I wasted $1,000 on old junk at the Apple Store!
TLDR这段视频讲述作者前往苹果商店购买了一些古老、陈旧的配件,包括USB超级驱动器、2013年的Mac Pro锁定适配器、仿制苹果设计的声波牙刷、iPad Pro相机适配器、Mac Pro车轮、30针笔记本插头、双USB-C 35W电源适配器、EarPods有线耳机以及MagSafe 1转MagSafe 2适配器。作者诙谐地吐槽了这些配件的存在意义,认为它们已过时,无法满足现代需求,苹果应当淘汰或升级这些产品。该视频娓娓道来,引人入胜。
- 😲 苹果公司仍在销售一些自 2008 年以来从未更新过的陈旧产品,例如 USB SuperDrive 光驱和第 30 针端口数据线。
- 🤯 一些仍在销售的配件已经过时且不再适用于最新的苹果产品,如 2013 年废弃的 Mac Pro 配件。
- 😍 Liven Wave 牙刷在设计和功能上深受苹果启发,但价格实惠,是一款出色的竞争产品。
- 🤔 尽管存在一些明显的缺陷和过时的设计,但苹果仍在售卖 Lightning 转 USB 3 相机适配器。
- 😲 令人震惊的是,Mac Pro 车轮的售价高达 700 美元,虽然制造精良但明显被炒作了。
- 🙄 部分国际版充电器设计笨重,功率较低,但与美国版没有价格差异,令人疑惑。
- 😌 EarPods 有线耳机虽然没有无线的便利性,但音质较好且价格适中,是一个不错的选择。
- 🤨 MagSafe 1 转 MagSafe 2 转接器虽然解决了兼容性问题,但售价 10 美元似乎有些高昂。
- 😕 总的来说,苹果在商店中销售一些古老和半新不新的配件,让人对其产品组合的规划存有疑虑。
- 💭 尽管批评有加,但保留这些配件也有其必要性,避免用户陷入无配件可用的困境。
Q & A
-据视频显示,苹果公司仍在销售一些延续至今的老产品,比如2008年推出的USB超级驱动器、2013年的Mac Pro垃圾桶安全锁适配器等。虽然这些产品有些已经过时,但苹果公司可能出于兼容性和部分客户需求的考虑,暂时还保留了它们。
Mac Pro垃圾桶安全锁适配器有什么特殊之处?
-Mac Pro垃圾桶安全锁适配器是一款2013年推出的金属配件,可以锁住那时的Mac Pro机箱,防止意外打开或被盗。尽管2013年的Mac Pro已经7年没有出售新机型,但苹果商店还在出售这种49美元的过时配件。
视频中提到的那款"liveen wave"是什么产品?
苹果为什么还在销售MagSafe 1转MagSafe 2的转接器?
-尽管MagSafe磁吸式充电接口在2022年已被MagSafe 3取代,但为了保持向后兼容性,苹果商店仍在出售这种2012年推出的10美元转接器。这样旧款MacBook用户仍可继续使用较新的MagSafe 2充电器。
🔙 關於 Apple USB SuperDrive 已經過時的批評
這段內容批評了 Apple 在商店內仍然銷售老舊超薄型光驅 USB SuperDrive。儘管它自 2008 年就沒有更新過,但售價仍維持在 79 美元,表現也令人失望。作者指出,即使在最新的 Mac 機型上,它都無法正常工作,是時候讓它退役了。
🔒 對 2013 年已停產的 Mac Pro 配件仍在售的困惑
這段講述了作者對 Apple 商店中仍在出售舊款 Mac Pro 配件的困惑。儘管那款垃圾桶形設計的 Mac Pro 已於 7 年前停產,但防盜鎖配件卻仍在銷售。作者嘲笑這個昂貴而又無用的配件。
🪥 贊同 Liven 牙刷優質設計和物超所值
這部分介紹並讚賞了一款第三方牙刷 Liven。作者讚賞其採用再生材料製成的豪華外包裝,還有出色的硬體設計和物超所值的價格。他認為它的性能可與市場上最棒的聲波牙刷媲美。
🔌 對 30 針連接線依然在售的反思
作者反思了 Apple 商店中仍在出售老舊的 30 針連接線的情況。雖然這種連接線早在 12 年前就被 Lightning 接口所取代,但它曾在歷代 iPod、iPhone 和 iPad 中廣泛使用。作者追憶了這種有趣而多功能的連接線的歷史。
📶 對 EarPods 有線耳機無法與時俱進的評論
這部分評論了 Apple 入耳式有線耳機 EarPods 已過時。雖然它自 2012 年推出以來就未曾更新,但 Apple 商店中仍有銷售。作者認為雖然它們的音質和麥克風表現不錯,但在無線耳機時代已無法與時俱進。他建議 Apple 該考慮將它淘汰了。
⚡ 分析 MagSafe 1 到 MagSafe 2 的轉接器設計細節
這部分詳細解釋了 Apple MagSafe 1 到 MagSafe 2 轉接器的設計原理。該轉接器允許舊款 MagSafe 1 充電器與新款 MacBook 的 MagSafe 2 接口相容。作者揭示了自動檢測充電器並提供足夠功率的內部機制。這也反映了 Apple 為了向下兼容而做出的努力。
🤨 對 Apple 商店中依然出售過時產品的疑惑
在這個結尾段落中,作者表達了他對 Apple 商店中仍在銷售諸多過時產品的困惑和不解。雖然保留一定存貨很正常,但過於古老的產品應當被淘汰。這也反映了 Apple 近年可能未對商店銷售產品組合進行全面審視。
💡USB SuperDrive
💡Mac Pro 安全锁适配器
💡闪电至USB 3相机适配器
💡Mac Pro轮子
The USB SuperDrive, first launched in 2008 with the original MacBook Air, remains unchanged and still sells for $79 despite being slow, not supporting Blu-ray, and having compatibility issues with newer Macs.
Apple still sells the Mac Pro security lock adapter for the 2013 trash can Mac Pro, which has been discontinued for 7 years, raising questions about why such an outdated accessory is still available.
The liveen Wave toothbrush, sponsored in the video, takes heavy inspiration from Apple's design and packaging but offers excellent performance and value as an ultrasonic and oscillating toothbrush.
The lightning to USB 3 camera adapter, designed for iPad Pro models, allowed USB 3 speeds and power delivery for accessories, proving that Lightning was capable of USB 3 speeds years before the transition to USB-C on iPhones.
The $699 Mac Pro Wheels kit, despite being exorbitantly priced, is a well-engineered and heavy-duty solution for adding mobility to the Mac Pro.
Apple still sells the 30-pin dock connector cable, which is now two generations outdated, having been replaced by Lightning in 2012 and USB-C more recently.
The $59 35W dual USB-C compact power adapter is a decent charger from Apple, but the international version sold in the US is larger, uglier, and more expensive for no apparent reason.
The iconic white EarPods, bundled with iPhones and iPods until AirPods, are still sold by Apple despite better and more affordable options being available from third-party brands.
Apple sells a MagSafe 1 to MagSafe 2 adapter, released in 2012, to maintain compatibility with older accessories, despite MagSafe being discontinued in favor of USB-C charging.
apple is often considered Cutting Edge
ahead of the game but I just got back
from my local Apple Store with a $1,000
charge applied to my credit card and
everything that I bought is ancient and
crappy and bizarre why did they still
sell some of this stuff let me show you
what I got and what better place to
start than with one of the oldest things
that Apple still sells in the Apple
Store the USB superdrive so in 2008
Apple launched the original MacBook Air
it had this grandiose unveiling that you
probably remember Steve shops pulled it
from a manila envelope it was an
incredible demo and frankly a bit ahead
of its time I mean the MacBook Air was
kind of largely a failure until the 2010
redesign part of that was thermals part
