I bought Dresses from Instagram that look TOO GOOD to be true
TLDR这个视频是一个服装品牌评测,主持人购买了一个名为Amari Angel的品牌的几件连衣裙和一个神秘盒子。她试穿并评论了每一件衣服的款式、面料和尺寸。总的来说,这个品牌的衣服看起来与网上的宣传相符,质量也不错,价格适中。尽管有一些例外,但她对大多数衣服都比较满意。神秘盒子里有一些她喜欢的连衣裙,但也有一些质量较差的衣服。她打算保留自己喜欢的衣服,其余的则准备赠送给观众。
- 😊 主播评论了一个名为Amari Angel的在线服装品牌,该品牌提供各种款式和颜色的连衣裙。
- 🤑 该品牌在Instagram上运营广告推广,有20多万的关注者,但用户互动较低。
- 🛍️ 主播在该品牌网站上购买了多件连衣裙,价格从10美元到80美元不等。
- 👗 主播试穿了几件不同款式的连衣裙,对部分款式的质量、剪裁和性价比表示满意。
- 📦 主播还买了一个"神秘盒子",里面有一些随机的服装单品,她对其中的樱桃图案连衣裙印象深刻。
- 💰 总的来说,该品牌的产品性价比一般,部分单品物有所值,但也有一些不太满意。
- 🎁 如果观众看中任何单品,主播表示可以将其无偿赠送给他们。
- ✨ 主播鼓励观众持续向她推荐有趣的在线服装品牌,以供她在视频中试穿和评测。
- 📹 这是主播的一次Instagram服装品牌评测视频,旨在分享她的真实购物体验。
- 🤔 主播对该品牌的总体评价是中立偏positive,认为部分单品物超所值。
Q & A
-这个视频是一个服装品牌评测,主持人购买了一个名为Amari Angel的在线服装品牌的各种连衣裙和其他服装,并在视频中试穿并评论这些服装的质量、风格和价格是否物有所值。
Amari Angel品牌的产品在视觉上给人什么印象?
-根据主持人的描述,Amari Angel品牌的很多服装在视觉上看起来非常漂亮,设计精美别致,如那件珍珠连衣裙、玫瑰装饰礼服等,会让人对它们的外观有很好的第一印象。
-主持人认为Amari Angel品牌的服装价格总体来说还算合理,大多数单品售价在40-80美元之间,对于它们的外观设计来说属于相对实惠的价位。不过也有一些单品在她看来价格有些小贵。
主持人对Amari Angel这个品牌的总体评价如何?
-总的来说,主持人对Amari Angel品牌还是比较满意的。她认为大部分服装实物与网站图片吻合,质量尚可,相对于价格来说是物有所值的。她打算留下几件自己比较喜欢的衣服,其他的打算送人。
-所谓"神秘包"是Amari Angel网站上出售的一个服装"盲盒"产品。主持人以50美元的价格购买了一个包含5件服装的神秘包,里面的款式是随机的。
除了这个Amari Angel品牌,视频还提到了其他品牌吗?
-是的,主持人发现神秘包里的衣服标签上印有不同的品牌名称,如Lush BJ、Privy、Lome和Symphony等,看来Amari Angel网站在销售多个品牌的产品。
-是的,主持人在浏览网站时提到Amari Angel网站上几乎所有的衣服都在促销状态。所以她认为如果折扣价格能一直保持的话,这个品牌的性价比就会更高。
👗 检查疑似夸大广告的网店
这一段话首先介绍了一个名为 Amari Angel 的网店,它出售一款名为 Pearl 连衣裙。视频作者打算评估这家网店是否可信。她首先检查了该品牌在 Instagram 上的账号和评论,并没发现任何引起疑虑的迹象。接着她浏览了网店的网站,发现除了 Pearl 连衣裙外,还有许多其他款式的服饰。她最终选择了一些商品进行购买测试,包括 Pearl 连衣裙、一件 Romper 连体短裤、一个神秘盲盒和一些较贵的连衣裙。
👗 细致评测网店的实际商品
在这一段中,作者收到了她从 Amari Angel 网店订购的商品。她逐一试穿了每一件衣服,并对质量、尺码和实际效果进行了评估。总的来说,她对大多数商品的实际效果还算满意。Romper 连体短裤和 Pearl 连衣裙虽然尺码偏小,但设计不错。最贵的 64 美元连衣裙赢得了她的钟爱,因为布料好且设计别致。不过,价格在 50 美元以上的连衣裙,她认为质量并不值那个价钱。至于神秘盲盒里的衣服,她对其中一两件感兴趣,但总体来说并不太满意。
👗 对该网店的总体评价
在最后一段,作者总结了对于 Amari Angel 网店的评价。总的来说,她觉得这家网店还算可信,商品的实物与宣传图片大致相符。她打算留下自己中意的几件衣服,其余则会赠送给他人。她建议如果观众发现任何有趣的网店,都可以推荐给她,因为她会在评测后赠送部分商品。最后,她邀请观众观看她的其他试衣视频。
💡Amari Angel
介绍了一个名为Amari Angel的在线服装品牌,该品牌在社交媒体上广告宣传一款名为Pearl的连衣裙。
对50美元的Bad Gal连衣裙赞不绝口,设计漂亮,价格实惠。
总结性地对Amari Angel这个品牌给出了正面评价。
today we have what looks to be another
too good to be true dress business quite
a few of you have sent me this brand in
particular so I'm guessing they are
bombarding you with that particularly
for this Pearl dress which is very
beautiful comes in a bunch of different
colors it honestly looks really
beautiful and like it will be very
flattering on a bunch of different body
types and it's $40 which is not bad
price-wise so let's check it out okay
the brand is called Amari Angel so let's
investigate their Instagram first of
course the Pearl dresses right on top in
a pinned post okay 14,000 likes but they
are running it as an ad
204,000 followers it looks like most of
their posts they have likes turned off
not a ton to go off of in the comment
section okay here's some real comments
yeah I mean I'm not seeing any really
concerning comments that are like
where's my order so that's a good sign I
guess engagement is a little suspicious
the suspicious Brands always have the
same bios too with like the
emojis I don't know okay we're going to
try it though okay time to check out the
website here it is um it's pretty basic
I would say they have some cool stuff
though aside from just the Pearl dress
so we have no idea where this brand is
from Will my credit card information get
stolen will my order ever show up oh
that Valentine's dress is fun ooh this
one that's cute we got three size
choices I love that go with the biggest
one hope for the best Okay so let's get
one of those it's giving dress is kind
of fun this like satin coret top and
then the rouched bottom yeah that could
be cute rude okay maybe not okay we've
got some like actual prom dresses here
this one's kind of cool these sparkly
roses on it that's on the more expensive
side $80 the question is as is with most
of these websites are these actually
their pictures they have a mix of just
these ones taken on a plane wall and the
girl has the same necklace on it
basically all the pictures and then
we've got the same girl in front of this
like Christmas tree so either they took
all of these photos from the same place
or they actually took all these photos
I'm not going to lie I'm really scared
