Drama in Dolton: Small village, giant controversy
TLDR蒂芙尼·亨亚德(Tiffany Henyard)是伊利诺伊州达尔顿村(Dalton)的市长,同时担任桑顿镇(Thornton Township)的主管,年薪超过20万美元。然而,她因滥用职权、挥霍公款以及个人安全细节的过度开销而备受争议,被称为“美国最差市长”。亨亚德被指控使用公共资金进行个人宣传,包括在高速公路上设置广告牌、组织前往斯普林菲尔德的游行以推广她以自己命名的乳腺癌慈善基金会,以及在她的慈善活动中使用公共资金。此外,她还被指控对不支持她的企业主和居民进行报复。目前,FBI正在对亨亚德进行调查,包括她的政治基金和慈善机构的财务记录。
- 🚨 蒂芙尼·亨亚德(Tiffany Henyard)是伊利诺伊州南郊小村庄道尔顿(Dalton)的市长,同时兼任桑顿镇(Thorton Township)的主管,因滥用职权和挥霍公款而被称为“全美最差市长”。
- 💸 亨亚德被指控使用公共资金进行个人消费,包括昂贵的警察安保、拉斯维加斯旅行、在高速公路上的大型广告牌以及以她的名字命名的乳腺癌慈善捐赠。
- 🏢 亨亚德在两个公共职位上赚取超过200,000美元的年薪,但在任期内,两个职位都充满了混乱,包括解雇、丑闻和与道尔顿受托人的法律斗争。
- 🤔 亨亚德对于公共支出的质疑反应冷淡,拒绝回答有关其慈善机构和公共资金使用的问题,并在被问及这些问题时由安保人员护送上楼。
- 🛍️ 亨亚德在公共场合频繁出现,包括穿着电影角色服装出席村董事会会议,并使用DJ强调自己的政治观点。
- 🚨 亨亚德的安保细节引起争议,她被指控滥用警力,包括在个人外出时使用警力,并导致公共安全资源分配不当。
- 💰 亨亚德在公共资金上的花费受到质疑,包括使用纳税人资金支付特别印刷的连帽衫和T恤,以及在斯普林菲尔德(Springfield)的10天游行中使用乡镇信用卡支付酒店和餐费。
- 🏛️ 亨亚德被指控在公共董事会会议上限制公众参与,包括阻止居民进入会议室并快速结束会议,避免公众质询。
- 📉 道尔顿村庄因亨亚德的管理不善而面临财政困境,包括未能支付账单和累积了500万美元的债务。
- 🚔 亨亚德的安保细节对道尔顿警察局的人力造成压力,前警察局长罗伯特·柯林斯(Robert Collins)声称,由于安保细节的需求,警察局在打击犯罪方面能力受限。
- 🏷️ 亨亚德的政治对手和批评者面临被锁在办公室外、重要文件被公开以及商业许可被撤销的报复行为。
- 📜 联邦调查局(FBI)正在对亨亚德进行调查,包括对她拥有的两家企业、政治基金和她名字命名的慈善机构的记录进行传唤。
Q & A
Tiffany Henyard 是哪个州的市长?
-Tiffany Henyard 是伊利诺伊州的市长。
Tiffany Henyard 被指控滥用职权进行哪些活动?
-Tiffany Henyard 被指控滥用职权进行的活动包括:使用公共资金进行昂贵的安全细节、前往拉斯维加斯的旅行、在高速公路上设置广告牌、以及将乡镇税款捐赠给她自己名字命名的乳腺癌慈善机构。
Tiffany Henyard 在 Thornton Township 的年薪是多少?
-Tiffany Henyard 在 Thornton Township 作为乡镇监管的年薪超过 200,000 美元。
Tiffany Henyard 被指控使用公共资金购买什么物品?
-Tiffany Henyard 被指控使用公共资金购买特别印刷的连帽衫和T恤,以及为她的乳腺癌慈善活动购买酒店房间和餐食。
Tiffany Henyard 为何被昵称为 '最差的市长'?
