Inside Wollongong’s MOST DANGEROUS Neighbourhoods - Into The Hood
TLDRملف النص يشتمل على سجل محادثة تتضمن مناقشات حول حياة الhoods في مدينة Sydney وتأثيرها على الأفراد. يتحدث المتحدثون عن تجربتهم الشخصية مع الجريمة والadolescence، وكيف أن البيئة الاجتماعية قد تكون مؤثرة على السلوك. يُشير إلى وجود مراكز مثل مراكز الرعاية الصحية للشباب وخدمات ال الailable للشباب الصغار الذين يخرجون من الأحداث. يُشير إلى وجود ممارسات مثل الجريمة وال嗑 العقاقير كجزء من الثقافة الأساسية في هذه المناطق. يُشير إلى وجود مساحات سكنية وأماكن تجارية مع المشاكل المرتبطة بالجريمة والعنف، ولكن هناك أيضًا تشير إلى التحسينات الأخيرة في المراقبة الأمنية والتحسينات في البيئة. يُشير إلى وجود مجتمع محلي قوي وعلاقات بين السكان، ولكن يُشير أيضًا إلى المشاكل المرتبطة بالعنف والعنف الجسدي والعنف العنصري. يُشير إلى وجود ممارسات مثل الصيد في المناطق المحيطة.
- 😮 الشخص الرئيسي في الفيديو قضى معظم شبابه وحياته البالغة في السجن ويستكشف الآن الأحياء في مختلف أنحاء العالم.
- 🌆 يزور مدينة ولونغونغ، وهي مدينة تقع جنوب سيدني بساعة ونصف، ويستعرض النسب المرتفعة للجريمة هناك مقارنةً بباقي الولاية.
- 🤝 يلتقي بأخ الرابر الأسترالي المشهور Husky ليعرض عليه المنطقة، حيث يتحدثان عن تأثير المخدرات والجرائم في المدينة.
- 🏙️ يستكشف المناطق التي تعاني من معدلات جريمة عالية مثل Berkeley وWarong، مشيراً إلى المشاكل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية.
- 🚔 يناقش تأثير تدخل الشرطة في تقليل الجرائم خلال العقد الماضي، مع التركيز على كيفية تعامل الشرطة مع العصابات والجريمة المنظمة.
- 🏘️ يتحدث عن التحديات التي يواجهها السكان في المناطق المتضررة، بما في ذلك الصحة العقلية والسكن والتأقلم مع الحياة بعد الإفراج عنهم من السجن.
- 👥 يعرض الفيديو تفاعلات مع السكان المحليين الذين يشاركون تجاربهم وآرائهم حول الحياة في تلك الأحياء.
- 📈 يظهر الفيديو بعض الإحصاءات والبيانات التي توضح مستويات الجريمة في ولونغونغ مقارنة بالمعدلات العامة في الولاية.
- 🛣️ يسلط الضوء على كيفية تأثير البيئة والظروف المعيشية على خيارات وسلوكيات الأفراد، مؤكداً على أهمية البيئة في تشكيل السلوك الإجرامي.
- 🔄 يناقش الفيديو دور الحلول المجتمعية والبرامج الوقائية في محاولة لمعالجة المشكلات الاجتماعية والجريمة في المجتمعات المتضررة.
Q & A
视频中提到的Ilong Flats地区的情况如何?
-Ilong Flats是Woolongong的一个住宅区,视频中提到该地区有较高的犯罪率,包括毒品问题和暴力事件。但也有迹象表明,通过一些改善措施,如园艺,该地区的环境正在逐步变好。
😀 Introduction to Woolongong's Challenges
The speaker discusses their experiences growing up in Sydney's housing areas and spending a significant portion of their life in prison. They highlight the high number of individuals from the small town of Woolongong in the jail system and express curiosity about the situation in the town. The video is set in Woolongong, where the speaker plans to meet with Kiza, the older brother of a famous Aussie rapper named Husky, to explore the area and understand the local issues, including high crime rates and the impact of drugs.
🏠 Childhood and Crime in Woolongong's Housing Projects
The speaker and Kiza reminisce about their upbringing in Woolongong's public housing, discussing the harsh realities of life in the area. They recall incidents of violence, including a stabbing over a pair of shoes and a home invasion. The conversation touches on the cyclical nature of crime and the impact of drugs on the community. They also mention the police's increased proactive measures in the area over the past decade, which have contributed to a reduction in crime.
🚗 Exploring the Neighborhoods of Woolongong
The speaker and Kiza explore various neighborhoods in Woolongong, noting the differences between areas like Mingon and the more notorious Berkeley and Warong. They discuss the layout of the housing projects and the cultural makeup of the community, which is predominantly Australian with an increasing multicultural presence. The speaker also talks about the process of individuals being released from jail and the challenges they face upon reintegration into society.
