5 Times My Videos Went HORRIBLY Wrong…
TLDRيتحدث الفيديو عن تجارب غريبة واجهها صانع المحتوى خلال تصوير مقاطع الفيديو على مر السنين. يروي خمس قصص مدهشة لم يكشف عنها من قبل، تبدأ بمواجهة مع حارس أمني في KFC وتنتهي بمزحة مرعبة كادت ترسل والدته إلى المستشفى. تتضمن القصص الأخرى مغامرة في متجر بقالة، وزيارة لنفق مسكون، وتعرض لاختطاف محتمل في إيطاليا. يشارك المشاهدون لحظات من الخوف والمرح والتحدي، مما يجعل الفيديو مليئًا بالإثارة والتشويق.
- 📹 اليوتيوبر يحكي عن أحداث غريبة تواجهه خلال مسيرته التي تزيد عن عقد من إنشاء مقاطع الفيديو.
- 🍗 في قصة الKFC، يواجه اليوتيوبر شخصًا عدوانيًا يمنعه من التصوير ويبتعد به من الدخول إلى المطعم.
- 👮♂️ الشخص العدواني يMANDATORY اليوتيوبر على حذف اللقطات التي أ録ها وأنه سيضعهم تحت الاعتقال إذا لم يفعلوا ذلك.
- 🍎 في مقاطعة المتجر الغذائية، يختبئ اليوتيوبر وفريقه لń Purpose لتحقيق المتعة وعدم التعرض للخطر.
- 🇮🇹 في رحلة إيطاليا، يواجه اليوتيوبر وصديقه تحدياتًا مثل عدم وجود غرف في الفندق والصراع مع الأمانة في مكدونالدز.
- 🚇 في نفس الرحلة الإيطالية، يحاول شخص ما اختطاف صديق اليوتيوبر ولكنهما يتجنبا الخطر بسرعة.
- 🔮 يتحدث اليوتيوبر عن تجربة مثيرة بالقناة المزعجة التي يعتقد بعدها أنها ربط بالسحر الأسود.
- 🎃 يحكي اليوتيوبر عن مزحة كانت مدمرة جدًا لدرجة أن YouTube حذفت مقطعها بسبب تجاوز الحدود.
- 👻 يذكر اليوتيوبر قصة القناة المزعجة التي قام فيها بتصوير ممر خرافي وتجربة شحن سيارة أليotty RC.
- 👩 ي后悔 اليوتيوبر على إجراء بعض المظاهر التي أدت إلى تلقيها المشاكل النفسية والجسدية.
Q & A
ما هي القصة الأولى التي ذكرها اليوتيوبر في قصصه المذهلة؟
-القصة الأولى هي مواجهة اليوتيوبر في KFC من قبل أمن عدواني يمنعه من التصوير ويبتعد منه ويهدد باعتقاله.
لماذا توقف الشخص الغير معروف في KFC الyoutuバー من التصوير؟
-الشخص الغير معروف يزعم أنه لم يحصل على إذن المالك للتصوير، لكن في الواقع كان الyoutuبر قد زار KFC من قبل ويعرف بعض الموظفين.
كيف تعامل الyoutuبر مع الشخص الذي يهدد بهم في KFC؟
-الyoutuبر يحاول تخفيف الوضعية وتفسير ما الذي يفعله، لكن الشخص يستمر في قطعه ويهدد بتدبيرهم.
ماذا حدث في النهاية مع الشخص الذي يهدد بالاعتقال في KFC؟
-الموظفة في KFC أكدت أنهم مسموح لهم بالتصوير، مما أدى إلى تغيير نبرة الشخص وأصبح ألطف.
ما هي القصة الثانية التي ذكرها اليوتيوبر؟
-القصة الثانية هي عن تجربة الyoutuبر في تخفي في متجر للبقالة ومقابلة الموظفين في وقت النهار للمعرفة عن مشاعرهم.
لماذا يشعر الyoutuبر بأنه في خطر في القصة التي حدثت في KFC؟
-الyoutuبر يشعر بالخطر بسبب التصرفات العدوانية والصوت العالي للشخص الذي يهدد بهم.
