resilience of its residents.
we love it by Lan City
baby police Choppers
here couple months ago cops actually
shot in the road for light that's I a
lior legend
in she comes every day even though she's
banned for life we're walking through
the worst up trays full middle of the
night wait she getting
chased the coppers are there creeping in
people's houses look they're going in
I'm span
I was raised in the housing areas as of
Sydney City spent most of my youth and
adult life in prison and after a total
of 13 years I'm free and I'm out and
about flying around susing out the hoods
all over the world it's
h some breaking news now fans of
controversial Australian rapper spion
turned on officers they kicked vehicles
and set off flares as local Hons turned
the surrounding streets into a crime
scene 9 news has been told a YouTuber
was visiting to Showcase this part of
Logan in the streets of Waterford West
descend into chaos police under attack
as hundreds flood the streets hundreds
have descended on Logan south of
Brisbane trying to snap a selfie with a
controversial YouTuber three police cars
are targeted kicked out and vandalized
in Logan south of Brisbane do you guys
just reckon you in the streets yeah it's
chaos and police are inevitably out
numbered all right everyone welcome back
into the hood I'm in Brisbane Queensland
Northern East Coast of Australia and
when I was searching up hoods in
Brisbane I found this article from the
end of last year December 2023 just a
couple months old queensland's roughest
area Logan that's where we're going lad
a suburb in southeast queenan is shaped
up to be the state's most dangerous
place to live Logan Central and that's
put the crime rate now of Logan more
than double the Brisbane average I don't
know if these two things go hand in hand
but it's also queensland's cheapest
place to live so we're going to the
roughest most dangerous and cheapest
place to live in Queensland Logan City
one of the most notorious suburbs there
where we're getting off the train is
called Woodridge so we're meeting Lads
there of course I got a hook up with a
very known head there his name is James
he's going to take us through all the
areas there I'm Jade BR talk to some of
the lads see what's going on in
queensland's roughest most dangerous
hood brother let's
s Platform One ban
Ley oh look you can use your phone you
can use your credit card like Sydney
what's going on Melbourne what are on
they still living in the 1990s lad
what's going on
you see
brother Bean Le lad Bean
loss oh
G said as soon as I get off he's going
to be at the station in a car and we're
going to jump in the car and start at
this other Hood it's a little driveway I
think he said mden or something and boom
it's on WE old
high let's go go on hey straight
Vin Vinnie
welcome ding us he he I got some
stickers for you bro hey thank you
bro Wood Station is this the center of
center of
Logan what
this is R now to like Chicken all thees
happen here like yeah all school kids
pretty big the this this wood
way to now and we'll make our back to
wood for saying that the cop shop right
here yeah that never used to be there
about 3 years ago but just get that
crazy he had to put cop put right in the
middle right the middle this pretty much
probably area brother mad mad mad we
head the now yeah
hey he's got it how long that 3 years
left you want me to sign I'll sign that
for by wait toar the wel when we got for
you in M you you wear it to every
day they done an article last year in
the last year most dangerous uh roughest
part of Queensland is Logan City lad I
don't know if you knew that no well it's
just a different breed but like it's we
punch on here you know what I mean it's
majority punch on yeah there's shootings
there's stabbings and that but we gow up
just punching it's probably like that in
syney too but like BR different Logan L
boys boys are yeah like it's well look
at it we got boxers you got UFC fighters
boys in the USA from here yeah the
tougher brothers are they from here yeah
yeah oh really
yeah Justice he's the boxer yeah Justice
no they're all from here Porter
M from all the mads are from here you
know a lot of different ethnic groups
here Africans Islanders Aussies
aboriginals y Afghan like he a lot of
refugees settled here too oh there's my
son there walking that's your
son you're Legend bro like what you do
is phenomenal thank you it's the biggest
spin out jumping out in hoods and like
just hundreds of people freaking to see
me so is there a suburb called Logan or
is that just
multiple of it's the whole C my other
cousin there the tour one you saw it it
was on the news in that like a race war
originals and remember I did say that
yeah yeah me and my cousin was inside
prison at the same time and then it
kicked it wasn't didn't really go but it
does cause tension in prison too a bit
you know what I mean so so The Islander
Lads fighting the the they shut down
they yeah yeah M yeah oh and it spills
out into the streets yeah like it was
just they shut down the whole neighbor
people it's not a big gen war zone but
to have that in a city in Australia like
pretty like down Gold Coast you'd never