-Tiffany Henyard 被昵称为 '最差的市长' 是因为她被指控滥用职权,使用公共资金进行个人宣传和奢侈消费,以及涉嫌对不支持她的人进行报复。
Tiffany Henyard 拥有哪些政治职位?
-Tiffany Henyard 是南郊区的达尔顿市市长,同时也是索顿乡镇的监管人。
Tiffany Henyard 被指控如何使用公共资金?
-Tiffany Henyard 被指控使用公共资金进行个人宣传,包括在广告牌上展示自己的名字和照片,以及通过乡镇信用卡支付个人旅行和活动的开支。
Tiffany Henyard 的安全细节包括哪些内容?
-Tiffany Henyard 的安全细节包括使用公共资金雇佣警察保护她,甚至在她出城旅行时也随行,还包括使用公共车辆和设备。
Tiffany Henyard 被指控如何影响公共安全?
-Tiffany Henyard 被指控通过过度使用安全细节,导致警察资源被分散,从而影响了公共安全,尤其是在警力不足的情况下。
Tiffany Henyard 被指控如何对待她的政治对手和批评者?
-Tiffany Henyard 被指控对政治对手和批评者进行报复,包括解雇员工、撤销商业许可和在公共会议上限制公众发言。
目前有哪些机构正在对 Tiffany Henyard 进行调查?
-目前 FBI 正在对 Tiffany Henyard 进行联邦刑事调查,同时达尔顿市的受托人也投票决定对市长 Henyard 开展调查。
😀 小村庄市长的争议行为
南郊区的市长蒂芙尼·亨亚德(Tiffany Henyard)因滥用职权和可疑开支而被称为“美国最差市长”。她通过各种手段吸引公众注意,包括昂贵的警察护送、使用市政信用卡进行旅行等。亨亚德同时担任两个公共职位,年薪超过20万美元。她因使用公共资金进行个人宣传和慈善活动而备受争议。此外,她还因在公共场合穿着电影角色服装、使用DJ强调政治观点而成为焦点。
🤔 公共资金的滥用和慈善活动的争议
亨亚德市长在推动乳腺癌慈善活动的过程中,涉嫌滥用公共资金。她通过Thorton Township Board向自己名下的慈善基金会捐赠了1万美元。此外,她组织的前往斯普林菲尔德的10天游行中,使用了大量的公共资金支付酒店和餐饮费用。亨亚德还通过出售和分发印有她名字的T恤和连帽衫来宣传自己,这些商品的费用也由市政府支付。
🏛️ 广告牌和公共形象塑造的争议
亨亚德市长在公共广告牌上大量使用自己的名字和照片,这些广告牌宣传了Thorton Township的服务,但被批评为政治宣传。据记录,市政府为这些广告牌支付了超过12.2万美元的费用。此外,亨亚德还被指控使用纳税人的资金来提升自己的个人形象,包括在政府车辆、建筑和公共场合中广泛展示她的名字和照片。
🚨 安保细节和公共安全问题
亨亚德市长拥有一个昂贵的个人安保团队,即使在出城时也随行,这引发了公共资金浪费的质疑。安保团队由Dalton警察组成,他们经常加班,有时甚至在一个支付周期内工作超过300小时。前Dalton警察局长罗伯特·柯林斯(Robert Collins)因与市长的冲突而被解雇,他认为警力不足影响了打击犯罪的能力。
💰 财务问题和政治策略
亨亚德市长被指责使用政治策略来保护自己的职位,包括在Thorton Township的董事会会议上突然提出的一项法案,该法案如果通过,将大幅降低挑战者的薪酬。此外,市长还被指控在公共会议上限制公众和媒体的参与,以及对不支持她的企业和个人进行报复。
🚔 警察突袭和联邦调查
📜 法律行动和公众反应
亨亚德市长的行为引起了法律行动和公众的强烈反应。Thorton Township的评估员Cassandra Stone在被锁出自己的办公室后,她的敏感文件被随意放置在公共区域。此外,居民和当地报纸记者在公共会议上被阻止发言。尽管面临批评和调查,市长似乎并未受到影响,她继续组织活动并维持自己的公众形象。
💡Tiffany Henyard
她的名字和形象在Dalton和Thornton Township随处可见
how did the leader of a small village we
got our be right here coming from
Illinois attract the attention of the
entire nation and get nicknamed the
worst mayor in America everything she
has initiated has been to promote her
questionable expenses I can map out
their entire trip on the township credit
card expensive police details 162 hours
oh that's nothing and allegations of
retaliation did you take that as a
threat I took that as bullying she's not
shy about attracting attention it makes
her feel as if she's like a superstar
until she starts facing questions I ask
you a few questions yeah she says no I'm
asking her we're going to talk now the
feds are involved and another
controversial mayor is joining the story
we want transparency with this much
controversy coming from just one person
we got to ask who is mayor Tiffany
henyard and what's behind the drama in
doton she cannot continue to intimidate
and gangster her way through
this welcome I'm Fox 32 Dane PLO Tiffany
henyard actually has two political jobs
on two public payrolls as mayor of South
Suburban Dalton or as she calls herself
super mayor and supervisor of Thorton
Township where she makes over $200,000 a
year now before henyard election in 2021
Dalton was like any other suburban
community with festivals parades and its
share of problems but today Dalton is
known more for the mayor herself and The
NeverEnding allegations that she's used
and abused her two offices at Dalton and
Thorton Township for pricey security
details trips to Vegas unmissable
Highway Billboards and the Curious
donation of Township tax dollars to a
cancer charity named for you guessed it
mayor henyard nobody
know don't nobody know nothing Tiffany
henyard certainly isn't shy about
attracting attention here she is
starting a Dalton village board meeting
dressed like the Wesley Snipes character
in the movie New Jack City later
punctuating her political points with
the help of her own DJ every single
resident pay me what you owe
me thank you DJ henards picture in name
adorned virtually every public posting
both from Dalton where is Mayor she
makes $46,000 a year and in Thorton
Township whereas the elected supervisor
she collects more than $200,000 a year
but for all that money henards tenure at
both has been chaotic with firings
scandals and a legal battle with the
Dalton trustees over
spending so last fall henard did
something that would seemingly generate
some good publicity helping establish
the Tiffany henard cares Foundation to
help breast cancer patients and on the
very day the charity was chartered it
received a huge donation
$10,000 from the Thornton Township Board
which henyard presides over taxpayer
money shouldn't be paid into those types
of things Stephanie Weedman is the
former Thornton Township Chief of Staff