🏢 The Reality of Living in Warong and Berkeley
The speaker visits Warong, known as Legoland, and Berkeley, two areas with high crime rates. They discuss the suburban layout and the prevalence of townhouses. The speaker notes the similarities between different housing projects across Australia and how they often follow the same blueprint. They also talk to a local resident, who shares his experiences growing up in the area and provides insights into the community and crime.
👮♂️ Policing and Perceptions of Crime in Woolongong
The speaker discusses the impact of policing on crime rates in Woolongong. They mention the Raptor Squad's role in cleaning up the area and how crime statistics might be manipulated for various purposes. The speaker also talks about the choices they made in life, including getting involved in criminal activities and drug addiction, emphasizing that these were conscious decisions rather than a result of circumstances.
🌿 The Role of Community and Environment in Personal Development
The speaker reflects on the influence of their environment on their life choices, acknowledging that while they were a product of their environment, they also had the freedom to make their own decisions. They discuss the importance of community centers and the state of housing in the area, noting the contrast between well-maintained private homes and neglected public housing. The speaker also shares their aspirations for a better life and the desire to travel the world.
🛤️ Navigating the Streets and Engaging with Locals
The speaker continues to explore the streets of Woolongong's housing projects, interacting with locals and learning about their lives. They discuss the demographics of the area, the issues faced by those living in the housing projects, and the stories of individuals who have experienced the criminal justice system. The speaker also observes a person apparently in distress, swinging a plank of wood, highlighting the challenges and complexities of life in these neighborhoods.
👋 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
The speaker concludes their exploration of Woolongong's hoods, reflecting on the stories and experiences shared by the locals. They express gratitude for the insights gained and the perspectives offered by the people they met. The speaker also acknowledges the complexity of the issues faced by the community and the importance of understanding the lived experiences of those in the area.
💡Sydney City
💡Crime Rate
💡Youth Housing Blocks
💡Community Center
💡Mental Health
💡Cultural Diversity
💡Abandoned Buildings
The area has a shocking amount of people in the new softw jail system, with individuals from the small town of Woolongong frequently appearing in various jails.
Crime rates in Woolongong are significantly higher than the state average, with general crimes over five times higher, violent crimes 2.5 times higher, and property crimes 3.5 times higher.
The narrator, who spent his youth in Sydney City housing areas and was in prison for a total of 13 years, is now exploring the world and investigating different neighborhoods.
The town's bad areas are interspersed with good ones, creating a mixed environment that contrasts starkly with the wealthier regions nearby.
Drugs are a significant problem in the area, contributing to the high crime rates and social issues.
The area has a complex system where individuals are released from jail into monitored housing, which acts as an extension of their prison sentence.
The community has a strong sense of camaraderie, with many residents knowing each other well, which can be both a strength and a challenge.
Despite the area's reputation, there are efforts to improve it, such as the development and maintenance of community centers and youth services.
The narrator and his guide discuss the impact of growing up in an environment where criminal behavior is normalized.
The area's multicultural makeup is evolving, with an increasing presence of different cultural and religious groups.
There are stark differences between the areas, with some being more visually 'ghetto' and others having a more suburban feel.
The police have become more proactive in addressing crime in the area over the past decade, leading to noticeable improvements.
The transcript includes several personal stories of individuals who have experienced the criminal justice system and are trying to reintegrate into society.
The area's notorious 'Lego Land' is a hotspot for crime, with residents sharing stories of violence and drug use.
Despite the challenges, there is a sense of hope and resilience among residents, with some expressing aspirations to travel and make positive changes.
The guide shares his personal journey, from troubled youth to someone who is now trying to stay out of trouble and make a better life for himself.
The narrative provides a candid look at life in the 'hood, with discussions on the choices people make and the impact of environment on those choices.
