Entire Case Company Built on Literal Theft
TLDR该视频脚本详细评价了一款名为Hype的PC机箱,指出其在设计和功能上严重抄袭了高度评价的Height Y60机箱。Hype机箱不仅外观相似,甚至连宣传材料和产品规格都存在抄袭行为。视频中提到,Hype机箱的散热性能差,构建体验倒退,且价格昂贵。最终,视频不推荐购买Hype机箱,并建议GameMax公司应该投入同样的精力去创造原创而非抄袭的产品。
- 🚫 该公司涉嫌抄袭,其产品Hype案例设计与Height Y60高度相似,但质量远不及原作。
- 💡 Hype案例在规格表中存在错误,例如前置IO功能描述与实际不符。
- 🔧 内部结构设计存在问题,如PCIe插槽盖容易损坏,磁性尘埃过滤器安装不便。
- 📉 Hype案例的散热性能极差,CPU温度高达89°,是测试中最糟糕的案例。
- 🔊 测试中发现,Hype案例底部的风扇会产生可听风声。
- 💾 该案例的硬盘安装位设计不合理,空间不足,且与电源线束位置冲突。
- 🌐 该案例的市场定位不明确,价格昂贵,但品质与性能不成正比。
- 🔄 该案例的营销文本存在抄袭,使用了与Asus相似但语法错误的口号。
- 🔧 该案例的构建体验不佳,感觉像是回到了10年前的产品。
- 🛠️ 该案例的设计细节考虑不周,例如玻璃面板的固定螺丝位置不准确。
- 📉 总体而言,Hype案例的性能和设计均未能达到预期,不推荐购买。
Q & A
-这家公司的产品设计被指控抄袭了多个品牌,包括be quiet、Jones、InWin、NZXT、Cooler Master、Corsair等。
Game Max的Hype系列机箱与哪款机箱相似?
-Game Max的Hype系列机箱与Height的Y60系列机箱非常相似。
-Hype机箱在多个方面表现得特别糟糕,包括机箱的构造质量、散热性能、规格表的错误信息、以及前面板USB Type-C端口的宣传不实等。
评论者对于Game Max的其他产品持何态度?
-评论者对于Game Max的其他产品持谨慎态度,因为他们担心这些产品也可能是抄袭的,并且不想支持这种基于他人成果建立名声的做法。
🚫 抄袭与品质问题:Game Max Hype机箱评测
本段落主要讨论了Game Max Hype机箱的抄袭问题和品质缺陷。视频中提到,Hype机箱在设计上大量模仿了其他品牌的产品,例如高度(Height)的现代美学机箱,并且在规格说明中也存在抄袭现象。此外,Hype机箱在实际使用中存在诸多问题,如螺丝和支架的低劣处理、玻璃面板的不匹配、PCIe插槽保护盖的一次性使用性质、以及顶部面板的凹陷等。评测者对Hype机箱的性能和设计表示了极大的不满,认为其不仅在外观上抄袭,而且在功能和品质上也远远不及原作。
🔧 设计缺陷与安装问题:Game Max Hype机箱的垂直GPU安装
这一部分详细讨论了Game Max Hype机箱在设计和安装方面的问题,尤其是关于其垂直GPU安装的缺陷。虽然Hype机箱模仿了高度y60机箱的垂直安装设计,但由于其离玻璃过近,导致了散热问题和现代高度冲突。此外,Hype机箱的PCIe插槽升降器兼容性问题、风扇安装位置的错误以及前置面板USB Type-C端口的问题也被提及。评测者还指出,Hype机箱的规格表存在错误,并且机箱的预装风扇配置与产品描述不符。
🌡️ 散热性能测试:Game Max Hype机箱的热管理问题
在这一段中,评测者对Game Max Hype机箱的散热性能进行了测试。结果表明,Hype机箱在散热方面表现极差,是他们使用2024年新测试方法测试过的最糟糕的机箱。CPU的散热温度达到了89°,而GPU的散热温度也有54°。此外,Hype机箱在VRM和内存散热方面也是最差的表现,与其他机箱相比,其性能明显不足。评测者还提到了Hype机箱底部风扇产生的风声问题,并对机箱的整体性能表示了强烈的不满。
💸 性价比与购买建议:Game Max Hype机箱的综合评价
最后一部分对Game Max Hype机箱的性价比和购买建议进行了总结。评测者认为,尽管Hype机箱在某些方面有所改进,但其整体性能和品质仍然不值得购买。机箱的价格过高,且存在明显的设计和性能缺陷。评测者建议,即使Hype机箱的价格降低,消费者也应该选择其他品牌的价值80美元的机箱,而不是购买这种仿制品。此外,由于Game Max公司的其他产品可能也存在抄袭问题,评测者表示对该公司的产品持保留态度,并建议消费者购买原创设计的产品。
Game Max的产品目录中几乎所有内容都是表面层次的抄袭。
Game Max的Hype机箱与Height Y60高度相似,使得其他抄袭设计相比之下显得较为尊重原作。
机箱的前IO面板声称具备USB Type-C接口,但实际测试中存在问题。
Game Max的其他产品设计也存在疑问,因为担心同样是抄袭。
评论建议Game Max应该投入相同的努力去做一些至少有些原创性的产品。
this company likes stealing things like
it's hype not not the height this is the
hype which as you can see is a modern
case just like Height's modern aesthetic
case with the
y70 and the y60 uh and this it's
actually it's a very interesting
catastrophe of a case ignoring things
like the fact that they got their own
stock fan counter on in the specs they
also borrow slogans and quotes for
example the Asus inspired but definitely
grammatically wrong created for those
who dare to win be gamer and then again
modern aesthetic case even the
description text is literally copy
pasted it says chamfered molding on the
top and bottom of the Chassy ground the
case visually and allows for glass-free
displays but not every statement is
stolen game Max is nowhere to change the
world for good with over 15 years of
experience creating PC cases with over
10 years experience creating PC cases be
ready be gammer and finally Diamond what
the what the
f we've criticized designs that have
been clear ripoffs before but maybe
we've been spoiled because most of the
ripoffs we've criticized have at least
been legally distinct today game Max is
here to show us what a real ripoff is
with the hype hyp case that looks nearly
identical to the height hyt y60 it makes
the game DS nisso P1 look like a
respectful homage and actually the the
game DS gc7 and the game DS gc4 actually
also the game DS gc3 and the the gc2
actually maybe we need to look at game
next but we're talking about hype today
and it really leaves us dumbfounded
because nearly everything in the game
Max catalog is at least a surface level
ripoff there's some be quiet style some
Jones bow or anad plenty of inwin a
touch of NZXT for style Cooler Master
Corsair cougar obviously lean Lee but
none of them crossed the line between
similar and blatant actual theft like
the hype does and some may be just
legitimate coincidences game Max has
made some cool designs with some strange
names but unfortunately we'd be
reluctant to review those in the event
that they are also stolen and actually