whom henard fired shortly after taking
over in March of last year it almost
felt like a takeover and a very
aggressive one at that since her firing
Weedman has been documenting Township
spending and says she's stunned by the
taxpayer dollars funneled into henyard
charity especially this we got 10 days
we're going 196 miles last October
henyard led a delegation of Dalton and
Thorton Township employees and political
supporters on a march to Springfield to
promote her breast cancer charity which
she documented on her Facebook page we
walking through do all we're Brightwood
now we are in Godly now we in
Bloomington baby I can pretty much map
out their entire Springfield trip on the
township credit cards that's right
henyard build thousands of dollars in
hotel rooms and meals during the trip to
thoron Township and Dalton credit cards
in addition the video show henard used
multiple Village and Township Vehicles
owned by taxpayers to escort the Caravan
including a flatbed trailer with a
photographer flying a drone and a DJ we
got our Bear right here coming from
Illinois walking all the way to
Springfield make noise for our the
people but they didn't always walk we
all motorbikes baby at times riding
electric bikes y'all see my bike Town
ship supervisor it looks like a
misspending of tax funds um I think
that's the biggest that that's the
biggest concern Dalton trusty Jason
house has been doing battle with the
mayor since she took office very
disturbing to hear these things or to
kind of see some of the receipts that
appear to be connected to it and I think
the taxpayers really deserve better than
that and then there's the merch there a
shirt want a t-shirt along the way
henyard sold and gave away t-shirts and
hoodies also available on her Chari
a week before the trip the township paid
$117,000 for specially printed hoodies
and t-shirts but won't say what they're
for I think that everything she has
initiated has been something to promote
her something to get her name in
household something to get people to buy
into voting for her our investigation
found at least $1,000 in public funds
spent on that trip but both Dalton and
Thorton Township have been slow or
unresponsive to open records requests so
what was the purpose of the 10-day march
to Springfield I have created a bill uh
which we're going to speak before the
revenue committee to give everybody
$5,000 on a income tax when they file if
you are suffering from canc a noble goal
except the revenue committee wasn't
meeting when the group arrived in
Springfield hener did later testify at a
Committee hearing in Chicago but so far
nothing has come of her bill I think I'm
going to damn good job on Le so we went
to a recent Thorton Township board
meeting to ask henyard some questions
about all that spending I never ever
been um bitter to the news this is my
all to the media can you guys reach out
to us and ask us our before you post it
I appreciate and so we did I'll ask you
a few questions okay but henyard wasn't
anxious to talk about her charity why
did you in the in the board vote to give
your foundation $10,000 I'm the f of the
foundation my name is nowhere
sir I'm the face face what was the
purpose of going to
Springfield she doesn't have any more
comments we're going to talk any more
comments thanks guys that's Keith
Freeman whom henard hired at both Dalton
and Thorton Township and was part of her
Springfield walk look at Keith Kei baby
Freeman also filed paperwork for the
charity bearing henyard name why are you
using public money for your personal
charity $177,000 sure it's thank thank
you thank you and with that her security
detail hustled henyard upstairs and
blocked the staircase with a
table so we tried asking another
employee who went on that trip you went
down to Springfield and what were you
hoping to do in spr ask people to
handles that I'm not the one to handled
it I was just riding a bik we need more
officers on the streets we need our
streets repaved um so to spend that kind
of money on a charitable event or
supposed charitable event really doesn't
seem like the best use of tax take a
drive to the south suburbs and you can't
miss them four giant Billboards
featuring Tiffany henyard name in large
letters along with her picture smiling
down on the thousands of cars going by
on Interstate 57 and the Bishop Ford
Expressway what are they advertising one
says fresh produce another senior
services and this one simply says we
offer general assistance there's a phone