of that was the generalized form factor
but a big part of it was that in order
to fit it inside that amazingly small
envelope they had to ditch the disc
drive which in 2008 was still a pretty
bold move so Apple needed some way to
offer some sort of CD or dvd support now
somewhat futuristic and what they talked
about at the keynote was something still
available in Mac OS 10 today remote disc
which allowed you to use a separate Mac
or PC's disc drive and then access the
contents of the disc remotely over the
network via Wi-Fi on your MacBook a it
was kind of cool but the reality is
people that were working with lots of
discs just opted to use Apple's USB
superdrive instead this thing oh this
thing has been in its package Lan so
long I just ripped the tab clean off
this is actually quite a throwback I
mean look at the gray Apple logo and all
of this old stuff they've still got
plastic on this which is not been a
thing in apple packaging for quite some
time now look at this you even have like
a textured pole tab that's crazy so
there we
go launched at $79 and this thing is
still $79 it has been unchanged
literally since 2008 it's made out of
aluminum looks very very handsome but
other than that I mean there's not much
to it there's a uh little rubber pad
here on the bottom so that it doesn't
slip around it's of course slot loading
rather than tray loading and wow look at
this there's a usba a port in general
but it's got this wrapped
connector that doesn't want to come off
okay there you go you see the single
usba a port was and continues to be a
problem you see with pretty much every
external disc drive that has shipped
before and since this thing it shipped
with two usba headers because the power
draw required to spin up a disc and then
power moving laser typically draws more
than the 5 Watts which is typically the
maximum supported but since Apple makes
both the computer and the drive they can
do some power management magic to make
this thing work and allow the drive to
draw more and well it kind of worked I
mean famously this thing did not work
with hubs and docks and displays because
it broke typical Convention of USB
Behavior but it always worked plugged
directly into a Mac until Apple forgot
about it on my Mac Studios usba a port a
brand new computer from Apple that's
supposed to handle presumably an
accessory still sold in the Apple Store
it errors out saying that it has
insufficient power to calibrate the
laser and then when I go in Mac OS 10 to
dismiss that dialogue window it just
blanks out entirely I figured that these
issues were probably just Macos itself
having issues burning all recordable
media because honestly who doing that
nowadays but no because I went to Best
Buy bought some cheap old Blu-ray Drive
and it works perfectly without any
software or drivers better than Apple's
own Super drive that's slow and doesn't
support Blu-ray yada y this thing hasn't
been a good value for years and now that
it doesn't support Blu-ray and it's
legitimately broken on most Apple
silicon Macs it's time to just kill it
Apple get rid of it this is literally
the oldest skew that they carry in the
Apple Store 16 years without an update
and it shows it's piece of
crap this next one is literally insane
I've been doing YouTube for 15 years
okay but I took a 2-year break living
overseas away from technology and when I
returned I spent some cold Hard Cash
that my YouTube channel had earned in my
absence to buy a wait for it
2013 Mac Pro what a mistake uh the trash
can hasn't been available for sale for 7
years now parts and accessories for the
trash can haven't been available for 6
years and yet still today you can buy
this in stores the Mac Pro security lock
adapter look at this thing this thing is
so old the plastic has yellowed there's
no sunlight in Apple Stores so this
thing has just been slowly wilting away
on a shelf and I'm going to open it now
$49 and I seriously don't know if I can
open this it's like oh my goodness it's
like welded shut there we
there it is $50 for this little chunk of
metal it's got a pull
tab oh yeah there we go and there it is
this little nugget what is this and how
does this work well let me show you this
is my 2013 trash can Mac Pro one of the
cool design elements that you might not
remember is that you could slide this
lock over and unveil the computer you
could open it up that's obviously a
problem if you're a school or a business
that wants to prevent people from a
fiddling with the machine or B stealing
it all together and so this thing is
literally a security lock I've never
used one of these so I don't know how it
works there you go maybe oh that's kind