ماذا حدث في الرحلة إلى إيطاليا التي ذكرها اليوتيوبر؟
-خلال الرحلة إلى إيطاليا، تعرض الyoutuبر لحادثات عديدة مثل ال실igner في الفندق ومحاولة التصوير في ماكدونالدز ومحاولة الاغتصاب في الشارع.
لماذا توقف الyoutuبر عن التصوير في ماكدونالدز في إيطاليا؟
-الyoutuبر توقف عن التصوير في ماكدونالدز بسبب الأمان ال严格 الذي يمنع التصوير.
ما هي القصة التي تحدث عن السحر الأسود في القناة؟
-القصة هي عن تجربة الyoutuبر في القناة المزعومة الم embra، حيث وجد صورة ملصقة على جدار القناة وعلق الناس في التعليقات أنها تمثل السحر الأسود.
لماذا تغيرت الفيديوهات التي قامت بها الyoutuبر في القناة؟
-الyoutuبر أعلن أنه يشعر بالحظ السلبي بعد ملامست الصورة الملصقة على جدار القناة، مما يemporary إلى التفكير في السحر الأسود.
ما هي القصة التي تحدث عن المزحة التي قامت بها الyoutuبر على والدته؟
-الyoutuبر قامت بمزحة تسمى "The Purge prank"، حيث جعل والدته تعتقد أنها في خطر في لحظة التنحي.
لماذا تم حذف الفيديو الذي قامت به الyoutuبر على والدته؟
-تم حذف الفيديو بسبب تغيرات في قواعد اليوتيوب التي تمنع المزحة التي يمكن أن تسبب خطرًا حقيقيًا أو يؤدي إلى تصور الضحايا أنهم في خطر جسدي.
📹 KFC Confrontation
The YouTuber recounts a tense encounter at KFC while filming a casual video. The situation escalated when a security guard confronted them, accusing them of filming without permission and threatening to arrest them if they didn't delete the footage. Despite the guard's aggressive behavior, the YouTuber tried to de-escalate the situation by explaining their intentions. The guard's attitude changed only after a KFC employee confirmed that they had permission to film. The incident left the YouTuber feeling threatened and highlighted the importance of respecting others' privacy.
👻 Grocery Store Overnight Adventure
In this paragraph, the narrator describes a memorable experience of spending the night in a grocery store as part of a challenge set up by the store owner. The video was popular, and the narrator returns to the store to interview night shift employees about their reactions to the unusual event. The employees, initially confused and scared by the noises, thought it might be a prank by a co-worker. The owner's intervention clarified the situation, and the employees found the incident amusing. The narrator expresses interest in doing a part two of the challenge, hinting at the possibility of another overnight adventure in the same store.
🔮 The Haunted Tunnel and Black Magic
The narrator shares a chilling experience at a haunted tunnel, known for its supernatural occurrences. While attempting to film with a remote-controlled car, they and their cousin, Noah, heard strange voices and encountered a picture of a woman that seemed to be part of some dark ritual. After touching the picture, the narrator began experiencing bad luck, including nightmares and physical injuries. The community's comments suggested that the picture might be involved in black magic, leading to a sense of unease and fear for the narrator, who had not previously believed in such practices.
🇮🇹 Troubles and Travel in Italy
This paragraph details the narrator's misadventures during a trip to Italy. After a long flight and facing issues with their hotel reservation, they explored the city, encountering strict security at a McDonald's that prohibited filming. The next day brought a high point with a Dolce and Gabbana fashion show, but the evening took a turn when they were harassed by an aggressive man near their hotel. The incident left them shaken and highlighted the challenges of navigating a foreign city without speaking the local language.
😱 The Purge Prank Fiasco
The narrator reflects on a controversial prank video that was removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines. The prank involved dressing up as characters from 'The Purge' and scaring the narrator's mother, leading her to believe she was in danger. The prank was initially popular but was later deemed too extreme by YouTube's updated policies. The narrator expresses regret for taking the prank too far and apologizes to their mother, acknowledging the potential for real harm in such pranks.
🎉 Fan Engagement and Future Plans
In the final paragraph, the narrator expresses appreciation for their fans and the support they've received. They enjoy sharing behind-the-scenes stories and insights through 'secrets' videos and are motivated to continue making them as long as fans are interested. The narrator also hints at a desire to travel and explore more countries, indicating a passion for creating content that involves new experiences and adventures.