heaps of like a aband and boarded up
ones like right in the middle of it she
got stabbed over a pair of shoes stabbed
her 44 times 44
times oh someone just smashed the window
oh [ __ ] I'm span I was raised in a
housing areas of Sydney City spent most
of my youth and adult life in prison and
after a total of 13 years I'm free and
I'm out and about fly around susing out
the hoods all over the world it's
O all right everyone welcome back into
the hood I'm at a place called Woolen
gong it's a town about an hour and a
half south of Sydney if you have
followed me for more than a year you
should know that every time I talk about
this place I always refer to the
shocking amount of people in the new
softw jail system that are from wenong
I've never been here before right so I
don't know what's going on here but all
I know in the for all the years in the
jail system for such a little town woen
gong there would always be Lads in jail
from wenong every jail you go to Every
pod you go to there's at least one blow
wooling gong where you from I'm from
wooling gong lad wooling gong and I'm
always asking they're like Wong gong's
off its head but you got to go down
there drugs have [ __ ] the place blah
blah blah anyway so we're here I'm
meeting a lad here there's a there's a
Aussie rapper famous Aussie rapper his
name's husky he's from this area so I
got in contact with him and I said lad
what's going on down wangong and can you
get someone to show me around so he
speared me into his older brother we're
going to meet this lad Kiza it's his
actual older brother and I'm meeting him
up here at the servo just behind us I
think he's here already we're in a place
right now this place is called muten
this is where his from there's a few bad
areas here right it's not just the two
we're going to muten is one of the bad
areas too but he's going to show us
around here tell us like growing up in
this particular suburb then we're going
to drive a few streets away to the two
places with the highest crime rate
that's Berkeley and warong let me show
you something that's a spin out right so
I was looking up like what's going on I
was searching it up you know so I got
some information look at the crime rates
of wool and gong compared to the rest of
the state in general crimes are over
five times higher than the average of
the rest of the state 2 and 1/2 times
more violent crimes than the state
average 3 and 1/2 times more property
crimes than the state average what's
going on in wenong where are you K I'm
at the servo yeah that's him there yeah
K how are you bro he yeah how are
you what's
happening oh my God you got to get a
photo man let's go what's going on lad
lad kebabs best kebabs in I'll keep that
Primo in there you do bro good day for
yeah it's got a lot of get out areas bro
um they kind of space it out with like
um just like normal suburbs you what I
mean so in between every bad area and
Wong gong there's good areas yeah yeah
it's so like you know how m d is like a
massive area of hos y like down here
that just kind of like smack like a like
a a big like project in the middle of
like like this this is like the richest
area morning on right here oh yeah but
like the ghettos right here you know
what I mean oh so they mix it in well
yeah bro I get you I get you I get you
that's way mean me and husk he grew up
yep Y and this is mangon this is this
this is the one yeah this is where we
going oh it's it's behind here yeah
pretty much I I presume these fences are
new when you grew up they wouldn't have
been here
yeah through here yeah go here and come
stra into the Bronx so what years did
you go up here bro um so it would have
been I was I was about I don't know 16
to about 25 yeah um Ben come down when
he was about
16 and we pretty much chucked te
straight in the heart of it bro like me
and Dad used to run a bit of a revolving
door you know what I mean just doing our
thing yep and um when we slack off or
fall asleep or whatever Benny would been
pick up the ass end of it and that's
pretty much how he got his start drugs
are bad in Wong yeah real bad bro real
bad I knew I knew that I was saying
before and I've said many times in the
past years I was always shocked in the
new softw system how many Lads were from
Wong like for a small town every jail
you go to I from Wong from wenong and
IED to think in my head what the [ __ ]
going on down
wenong more than any other town bro it's
funny how a lot of people from from um
Sydney have got like the opinion thats
of [ __ ] dogs andong in that oh do
they as we like here yeah like we think
like people from like from like now at
dogs and that oh y y y i I just think
that like an undercover in Sydney will
say they're from the gong y yeah as we
an undercover here will say they're from
Nara you know what I mean oh yeah so
it's kind of like relatable cuz because
we don't recognize their head yeah you
know what I mean I get exactly what
you're saying yeah yeah anyways that
unit right there the Second Story flat
that's where me and Ben grew up oh yeah
these are hous here too way I think so
yeah oh you used to grw up here that's
that was your apartment yeah bro back in
the day man this used to be hectic yeah
remember one time I come home here and
all all the lights in the house are off
yeah and it Hur someone I thought was my
dad dad anyways I'm sitting I'm going
dad dad this BL comes out all bed out
big knife in that yeah going what the
Yeah and he's he's like this and I just
want of backed up you know what I mean
and he's come come past me SC like
across the park here well I thought it
was all sweet and um anyways I like lock
the house
up I come to come out in the morning and
this chasing me with with suai sword
across this park all the way down
through here I swear to God his head