sketchy oh that
sound oh that sounds bad okay you slide
that into the fan Inlet
oh oh this doesn't sound like I should
be oh I didn't lock it down all the
way it's not
H oh there we go oh my gosh oh my
goodness that is difficult to
do okay it's on and then what you would
do is take a Kensington compatible lock
you just stick it in there you twist it
to lock it into place and then nobody
can open the machine anymore cuz it's
locked into place and uh then you could
also tie it down to a desk or a table so
that nobody would steal it why why does
this still a even exist and B being
actively sold in stores it doesn't the
metal doesn't even match like this is
like aluminum and they kind of tried to
make it like a little space gray but it
doesn't match the beautiful Darth Vader
look of the trash can why what is this
apple doesn't make a toothbrush but if
they did it' be this this is the liveen
wave today's sponsor and look at this
packaging uh needless to say I think
heavy inspiration has been borrowed from
Apple and that's not even just in the
packaging which look at this these pole
tabs it's identical this is so premium
the box is beautiful let's pull the lid
off oh yeah look look at this this is
like this is Johnny IV he made this look
at that beautiful recycled Packaging it
literally is there's a symbol right
there okay I I mean look at this I have
to admit I already unboxed one of these
two months ago I've been using this
toothbrush for a while now but doing
this again just makes me giggle like I'm
surprised there's not stickers in here
this is exactly the same and look at
this this is where your toothbrush heads
located that is beautiful and premium
and recycled and look at this this cable
packaging not only is this cable
packaging literally like exactly the
same as look at this
um okay they used adhesive there which
Apple wouldn't do that but the cable
braiding is like identical and the
connector this looks like mag safe like
literally the same look at
this okay so as mentioned I've been
using this toothbrush for a couple of
months and it has replaced my very
expensive Sonic Air not only does it
ultrasonically vibrate equally if not a
little bit harder which basically no
ultrasonic toothbrushes on the market do
that's why I've stuck with the Phillips
so long but it also oscillates check
this out up to 60° I push the power
button it vibrates but also oscillates
which means you don't have to move it up
down these bristles are soft tapered
they're very easy on your your gums and
this button is amazing so I have mine
this one is mine it's um it's been
dropped a couple times so it's seen
better days but it's got this pressure
sensitive button not capacitive pressure
sensitive and when I say not capacitive
that means that when your fingers are
wet it'll still work like that's metal
check this
out I don't know how they do it cuz this
thing is completely unibody there's no
gaps no holes and that's one of my
favorite features there's no moo on most
toothbrushes you know this little Gap
here and you get all that nasty little
crusty so gross and you have to pull the
head off and clean no this thing is
tapered such that water gets in there
and it just completely pulls it away I
haven't cleaned this base forever I love
it okay there is an iPhone app on this
thing that lets you choose the intensity
of the cleaning modes and what cleaning
mode you'd like to select there are
three that are pre-programmable and most
importantly these heads are not a scam
unlike other toothbrushes on the market
you get three of these for just 10 bucks
and if you want six of them you can get
them for as little as 17 it's $79 for
the ABS version um this thing is a great
value the performance of this I think is
equal to the nicest Sonicare brushes on
the market the battery again I haven't
charged this I mean it's low now but I
haven't charged this in over 2 months
and when you need to you just plug it in
Via mag saave for 2 hours and you're
good to go for many many months more it
comes in plastic it comes in alum and it
comes in of course stainless steel for
$99 it is incredible value it is a
beautiful toothbrush and it literally
makes Johnny IV
weep this is probably my favorite
accessory sold in stores because
basically only three iPad Pro skes ever
supported it this is the lightning to
USB 3 camera adapter apple and Camera
adapters have been a thing for like a
very long time actually going back to
the dawn of the iPod
okay this thing is cool the idea was
that you could plug in cameras and other
USB accessories that would ingest data
into the photos app um originally it was
a kind of usb2 very small looking dongle