regardless we'd kind of reluctant to
review the
diamond Co in general that stands for
cooling and overclocking by the way and
they say it's
patented but why bother before that this
video is brought to you by Arctic and
the liquid freezer 3 which we've tested
using our standard methodology and found
to be one of the most noise efficient
CPU coolers on our charts the liquid
freezer 3 includes rise and offset
mounting to improve AMD performance and
uses a thicker radiator to further lower
the temperatures Arctic has priced these
competitively for aios and you can learn
more at the link in the description
below so this case has been somehow
around since September of 2023 according
to internet archive it's a over a year
after the y60 original came out which is
this case the one that has really gotten
critical Acclaim it's been wildly
successful for height the box was
already just an obvious enough ripoff
but that isn't even worth talking about
when we start looking at how bad the
case actually is this whole thing is
this monstrosity where it's like gmax
they didn't understand why height did
the things they did
this is kind of the the start to the
problems it's just this giant bulous
steel panel uh that kind of floats
around up top
here like that for the slotting
mechanism they're just using Phillips
head screws which is creative you
normally see more refinement from a case
that cost $150 though and again this is
even if you buy it cheap it's
10 or so on
AliExpress it's kind of expensive ripoff
inside they've got these kind of nasty
standoffs with screws to hold all the
glass panels in place Amateur hour stuff
disposable one-time use pcie slot covers
afterthought slapped on magnetic dust
filters that cover the holes we showed
earlier the top panel on our unit was
visibly caved in the screws holding the
cable bar were stripped to varying
degrees and the dust filter at the
bottom of the case is impossible to fit
correctly into the vent massive gaps in
between uh the glass paneling it's just
really uh not not form fitted okay there
we go now back to the incorrect spec
table it also notes that front IO
features quote buttons cool reset is
wired to the RGB controller out of the
box the lighting can also be controlled
with a remote or a motherboard header
but it frequently fails to respond to
the remote for mysterious reasons the
reasons are it sucks but my favorite
feature was there's some screws down
here and my first thought was maybe this
is like a dust filter or something but
no actually it does
this wait I didn't want it to go like
that there we go it does
that look at that the case has just
become 4 in
shorter and uh
it looks like we could maybe even hack a
little more off still it actually looks
nicer yeah I agree it does kind of look
better this way getting getting rid of
all the misaligned metal this whole
thing is just going to be an extended
piss take by the way the height y60 was
designed with vertical man that is so
much easier compared to what I've been
doing for the other one uh it was
designed with vertical gpus in mind you
can see that here they include a riser
they built it and shaped it in a way
where the card is out of the
way hype also has vertical mounting
unfortunately this is very close to the
glass so this is going to produce about
the worst possible result additionally
it is located so close to the fan Mount
that gpus of any modern height conflict
with it so we couldn't fit uh our own
testing card in here it's unnecessarily
tall they don't include a riser and even
if it had worked the performance would
have sucked just because the vertical
Mount is as close as possible to the
glass panel restricting GPU air flow and
pulling the PCI Riser cable across the
bottom case vent to also completely
block it and the best part is game Max
cells drop in mounting kits that aren't
compatible with this case because the
bars between the expansion slots don't
allow it to fit the y60 meanwhile has
only low profile horizontal expansion
slots in order to keep its width down
the hype has full size horizontal slots
making it even wider than the y60 which
was already wide the hype doesn't take