number but you wouldn't know what it's
for unless you can read in teeny tiny
letters thoron Township supervisor as
you're speeding by these are the
Billboards that have gone up along the
expressways we showed the Billboards to
Bert odson an election attorney who's
been working in Illinois politics for 50
years when I first looked at it I
thought what is she running for now
because that's what it shouts out Odon
who represents a political faction
opposed to henyard and Dalton says it's
clear the Billboards are promoting more
than Township Services he says they're
essentially Campa pain ads uh this is a
blatant attempt to promote herself
politically uh the township should not
have paid for these if they if they did
and I'm sure they did they did indeed
bills obtained by Fox 32 under open
records laws shows Thorton Township paid
more than $10,000 for the vinyl signs
themselves and more than $112,000 to
Clear Channel Outdoor advertising for
one month's rental of the Billboards
what was your reaction when you saw I
well first of all I didn't know anything
about them Thorton Township Trustee
Chris Gonzalez says the board was never
consulted about the Billboards which he
says needed their approval kind of the
some of the first things that popped in
my mind is what are we doing um we're
not this isn't a big sale we're not
selling cars here I mean if it's
informational then it should be
informational I mean there's so many
other ways we could have spent that
money um that would have you know
directly help people this isn't the
first time henyard has used taxpayer
dollars to burnish her own personal
image in fact on other occasions she
spent a lot more and you can't turn your
head in Dalton or thoron Township
without seeing henards picture or name
it's on all the government-owned
vehicles buildings even on the rugs in
the township where we found a Tiffany
henard 2024 calendar featuring all the
important dates to remember including
her birthday I would be having a fit if
she was my client telling her not to do
this veteran Chicago political
consultant delmarie cob says there would
be nothing wrong if henyard were using
her own political funds for those
promotional materials especially the
Billboards I actually had a candidate
years ago who was running for mayor
doton and that's what we did we bought
uh Billboards along the expressway
because if you're coming and going home
all day and one of the things I always
say about Billboards is they're working
when you're sleep in 2011 State
lawmakers passed a law Banning the
practice of politicians putting their
names on publicly funded signs spurred
by these Tollway signs featuring former
Governor Rob legovich that law does not
extend to Mayors or other elected
officials but election attorney odson
believes the Billboards do violate state
election laws it's a crime yeah you're
you're using public funds for something
that taxpayer dollars shouldn't
shouldn't be used for and just when you
think you've seen it all take a look at
this when the first billboard went up
last summer thoron was misspelled as
sign had to be ordered apparently a
taxpayer expense in videos posted by
henyard herself we see her being driven
around and surrounded by Dalton officers
which got us to wondering why all the
cops we weren't opposed to her having
the security detail we asked how long
and how often Dalton trustee Britney
Norwood says henard began assembling her
details shortly after being elected in
2021 using handpicked Dalton police
officers using a freedom of information
request we obtained the work records for
six of the officers assigned to henyard
security detail at various times and
showed them to some of Dalton's trustees
this is a freedom of information request
we did to see how much overtime these
officers are making on her security
details oh wow 162 hours 162 oh that's
nothing what goes through your mind when
you see these numbers um it's it's
disappointing it's frustrating the
officers are paid every two weeks which
without without overtime is 80 hours but
when they're put on henards detail that
80 hours balloons to well over a 100
hours sometimes 200 hours and in the
case of Officer Terry young last May 303
hours worked over a two-e period that
resulted in a single paycheck of more
$133,000 how how does a person put in a
2E pay period 303 hours that's
impossible that's impossible 336 do he
never go
in fact there are 336 hours total in 2
weeks meaning young was not being paid