get that you know what I mean that' be
tripping out they wouldn't even think
something like that existed yeah yeah
austr yeah you're right there's not a
lot of places that have ethnic tension
there's a police Park up there so back
in the day there's been a few murders up
there oh yeah just punch on you know you
know a lot of biking Cubs around here
you recruiting and that like uh gains I
always knew that Queensland in general
was like a heavy motorcycle club like
State some states don't really have it I
knew that that Queensland specifically
Gold Coast thought yeah but so it's in
Vikings is not so much now because uh
ages ago there was there was a big fight
in surface paradise and the government
just went out went on yeah yeah that's
like B I think that's what happened
start you know allowed to wear your oh
so like the same in Sydney yeah together
started from that they were going to be
like go you want to go to war with the
government this going to happen so made
it like impossible to exist pretty much
yeah is this place that we're going
Burke Street that's like the spot well
one of the younger Lads he you know ran
a Muk and that and he died on there and
the boys want to show True to him too
street bro we seen coppers driving
everywhere I think they know we're
coming is it yeah chers chers doing OES
you're the neighborhood
Superstar this is ma this is mden so not
long ago um that m m here junky was
trying to hold it up went went at the
cops and the cops had to shoot him and
kill him they they ked the copers killed
him here was that on the news that would
have been on the news yeah what was he
doing what was he robbing everything
McDonald's oh he robed that how long ago
was that recent that was probably what
last last yeah last year oh yeah
shooting last night in Logan
Le there was a shooting shooting last
night here what just up the street
shooting we're going to go Logan yeah oh
yeah always
shooting not show not show much on the
news you know what I mean but yeah it's
violence it's crazy I didn't actually
know that yeah lot of gun violence
around here wow I read that in the last
2023 the the the crime around Logan has
like skyrocketed it's almost doubled
statistically yeah so have you have you
sensed that cuz we're just immune to it
like it's it's like don't even
notice don't even notice if we go I say
that the crime's D Bo he just like it's
the same like if we say we're from Logan
it's like ah you know what I mean yeah
also if in other parts of Queensland you
say you're from Logan yeah yeah and
people are just
like like every Jo blow can punch on you
know yeah hey walk to it oh is it up
here yeah so we're going to walk here
too so and this this the center of the
hood up here
M yeah
come have you got a what's going on up
there what's going on up
quick hey they got the books here bro I
love that
I love son books the
best there's like 100 people up there
and just all police lights the coppers
are probably
freaking lad
Logan how long you been up here I've
been here for hour the coppers are
yeah so
many I'm about to get jump
look at that
mother let's go
I'm his mom we for you a
how many ADLs so many adlies lad how
many adlies
SE hey look the coppers here they're
going to be freaking thinking who is
this we get past the cers
BR let's
off this is hectic copper a spew land
all the copper spices they're full
dirty full death there and
don't about selling our rap shows I sell
our street in the hood don't wor about
brother ick up i s straight in
thep thank
you we made that bre we crossed the road
we made the
us look behind
us keep
going sorry sorry
sorry thank you bro normal day in Logan
noral day every afternoons like this
all right signatur fire G this
is I love it City baby the car that's
picking a s can't get you because the
coppers are blocking all the roads oh
the we might jump in might jump in
brother I a cruise I got a
know slers
boers hey look the Copp
there theut everything
down don't turn don't turn right cuz of
my look how much straights are block
because of me
see was that a good welcome that's it
every time every episode just doubles
bro cuz I was in Melbourne last week and
I thought that was big I thought that
was big this is 4 amount
BR Legend brother there was like 400
people there lad can get a like a selfie
and [ __ ] with your brother of course
what do you mean you get better than a
selfie you get to be in the Vlog l no
[ __ ] A he's just sitting there Wai foris
brisbane's most famous Uber driver now
lad yeah so that street is chaos uh yeah
it's along that street I was looking
it's all like a written down apartment
CU I was seeing that I didn't have no
time to say it but on the left and the
right of that street look like all likea
that you were coming up they're all
housos all it's all looks like [ __ ] e
like going through where you were
walking if you turn left right there's
there a lot of crackheads and that's
it's [ __ ] really disgusting nobody
looks after the place around there we're
proud to be from Logan too you know what
I mean it's a very tight-nit Community
too like for instance as a young kid
missing a and everyone was just out