what the oh brother there heaps
here there's a lot of flats here B more
than I thought 5
minutes this is like youning when the Cs
get out of jail and you get like your
bed seers and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah
this is pretty much where they Chuck you
you what I me oh so this is the the the
for he's Ling it he's loving it so the
lad's getting
released getting parole so there'll be
heaps of lads in here on parole and
stuff now right yeah yeah yeah
crashed don't tell me he comes back
again yeah yeah it's not it's not like
the the typical H area with um with like
kids in that yeah so like this is pretty
much where they put like com come out of
jail or oh you know what I mean yeah bit
of mental health mental health like
system yeah yeah those that you know
what those are always the worst places
because they are those very family
housing areas but like he's saying it's
like where I'm from like Sur Hills which
isn't necessarily the worst but it's a
place where they put people fresh out of
jail or people from the mental health
system and it's it's a whole another
level of like depressing there and you
know what I mean when you get to the
other areas you go to
like and uh Bley y there kind of more
kids more families than that y y most of
these just like one bedroom apartments
and stuff you know what I mean yeah um
the cops pretty much clean most of it up
you know yeah but yeah so like you were
saying it was a lot worse gr went up I
say late '90s early 2000s oh probably
pretty much all out till about maybe say
201 like 12 yep yep was pretty bad but
over the last 10 years the cops in Wong
they're real proactive you know what I
mean so like yeah
yeah like they they they pretty much
shut sh down before it even kicks off
you know yeah yeah they've taken control
of it hard yeah I think because like the
way that the the MEF scenes kind of
developed you know what I mean like back
in the day it was kind of just four
crims you know and like these days
because of such an epidemic you get
people that are just like like normal
every everyday people that are like
selling or or using it that so like it's
kind of like spaced out into like the
other suburbs yeah yeah and these
suburbs are pretty much just like the
the hot areas where the cops like
patrolling it you know yeah are all of
these apartments full from your
knowledge or is it half empties no
they're all full oh they're all full
there still plenty active cuz so many of
these places now you go there and it's
like half empty half empty like they're
trying to get rid of them this one's
well in use I think they I think they
pretty much just like like something go
to jail you know what I
mean let me have a little sus of there
like back like in the back of them yeah
cuz oh no let me walk H this one looks
old as [ __ ] bro this one looks hmed they
all pretty much set up the same
bro yeah they all all set up like this
up oh these are B these are in bad
condition a
broing arit
back it goes right
y this side back up here like the same
time that we we got out of the area
there was some he he was found in like a
surfboard bag and it was this lad that
got out of jail and my dad's like yeah
he's all right he's a good bloke in that
I'm thinking dad this a [ __ ] my
brother never liked to you know what I
mean it was about the same time that me
me me and my dad had a crack and I I
took Bend to my house in Victory yeah
and um yeah wouldn't have been 12 months
later the bloke not this bloke for his
pension and stuffed him in a in a
[ __ ] surfboard bag up there oh no way
for his pension the BL the bloke us
should just like the bloke you were
saying he didn't like he was in the the
bag no the bloke that oh he yeah he done
it yeah yeah yeah and um my old man's
Bing for him like he's like you know
some some [ __ ] soldier from jail you
know and he done that just a just
a yeah so Ben come down when he was
younger from Cops
Harbor area yeah yeah it's all burn out
yeah by the way Ben's I didn't clarify
husky the Husky that when I said I spoke
to like one of the famous rappers here
in Australia that he calls him Ben cuz
that's his real name yeah I used to I
used to get po my Fe back when when I
was younger oh y yeah so SP out there is
bro yeah this is this is like CBD bit
yeah um we'll go at the leg stuff which
is pretty much like M drew
it [ __ ] going to rip me like ran right
up to my my leg I turned around that
one's burned out abandoned behind
us and you you but you've done ja I'm 34
34 yep done maybe like nearly 11 years
now oh Dead s done plenty yeah i' just
been trying to stay out of trouble the
last couple years bro yeah yeah yeah um
yeah is that mainly like growing up drug
addiction just the normal
like Angry kindo you know yeah yeah but
um hasn't really hasn't really got me
so trying to call me head yeah yeah and
um was there plenty of lads and J from
here mingon this this is pretty yeah
this is
see brother there heaps hey goes
on this is the end of it yeah this is
the end of it here yeah so that's the
start to the end
this is this looks like the main project
he the biggest building here right yeah
yeah yeah back in the day
like y I bet you plenty of hodies are
parked under here right going that
the spot where we could dump in run
across the street you know what I mean
get back to where we live
inself like it's it's come a long way
bro like since all the developers that
have come down it's kind of I don't know
like it's a a lot better than it used to
be you know
yeah what about um here in mingon
culturally what's how what's the
cultural makeup main mainly Aussies many
or Islanders pretty much say like
predominantly it's like auss bro um it's
it's it's not it's not as Multicultural
as Sydney but it's it's it's getting