💡Haunted tunnel
💡Black magic
💡Security guard
💡Dolce and Gabbana
💡Espresso shots
💡Purge prank
💡Community guidelines
A YouTuber recounts bizarre encounters over a decade of video creation.
The first story involves a confrontation at KFC with an aggressive individual claiming to be an authority figure.
The KFC incident escalated to threats of arrest and demands to delete recorded footage.
A grocery store challenge led to a fun experience with employees and the store owner.
Employees initially thought strange noises were a prank by a co-worker.
The store owner's support allowed the creators to film without issues.
An exploration of a haunted tunnel with an RC car led to a potential encounter with black magic.
A picture found in the haunted tunnel was associated with negative energy and black magic.
The creator experienced bad luck and nightmares following the haunted tunnel visit.
A trip to Italy resulted in a near kidnapping experience.
In Italy, the creators faced language barriers and aggressive locals.
A prank on the creator's mom, called 'The Purge Prank', was removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines.
The prank involved dressing up in Purge costumes and scaring the creator's mom, leading to a dangerous situation.
YouTube's policy update led to the removal of the prank video due to safety concerns.
The creator expresses regret and apologizes for pushing the prank too far.
The video concludes with a desire to share more behind-the-scenes stories with fans.
you need to delete it right now
as a YouTuber who's been creating videos
for over a decade I've encountered many
bizarre moments from an angry security
guard threatening us to a prank that
almost sent my mom to the hospital I
gathered five of the craziest stories
that have yet to be revealed starting
with number one confronted at KFC
alright we are back we are this was just
a casual film day we pulled up to KFC
Midway through the video Vibes were
great until this happened so we were
just filming at KFC Noah was trolling a
little bit I walk in I open the door for
him he doesn't come in typical Noah you
and he's recording me through the glass
and then you heard something right I
Heard a Voice in the background what are
you doing with that or like what are you
guys doing what's up
something like that I heard that like
you kind of instantly know what's going
to go down I immediately just told him
like I'm trying to sell the camera you
know what I mean we're selling it
we're selling it conversation over Noah
comes inside and Noah's like yo bro
someone's trying to press us right now
bro this guy's pressing us wait for real
and I'm in there confused because I
didn't hear that conversation so I'm
like wait what do you mean someone's
trying to press us are you serious I
thought Noah was joking all I hear is a
loud skirt and this guy just pulls up in
front of the KFC blocking the doors the
drive-through is right around the corner
Not only was he blocking the main
entrance no one could go through to get
food exactly he just stopped there
parked his car and he comes inside I
start talking to him because you know
I'm the YouTuber I kind of have to just
de-escalate the situation so I'm like
hey man it's my channel and he's like
I'm not even talking to you
okay oh okay sorry it's just because
it's my channel
no circumstances you go up to someone
and cut them off and make someone feel
secluded like me I was just standing
there and he's trying to talk to me the
whole time yeah that's where you know
the tone is set he starts going into
like you're not allowed to film that's
one thing we're gonna stop filming and
then he goes into and whatever you
already recorded you're gonna delete it
and I'm going to look at you delete it
or you're going to be placed under
and I'm like hold on calm down like I'm
trying to explain to you what we're
doing guys keep in mind all we're
filming is me ordering a KFC famous bowl
I've been to that KFC before so I
already know like some of the workers
there they're just watching this all go
down and I'm sitting there in disbelief
I told Noah to stop recording off camera
this guy's continuing to just yell at us
he's pressing us you better get out
right now I'm gonna smash your camera
like he starts talking crazy and we're
like okay hold on calm down this is the
one situation I felt like our lives were
in danger with how aggressive he was and
also his tone like it just felt like he
could have done something to us I'm
trying to talk to him and the worst
thing that I hate is like he's just
continuously cutting me off when I'm
trying to tell him like hey man this is
what we're filming I don't care what
you're filming put the camera away you
didn't get the owner's consent you
didn't get this I always try to consider
and I know you do too is like people
have their off days people have stuff
going on in their lives if he's going
through such a bad time for him to act
like that it kind of only shows what
he's going through it's just still not
an excuse to treat someone else like
that it would make sense if he came up
to us and said yo stop recording and
we're like we're not gonna stop
recording like we didn't talk back like
that we're just like okay sir we get it