looking for him Africa like everyone
comes together and just yeah support
like we're it's like a Titanic Community
like a good sense of community yeah
everyone supports each other that's
what's good about the hood bar yeah we
we need Local Heroes like like a local
people we can look up to like the James
here did in the day him in uh fortify
yeah yeah
and the boys fighting from here he was
saying James was saying before famous
fighters from here it's mad Le yeah even
yeah Alex world
champion no way yeah like from Logan you
know what I mean you walk down at the
wood Market you know what I
mean boy this is his
Smith out of prison R the league of
superstars from he
all right we're back at at the shops
where we started Woodridge shops having
a coffee recovering from that these
Shops look H as even even the
shops yes I what this just popped up
woodd three years yeah last three years
it was at night time bro a lot of [ __ ]
happens after dark yeah all the bloody
all [ __ ] happening here in Logan stuff
you don't even know of you know what I
mean a lot of the general folk don't
even know what happens in the [ __ ]
trap houses and [ __ ] around here yeah
what about drugs around here I haven't
even asked you is a a lot of drug users
around here yeah yeah it's very heavily
druged here
ice even heroin yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ]
no cocaine around here
man what's this place here St Vin or
something V oh op shop yeah we're
talking before about the other parts of
Brisbane there's another dangerous part
of Brisbane in AA yeah in NAA cuz back
in the day I know about like these days
maybe the young Fells are all at War but
it us be Woodridge Versa I so this place
andala is like in the western suburbs 20
minutes from here yeah yeah not long ago
some some it boys I don't know what they
were on but you know they ended up
killing um a granny yeah really sad far
yeah so it seems like then it's it's
like been an ongoing thing for a while
since back in the days and even now like
generally that part of Brisbane rival
rivalry this part of Brisbane yeah in
some form or another yeah procious
crimes it's not you know how do the boys
all the way from that part of Brisbane
even come across this part like stolen
cars stolen
cars Al so the boys are getting hotties
and driving over here all the young kids
you know yeah
yeah have they started knocking down
yeah housing oh they have I'll show you
like um yeah some place and they start
building the you know likeup houses yeah
yeah cuz that's happening like that
that's like a common theme everywhere
that I go even even other side of the
world it's like they're starting to
knock all these housing areas down and
replacing them kicking people out yeah
sending people here and there yeah the
Choppers always out oh yeah you got
police Choppers
here lot of H stealing car Joy rides you
know yeah people do look after their
house and maintain the gardens and
wellbeing of it you know what I mean
needles needles with exposed teeth yeah
true that without the caps
on yeah I know I'm always dodging
syringes don't worry needle packets
everywhere bro what the these flats are
what's going on in these Flats lady CH
yo yeah
word you m look at you come look at you
bro what are you doing what doing wood
who is that like you from here woodd
yeah what's your name bro hey MC tricks
bro Jun you grew up yeah my whole life
tell what's what's what's W not going to
thing it you know but I'm just going to
be real like I lived here my whole life
y when I was a kid or when I was younger
there wasn't that many nationalities
here yeah there was but I watched all
the migration happen so this is now one
of the most Multicultural places in the
Australia brother [ __ ] the boys were
saying that yeah see the difference is
is everyone will say they're from Logan
y but where you're at now is Logan
Central it's not it's not really um they
used to call it Woodridge but now they
call it LO Central that but there's like
70 suburbs here brother in the last 10
20 years it's gone very MTI every
nationalities here I think boys are
saying that a lot of African Lads Afghan
Lads everything everything every food's
here a pure example yeah yeah that's
well that's a good
thing R down the hood that much a good a
good Community
later we were at the TR station waiting
to go home there's a lady she's going
off ah head cuz like her mom's not
messaging her she's like oh everyone
please remove your kids I'm about to do
a suicide attempt just at the train
station right there sir just now yeah
4:00 just in and then like I'm standing
by nah don't don't and she goes jumps
off I pick her up dragged her and she
starts crying she was going to jump off
the train bridge to jump off not the
bridge like onto the track onto the
track and you stopped her yeah I picked
her up and everything and what happened
where'd she go she went home she ran off
crying but then like I'm waiting for the
police to come cuz yeah she told the
ambulance I feel like super she doesn't
go feel
like took it to another level then now
turned into Superman
y oh so that just happened just there
the station even