about the sizing so I'm going to check
out their plus size section wow that's
that's it great oh this Romper is only
10 bucks well let's throw one of those
in okay one two and 3X is their
plus-size section look at this with the
Roses on the bag that's kind of cool I
think we should get it wait mystery
bundles should we get one okay we can do
three five or seven items let's go five
50 bucks for five items that's pretty
good okay I think we've got a good mix
of very cheap little bit expensive a
mystery box uh this should be fun all
right I'm going to check out and then I
will see you guys in a couple weeks well
a couple seconds for you guys but a
couple weeks for me all right it's a
couple weeks later and gang's all here
at least I hope so we've been running
into a lot of issues during videos where
they send like a partial order and then
never send the rest so hopefully this is
everything it
looks like a kind of a lot of dresses we
got a free scrunchie that's nice I guess
it doesn't match any of the dresses but
I mean they're feeling flimsy but to be
fair a lot of the dresses I got are like
mini dresses
so okay I'm assuming this is our mystery
bag it's going to be interesting guys
for good or for bad starting off with
our cheapest clothing item our $10
Romper this is a
2XL I mean I hope it fits it's looking a
little small for a 2XL but um let's try
it on okay so the design of this Romper
is primarily elastics everywhere
realistically this could fit like a size
medium to probably a size 2 or 3 XL
honestly it's kind of a brilliant design
in that sense that it could fit so many
sizes I kind of like it I'm not going to
lie it's actually a pretty good length I
like that it gives the illusion of being
a little like summer dress but it's
shorts so you get the functionality
there we're off to hello what was that
you want to go out of here you're done
with this haul okay Leo's not impressed
but I am yeah for 10 bucks I'm
interested to see how the products that
they're charging $50 for compare but
okay the next one cuz I'm going least to
most expensive the famous Pearl
dress it's looking like the pictures
this was $44 pretty much everything is
on sale on the website right now maybe
it always is yeah let's see how this one
looks okay here is our Pearl dress it's
little like I accidentally sized up in
the Romper I probably should have
accidentally sized up in everything from
this haul it's cute though like I like
the texture of it I feel like the uh
Rouch of it is very flattering the
pearls are actually nice these tiny
little straps scare me a little bit
because it's literally just the mesh
like rolled up a little bit and sewn so
potentially dangerous but yeah I would
say it's honestly more realistic to the
Instagram than I thought it would be
it's given a little waist snatch nothing
too crazy but I wish I would have gone
like one more size up but it's cute is
it $44
cute maybe okay next dress the Bonita
dress okay this one is kind of similar
Vibes $48 though do you or do you not
feel Bonita I don't feel that Bonita I
don't know I just don't like this slit
situation it's not it's just weird um
the cups are also not nearly as big as
they should be for me and not my
favorite not bad on somebody else I feel
like this would actually be a super cute
dress we're also nearing that line like
our dresses from now on are over $50 and
while these were under $50 I was like
okay not bad not bad but unless we see
some decent quality upgrades in these
next ones it's a little iffy for me but
yeah here's the Bonita dress I really
like the style with the little Ruffles
on top once again the Rouch is super
cute I don't know I just don't think
this one's made for me but let's see if
the Bad Gal dresses it's $50 okay this
one might be my favorite so far it's
actually a good L the top fits great the
back has like a cute little crisscross
tie detail I like this this is a good
like a prom or like a fancy event pretty
affordable option for 50 bucks this
really isn't bad and I really like the
flowery sequin detail now this one's
cute this is going better than I
imagined it would be to be honest I'm
actually pretty excited for the next one
I think it will also be fun but I don't
know guys as long as they stay on sale
for these prices it's pretty decent also
