1,000,000 Villagers Survive Natural Disasters
- 🏝️ 故事发生在一个岛屿上,主角创造了一百万村民,并计划让他们在自然灾害中生存下来。
- 🌊 第一天面对的是海啸,主角和村民必须迅速找到避难所。
- 🏐 在等待海啸来临之前,主角和Jamal进行了一场沙滩排球比赛。
- 🗿 村民们还进行了沙雕比赛,Jamal的作品获得了最高分。
- 🌊 海啸最终来临,主角和Jamal设法逃到一个房子里避难。
- 🌧️ 第二天是酸雨,主角和Jamal用伞和泥土来保护房子。
- 🌀 接着是飓风,主角和Jamal找到了一个地下掩体躲避。
- 🌋 后来是火山和地震,主角和Jamal不得不再次寻找新的避难所。
- 🚁 Jamal在飓风中失踪,但后来意外地驾驶着直升机回来拯救了大家。
- 🎉 经历了一系列的自然灾害后,主角和村民们最终幸存下来。
- 😄 Jamal展现了他的勇气和智慧,成为了故事中的英雄。
Q & A
🌊 海啸逃生记
🚁 直升机救援与生存
I spawned 1 million villagers on this
island and they're going to survive
natural disasters I bet y'all ready to
survive yes sir let's get it wait why am
I in survival mode I guess I have to
survive too what's the first day yikes
day one is tsunami hopefully my
villagers can swim but let's go to the
beach yes sir this place looks sweet
hopefully I'll have fun in the water
because you won't be very soon damn nice
shades bro ow my foot what was that hey
subscribe to ref let's get l
all right Jamal since we have time
before the tsunamis come let's have a
little bit of fun hey YouTube how about
some beach volleyball against me and
Jamal stop crying and play
us here ref right back at you hey nice
Spike bro now it's game point we're
going to
win bro how'd you learn how to do that I
learned it from De wait what who's de de
nuts boy all right bro not funny well
Jamal I guess we win yo what are you
guys doing over there we're doing a sand
sculpture competition I bet we'll let
the villagers decide who the winner is
first up we got villager one yeah okay
okay not bad now let's see your score
next up boo hey yo what's the score on
that of course 6.9 my favorite number
and finally Jamal let's see what you got
bro damn that's sick Bro there's no way
you don't win now let's see your score
yes sir Jamal you the winner Jamal do
you hear that it sounds like a big wave
oh no the tsunami is here every
Everybody Run for your lives wait baby
Jamal go ref screw my son we got to get
out of here ASAP you're right Jamal
let's go go go we got to make it the
shelter fast the tsunami is getting
bigger and bigger I don't know if the
villagers are going to make it come on
come on run I believe let's go get in
this house now come on hurry up hurry up
man that tsunami came out of nowhere
everything's all flooded but at least we
made it to shelter Jamal but my son he
didn't make it ah well better him than
me that's what I'm talking about but
anyway we have to wait for the floods to
calm down so let's get some sleep and
figure things out in the morning we
don't know what the next disaster is
what's it going to be oh shoot it's acid
rain today let's be sharp boys hey yo
what are y'all doing yo ref was that
hole always in the ceiling hold up what
hole where ow what was that oh no it's
starting it's melting to the roof what
should we do I have an idea guys but one
of you is not going to like it you take
this umbrella and get as much dirt as
you can with the shovel stop crying and
just do it
yes sir that's what I'm talking about
dig up boy Pro go fast before the acid
melts with the umbrella yes sir bro I
just need a little bit more dirt you're
almost done come on come on hurry up you
got this oh no the umbrella
broke come on man you got
this yes sir
no no bro get up come on you're almost
all right well now I can use his dirt as
an extra layer of protection for the
house rip boo though I can't believe he
tripped but on to the next
disaster wo wo wo what's going on oh
shoot it's hurricane day oh my God these
villagers are getting cooked look at
them they're flying around come on
little birdies run for your lives all
right guys we need to get out of here
now oh no the RO Jamal J
no my Pooky bear okay but now is the
time to be sad we got to get out of here
ASAP ref over here there's a hidden
underground bunker down there nice good
find let's go let's go let's go we'll be
safe down here till it's good to come
out Jamal I hope you're okay out there
buddy nah he definitely dead by now shut
up stop hating you don't know anything
about Jamal he's my best friend he would
never die like that he just got yeated
out by a hurricane I'm sorry rev but I
think he's gone forever all right well I
guess we should host a funeral for him
and give him a proper goodbye we are all
gathered here to day to mourn the loss