couple months ago cops actually shot in
Black the road bro did they yeah was cuz
I only live in the apartment up here and
uh yeah I was in my just playing games
everyone's called me you you're what on
they're like n someone got on the street
I came out and C down the whole street
what do you know what happened no to the
happen I heard stories of like
apparently he tried to come grab a blank
and come come back to them just they
just shot him shot seems like the
coppers are shootings of people nowadays
around here
dirty stor everyone's you see straight
into that
house that house that's full exposed I
just seen like an old lady sitting on
the lounge watching TV this street looks
like I don't know maybe I'm wrong the
worst Street we've been in so
far oh
yeah look down there
how you doing lad much you from here
yeah yeah what's the craziest [ __ ]
you've seen in Woodridge lad tell proba
probably the murder down at foodworks
murder at foodworks down the radio
that was there a murder there come to
our yard and whatnot no way yeah was
that Rec and half was that some guy
walked from the RSL and got stabed down
there son
yeah I think the father yeah Food Works
ands ran through your yard yeah they
looking for everything evidence and
everything Walking The Creeks behind no
way looking for a knife stubbings coming
here there was a Mur here on North Road
a couple years back someone got put in
the bin here yeah um yeah the truck
driver no no
way all right thank you bro later
later what's going on in
there oh Church yeah like there's been a
few MERS on the street even look it up
you say lad in a b just we're found in a
b just here look up there lad yeah we're
it's trapped out here now he everyone's
happy here at least for the camera
camera's off they AR on
left one jump
in 3 two one go hey hey how are you
doing I'm actually just watching your Al
Springs one at the moment oh you're mad
you're going to be in one of
them Fitness First there hey there is
too PlayStation go and everything in
there this his man cave lad I
leave just to come shake in doing bro
nice work thank you I was looking in
your little man cave in there bro let me
see it show me
yeah do come on how you doing hey look
at that man cave
Lads what's gone what's
this oh for
Speed little Hood sound system lad
little Hood Gatorade
what you tell me some of the craziest
[ __ ] you're seeing bro local crackheads
just yelling and streaming up and down
the street y y y breaking into the
houses and of drug addicts around here
yeah man what like what drugs what drugs
are they on around here mostly crack or
F fenol yeah really yeah and by crack
you mean ice yeah yeah yeah yeah get it
1 2
three F Fen was a thing here yeah wow
didn't even know that all right it's
thank you
boys all right M we're going to jump in
the car now change a plan we're getting
a halftime feed lad Sunshine kebabs
that's that's the Kebab spot yeah yeah
let's go best kebabs in Logan lad free
advertisement for Sunshine kebabs that's
shut it down sweating on keb's La
Sunshine kebabs all this place looks
legit the mixed grills yeah yeah we get
we got to get a mixed gr look how the
feed comes out look at these well out
well thank you look at
these thank you w bro what is
this look at that got some good lamb
chops Adana cabs under there well bro
let's get into
this heic lamb chops in the Tomb
lad but that's a
f l they found us
look he's ripping
it we're going to have to get guests
we're going to have to get some of the
people doing burnouts to come here oh
the boys
off going to smoke the whole restaurant
out lad where'd he
go the car to disappear in that lers
thank you we're only halfway through the
shoe and we're already on the news look
OES fans of controversial Australian
raion turned on officers who were there
for crowd control off vles and set off
flares as local moons turn the
surrounding streets into a crime scene
we're already on the news Bel rapper is
notorious for visiting some of the
world's most dangerous neighborhoods
yeah let's see
it for on the news already for the
people that aren't from Australia
watching this I'm on the biggest
national news in the country right now
now as we're talking and we're still
shooting the video that's
crazy so this the this is the spot
brother yes this is where it kicked off
he this is where the big punch on were
yeah is that the fence yeah oh because
in the video you see him smash smashing
like ripping up out of brown fence oh I
might have been down there you see when
the yeah what up where was that can you
tell us about origin there there yeah
yeah a massive what was that 2011 a yeah
I think and it happened just all around
here like it all locked up the whole
place was shut down place wased that was
crazy went for days you know what I mean
so be for yeah because I got out like a
week later up I see you what you guys
were up to when the fight were happening
we were actually drinking in the house
cu the music was too loud oh they fights
yeah was it going on for days he was
saying they punching on all the time
[ __ ]
shut Logan down like you're good like
your but the but the question everyone
wants to know I got to ask it who won