better you know yeah yeah yeah um yeah
like there's they put a mosque over
there in that so like there there's
obviously more like people people like a
Muslim I'm get into the area and stuff y
um hey
do what's going on yeah what goes on
e scrapping that punching on and stuff
yeah that yeah hectic how old are you
boys yeah who lives here which one of
these he Liv there I live there oh yeah
he's alling here right did you just grow
up here or you you got up over that side
when I was a kid and then I moved to
Bambi yeah Bambi yeah that's the beach
yeah M boys lers us us
us yeah when we get out to
the pap for oh there yeah oh yeah so
Lego must must be Infamous cuz even he
set it straight off the bat you got a
Lego which by the way that's I forgot to
say that in um when I said we're going
to the two highest crime rated places
here warong and uh Berkeley the part in
warong we're going to is known as
Legoland so use your imagination that's
mad but I like going through the hood
and all the bunch of lads there you know
what I
mean ready to knock on with someone up
here it's like a big these are like
youth housing blocks oh youth housing eh
yeah yeah that's another one down there
where we just were y yeah so like
there's a refuge behind this oh really
yeah I lived there when I was a kid
probably from about 14 15 I lived there
oh so those Lads yeah would that would
have been actually their places yeah so
okay yeah when you get released in like
boys homes and
stuff you haven't got like family in
that they put you in like like like
these kind of areas you know what I mean
all right yeah like these are like the
the [ __ ] the J release CL yo yo and
you're saying there's a refuge up here
yep so this is a crisis Refuge oh like
just here
yeah right in the middle of it I thought
he was saying like up the street
somewhere like in the middle of these
Flats is a crisis Refuge so like all the
boys in that the girls that come from
like um from like boys homes and girls
homes and that they'll come here first
yeah and then if they well behave they
come down here V isn't it yeah these are
like J Rel ones then we go here
so it's almost an extension of your
prison sentence these Flats here it's
pretty much exactly what it is yeah it's
an extension he so you get out of jail
if you behave you get put into that and
if you behave you get put into them
Flats so them Lads I just shook their
hand they would have been on like stage
three yeah
yeah this is um like a community center
or oh that's it no that's the um the the
first one stage one stage two yep stage
three yep yep yep
well so this is that Crisis Center in
the middle of the flats I can see it
says there youth out of home youth
accommodation youth Health
Services release services stuff like
that the camera
there you know I've never been honestly
I've never been to a block of housos or
blocks of like a housing estate that has
a a release system from prison and
Juvenile Justice in the middle of it
you're in jail you get out of jail to a
house and that house is in the middle of
residential Housing Commission and if
you're good in that house you just get
an apartment surrounding the the The
Refuge that's off its head bro imagine
what that situation would
breed Main Street of Wong so princess
turn into CR Street oh yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah oh nice so just down there
that's into the CBD of wenong so we're
just outside it we'll go now we'll jump
in the car head off the
warong all right here we are warong this
is warong hey y this is warong bro Lego
Land This is Lego um again there's a
rooster behind us going off yeah me grew
up here I grew up around the corner here
with my n yeah husy grew up in they
flash just over here with his Ms and um
and her sister yeah it's kind of where
we come after we in megatin and this is
like about 10 minutes away from the the
getto areas in the g b more
Multicultural at these ways but um this
is this is probably be where like most
of like the the hotties get burned out
and stuff and like yeah it's just like
more of a dense area like like like m j
you know full boarded up placees here
how you going
and what so what is this this is like a
big complex the road goes down and
around in a loop I assume yeah bro yeah
and this here from looking up the
statistics this warong is the the suburb
with the second highest crime rate in
wenong and the one we're going to next
Berkeley which is just a few streets
away he yeah is the highest so you might
as well say they're almost one area like
this is the worst part Berkeley itself
is not like this it's not like spaced
out like like in in like a project yeah
it's just like a like a massive suburb
like like how not oh yeah it's it's
mixed in mixed in more yeah
yeah and so here it's not it's not Flats
like uh mangon it's all these tow
houses yeah it's funny they use no
matter where you are they use this it's
like they use the same template the same
blueprint like you could stick someone
in the middle of there and say where are
you and you wouldn't know if you're in
Campbell town or Newcastle or Wong it
all looks the same 100% all right and
then so that's the private housing
backed on to it yeah
yeah hey do
doing hey thank
you what he's
doing getting around Lego Land bro that
was like is
that mother from back in the day too man
do Street back in the
day on there
bro stop it now you're making us red on
going to bring everyone out ra going to
get us
jumped what he's doing I'm having a look
through Lego Land lad how you doing lad
how you doing
boysad mad nice to meet you brother
hey what you doing good man he all from
here yeah
he hey what you doing hey
do the woods yeah come come going
through legol land going here come from
megon and we're com going through here
yeah went through the flats