like this and that and then he starts
talking about placing us under arrest
without even realizing what the hell
we're doing you know what I mean that's
insane he's not even a cop in those
situations it's pretty calm and quiet
around there so it's like you see
someone with a camera and he's probably
like yo it's my time to shine I'd pull
out my phone to record because at this
point guys I genuinely feel threatened
to the point where I actually wanted to
record in case he laid hands on it I was
really scared
in your location
outside to the inside and through this
property are you allowing them to do
that yeah he can do that thank you
he goes up to the worker and he's like
do you give them permission to record
his face is blurred out because
obviously we don't want to get him in
trouble we don't want to put his face
out there that's respect people's
privacy of course we're not about that
so when he asks if we're allowed to film
he Winks at the girl working for her to
try to side with him but you know what
the girl says yes they're allowed to
record and that just completely shut him
up he's like okay I just had to make
sure his whole tone changed he started
being nice I do remember too after he
was proven wrong he started ignoring us
he did we were trying to tell him like
yo bro like you have anything to say to
us you don't have to cause that for no
reason wait do you guys know that guy
well we call him when we have problems
with people yeah dude does he like sock
them in the face or does he talk to them
normally because I felt he makes them I
felt so threatened right now that I was
about to get punched in the face for no
reason like he ended up leaving he was
thanking the manager I just think he was
so bored and he saw three people go into
a KFC with a camera make sure we're not
going in there to you know like
embarrass employees or troll people like
that's totally fine the thing is you
went in there with a chicken a long time
ago guys I did a video like I think it
was who can gain the most followers in
24 hours and I went in with a live
chicken asking if I could get like a
free KFC sandwich or something now
imagine if the security guard was there
on that day he would immediately go
crazy and guys you got to realize when
things like that happen it really ruins
our day this kind of reminds me of when
the angry security guard at the mall got
in my face and was pointing in my face I
felt threatened there too get out of the
ball gave you permission to
I'm trying to just give money away like
this is we're not doing anything wrong
and they just instantly get triggered
right away I'm throwing it out there in
the universe right now I hope this never
happens to us again we hate getting
pressed we just want to have fun while
we film that's it number two the grocery
store aftermath honestly one of my
favorite videos of all time surviving
overnight in the grocery store bro that
was so much fun we literally had a
grocery store to ourselves and the owner
of the store set up the entire challenge
for us a lot of the comments were asking
us what were the employees reactions
like after did they think it was a ghost
did they think someone broke in for some
reason we just didn't record it why
didn't we after we successfully
completed our mission we honestly just
wanted to get out of there so we thought
it would be a cool idea to come back to
the grocery store interview some of the
employees that were there overnight to
see what they thought was happening it's
going to be so sick seeing it during the
daytime though like everyone that
watched that video saw it at night when
it was completely empty with just three
night shift employees bro it's a whole
different vibe already actually seen
people in here dang we were just in here
just doing flips around
we were hiding behind some stuff trying
to find golden items look for a gold
item if you can't phone in five minutes
come right back up okay
he almost saw me almost look at that
that was the window right there that we
were hiding all three of them are on the
left side of the store bro so you're
good to at least go to aisles one two
three or four but be careful I'm here
with two of the night shift employees
that were there that night malva and
basav all the supporters wanted to know
what you guys were thinking was
happening during the entire thing I know
towards the end the owner let you guys
know we were in here but before that
what did you guys think when you were
hearing a bunch of stuff I thought it
was my co-worker the other girl that was
with us because we don't really do night
shift a lot it's like once a month or
something like yeah yeah I was convinced
that she was like trying to pull a prank
on us that's hilarious what about you
yeah you guys were circling around at
some point and at one point
grabbed a stick we were so scared at
that point and we were like yo we
actually have to be really careful but
thankfully then the owner let them know
what we were doing what did you guys
think once the owner told you like oh
this is what's going down I was just
kind of confused still and it was like I
wonder who it is yeah yeah like when the
little car came out it was just like
funny like that was funny I'm gonna honk
the horn