the fight I got to ask I got to ask who
won the fight I I think I won I think I
won the fight oh you won the fight was
there so the girls were saying that the
Tongan Lads LIF up one side and the The
muray Lads live down there and they were
just meeting here punching on every day
bro and explain like what the situation
was like maybe one of the like heaps of
people yeah yeah yeah are like 30 people
meetups like they'll bring more than
that no way yeah yeah yeah so like how
we had today but VI yeah it happened bro
cuz I got out and they were like
Woodridge alert can't be walking around
here on horses patrolling the streets
that's crazy you were here then I got
out like 2 weeks after it happened was
but I just seen it the cop stopped yeah
yeah like just just punch on yeah like
didn't yeah get too out of hand yeah
that's mental that's
mental the boys lad they're going to
he's trying to Chuck fishies the boys
are hanging on
for is
crazy you too boys did you say um the
news will there yeah bro the oh spin
brother shoot is only half done it's in
the it's on the news already
lad anyway that's that's the center of
the Logan Ro so some Islanders skate
crashed on a party and then later on it
extended he got ran over here so African
kid ran over some old boy here oh really
yeah from a beef from G in a party yeah
yeah that's long around here it was just
like literally just around here just we
just drove past it yeah that escalated
too bro like that yeah yeah yeah like
Theon theme is a little thing will kick
off and it escalates that seems like
that everything escalates really big and
it gets racial so like then it's the
Africans versus the
Polynesians but then yeah it just blows
over and just you know Community leaders
have to get involved and where we going
now uh Kingston Kingston detectives
around I'm I'm thinking at some point
they're going to be looking for us
they on the news they're probably going
to put a call out just go and get these
people just stop them pulling up with
the OK watch out it's raining L don't
get it wet mad brother we just supposed
to fly oh no way follow us I'll sign up
for you you got a Tex get a pen I'll
bring my book with me just to read it
cuz I've nearly finished it dead set
wait I'm jumping out full pieing down
now my biggest fan i' like are we going
inside What do the P lad
let's hey what
D what you
doing you work long yeah what's it like
is it get rough here it's calm nowadays
yeah it's
calm sh did it full dramas all the
time the
gor got to ring up work oh yeah tell
them I'm saying another day I'm waiting
for your food truck yeah hectic I can
test the the
yeah lad what a blessing day
brother I'm in Brother YouTube put me on
television you want to be on YouTube
that's it BR tell them BR what yeah
Woodridge is great man wood is great
wood is great good stuff bro what's the
gorilla pit like this your spot good
spot yeah good
spot good stuff my bro what's your name
Glenn Glenn good to meet you brother all
right my brother later what you
just out the gorilla
pit Drive we're just the employees bro
we do with like security [ __ ] all the
time cuz
yeah show me we got the of Fame
here this is what we do on the bro what
are they
doings bro this car's threaten smash
Windows what they doing the incredible
salt bro in
for that's I a lior legend
himself yeah let crack
up assaulting patents property damage
threatening stuff we got on Australia
Day by like some 14year olds did yeah
they bit they bit jagen on the arm bro
they beat him on the arm they bit him on
the arm CU like bat him on the arm bro
even Tupac was you Tac himself Tupac
was look
the he preaches the's Not Dead by's
Alive Logan City we were just joking
about you coming through
too I drove through Burk Street about 4
hours ago bro before yeah almost got
it's on the news we'll probably see it l
check seven news seven news yeah word c
bro word absolute
Thief this threatening us boys us boys
want to have a go and [ __ ] trying to
punch on and [ __ ] went around start
kicking doors and all that like dramas
working ouris bro they leave like every
two weeks they leave they leave oh they
can't handle it they can't handle it bro
they through seis every two weeks
big I just met one of them he's gone in
two weeks I
bet W that's crazy we going to shut
down she's local way she comes every day
even though she's banned for life that
was mad little back I'm glad he took us
back there that was mad what a used up
to you've been in my hometown Dar yeah
yeah is that where you from yeah we
heard you've been around town yeah I was
in all Springs a week ago yeah yeah was
you the reason why the all the coppers
was gone it was we're in the news
they're shutting down the streets
because of me lad it's not my fault I'm
not telling them to do anything the boys
are just getting excited would you just
mad would you just
latery the Hall of Fame all the photos
up that was crack up we just pulled over
there was like four [ __ ] cars down there
with four officers in each car like a
whole bunch of officers we thought they
were going to pull us over but I think
they're doing a raid so we're going to
go down here and see what see exactly