advantage of this extra width and any
way and it actually has reduced fan
support versus the y60 with exclusively
120 mm mounts in all the locations
according to the spec sheet but the spec
sheet is wrong uh again they actually
have a set of 140 mm mounts under oh
these some of the ctive one that's nice
look at that the screw stayed in there
all right it has some 140 mounts for
fans uh in these rails over here now we
get to the front panel
which game Max says is up to date with
USB type-c and the the best part of this
is they say that's capable of 10 gbits
per second which they say is quote 20
times increasing versus 5 gbits per
second and I don't know what that
means but if it's supposed to be for the
rest of the front panel this USB 3
header is singular it stands alone
despite using a
full usb3 cable to connect to the
motherboard so uh you can get two out of
but why why do two on the game Max
product page the hype is listed as
having three pre-installed 120 mm argb
Vans two beneath the floor and one at
the back of the case and it's not true
for the hype that's the stock fan
configuration of the y6d whereas the
hype shipped to us with two side and one
rear exhaust so that's all three as
exhaust fans and it's not a mistake cuz
we bought the case on Amazon and new EG
actually has the same product
description and that's all repeated
there are also small ripoffs too like
game Max uses the phrase premium
midtower ATX PC case which isn't unique
to height but it is the title of the y6s
product page let's find some positives
though there's a generic GPU support
that looks sturdy enough the metal side
panel is technically ventilated and the
infinity mirror fans look nice although
you can find similar fans at very low
prices on AliExpress also there are
touches of construction quality in
sparing places like snaps on the side
panels and some captive thumb screws
sometimes rubber washers but not all of
them are captive they also ship a decent
number of loose velcro ties in the
accessory kit and that's pretty much it
the case has some neutral aspects
nothing worth calling out for PR though
building in this case felt like a
throwback to 10 years ago but that's
partly because we don't often scrape the
bottom of the budget Barrel at least
other than the DIY PC z o we reviewed a
while ago and weird one-offs like the
cool man 3body and the seot tap EDI the
EDI is maybe the best comparison because
although hype is built cheaply it's not
cheap but at least the z o had going for
it that it was like $23 at the time and
the seot EDI is cool and different The
Cool Man 3 body is as the name suggests
also cool otherwise it'd be illegal you
can't just name it that if it's not cool
uh but those were different and this
just isn't but this is a new case and it
must have required brand new tooling to
be able to mimic the y60 this way which
just seems like it'd be more expensive
and difficult than designing an original
product I'm going to throw this over to
Patrick now who worked on this review
and has some additional thoughts some
aspects of the hype seem like they were
copyed without actually understanding
the original case so for example we have
a typical two chamber case design here
with the height y60 which means that the
power supply goes down here and two 3.5
in or 2.5 in drives can go here and in a
lot of dual chamber cases you can maybe
swap these or have two power supplies
meanwhile in the hype we have power
supply down here and nothing this is
just empty space there's a slot for a
single 2.5 in drive to be mounted to the
back of the case the only drive mounting
in the case other than that is on this
cable bar here um this is something that
it shares with the Leon Lee family of
cases this cable bar with mounting on it
and it just sucks there's not enough
space there's not enough space for the
drives or the cables crucially the o1
family of cases the 11d uh the newer o
11d Evo they have other Drive mounting
options in the hype this is all you get
cable bar and 2.5 inch on the back now
we're going to get into the testing so
uh this is going to be fun it'll be kind
of like a workout for our new case test