okay but we won the challenge you guys
need to be better at that I'm not gonna
lie when you do other night shifts do
you ever hear stuff or do you ever think
this place is haunted sometimes I feel
like I hear like the rapper yeah yeah
like the rapper and it's like okay not
really but that night I was like kind of
convinced thank you so much if you guys
want a part two I'm down for that
another one in this grocery store then
I'll actually catch them this time then
she'll hit me with a stick yeah oh my
God all right good to see you I'm great
I'm great guys this is the owner of the
grocery store Pharaoh thank you for
setting up that fun challenge it was
insane and we actually didn't get caught
which is crazy that's awesome what was
the deal when we won we get to come in
whenever get anything whenever you
probably didn't think we were gonna make
it all the way so um I'm feeling some
tortillas today
um I think this should be good for the
day no get some more
sure hey this this is what Noah actually
opened in the video without us winning
oh my gosh you actually opened it I mean
we are in a grocery store love you thank
you so much number three black magic
before we get into this story if you're
watching this right now you do not claim
any negative energy from what you're
about to see or hear it was just a
typical film day we're gonna film a vlog
and we thought it would be a great idea
to go to the haunted tunnel with an RC
car I can't even count how many times
I've said I'm never coming back to the
haunted tunnel but this time I'm serious
I'm never coming back after this dude I
know a lot of people know what the
haunted tunnel is but if you don't know
it's literally a tunnel that's haunted
and that me and my cousin and a lot of
people that have gone there have
experienced some crazy stuff it is very
very dangerous and I always recommend
for people not to go there so a long
time ago I believe in 2016 I had made a
video I couldn't find the clip but I do
remember promising all my supporters
that one day I will take an RC car and
try to send it as far as I can through
the haunted tunnel and seven years later
I kept my promise and that's exactly
what the idea was so we get to the
tunnel and you have to make that long
walk down a hill before you finally see
it right off the bat when me and Noah
went down we started hearing voices from
the tunnel and that's already a huge red
flag that's definitely kids like it
sounds like they're far yeah maybe we
won't even go down there until they come
out I don't think they're gonna come out
come out soon
we're sitting at the top of the tunnel
waiting to see if someone's gonna come
out if these people seem dangerous
sometimes a lot of teenagers go down
there hang out with their friends in
there you just never know who's down
there so we're waiting it out we're
sitting and finally after about 15
minutes these two people come out of the
tunnel yeah they're filming the video
are they filming yeah they are filming
they just said to drop a like are you
serious I swear
explore the tunnel we're done no way
yeah like a face rug right there yeah
coincidentally they were just YouTubers
exploring the FaZe rug tunnel that's
what people like to call it we met these
two YouTubers by the way really really
nice people so this is where it gets
pretty weird as I'm talking to these two
people they told me that they noticed a
picture on the wall in the tunnel and me
of course being very curious I go up in
the tunnel and there's this picture
flopping down so I go up and I touch it
to lift it back up here wait what the
heck there was pictures me what the heck
is that what's going on what hold on I
didn't even notice that I don't know
what that means and it's a picture of a
random lady that's taped along the side
of the tunnel and it looked ripped and
burnt after that we did what we had to
do we took the RC car down the tunnel
got a banger video and uploaded it it
wasn't until I read the comments to
realize that I probably messed up
everyone telling me that that picture in
the tunnel is black magic so according
to this website this is what Blackmagic
means black magic also known as
witchcraft is usage of Supernatural
power for evil and selfish purposes and
to perform malicious practices to
destroy someone physically mentally or
financially it can be done using the
victim's hair clothes photo or looking
directly into eyes I'm not gonna lie
guys ever since I touched that picture
I've noticed some bad luck happening to
me I don't know if it's my mind just
playing games with me for example I've
been having these crazy feverish
nightmares where I literally wake up
sweating from how bad these nightmares
are and I never got that before that day
maybe maybe in the past I have I
experience sleep paralysis again and the
last time I did experience probably like
six months ago so again could be a
coincidence another thing too when I was
working out I literally hurt my left arm
it's very very sore but it's been like a
week and a half and I don't think the
soreness should last that long so I
definitely have to get it checked out I
honestly have never heard about black
magic until I posted that video I'm
literally getting the Goosebumps talking
about this because the last thing I want
