Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
TLDR本期节目讨论了多个科技话题,包括OpenAI与斯嘉丽·约翰逊的争议、微软的AI Copilot功能、iOS上的Circle to Search更新以及Rivian汽车软件更新。首先,斯嘉丽·约翰逊指责OpenAI未经允许使用她的声音,OpenAI则否认并停止使用该声音。接着,节目提到了微软的AI Copilot功能,它能够提供建议、编辑文件等。iOS上的Circle to Search功能允许用户在Chrome中进行更直观的搜索。最后,Rivian为电动汽车增加了YouTube应用和Google Cast功能。节目还包含了一些科技新闻和对这些话题的深入讨论。
- 🎙️ 波形播客由Marquez、Andrew和David共同主持,本期讨论了多个科技话题。
- 🧊 讨论了OpenAI和斯嘉丽·约翰逊之间的争议,涉及AI声音模型与她的声音相似问题。
- 📱 微软宣布了新的AI功能和合作伙伴关系,包括与Reddit的数据合作,以及新的Windows 11功能。
- 🚗 Rivian宣布为其电动汽车推出新的软件更新,增加YouTube应用和Google Cast支持。
- 🎧 Sonos推出了新的高端无线耳机,价格为450美元,具有主动降噪功能。
- 🤖 微软和高通合作推出了新的基于ARM的处理器,旨在推动AI PC时代的到来。
- 💻 微软发布了新的Surface笔记本电脑,具有更薄的设计、改进的触摸板和更好的性能。
- 🔧 特斯拉从其新车型中移除了Steam游戏功能,这可能会影响一些车主。
- 🔍 Google的Circle to Search功能即将在iOS上的Chrome浏览器中推出。
- 🎥 播客中提到了电影《她》(Her),讨论了AI在人际关系中的作用及其对现实世界技术的影响。
- 📊 讨论了AI在搜索和内容创作中的准确性问题,以及对互联网内容创作者可能产生的影响。
Q & A
为什么Scarlett Johansson对OpenAI的声明感到不满?
-Scarlett Johansson对OpenAI的声明感到不满,因为她发现OpenAI的Chat GPT系统中有一个声音(Sky voice)与她在电影《她》中的角色非常相似。她之前曾两次拒绝了成为该系统声音的请求,而OpenAI在未获得她同意的情况下发布了这个声音,她认为这侵犯了她的肖像权。
OpenAI是如何处理与Scarlett Johansson声音相似的问题的?
-OpenAI声称Sky voice并非基于Scarlett Johansson的声音,并且是在与她接触之前就已经选好了声音演员。出于对她的尊重,OpenAI暂停了在产品中使用这个声音。
-节目中讨论了AI生成的内容可能侵犯个人肖像权的问题,如Scarlett Johansson的声音案例。此外,还讨论了AI可能产生的不准确信息(即“hallucination”)以及这可能对依赖AI获取信息的用户产生的影响。
节目中提到的'Circle to search'功能是什么?
-Circle to search是一个在Chrome浏览器中的功能,允许用户在图片上画圈来搜索特定的内容。这个功能在iOS上的Chrome中即将推出,但目前只在Chrome浏览器中可用。
🎙️ 播客节目介绍与AI争议讨论
本段落介绍了一档名为'waveform podcast'的播客节目,由三位主持人Marquez、Andrew和David共同主持。节目开始,他们讨论了关于OpenAI和斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)的争议事件,其中涉及到电影《她》(Her)以及一个名为Samantha的AI助手的声音问题。斯嘉丽·约翰逊声称她被要求为AI系统配音但拒绝了,而OpenAI则否认了这一点,并表示他们从未打算让AI的声音模仿她。尽管如此,由于公众的负面反应,OpenAI暂停了该声音的使用。
🤖 AI与社交媒体的交互及其潜在问题
在这一部分中,讨论了科技公司尝试实现电影《黑镜》(Black Mirror)中的一些反乌托邦概念,例如Bumble尝试创建一个服务,让用户创建基于自己个性的聊天机器人与其他人的机器人约会。此外,Instagram允许创作者启用AI代表他们回答粉丝的问题,这引发了关于AI在社交媒体上角色和影响的讨论。
🔊 AI技术的伦理和版权问题
📱 谷歌搜索与AI技术的结合及其影响
在这一部分,讨论了谷歌搜索如何整合AI技术,以及这可能对内容创作者和网站流量带来的影响。提到了谷歌的Circle to Search功能即将在iOS的Chrome上推出,这可能会改变用户的搜索习惯。同时,对谷歌搜索在提供信息摘要时可能出现的准确性问题表示了担忧,担心这可能会导致用户不再访问原始网站。
🚗 微软的AI Copilot与Windows 11集成
本段讨论了微软在其操作系统Windows 11中集成AI Copilot的计划,以及他们如何将AI技术应用于提升用户体验。提到了微软与高通合作,推出了新的Snapdragon X Elite处理器,这些处理器将为Windows 11提供更强大的AI功能。同时,还提到了微软在AI领域的其他合作伙伴和产品。
💡 AI在提升PC性能和用户体验方面的潜力
在这一部分,讨论了AI技术如何帮助提升PC的性能和用户体验。特别提到了高通的Snapdragon X Elite处理器在AI方面的性能,以及微软如何利用这些处理器来改进其Surface系列产品。还提到了微软在AI领域的其他努力,包括与OEM合作伙伴的合作,以及他们如何计划通过AI技术来改变PC市场。
📱 苹果的AI技术发展和对行业的挑战
🖥️ 微软Surface系列产品的更新
在这一部分,介绍了微软Surface系列产品的最新更新,包括新的Surface Pro和Surface Laptop。讨论了这些设备的设计改进、性能提升以及它们如何更好地与AI技术集成。特别提到了Surface Pro的OLED面板选项和Surface Laptop的新的处理器和内存升级。
🚗 电动汽车软件更新及其带来的新功能
本段讨论了电动汽车(EV)如何通过软件更新获得新功能,以提高用户体验。特别提到了Rivian公司为其电动汽车R1T和R1S推出的软件更新,该更新将增加YouTube应用和Google Cast功能。讨论了这些功能如何使电动汽车在充电时为用户提供娱乐选项。
🎮 特斯拉车载游戏功能的更新
在这一部分,讨论了特斯拉公司对其车载游戏功能的更新,特别是取消了在Model S和X车型上提供Steam游戏平台的支持。分析了这一变化背后可能的原因,以及它对已经预订或拥有这些车型的客户可能产生的影响。
🎧 Sonos品牌入局高端耳机市场
🏆 新泽西州的发明与创新
🎉 播客节目的结束与反馈征集
💡Surface Pro X
💡Windows 11
探讨了Google在iOS上推出的Circle to Search功能。
讨论了微软Surface Pro X和基于ARM的Windows电脑的挑战。
探讨了Windows 11的新功能,如AI驱动的“回忆”功能。
提到了Rivian为其电动汽车推出的软件更新,增加YouTube和Google Cast支持。
讨论了特斯拉从Model S和X中移除Steam游戏支持的决定。
讨论了New Jersey对科技和发明的贡献,包括工业机器人、Unix操作系统等。
以轻松幽默的方式结束了节目,同时提到了对New Jersey的热爱。
but there's a difference between going
down like this and going like down like
that you know well they have Jets
attached to them yeah so the Jets like
push them forward push them forward and
as long as the force pushing them
forward is higher than gravity it's like
a fish swimming through water yes
gravity is pulling the fish down but
there's a certain Force holding the fish
up and how do boats water shareholder
boats Fish are fish are held up by and
fish don't sink to the bottom of the
ocean is their shareholder
Val what is up people of the internet
welcome back to another episode of the
waveform podcast we're your hosts I'm
Marquez I'm Andrew and I'm David this
week uh we've got Circle to search on
iOS nice we've got Microsoft's co-pilot
event nice and we're going to wrap it up
with some Google Apps being added to