for only 33 hours over that period other
officers on the security detail are also
racking Up Overtime paychecks in the
multiple thousands of dollars May might
if I ask you a couple questions about
your security details absolutely not I'm
asking her yeah she said no a couple
weeks ago we tried to question henyard
about her detail as she went door Todo
in Dalton giving out water on a 100° day
surrounded by police firefighters Public
Works employees and two videographers
documenting for Dalton's Facebook page I
want to tell the people I'm not going to
stop I'mma keep going I hope they post
what we actually do here in the village
of do and stop telling lies but when we
gave her an opportunity to explain the
OT mayor why do you need so many
officers details your security what did
you say water it sound like you say
water earlier that day we watched as a
Dalton cop drove henyard from her other
job at Thorton Township to Mexican
restaurant for lunch trustees say the
security detail picks the mayor up at
her home in the morning and is with her
until she's dropped off at night often
taking her on errands and shopping does
she need a security detail absolutely
not why why would you need a security
detail oh she loves it she just loves it
she loves the detail I think um it makes
her feel as if um she's like a superstar
Dalton trustees have filed lawsuit
against henyard saying she's not
justified the need for security and is
spending hundreds of thousands of
dollars on it without the board's
approval I see no justification
whatsoever and more than that it's
really a detriment to the residents of
do oh sure um the residents if we would
take the same money and put it on
officers patrolling the streets then the
residents will see a much better
presence and Public Safety will be
better we've had a few shootings so we
need the extra police patrol our streets
instead of patrolling her and we found
Dalton credit card statements showing
that hener takes the detail with her
even when she travels out of town
spending thousands of dollars on plane
tickets lodging and meals for the
officers mayor why don't you taking all
the officers out of town with you isn't
that a waste of taxpayers money let's go
to this one right here anything you want
to say to defend yourself on this as for
The Village's finances trustees say
Dalton is now getting sued by some
vendors for failure to pay its bills
bills in the last two fiscal years we're
$5 million in the hole and a big part of
it is the security detail it's
embarrassing embarrassing it's
embarrassing you don't see the governor
with a detail as hers several months
after we broke the story about henards
expensive security detail we got
confirmation that it was impacting the
ability to fight crime in Dalton and
that came in an exclusive Fox 32
interview with somebody who would know
Dalton's now former police chief
the Manpower was just very stressed and
critical to the point of almost breaking
former Dalton police chief Robert
Collins spoke to us from Florida where
he's taken a new job after being fired
by Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard late
last year but Colin says he remains
frustrated by what he experienced
leading an undermanned overworked Police
Department while mayor hener demanded a
large personal security detail you know
wrong is wrong and there's a Time to
hold people responsible and accountable
for their action but at some point there
would be two officers or three officers
and depending on if there was some type
of event it would be more officers
that's for a town of a little more than
20,000 people that's struggling
economically and usually only has a few
officers on duty per shift colins says
henyard security detail was warranted
when it started in 2021 after a police
involved shooting sparked protests and
threats and at some point the protest
stopped however the detail continued why
do you need a security detail while
you're out of town um who's on the other
end of that flight that's going to do
harm Colin says he became increasingly
frustrated because the mayor's detail
tied his hands when it came to fighting
crime just last week a mass shooting on
sibi Boulevard left four people injured
Collins believes the bad guys know there
aren't enough cops on Dalton streets but
villager Dalton has its challenges with
gangs guns and drugs and if those
officers aren't there the visibility
isn't there and if the visibility isn't
there then uh criminals have free reign