I think I have some one somewhere I'll
put it if I can find it they actually
still sell the original adapter today
and they sell the similar SD card
adapter you take your camera you plug it
in ingest the photos in your photos app
or into your iPod and you're done but
when the iPad had pro- shipped in 2016
and the files app in 2017 it was clear
that more speed more power and more
compatibility was needed so this thing
was released and despite being named
camera adapter that's selling it short
it can do a lot more first of all there
is lightning power in that doesn't just
charge your iOS device but also supplies
power for devices plugged into it for
stuff like USB mics and audio interfaces
and when you are transferring literal
files be them from like an SD card or a
USB drive or from your camera itself you
can do so with usb3 speeds thanks to the
high-speed controller found on the a9x
and a10x Fusion S so's uh lightning
being restricted to USB 2 was often
cited as the reason that Apple moved to
USBC on the iPhone but this proves that
wrong years and years prior USB 3
existed for lightning so long story
short I suspect that when the iPhone 16
gets the iPhone 15 Pros a17 s so that
USB 3 will come with it but that s SOC
is named the A7 Pro will they put the
a17 pro with the usb3 controller on the
regular iPhone maybe not but if it
doesn't I am totally going to rail Apple
for it because they've had usb3 on iOS
devices since 2016 and they better not
get rid of it okay this is the only
thing on this list still designed for
current generation products but I
couldn't not talk about it I recently
sold my 2019 Mac Pro like literally
weeks ago which is a shame because I
would like to show how these work
because I could never justify or afford
them but uh yeah that's right it's the
Mac Pro Wheels you say can't afford them
could just some wheels for some a
computer how much could they cost
$700 $699 bucks these things cost so I'm
expecting an amazing unboxing
experience okay we've got this pouch
we've got the documentation and check
this out it's a QR code to learn how to
install the Mac Pro Wheels that's
certainly with a
uh they included two of them on accident
well I mean I guess they're like $700
might as well give them two QR codes
this is nice
paper Maybe it could have been $698 if
they didn't include that okay here they
are you have this beautiful of course
little cardboard insert here and there
they are the Mac Pro
Wheels I've never seen these in real
life like at least not touched them
let's pull one
out oh my goodness it is difficult to
State how heavy these things are this
might be almost as heavy as the Apple
Vision Pro which is really which is
really heavy Let's uh where do you oh
here we go we can unpeel this little
cotton right here protecting the
stainless steel that is found underneath
wow that's very extra and then uh you've
also got a little plastic nib
here okay let's see how nice these
are yeah these are super nice okay so
this whole stainless steel and it is
stainless steel like massive piece of
metal is all one unibody structure so
the only moving parts are this top part
which spins so nicely is that friction
based no there's roller bearings in
there cuz of course there are and then
each side has its own little rubber and
it's a very hard rubber but yet it is
grippy and soft um has its own wheel
what this allows you to do is basically
torque Vector to give you a super super
tight turning radius look at this you
probably could put a car on these wheels
um it is amazing it is stupid I mean
these have no business being this
expensive uh it frankly should have just
come with them I mean come on the Mac
Pro's $6,000 what I would like to see is
how easy or difficult it is to actually
install them wow look at that you've got
a little Chuck for a for a nice impact
driver uh probably don't use that
although I don't know maybe that's what
it's designed for cuz it's got a little
impact driver bit here and then there is
of course um a little hex key on the
other end that you would use to remove
the feet from your Mac because this is a
professional product Apple trusts you
the end user to upgrade something that
is found on the outside but you do have
to access the actual screws from the
inside and you might recall from my tear
down it was actually pretty darn
difficult to get access to those hex
screws so I would be interested to see
if these were actually very easy at all
to swap out I would bet they were kind
of a pain in the butt they offered to do
it in store I believe for a while if you
bought the kit from them H in any case
these should not be sold in stores