there yeah you you grew up here I've
been here for about 10 years up on the
other oh did you yeah hectic hectic they
got the bikes
out yeah man let still left we try we
going that way all right later
boys look I said it's lucky like
everyone knows
me imagine if some random came down with
a GoPro and them l in
the hey doing
bro it's mad it feels like um good sense
of community here yeah yeah like you
were saying it's more families 100% as
opposed to back mangon you know yeah
mingon is more like like you said like
the mental health area yeah yeah 100%
these are the kind of areas like like
personally now I live closer to the
beach of um I know it took me bloody 15
years to get away from it all you know
what I mean man yeah yeah I mean myself
and that I've like had addition problems
in that and just basically trying to
sort my life out you know what I mean
get back into like what's the word like
reintegrated into society be having a
good job in that you know y y but um
look all these are all these are boarded
here I don't know what's worse which
bro this place is definitely more
ghetto no matter where you are Lads Love
their their bikes say every Hood I was
in Barcelona walking through the hood in
lamina right in the middle of all these
massive projects I'm like doing a
wheelie on a motorbike yeah yeah you go
right I was watching you ones on YouTube
and I was thinking when's he going to
come down here I'm here now brother Lego
Land into the
hood there we yeah how long you been
around El lad uh probably about I've
hunging around here like 10 years yeah
and I've been living here for 18 years
18 years so your whole
yeah was my mom's been here for 38 years
now oh dead set in here specifically no
way what's it like now what's what tell
us what happens around here it's good
now but a couple months ago there was a
stabbing up the road oh was there
someone died yeah but it used to be way
better back in just the kids yeah it was
a that happened with kids and then
parent jumped in and then the kids end
up stabing the parents and oh nice so
the parent died yeah far out but in
general what is it a good good sense of
community around here yeah everyone
everyone knows everyone yeah yeah what I
noticed as soon as I walked down that
street everyone was in the streets talk
before they knew how it came they were
already there you know what I mean yeah
yeah everyone knows everyone everyone
gets your dad was it was your dad oh
yeah most of the people that start like
troubling here they all come out a b
yeah do they come in yeah what what what
culturally here what is it Aussies
Islanders and CES yeah mainly Islanders
in cies Islanders and ques yeah there's
a couple of yeah mad yeah all right
catch us later later
but yeah so I'll up in that house there
yeah where the black Benes oh yeah yeah
us that's I was leaving I was 11 12 11
mhm you too
bro brother the house is uh fairly H
blood straight out that looks like
abandon is that abandon I don't want to
go up to someone's house yeah it's
abandon yeah there's like heaps of like
abandon boarded up ones like right in
the middle of
it think it's hard to
get oh yeah hard to get them to Acy I
could imagine that they come down for a
suass they' be getting like death sted
by everyone
C oh no yeah
is hey see see these cards K just found
them on the floor these are pretty boys
you know what this is if you know you
know um this is like the that the the
the cards you get for free from either
Christmas or the clinic the clinic the
clinic yeah so if you go to the clinic
they got these it's like
like Aboriginal pattern on the thing and
they and like instead of a joker they've
got like what is it he hepc
helpline and instead of like you know
how they got like the Jokers and all
those cards but you're playing and
halfway through it he's like call this
if you got Heep C and that but yeah
that's the that's the prison cards I'll
see if one of those cards is there are
the Ace of Spades nah no it would have
been good if one of those cards I could
show you what a spin out so some lad
must have got out with them that bring
back memories lad I how to feel looking
at them cards that many hours playing 41
years oh so that's through Legoland mad
all right we're at Berkeley shops right
in the center of Berkeley this here this
place even though [ __ ] said this place is
probably not visually like the rest of
them because the housing in Berkeley is
more spread out with a lot of private
housing but this place has the top the
highest Chrome rate in wenong like this
is statistically the worst place in woen
gong being from here I don't know it
might be a different story but yeah just
going off the data we're in the mix of
it now lad obviously a there's a darker
side B like lots of like um like
breaking ERS around here lots of like
you know hodies and stuff like that yeah
a lot of property crime yeah bro yeah so
right next to it you got um right next
to the main shops you got blocks of
housing straight
away back when I was a kid um Nana windy
Street was Notorious what streets Nana
Wily Street was Notorious back in the
day Nana willly yeah Nana
it's a police type up
there how you going mate I'm good
brother how are you how are you brother
how you going M it's nice to meet you
nice what's your name H Chris
doing look at the front this is telling
this this is telling you know what I
mean you can say what you want but stuff
like this is really telling so here in
the Berkeley shops The Pizza Store
wonder how much they went through before
they drilled uh prison mesh it's like
prison visits he prison mesh on the on
their front windows and doors I assume
your windows have been smashed a lot and
you've been robbed a lot to put this up
yeah they were sh shocked in there
they're like who's this person with the