rivan software also nice but first
something not so nice the naughty list
I'm already on with the Segway um open
Ai and Scarlet Johansson where do we
even start with this we can start with
last movie I was G to say we can start
with a movie you guys still haven't
watched I still haven't watched her wow
I have not either but I now understand
references actually I wouldn't have
understood this whole article or fun if
you guys didn't explain it guys this
movie formed my entire personality if
you want to understand me do you want to
break down what happened in the movie no
yeah no spoilers the news regarding the
Scarlet Johansson Association I think
Andrew should break this down he a
little more plugged in last night than I
was this is also perfect because I
didn't watch the Microsoft events so you
guys can explain that to me later but
Scarlett Johansson uh yeah we talked
about last week how she was in a movie
called her which has a lot to do with AI
we saw Sam bman tweeting her right
before their chat GP o event last week
and not tweeting Scarlet tweeting the
word her yeah yeah tweeting the word her
in reference to the movie that Scarlet
Johansson is in um in but like the voice
the like main voice like like literally
as closely connected to what Samantha
yeah um so then they come out with the
event and there's a voice in chat GPT
called Sky which sounds apparently very
similar to her voice I can't be the
judge of that because I've never seen
the movie and I haven't watched a bunch
of scarlet Johansson's stuff I don't
know if it sounds everyone seems to
agree it sounds like Scarlett
Johansson's voice from the movie and
part of that is in her story so Scarlet
Johansson responded to this voice the
sky Voice by putting out a statement um
that uh about nine months ago Sam Alman
or maybe a year ago or so Sam Altman
reached out and asked her to hire her to
be the voice of the chat chat gbt system
she declined then again right before
this newer one was released
she contacted her or samman contacted
her again asking her to reconsider she
declined then chup PT gets released with
this new Sky voice that sounds just like
her to the point where she only found
out about it because her friends and
family messaged her saying this sounds
so much like you did you do this um to
which then she was not happy yeah
because they basically used her likeness
um I will say open AI has claimed that
it is not her voice and that it was
never intended to resemble her they
claim they casted The Voice they casted
the voice actor before Sky's voice um
before they outreached to her at all and
out of respect for her they've paused
using that voice in the products
currently but I think the problem here
is the mounting evidence against her
tweet is not looking good for you Sam
sorry bro I think if he doesn't tweet
and Scarlett Johansson never comes out
with being asked to be the voice they
they get away with this and it's just
this like little joke I don't know why
you want to make this joke from
everything I've heard the movie doesn't
put AI in a very good uh it's not a
necessarily bad light it's like it's
kind of this like retr futuristic world
and everything's kind of nice but then
at the end of the movie without spoilers
the kind of theme of the movie is oh
actual real human inperson connection is
more important than a a chatbot even if
a chatbot can like emulate having a real
relationship with you yeah the the the
deeper he gets in his relationship with
Samantha the more actually like
cripplingly sad his own life gets yeah
sounds like a cool voice to model your
brand new uh big feature after big tech
for some reason has an obsession with
like recreating things in movies that
are extremely dystopian go terribly
wrong I don't know if we talked about
the Bumble thing last week but Bumble is
trying to like they're they're literally
trying to create a service on Bumble
where you create like your own chatbot
modeled after your person personality
and it dates other people's chat Bots oh