anywhere not because they're not still
functional with the current generation
2023 Mac Pro they are but because that
computer itself shouldn't be sold much
less the wheels and $700 I mean come on
that's just a disgrace even though now
that I feel them it kind of makes sense
okay now on to the most famous one one
everybody will recognize yes it's the 30
pin dock connector cable that is still
shockingly sold in Apple Stores I say
shockingly because this cable is now two
generations outdated pull tab oh
yeah oh yeah nice okay this was used in
every iPod save for select Shuffle
models every iPhone and every iPad model
until lightning debuted 12 years ago
lightning is old which makes this thing
ancient uh the iPhone 5 I guess
technically was the one that switched
over to lightning this connector is um
sure old but actually really really
interesting because the original iPod
was only compatible with Mac and
actually synced over firewire 400 a much
faster protocol than the USB 1.1 that
was found on Max in the early 2000s but
firewire 400 was enormous it was
inelegant and so the 30 pin cable came
out in 2003 with the third generation
iPod to support not just better uh
charging and syncing but a bunch of
different stuff so it retained firewire
support um the third generation iPod
actually came with both a USB and a
FireWire based uh Cable in fact I think
even the iPod mini did too that I
unboxed with Austin Evans years ago
although don't quote me on that H this
thing was pretty cool because not only
did it have fire wire but it also had a
Serial interface for interacting with
the iPod doc uh you could use a remote
when the iPod was docked to hook it up
to your stereo system and uh of course
to handle the audio it had line in and
line out support to go through the dock
to your stereo system uh firewire
support in general was actually retained
until the fifth generation iPod video
released which utilized new pins for
composite and S video out support uh
they also added this Authentication ship
that only allowed authorized docs and
cables from working with the iPod to
receive video but of course within mere
months that had been reverse engineered
by third party accessories and
circumvention okay a few small weird
things were added to the remaining pins
over the years like the iPod camera
connector that I mentioned earlier which
let you offload photos from your digital
camera to iPod and then when the iPad
came around in 2010 HDMI out was added
to this amazing little connector
but it did so with the help of some
handry conversion circuitry inside the
dongle because they were limited on pin
count by the end of the 30 pin dock
connector's life nearly all 30 pins had
been assigned to something but the eight
that were originally intended and
assigned to firewire data and power
remained unused for the vast majority of
this connector's life 30 pin was not
reversible right it plugged in one way
and that was it but it was easy to
and didn't come unplugged very easily
because originally it had locking teeth
um that you know you had to depress
buttons to actually release that lasted
all through the iPod era until the
release of the iPhone in 2007 when this
model uh came out it launched with a
much thinner connector that just used
friction based latches um it was again
revised in 2010 and that's what's been
done here because they had that old
rounded style connector and then in 2010
they made it sharp because that's
and so yeah this cable has probably been
sitting in a box for more or less the
better part of a decade pretty amazing I
miss 30 pin do I want to use it now no
but it was an amazing connector that
served its purpose just like lightning
and now I'm happy they're both dead and
we' moved on to USBC where 3.0 speeds
are what we get on every Apple wait crap
let me be very clear Apple's Chargers
they're not a good value and they're
honestly not particularly good quality
either they don't use Japanese Rubicon
or United chemicon caps they just use
regular capacitors you'd find in you
know kind of Cheaper products there are
better options out there but there is
one charger from Apple that I kind of
like it's this one the 35 wat dual USBC
Port compact power adapter that's its
official name it debuted alongside the
M2 MacBook Air in 2022 it supports a USB
PD 3.0 spec um which offers four fixed
pdos um there are two power circuits
it's actually pretty clever design two
power circuits that connect in parallel
if you have a single USBC device plugged
in so it it can offer you the full 35
Watts but if you have split power it'll
actually independently distribute power
based on the specifications and the