and it it more or less was these are the
orders this is what you have to do last
week Collins filed a civil lawsuit
against the village of Dalton for
wrongful termination saying he was fired
by the mayor without cause and without
board approval because his wife is
friends with some of the mayor's proed
political enemies and our contention is
that it is illegal did he do anything
wrong no Chief Collins any position that
he's ever been in is a policeman's
policeman he held the rank of Chief but
he's a patrolman at heart but it is
frustrating CD officers uses like that
I'm sure the officers are frustrated too
but they following orders as the
attention on henyard heated up Dalton
Village Hall and Thorton Township
headquarters became the stage for an
evolving soap opera Village trustees
started a going rogue employees got
locked out of their offices and it
became harder for the Publican press to
attend meetings including one to vote on
the mayor's salary that we learned
included a poison pill provision that
made any potential Challenger think
twice about running against
henyard did you know about this
beforehand no absolutely not no word was
given to myself Thornton Township
Trustee Chris Gonzalez was just sitting
down at the start of the Township's
board meeting two weeks ago when he was
handed a seven-page proposed ordinance
requiring an immediate vote you had no
time to read no and then we get pretty
much into the meeting pretty quick what
it does is to ensure that henard
continues to receive her
$224,000 year salary as Township
supervisor but if a non-incumbent
becomes supervisor in other words if
someone challenges henyard and beats her
the salary for that position drops to
just $225,000 a year a pay cut of nearly
90% truste Gonzalez says it's a
political poison pill to scare off
competition discourage people from
running um is probably the first thing
that comes to mind is this legal no it's
it's it's so illegal in so many ways
Municipal attorney Bert Odon who
represents henyard political opposition
in Dalton says under equal protection of
the law the salaries of elected
officials have to be identity blind
meaning they don't change based on the
person holding the job it's maybe maybe
the worst attempt to try to dissuade
people from running that I've ever seen
and that's a long time henyard isn't
facing reelection until 2025 but already
potential competitors are circling
despite the drastically lower salary
including state senator Napoleon Harris
but if henyard is reelected she'll
continue making the
224k even if she seems to believe the
job is worth a fraction of that I think
this is a job that should pay over
200,000 or
5,000 I mean probably somewhere in the
middle in all honesty so this is the
assessor's office Cassandra ston has
been the assessor here in Thorton
Township for the past 10 years an
elected position that helps residents
deal with exemptions and property tax
appeals but when she arrived at work
this morning something strange happened
this was your office yes what happened
when you tried to open
it he doesn't work not only had ston
been locked out of her own office but
boxes of sensitive documents that she
kept in her office were spread around
the common area this was under lock and
key before this was under lock and key
and now it's just out in the open now
it's just out in the open so it has the
taxpayer's name address so who did this
to you well I mening the new supervisor
Tiffany henyard Elston has been critical
of henyard spending at the township and
believes getting kicked out is political
payback but this is not going to stop me
this is my job this is what I get paid
to do need this she's the assessor she
invited us in
and that's when Township security
officers stepped in okay so you're
refusing to leave yes South Holland
police were called to the scene and they
agreed with us that the assessor had
every right to invite us into her office
new crew was here to do an interview on
me does Tiffany henard have any right to
do this not only Tiffany hener but
nobody has any right to do this to uh a
separate elected official like the
assessor the Assessor's lawyer Bert
oldson tells me they plan to file a
lawsuit in Cook County to anding she get
her office back it is extremely illegal
you can do and say pretty much what you
want to say or do to me but when you
start doing things that affect the
taxpayers that's why I draw the line
after we finished the interview somebody
deactivated the key fobs for all of the