bench uh I'll get to experiment with
some numbers see if if our new bench
methodology allows for enough range for
a truly terrible case to still show its
full potential of how much it sucks and
uh that's what we're going to get into
now so we'll be going over to thermals
some Acoustics and then we'll we'll wrap
this thing up
the conclusion will surprise you if the
hype has a chance anywhere it's here
because being a ripoff doesn't mean it
has to have bad throwing performance and
the real height y60 was weak in this
area we did some tests with the two side
fans moved to the bottom as intake in
Imitation of the y60 but we weren't able
to completely copy the y6s layout
because the vertical GB amount and the
hype is not designed in a way
unfortunately that's compatible with our
hardware and we had to supply our own
Riser cable we'll start with noise
normalized thermals which puts all cases
on the same plane Feld by reducing their
included fan RPM until the total system
noise hits a 31 DBA threshold in our
heana coake chamber this is done with
the included case fans only the first
result is for CPU thermals in a torture
workload the best case on this chart was
the torrent at 46.4 De CI over ambient
the height y 60 shows a massive increase
in thermals as compared to the best of
the best on this chart allowing almost a
10° climb from the torent that's a huge
Swain but we already knew that the y60
only ever achieved acceptable
performance previously and was rarely
among the best the hype however uh is
actually terrible it's officially the
worst case we've tested with our 2024
methodology we debuted a couple weeks
ago so congratulations this case is the
reason why we had to so carefully tune
the testing it actually helps us to have
a case so bad because any hotter and
we'd be in throttling territory which
limits how much visibility we would have
into its suckitude because it would be
capping The Thermals at 66.6 de over
ambient its result is appropriately
numerically representative of the
temperature inside the case which is
hell for the CPU at about 89° when
including ambient even for a copycat
this area of performance has no excuse
for being so bad the GPU thermals on the
same test have the hype down at 54 degre
over ambient the range for these tests
is generally fairly tight between the
average cases with most in the 45 to 48
degree range and the best in the low 40s
the open air testing shows just how
restrictive modern power Splash routs
and panels can be the GPU intake but the
hype result is at the bottom Heights y60
the real one is predictably limited here
as a result of the vertical mount
something we talked about in our review
of the case but it's still at least
acceptable for seeding a card back as
far as possible but the hype case just
completely drops the ball especially
considering this is one of the key areas
of change from the y60 this chart
includes one of our new tests that we've
been excited about with our case review
rework includes vrm thermals so that
helps show the top of the case and gives
us insight if it becomes a hot spot it
also shows the ddr5 ram thermals with
the SPD Hub the hype continues to
impress it manages once again to be the
absolute worst performer on the chart
despite copying a case that was at least
near the average in this test the mosfet
we measure ran at 38° over ambient in an
absolute sense that's fine it's not bad
for that mosfet but in the relative
sense that makes this case 10° worse
than the best on the chart and nearly
six degrees worse than it's inspiration
the y6d memory temperatures are also
massively increased here with a
ginormous jump from the previous worst
on the chart to the pop air to 31° over
ambient that's about 10° hotter than the
y60 that means if you're running
particularly hot memory or you were
trying to overclock while buying a
ripoff case for some reason then you
actually might limit the head room for
the memory now will increase the fan
speeds of the case fans to 100% on all
tested cases leaving the GPU and the CPU
fans controlled looking at GPU thermals
the hype case despite having absolutely
terrible CPU thermals in this test not