requirements of the device that you've
plugged into it it's a nice charger but
it's uh it's not Gallum nitride so it's
not particularly small it's incredibly
overpriced at $59 and it's only 35 Watts
but it's a nice charger so then what on
Earth is this this
monstrosity well hold on Dual USBC Port
35W power adapter the specs would
suggest that it's the same but that
can't be right I mean hold on are they
selling the same thing twice in the
Store yes they are this is the
international version that works with
different plug types now British people
in particular go ad nauseum about how
great their plugs are but they're wrong
they're huge they're ugly and they're
awful now Apple does sell a folding
adapter in the UK that's basically the
same design as this the compact but it's
even bigger and it's only 20
watts at the same price $60 there's
basically zero reason for this to exist
at all in the United States all it does
is allow you to remove this you know
classic part you've seen on your laptop
chargers and add an international
adapter and in non-domestic markets so
so in the UK in Europe in Australia they
just sell this different piece attached
to the charger they don't get the cool
one that we have again the UK gets one
kind of similar but it's only 20 watts
there is no reason at all that in the
United States you should be buying this
one it's larger it's less convenient
it's uglier it's heavier it's stupid I
don't honestly know why they even sell
it in the stores to begin with because
and I guess the argument could be like
oh well we sld the travel adapters and
so if you're traveling you can put that
big ugly one from the UK on no just buy
like a travel adapter and then just you
know be done with it h don't buy either
of these but if you do get the slim boy
model and not this inferior sized plug
monstrosity also can I just complain
about price really quickly this thing is
$59 which is insane for a 30 wat non-
gallium nitride dual USB port adapter
but now that I made friend fun of all my
friends across the pond let me empathize
really quickly with my my favorite
United kingdomes um because their
charger I believe is 79 Great British
pounds which is like
$90 for this thing with the different
adapter why it's the same thing this is
the same price for the UK version well
maybe not because it's like there's a
tiny little bit more metal but come on
you're screwing over our friends Apple
the iPod's white earbuds are as iconic
as the iPod itself literally entire
commercials were focused around these
things the white cable going on the
outside of your clothes up to your ears
wearing these was a status symbol it
meant you owned an iPod but the reality
is that the iPod's classic round earbuds
were actually pretty garbage well check
it the first generation iPod shipped
with some pretty great earbuds but
quickly with second generation they were
revised they still sounded good they
were super uncomfortable but they they
were fine and shipped all the way until
the fifth generation iPods then they
were ruined and sounded like total crap
all throughout the early iPhone era
until 2012 when these got released the
earpods and these have been unchanged
for basically 12
years oh that's interesting this is how
you know it's old it's not a lid like
all the modern accessories it
slides oh yeah because of this cardboard
insert nice remember when you used to
get these with your iPhone in addition
to a charger and a case and a dock and a
belt clip and that was a different eror
there we go it says earpods headphone
plug they actually still carry these not
just in lightning but they even made a
new version for USBC these things have
been around the block and uh well the
shape will look familiar because it's
basically the same as the original
airpods in fact it's similar to the
third generation airpods that I still
have and use occasionally the inline mic
was said to have been amazing and it
makes sense it's pretty close to your
mouth and uh it in many respects
Probably sounds better than the airpods
here here's a comparison test against
modern airpod microphones okay the wired
earpods mic does rustle against my beard
but when I hold it like this well this
is what it sounds like and this is what
the microphone sounds like coming from
the third generation airpods holy crap
honestly pretty good they also have an
inline volume control which is fantastic
this was absent in the first generation
airpods and the second generation and
the third generation and the airpods pro
it didn't come back until the airpods
Pro 2
and uh it's nice to have here now as for
sound they sound fine they actually
sound pretty close to the regular