is to be cursed so this is where I want
your guys's help I want you all to let
me know if I made a mistake if you guys
think that's black magic if people might
be over exaggerating or maybe it could
be a chain reaction someone said black
magic and everyone just added on to it I
am not fully educated about that topic
do the two pieces of black tape have to
do with anything was it just the burned
picture I just know that every time I go
to the tunnel I leave with regret yeah
I'm hoping I'm okay fingers crossed
number four kidnapped in Italy my boy
Noah you wouldn't have been here today
if you actually got kidnapped in Italy
okay let's rewind let's do it Noah and I
took a trip to Italy first time in Italy
we were super super hyped the flight
there 14 hours straight to Milan we got
there we landed in a little jet lagged
and we were making our way through the
city going to our hotel when we got
there we checked in first problem they
didn't have our room there's multiple
things that happened on this trip and
we're just gonna go through one by one
one and it'll lead up to the big story
we try to check in supposedly our room
is non-existent so we had to book
another room they said it's not going to
be ready for like three hours we have to
kill some time the one thing that I was
really excited about was McDonald's yeah
and other countries McDonald's has a
crazy menu so the first thing in my Vlog
I'm like bro we're going to a McDonald's
walk right in and I'm like oh my gosh
this looks crazy stop recording stop
recording secure started literally at
the front because I was like bro please
don't do this to us he was very very
strict on no it was like you're not
filming here and I'm like damn okay
whatever I'm not gonna film I just want
to get a cool Instagram story for the
pastries whatever I pull out my phone to
record this and he comes up and he's
like no recording I'm like bro I'm just
recording a story and he said no no
story no recording and I'm like not even
with the phone so I'm like all right
we'll just go to another McDonald's we
walk in we're filming everything's going
well we put in our orders security guard
comes up to us same thing do not record
you can't do this you can't do that
we're like okay fine we go upstairs we
go into a little corner and then we see
his like hat moving up the stairs he's
following us so we took the food outside
did our thing we're about to try a
chicken wing from McDonald's
this is not real that was that on
McDonald's do you start with the next
one please okay so it's the next day we
have a lot more to experience and we
ended up going to a Dolce and Gabbana
fashion show one of the coolest things
I've ever experienced and for you to be
front row I bet it was crazy I saw MGK
literally sitting right in front of me
right in front of us bro like that's
crazy bro shortly after that we decided
to finally have our first real Italian
meal we wanted all the pastas we wanted
Pizza Pizza it was everything that we
wanted and stupidly enough right after
our dinner we decided to wander off in
Italy by ourselves just me and Noah Noah
and I decided to split off on our own I
don't know why we can't speak Italian so
we're gonna try our hardest to make it
back to the hotel me and Brian decided
to go back to the hotel and to get back
to the hotel we needed to go on a subway
and we were trying to like navigate our
way because in the subway everything's
in Italian we're already going the wrong
way I swear we went that way bro no this
is gonna be bad and one of the guys
actually recognized Brian and said yo
like I'm a big fan why are you here why
are you in a Subway right now thank you
for the support you say you're from
London London when we somehow made it to
to our stop and realize that this is
where we needed to get off we got off it
was late at night and there's just
groups of people that are eyeing us down
as soon as we walk out of the subway
station we're walking back to our hotel
this is where it happens we're literally
within like 200 feet of the hotel like
the door is around the corner and this
dude comes up what do you think like
mid-30s I would say mid 30s and he kind
of like runs up we got through like
nothing happening luckily and we are
getting there and this guy was like the
guy to ruin it all this guy pretty much
like charges up towards us and he gets
towards Noah's face he's like what are
you doing what are you doing what are
you doing what are you doing really
aggressively for no reason and we're
still walking and like he's continuously
following us asking that yeah so imagine
he's walking as we're walking too like
side by side he ended up grabbing my arm
and like pulling she tried pulling Noah
away bro and Noah just literally was
like get the [ __ ] off he was grabbing me
so hard to the point where I had to push
him off and he finally got the memo
after he's like oh oh like bro like calm
down that makes no sense then after that
me and Noah just like speed walked
straight to the hotel and we're just
both in shock and disbelief and on top
that we're tired bro we literally
survived off espresso shots the entire
trip the jet lag that we had and like we
had no idea what's going on so the only
thing that was keeping us up was coffee