assessor employees meaning now none of
them can get into the office so tomorrow
they plan to set up tables and chairs
here outside township hall to meet the
public the sign outside its headquart
says welcome to Thorton Township people
working with people but when residents
showed up last night to speak at a
public board meeting they got anything
but a warm welcome when I arrived there
was security here he was standing at the
bottom of the stairs preventing anybody
from going up to the boardroom I asked
him if the meeting was downstairs he
replied yes Stephanie Weedman and a
handful of other residents wanted to
speak directly to thoron Township
supervisor Tiffany henard also the mayor
of Dalton I'm just curious to see who
makes the decisions about how tax
dollars are being spent but they never
got that chance after being blocked from
going to the boardroom upstairs they
were sent to the basement where they
were told the Township board meeting
would be held it wasn't they asked for a
signup sheet for public comment never
got it and before they knew what had
happened the 4-minute meeting upstairs
was over and henyard was gone without
hearing from her constituents they are
violating our rights I pay taxes here I
have a right to get up and speak whether
this is Administration likes it or not
and not only were the residents shut out
so was a local newspaper reporter who
came here to cover the meeting um I was
told by a security guard that was not
allowed upstairs where the boardroom
meeting is Josh bzma of the Lancing
Journal says residents deserve to know
how elected officials are spending their
money thoron Township is the largest
Township in Illinois and so there are a
lot of people that are affected by the
decisions the financial decisions that
this Township makes even Thorton
Township Trustee Chris gonzale a
frequent henyard critic was ordered out
of the boardroom until the meeting began
do you think any laws were broken last
night by the way they handled the public
well definitely I mean if somebody wants
to speak this is a public it's a public
meeting it's a public building they
should be able to come in with mayor
henard now a regular Target of criticism
Dalton employees and local business
owners started feeling the heat claiming
they faced retaliation when they refused
to support the mayor even a Park permit
was revoked for an event that was
happening this same day as a music
festival managed by correct again mayor
henyard always a good time for everybody
that comes out fun exciting good for the
community for the past eight years
Darren Bosley has organized an annual
car show here in the parking lot of
needles Park in Dalton but after paying
$1,000 to the park district for this
year's permit Bosley got an unexpected
call last Wednesday from Dalton mayor
Tiffany henards top assistant saying
that the show will be shut down but if I
move my event to her
location on Greenwood that I will be
fine did you take that as a threat yes I
took that as bullying sure enough when
Bosley showed up at the Park Saturday
morning he found that giant concrete
barricades had been placed at the
entrance and Dalton police were
threatening to tow any cars that park
there we talking about two different
governments talking about the park
government versus The Village government
Dalton Park District president Cleo
Jones says mayor henyard has no legal
authority over Park District property
and believes she didn't want the
competition to hurt attendance at her
own event a house music festival a few
blocks away so I'm not sure what her
tactics were of than trying to bully us
and push us away but you know that's not
going to happen here what would you say
to the mayor about this uh get your life
together get your act together um this
is wrong for people that spend money
with the part District to try to throw
an event peaceful event fine event and
it's good for for the community but
you're taking that away from everybody
they just rushed in here put police at
the front of the door like they was
doing a raid on the drug house or
something a team of Dalton police
officers raided and shut down Pablo's
baring Cafe and rinky baring Cafe both
located unily about a block apart
everything going peacefully nothing
going on there like 10 police cars came
in and they start pushing customers from
here and he said if you don't leave
we're going to lock you up employees and
owners say it's part of an ongoing
campaign of harassment by Dalton mayor