what they're
doing yeah they are what what what what
was that about there was Heap them yeah
no there's raid bro there's raids going
on even last night raids you say right
we full [ __ ] in a year I'm just worried
about the files I'm just worried about
the SD card when we turned over I'm like
I was about to pull the SD card out the
camera and cheek it I swear J Styles lb
what are these full traps I know it's a
bit dark but we've come to like some of
the worst traps eh and those coppers
that we just drove past that were doing
a raid are just like just over that
Crest there maybe 80 M up the road here
we got
the well this is this is Red Sky lad
we're walking through the worst worst up
trays full middle of the night pitch
black with a
spotlight it looks hammer down
Sirens wait is she getting
chased I thought she was getting chased
they're coming around
he but there Sirens everywhere Sirens
everywhere it's people
running so this spot is full red day I
can tell already yeah full an J plers
yeah hello this is a pop hood right yeah
bro this place is this place is full
proper needles for the
Parky hey just be be careful ehy cuz you
got thongs on too lad that looks red BR
I'm not walking through there
lad Ivan mot whole backpack of murderers
up there
lad coppers coppers what are they doing
what are they doing is that you what are
the coppers doing coppers there
coppers the coppers are there creeping
in people's
houses look there's two coppers just
there creeping down someone's house with
down down the
S okay show the Tor no no don't show the
toring run at us look they're going
in the
back yeah bro these Flats off these
Flats offing ghetto lad these flats are
ass yeah these that's a for ghetto
copper creeping around now they're
raiding some's house so what happened is
they looking down the side the coppers
went to the door the the lady that lives
there would have willingly let the
police in they would have said we think
someone's like in your backyard and she
would have said yeah come through like
they're not raiding the house but
they're like clearing her premises yeah
like with her permission you know what I
mean no way what is you doing what's
doing bro do Glad like Superstar bro
thank you this is the hood bro I just
got a gun pulled on me the other night
bro what fck we were walking up in the
top complex coppers or someone else no
from someone else bro way word someone
trying to rob you or something no he
just pulled out a gun on us bro word
what are the covers now they're going
into the is that your house I don't want
they're going in your they're going in
house they're going in a house the
coppers are just walking in everyone's
house apparently someone back so what
they what are they doing looking in your
backyard oh look at the right's the
light where's the light the light oh
[ __ ] what's going
on what's it doing it's dying yeah move
it move
it welcome to maav what's it called maav
maav yeah it's crazy down here police
yeah is it always like this soon as we
got here police are like raiding houses
yeah I don't know what that was for yeah
um someone was in the backyards
apparently standard nor here was it like
living here you live here yeah I lived
here like 4 years four years yeah worst
things that happened to me it wrecked my
life in in what way in what way I was 4
years clean and then move here and it's
just everywhere drugs
mommy yeah momy there it's hard to
escape it e right yep 100% yeah what's
some crazy [ __ ] you see in here like I
bought a I bought a car a week ago and
it it's already it's already been stolen
crashed and I got it back in one week
it's been stolen and you got it back
yeah at least you got it back how'd you
get it back look at it the side of it oh
no they went joy riding in it they
went nah cuz I was chasing them yeah
yeah all right thank you for talking see
you so it's not just here it's all down
there but she's saying like that's that
part up there is the worst as you can
see that's you know but like yeah
everyone there was clearly clearly
addicted to drugs good for the kids too
you know yeah 100% bro see all the kids
here playing around that look how could
like I could not live there and sleep
yeah yeah that's sad bro oh it's an
undercover cop car he's two
Yeahs yeah yeah yeah oncover cop car
those Flats were crazy lad that was sad
bro like you were saying like all of
those kids running around I looked in
the grass there was like syringe packets
and syringes in the grass
theirr [ __ ] broken casts syringe
packets police raiding and a dying
possum like that's those Flats lad and
drug addicted parents and that's just
the daily accur yeah bro that's nothing
to them see the kids and then the other
kid comes down and goes um he goes
someone pulled a gun on
him it was so normal like they didn't
even care that the police running around
it's just the they went into her house
she was like why you going in there all
right bra what a hood what AO City in
the news already mate we're already
famous James brother that was
gr boys thank you thank you lad good
that was gr BR eight that's Logan lers
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