camera just go they just nodded and like
get the
off hey repping it as like uh as like a
hood 50% of the people from here would
would agree and the other 50 would would
probably disagree you know yeah yeah
yeah it's like um yeah all right yeah
about 10 years ago bro like as soon as
like that Raptor thing kicked off the
cops just become heat more proactive and
just just like cleaned up everything you
know what I mean yeah yeah the Raptor
are for bikies or is it street street
crime which one's Raptor they were for
bikes they but I think now because
because bikes don't wear colors and that
that they're more proactive with um with
like street gangs and stuff street gangs
are just gangs in general yeah yeah yeah
yeah this this was a little like spot
people chill here drinky and stuff yeah
y oh yeah this is all housing here you
see Lads in the lane there spinning
out this way yep I think like
statistically like a lot of the crime
and stuff that's actually documented is
uh like a lot of like um juvenile crime
cuz I don't think that like like going
up like like around the scene myself I
feel like when you're a kid you don't
really know much better and like you
your main your main interest is not like
getting pinched yeah so like the a lot
of the crime and stuff like like rates
would go off um just like kids [ __ ]
up and getting pinched and stuff and the
copper like documented as as a stat you
know yeah yeah yeah yeah so just a lot
of Reckless Youth crime you man like
you're saying yeah I guess it's it's
very similar we go being where I was
from the in inner city is just honestly
just being a criminal was just like it's
what you do if you're one of the boys it
was it's as simple as that it's never a
thing out of like and I've never tried
to paint it as being a thing like we had
to do this to survive or if I didn't do
this I didn't eat or it's nothing like
that could have lived any life I chose I
just culturally growing up in the hood
being a criminal was cool it was mad so
I was like I'm going to be one of the
boys watch how good I am and I chose
every crime I done I chose and when I
got on drugs I chose to get on drugs
just like when I got off drugs I chose
it it's all a decision I'm not saying
every circumstance is like that and
there's a lot of parts in the world it's
not but I've never tried to paint paint
the situation in any anything other than
that definitely a product of your
environment you know yeah so yeah well
that's the saying a that's exact that's
exactly it that's the saying what's this
here is this the community center
community center
yeah when I was younger in southeast do
programs for kids in night I don't know
look like it's very at the moment
clearly housing nice private
house it's mostly like this how we're
seeing the houses here this is this is
probably like um like a ton down version
like when you go like further streets
out like the houses are a lot nicer yeah
so there'll be a nice mode lawn you know
I mean nice house and then there'll be a
house like the grass is just high and
like you know I mean there oh yeah right
next door it yeah yeah yeah
yeah you can pretty much tell off like
how someone keeps their lawn yeah
whether whether they're in a good state
of mind or not true eh 100% yeah it says
a lot eh you're right he's the
line that's a good one he their lawn
shows their state of mind this Berkeley
West BR this is Berkeley West
West so this is this is housing here I
can see Department of Housing signage on
yeah like Sydney and like you see like
on in America and stuff they like got
like Turf related stuff y That's where
down here it's just like yeah pretty
much every for yeah yeah I you man I
wouldn't say there's much organized
crime down here at all you know
yeah it's definitely a lot cleaner than
like legol land especially than Legoland
yeah that's what I was saying I think a
lot of the stats yeah are based off um
like juvenal crime you know what I mean
y y y it's manipulated for them to
achieve what they want to achieve at any
point in time yeah if they want to start
working on Berkeley next bump the stats
up there's their commission to do it y
few more police in Berkeley few more
cameras hey D H
bro this is like we like a to cold the
sucks all all housing this is all
housing fun example
private private
private yeah yeah yeah and I guess
that's the secret to keeping a uh
athletically better around here that
they've done
all right
ilong ilong Flats these are notorious
Flats here
too hey what's spion what's your name
lad Blake oh are yeah are you from India
yeah yeah well they call this Ilan
Gardens beautiful name wonder if it
translates I heard this place is is got
a bit of a name bar well over at just
over at Lego Land oh Lego yeah yeah on
the ls are saying this is more Lego I
reckon yeah you know it's all it's all
compacted and that yep yep yep it's good
and [ __ ] but does it get hectic around
now sometimes it's got stabbed not long
ago bro oh really yeah in here in my
block oh really there's blocks here you
know block here block there yep
yep more blocks the last
blocks yeah yeah yeah is this like you
don't have to say if you don't want is
this like a hot spot for drugs or oh bad
badly yeah one on the [ __ ] oh really ice
ice heroin anything or even heroin eh
anyone yeah Lego bir you been there
you're going there next that's bad too
oh we know we just come from there yeah
yeah we just come from there um was
mingon yep we just come from mingon as
well yeah I'm originally from Milla
merilla yeah yeah and that's bad bro
like just I know like it was bad you
know back in 2009 and [ __ ] was real bad
like apparently the drugs were worse
than like in New York and that oh that's
it yeah but people just don't see it you
know like no one wants to put it on the