Tiffany henyard that is costing jobs and
money their business licenses have been
Stripped by Dalton but they've continued
to operate with a state license I have
like over 23 employees they work from
the local Township now end of the day
all the employees they going to lose
them job it's ridiculous we all have
mous fee we all have kids um they are
not giving us no explanation on Monday
we visited both rinky and Pablo to ask
about allegations their licenses were
being held up for political reasons then
last evening we broke the story that FBI
agents have questioned at least a half
dozen people including business owners a
former Dalton employee and an elected
official as part of an investigation
into mayor henyard less than two hours
after our story aired police raided the
two bars someone seen you go in there
and in two hours after your story airs
that police are at both of these
establishments Dalton trustee Tammy
Brown says she believes the raids are
meant to send a warning to others not to
talk and she believes there's a reason
so many doton businesses are having
trouble getting their licenses renewed
I'm sure that they were asked to donate
make a donation and most likely they
didn't make a donation Dalton residents
had enough and in April Dalton's
trustees voted to open an investigation
into mayor henyard and invited everyone
from the state's attorney to the FBI to
come to Dalton and open the books well
trustees got their wish when we broke
the news that FBI agents were in fact
interviewing witnesses as part of a
federal investigation and then entering
the fry another mayor who frequently
found herself in the crosshairs former
Chicago mayor Lori
Lightfoot I commit to you that I will
follow the facts where they lead without
bias at the conclusion of this
investigation I will provide an
assessment of the findings and the
and I welcome and urge the full
cooperation by mayor henyard her staff
all Village trustees vendors and others
this board specifically has made reaches
to the state's attorney Attorney General
governor's office and as we know there
are ongoing well it's been reported that
there's ongoing um investigations from
federal entities uh those entities as we
know can take anywhere from 2 months to
5 years we feel this option will will
give us um an independent process
overall it tells me that the
investigation is expanding it's not just
focusing on the City of Dalton former
FBI agent Ross rice says the subpoenas
revealed the burgeoning scope of the
federal criminal investigation into
Thorton Township supervisor and Dalton
mayor Tiffany henyard one Sabina focuses
entirely on henyard including two
businesses she owns a restaurant and a
property management company as well as
henards political fund and the charity
bearing her name it asks for all records
including Personnel files wage and tax
statements time and attendance records
of work performed contracts and checks
written to cash the mayor and the
township supervisor who are one and the
same appear to be the primary focus of
the investigation the second subpoena
requests a kitchen sink of Township
records including Financial reports
budgets payroll records and ordinances
covering credit crit card purchases
expense reimbursements security details
and the use of vehicles The subpoena
also asks for payments and credit card
expenditures for a number of Township
employees including henyard top
Lieutenant Keith Freeman it's very Broad
in the scope it's very Broad in the
number of people and entities they're
asking uh for records on I was
pleasantly surprised Stephanie Weedman
is a former Township employee turned
whistleblower who's been helping the f
FBI in its
investigation over the weekend she took
part in a rally of Thorton Township
residents calling on henard to resign
Weedman says the latest subpoenas are a
welcome sign I hope that the township
founds finds a way to be able to recoup
the damage that has been done but I hope
that the people that did the
damage I mean there's repercussions for
making bad decisions that'll take some
time for investigators to un tangle the
mess in Dalton and at the time of
recording this we're still a year away
from Dalton's next mayoral election but
if the next year is anything like the
last three then the story of Mayor
henyard and the village of Dalton will
continue to surprise and infuriate and
we'll keep covering it right here at Fox
32 Chicago I'm Dane PLO thanks for
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