shown here managed to at least tie with
the height y 60 for GPU thermals moving
to bottom intake instead resulted in a
better outcome for the GPU which makes
sense since it gets it closer to the
card for intake and we actually get some
fresh air flowing into the case in a
controlled way but even still as the
hype fails to even understand the
mechanical attention to detail of the
height case to smaller details it also
fails to deliver better performance but
it still costs 110 to $ before shipping
and shipping was as high as $200
depending on what site you buy it from
for us it was just 150 total but there's
simply no reason to buy this case it was
however a great workout for a new case
testing methodology one note we found
was that the Hypes fans in the bottom of
the cas caused an audible rushing sound
of wind because of all the layers of
Steel and mesh the conclusion won't
surprise you this was an extended piss I
said earlier and uh the case is not
something we can recommend it's too too
expensive to be a worthwhile knockoff
even if they sold it for 80 bucks you'd
be better off buying a legitimate $80
case or a different knockoff for $80
that at least tries to do some things
kind of well so uh this it's weird
because it's not our job to defend the
honor and the intellectual property and
the Integrity of the IP of the companies
whose cases we review and it's not your
job either but even in a vacuum this
case is just bad enough that you
shouldn't buy it anyway if it were the
first of this design type it still
wouldn't do well uh and actually it
appears to be getting scrubbed from
retail sites at least in the US that we
visit as we've been working on this
review and maybe for a good reason but
even still with regards to the literal
copy and pasting of marketing text and
everything else in the US at least it's
definitely theft of intellectual
property and there's probably an
argument for being confusingly similar
but they don't operate in the US and
it's extremely unlikely height would
ever pursue a company internationally
especially when that lawsuit is unlikely
to yield anything that matters but
there's a lesson here there is actually
something valuable that comes out of the
end of uh relentlessly making fun of
this thing for the last 20 minutes or
whatever this has been and the lesson is
that we really do mean it when we say
the effort put into this copy is still
high enough that that same effort should
have been put into making anything else
that that's at least somewhat original
and and then trying to make a name for
game Max that isn't based on someone
else's name because and we really do
mean this it's actually unfortunate now
that because of this experience with
this case and seeing some of the other
blatant ripoffs uh we don't feel
comfortable reviewing any of game Max's
products because we can't be certain
that they haven't just stolen it from
someone and if it's not a design that's
extremely wellknown like the y60 is it's
possible you stumble across something
you go oh wow that's actually a pretty
cool design maybe we'll give them
another shot uh up
until the fact that again we have to
consider based on their history they are
probably just stealing the ideas the
line with copycats and follow on in the
industry is pretty gray and murky you
see it all the time with the and all the
Clones that came after that and the ones
that are now following the Y6 but in
this case the line uh game Max has gone
so far past it that is 100% clear
exactly what this case was trying to be
and so anyway uh the the take-home
lesson if we try to apply one to
something like this
is just just try if you're going to do
anything like this just just actually
make something new so that's it for this
one it was kind of fun to work on just
because I I don't know I I feel like I
uh I went back in time about 15 years so
uh if you have other cases like this you
want us to look at at post them in the
comments and we'll buy
them whether it's worth the money or not
and thanks for watching subscribe for
more go to store. Gamers x.net to help
us out directly we'll see you all next
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