of our dear friend Jamal and this other
stupid kid I'm sure he's in a better
place now you will be forever missed my
bear oh what happened to me where the
heck am I oh no I remember now I got
blown away by that stupid hurricane wait
where's ref I have to find the others
whoa whoa whoa what's going on why are
y'all freaking out huh a helicopter hey
ref happy to see me oh hey Supreme you
don't look so happy why you guys all
look depressed you know what what I'm
out of here I came to have fun not cry
see you wait wait what the heck is
happening no no a tornado Supreme not
you two well let's also win the loss of
supreme while we run inside that means
we need to go now guys guys run run run
we need to take shelter come on come on
oh no my villagers they're getting
spoked come on guys Into the Bunker now
wo wo guys I'm losing my
balance is that a helicopter falling
from the sky I'm
saved yes sir time to hijack this bed
it's not too banged up I have to get it
working again let's go it works now I
can find the others but lowy I'm hungry
what am I going to eat
perfect oh man what happened my head is
killing me you got knocked out by the
tornado but it's all over now we got to
survive the next disaster what are you
serious what day are we now it's volcano
and earthquake day you got to be kidding
me bro need someone to see if it's safe
you go up there and check if the coast
is clear you don't have a choice bro
stop crying and do what I say
now yes sir all right is the coast clear
yes sir let's go guys all right we need
to regroup and get the heck out of here
we also need to find High Ground so the
lava doesn't kill us okay guys looks
like we're the last survivor so we got
to lock in all right everybody listen to
me ref look some villagers are still
okay over there bet let's go meet with
them them what's up everyone you guys
survived what oh no you guys are dead
that's it it's time to leave we got to
go go go everyone in the bunker now oh
no that was our only safe spot what do
we do now this is great just great let
me think of a plan okay I got it I give
up what's next the volcano's going to
start erupting or something wait did you
guys hear that please tell me that
wasn't from the volcano it wasn't from
the volcano thank God for a second I
thought boo look out well everybody run
for your lives come on come on let's go
let's go keep running keep running oh no
my villagers are getting squished ref
ref we got to figure out a plan to
survive running isn't going to work look
villagers are dying okay okay I think I
have an idea it's time for a sacrifice
the only problem is getting up to the
volcano I mean look at it it's going
crazy all right let's go go go make sure
to dodge the lava come on look out well
rip bows us but we got to keep moving
for real let's go villagers keep running
oh Island spirits take this Brave
villager as a sacrifice and spare us all
you ready to die
bro well doesn't matter what you think
you died in three 2
1 yes sir low key I feel bad but let's
go we're saved let's get it bro well
that didn't work I guess it's time to go
looks like me and The Villages are
cooked if only there was someone in the
sky to come down and save us H now we're
to they be oh that doesn't look too good
I should look there wait I recognize
those screams ref that's it guys we're
done for I guess it's over for us I just
want to say I love you wait what what's
that it sounds like it sounds like hey
ref did you miss me Jal my Pooky bear
you're alive I can't believe it let's go
we're going home hurry up ref the lava's
rising you're right you're right Jamal
you the goat bro thank you so much for
saving us my guy anytime ref
anytime yes sir we did it we survived
all the natural disasters but Jamal how
did you survive that hurricane launched
you bro and how did you manage to get
helicopter a magician never Reveals His
Secrets my boy whatever Jamal I'm just
happy we're going home sure you are I
bet you were crying like a little baby
what no I wasn't I was chilling bro
trust no he wasn't Jamal you should have
seen him the whole time he was like I
missed Jamal I'm so scared I want to go
go home like a little baby okay bro you
think you're funny say your last words
subscribe to ref
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