um I was like watching back my shopping
footage and I realize this brand follows
me on Instagram which is kind of weird
they've never reached out or anything
though this is not partnership with them
by any means so far so good Amari angel
angels all right the next one is $64 and
it's the draeden Roses dress and it
looks exactly like the name says oh my
gosh no I really like this one the
Fabric's nice it's like a little bit
thicker of a fabric this neckline with
the halter is super fun once again the
length is good you can wear heels with
it still plenty long okay I need a girl
on The Bachelor to wear this dress cuz
imagine it she walks up and meets The
Bachelor and she's like hi my name's
Kate and he's like wow so good to meet
you and then she says I'll see you
inside and then she turns around to
reveal the cute little roses on the back
I'm kind of obsessed with this dress not
bad once again I hope the prices stay
this low but this is fun this is
probably going to be the winner for me
cuz I love
it look how cute it
is super duper doesn't care okay oh
we've got one more more expensive than
this and this fabric looks fun is this
the most expensive oh I got it backwards
the light pink was actually the most
expensive I liked it better when I
thought it was 50 but this is actually
the Bad Gal $50 one so sorry okay here
we go this is cute imagine this back
when I have my blonde and pink hair this
would be fire okay 50 bucks pretty cute
if you ask me I would say out of all the
mini dresses this one is definitely my
favorite we' got that rou I think the
neckline is just so cute and flattering
and this sparkly pink fabric I really
like this one quality-wise it's like
borderline not worth $50 but it's still
fun most of these tags are a different
brand we've got Lush BJ what privy privy
lome and Symphony so really this place
is just basically a boutique of a bunch
of different brands but yeah so far I'm
not mad like I don't feel lied to with
any of these dresses they definitely
look how they were promised I wouldn't
say they're like a screaming deal but
you know it could be a screaming deal
our mystery bag that's coming up okay
first item is what the heck is this oh
it's a little
dress interesting wait that one's
actually really cute with the cherries
it's like a meshy fabric see that's the
thing with these is like if you get one
thing that you really liked I don't know
it's still not quite worth it like $50
for one dress you like let's keep going
let's keep going oh cute again okay no
there's two at least two that I like um
we also have plain black top not bad
last the what is a set so yeah little
tie crop top and I'm guessing that's a
skirt this is such cheap fabric I'm not
going to lie okay so the brown things
I'd probably never wear but the black
okay probably not the black top either
but the Cherry dresses those are cute I
I don't know if it was worth $50 to get
both of these but I don't know that's
the thing with mystery boxes is it's
just you pay for the fun of the mystery
sometimes I'll try on the Cherry dresses
for you all right Cherry dress number
one there's not a lot to it but I feel
like layered and accessorized the right
way it could be cute I don't know like a
leather jacket some fun boots it's just
kind of like why 2K fun all right Cherry
dress number two low key might be my
favorite dress out of the entire haul
it's just so comfy the lengths good you
got the little like embroidered Cherry
it's cute not bad I feel like liking
half the things in the package is a win
in a way cuz it could have all suck all
right well final thoughts for this brand
I'm definitely keeping a few of the
dresses and then I'll probably give the
rest of them away to you but overall
fairly realistic somewhat worth the
price I'd say this was a win though as
always if you ever see any other twoo
good to be true brands or just brands
that you find interesting make sure to
tag me in them or send them to me really
this is like a hack because you know I'm
going to give a lot of it away so if you
see something you like send it my way
make sure to check out my other
Instagram Dress reviews if you haven't
been watched those yet and we'll see you
in the next video
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