airpods when released they were pretty
great given that they were included free
with an iPhone or an iPod and even at
$19 they they're really not bad at all
but they're still $19 which is good but
you can get some absolutely amazing
chaii for almost nothing these are the
tangu one a that are basically the same
price as these earpods and just
absolutely blow them out of the water so
do these things hold up today not really
but jenzy and whatever are wearing these
cuz that's cool or something to not have
wireless headphones I I don't know but
given that the USBC version came out it
doesn't look like Apple's getting rid of
them anytime soon even though I think
that they should it's raining really
hard how electric how magnetic mag safe
3's returned to the first Apple silicon
Mac Pro was great but Apple still sells
an adapter released 12 years ago in
stores today to convert mag safe one to
mag safe 2 the truth is mag safe kind of
had a rocky start mag Safe 1 used a
ttype connector just like mag safe 3
does but there were tons of frame issues
that resulted from overheated connectors
how did this happen you ask well let's
open this box and find
out oh there's no explanation so let me
just tell you these Poco pins aren't
just constantly supplying tons of DC
power that would be very dangerous all
versions of Max safe are basically the
same they're all five pin these first
and second pins have continuity with
their mirror pins which makes the
connector reversible so the outside pins
are the ground the middle pins are the
VCC power and then the central pin which
is smaller than the others is a one wire
serial protocol this connector is always
providing a very low current low voltage
signal at all times through these power
pins it's low enough that when you touch
it you don't feel anything but it's
there and when it finally makes contact
with a Mac the Mac provides a resistive
load pulling just enough power for just
long enough that after 1 second the
charger flips a switch and the 16-bit
microprocessor switches to full voltage
on the power rails it also sends over a
charger ID to the Mac with like has a
serial number or class ID a couple of
other data strings and when the Mac
decides that it's happy with the Charger
and when it decides the charger is safe
it switches on its own power input
circuit and pulls the full load from the
charger and then the charger switches
that little green light to Orange using
that same controller found in the
connector okay some of the original
chargers didn't have tight enough
tolerances on the Pogo pins to make good
contact before pulling the whole load on
the machine so that would either fault
out and just not work sometimes with
some spicy smoke or they would slowly
Arc inside until they literally burned
up the connector and the laptop end not
good these issues weren't widespread but
they existed and apple pretty quickly
redesigned the whole magsafe connector
to use an l- style connector instead uh
it blocked some of your ports when it
was in One Direction but it did help
seat against the magnetic mating surface
better and there wasn't as much leverage
that would pull that connector loose
maxafe in its redesign form worked great
for years and it was integrated into the
cinema and Thunderbolt displays as well
as other accessories but in 2012 magsafe
was redesigned to this mag safe 2 to
accommodate the thinner retina MacBooks
electrically this is all still the same
but Apple didn't want to break
compatibility with the displays and
accessories that they were still
actively selling so they made this a $10
adapter to convert Max Safe 1 to Max
safe 2 this is completely passive it's
just a magnet sandwich with some pins in
the middle it's pretty cool that they
didn't break compatibility with first
gen Chargers but they also never made an
adapter going in the other direction so
Apple Stores today still sell mag safe 2
and mag Safe 1 Chargers compatible with
MacBooks going all the way back to 2006
pretty wild and well that's it uh feels
like I kind of wasted $1,000 look it's
not the worst thing in the world that
these things are still sold in stores
it's better to have more things than you
need than not enough at the same time
there are some things that I would very
much like the Apple Stores to have that
they don't and these things leave me
questioning if Apple's really
reconsidered their product portfolio in
store for a few years now well thank you
so much for watching please get
subscribed let me know what your
favorite Apple accessory has been in the
past be it in store or not most
importantly and as always stay
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