news you know yeah yeah buong BR like
it's a good area me to be honest you
know you reckon it's getting worse or
better to be honest
bro worse and better in different ways
you know yeah it's just more like
younger people coming up bro and they're
seeing the older older boys Y and they
want to follow their footsteps and that
you know but me personally bro I just
you know I want to you I want to be like
you bro you know get [ __ ] travel the
world one day you know oh that's mad bro
thanks for saying that l m I appreciate
[ __ ] me that's why I went past and I
was like I seen your e legit just
talking to my mate day about it y yeah I
was like yesel good man mad EV yeah yeah
it's good but fing how many blocks are
in here looks like there's a good 10 15
blocks are you yeah yeah yeah that's my
unit right there oh
yeah yeah it's different I remember yeah
what way kiss like the garden now seem
like oh they're nice now yeah it's it's
it's it's a spin out with just a little
bit of gardening can do to a place like
it's the difference between somebody
looking like Mad Max or somebody looking
like no that's Retirement Village just a
bit of
grass hey what are you
doing yeah good bro good how are you
what's your name bro Anthony BR yeah
same BR Anthony take care all right
bro who mainly Lees around uh in in
these ilong Flats like what's it what's
it made up for them is it families is it
people just getting out of jail Housing
Commission so me personally like you
know I was I've been for do that my
whole life you
and window oh someone just smashed the
window someone just I can say the smash
window yeah I remember coming back me
like back in the day just like just
comeing to get on like um it was was
pretty much nonstop here bro was it yeah
come the car par oh see someone oh yeah
in the paring that yeah back in the days
this was the spot a to get
on someone just smashed this look at the
glasses yeah I don't want to walk under
you get brick chucked on us Wonder know
what happened
there that's their bathroom yes what
what were you saying lad like continue
that Yar so my story you know my
personal story you know like being do
and you so you you went through all
docks as a younger kid yeah and then
like to Southern Heth like Youth and
Family Services
like you know because that's a family
service around here Wong so my sister
was in jail jail but I promised you know
to keep her out and then [ __ ] happen you
know shout out to Casey if she's
watching this but um yeah like just put
me in housing T that and then yeah put
me here it's really like if you're
homeless but I have nowhere to go you
know going to housing yeah if you're on
a list bro they'll either put you here
Lego you know oh so here or leg where
would you rather have got here or Lego
oh here here to be honest honest it
looks a bit nicer here oh yeah oh [ __ ]
look I just seen someone with a uh plank
of wood you say
that scared
the he see me duck bro someone's up
there swinging a plank of
yeah we'll keep walking before Charles
Manson comes down swinging at us yeah so
that's how that and is that that's a
common story of the people here is it
mostly Young people or uh mostly older
people mostly older bro what's going on
in that apartment though someone having
a bad day and just in a Horrors in their
louer way swinging just swinging around
the house as long as you got a roof over
your head but that's all that matters to
me you know yeah I'm like the best to
would by you know so [ __ ] y y a lot more
chill than back before huh back then
would have been you know so many just
running around by not a [ __ ] yeah hey
you live here alone or you your misses
by oh yeah do you yeah I'm only 20 years
old I've been living by myself since I
was 16 you know yeah
yeah yeah and when if you don't mind me
asking your parents are my parent my mom
just recently got out of jail oh yeah my
dad's just you know like you know just
always been on that like Dr criminal he
was never like bad you know when it
comes to he's never been a junky or
anything like that he just fing you know
like I seen a lot of like killings and
[ __ ] to be honest but you know like
growing up and seen bad [ __ ] but yeah
and that's how that's how he ended up in
that youth service and that yeah but is
it is but a lot of people go through
that sh yeah it's unfortunate but well
you're saying someone just got stabbed
down they were telling me the same thing
at Lego someone just got killed someone
got stabbed in your block yeah and then
some a lady got she got stabbed over a
pair of shoes no way she got stabed by
um the 13 and 12year old D bro for a
pair of shoes the 44 times 44 times 44
wow fire
out thank you way thank you for the Y
brother I appreciate
it thank you you to me hon man yeah
thank you thank you for saying that bro
glad you see it like that all the time
bro I'm always watching I'm watching
your Vlogs I was just going to put on
um the last Vlog that you put up uh on
the Vlog channel the car going into the
workshop yeah yeah yeah I was going to
wash that when I get over yeah mad all
right my brother good to meet you you
too all right bye take care keep doing
what you're doing later on Gardens lad
wonder what's going on in that
place I a little part of me wants to
know what's happening in that house I
hope everything's all right that's
him what you doing looking for you where
here you feel me brother
do what he doing going
fishing is he going fishing yeah hectic
what cuz the lake is here no we're going
to oh yeah yeah
man all right boys L us good luck with
the fishing all right bro what that's it
that's into the hood mangon Lego
Land ilong Flats yeah and Berkeley
Berkeley that's it bro that's into the
hood thank you kid
brother thank you
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