we were only there for literally two
days and that all happened I'm happy
that you're still here hey we're here
bro yeah of course bro bro that was
scary but we could have run into the
wrong person for real no for real it's
time to just see more countries I'd love
to travel the world more let us know
number five prank gone way too far for
those who don't know I pranked my mom
really bad to the point where it got
deleted off of YouTube I still can't
believe that happened honestly this was
one of my favorite pranks of all time
but I could see why it got removed off
YouTube and I crossed the community
guidelines for taking it too far I don't
know if you guys remember this prank
it's called The Purge prank oh even the
name now give me goosebumps this was
around the time where the purge was very
popular I was seeing a lot of videos of
other YouTubers pranking their mom they
were just playing that message in the
beginning where all crime is legal and
their moms would react right I decided
to take it a little step further and
actually have Dennis Brandon and my dad
dress up in Purge costumes and break
into our house I'm gonna have Dennis in
the garage okay he's gonna be hiding my
mom's gonna come through the garage and
my dad is going to be in the laundry
room at the end of the hallway and
Brandon's gonna be upstairs and I'm
gonna lead my mom into their directions
and then we're gonna be trapped at the
end so hopefully this goes as planned
and you know why I got so scared I never
seen The Purge before so my mom and I
were sitting in this very living room we
were casually just watching TV and then
that's where I rolled the emergency
broadcast message which went like this
test this is your emergency broadcast
system announcing the commencement of
the annual Purge any and all crime will
the 12 continuous hours what the nation
reborn may God be with you all
the purge
I'm not gonna lie with Sirens from The
Purge is probably the scariest sound
ever yeah but now it's playing in my
mind so the prank begins my mom is
freaking out I'm like oh my God what's
happening and then we tried opening one
of the doors and that's where Dennis was
already standing there and that's where
it got real that's where my mom
literally was running down the hall I
wanted to know like what you were
thinking in that very moment when you
opened that door and you saw someone in
a mask oh my God what's going on in this
reel I tried to escape from so many
places but I couldn't because there was
each place there was somebody blocking
that place for you so I end up in the
middle yeah my mom ended up in the
middle I don't think I'm able to play
the actual clip of where at the end
pretty much Dennis Brandon and papa rug
cornered my mom and my mom had no way of
escaping and then we ended the prank
right then and there so so I want to
give my explanation of why I took it
that far at that time I used to do
pranks a lot and I used to read so many
comments that I would end the pranks too
early so I was taking your guys's advice
and for The Purge prank I'm like you
know what I'm gonna take it as far as I
can so YouTube actually removed the
video in 2019 and it was uploaded in
2017. so it was up for two years but I
think the community guidelines added
more rules which made sense after I read
this email I'm like okay it makes sense
why it got removed but pretty much it
says we recently announced updates to
our policies around content featuring
dangerous pranks pranks that lead
unsuspecting victims to believe that
they are in physical danger or pranks
that can cause real physical harm are
not allowed on YouTube I mean you seem
to just be fine right up I wasn't fine
with you you got the chancellor I got
the chancla yup but then I was okay and
I'm Still Here Eminem
Ryan I was freaking in on the prank and
I was so scared when my mom was
literally on
literally I'm going to take my mask on
helper in the moment when you saw the
emergency message did you even think
that it could have possibly been a prank
I didn't only because you didn't know
what the purge was yeah and every time
he gave me a reason to believe that's
not a prank and he does it in a way that
there's no way you would think like it's
a prank I'm gonna let you guys know why
I haven't been doing as many pranks as I
used to it got to a point where there
could possibly be a real situation and
I'm like trying to tell my mom something
like oh Mom like I need help this and
that and she might think it's a prank
like the boy who cried wolf I was gonna
say it I believe it had like six million
views at the time it got deleted so of
course I was sad but then again I
understood why it got deleted what do
you say I'm sorry I'm sorry Mom I love
you well this was the end of the secrets
video these videos are so much fun
because I feel like it's just more of
like a one-on-one conversation with the
fans and letting them know an inside
scoop of what has happened on these film
days so we got thousands of stories so
of course if you guys continue showing
support and want to see these I would
love to make more I love you guys so
much and other than that it has been rug
Mama rug and we're out peace
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