no to be to try to match you to people
who the chat so you don't even have to
do the talking yeah so this is literally
a Black Mirror episode in which this is
the whole point of the episode and this
happens in the episode and I don't
really know why all of these tech
companies are like let's take this thing
that's supposed to be a warning and it's
very dystopian and it's trying to say
don't do this and try exactly make it
happen Instagram got halfway there with
like creators can enable like an AI
That's sort of trained to represent them
to answer from no to answer DS from fans
which is also extremely dystopian right
which is but it's only halfway there
because it's real fans talking to an AI
that says it's an AI but it's also
trying to kind of act like me yeah but
two different AIS talking to each other
is hilarious yeah um and then you
probably get like an AI summary of your
ai's conversation with the other AI to
see if you want to date that person God
I hate it we did get a bunch of comments
last week saying to make chat GP talk to
Gemini and have and see what their
conversation would entail that would be
interesting it would be pretty fun yeah
it's kind of like when people had a
Google Assistant talk to Siri way back
in the day or like when you used to call
Domino's and Papa John's and put them on
the phone with each other or it's like
when Samantha admits to Theodore that
Sheil spoilers no spoilers it's a it's
like 11 years old
I think a lot of people are watching
this movie for the first time now this
that is a good point there's probably a
chance that some people just heard about
it from our episode and uh maybe you're
going to watch you have two weeks you
have two weeks and then the spoilers are
coming full spoiler episode yeah so I
will say the the voice as soon as open a
released the voice uh model and the
ability to talk to chat GPT which was
like a year ago was quite a while ago
The Voice already kind of resembled
Scarlet Johansson's but I think people
are just now starting to like realize it
because one it's getting more like
attention and hype and people didn't
really use the voice model as much
before and two in her Samantha which is
the AI assistant's voice is very like oh
Theodore what what can I do to help you
she's like very flirty and very like
kind of like cute and you know human and
uh the new 40 update makes the
assistance a lot more humanlike and
flirty the inflection like makes it seem
way more similar it's also Scarlet
Johansson kept call it 4. which is just
kind of I think proof that GPT 4 o is a
confusing name because that's not what
it is letter O not four number o make
sure it's lowercase too yeah ridiculous
yeah I I'm just reading the open AI
statement and it just seems like both
things can't be true they start by
saying it was never intended to resemble
Scarlett Johansson's voice but then
right after that they say out of respect
for Miss Johansson we've paused using
the voice why if it's never if it was
never intended to represent her in any
way they're being the bigger person here
that's what they're saying yeah yeah did
you I I think like all the evidence
beforehand like again if this comes out
and it just some resembles them and
there's not them reaching out twice
showing how much they want her to be the
voice and Sam tweeting her directly
before like the evidence is against you
there's nothing you can do to prove that
this wasn't that aged like milk it yeah
it totally aged like milk and it's just
because they wanted the funny laugh and
they're going to get the funny laugh in
court now there are so many Tech CEOs
that have just tweeted things that ended
up being terrible for them it's like
guys just don't tweet you could just not
tweet no I prefer they keep
tweeting ENT more entertaining I would
like them to keep tweeting did you see
the there was a meme going around of um
Mera Mar Mera doing the face when they
asked her about if they rip YouTube
content for uh and then she was just
making that face was like did you use
the voice of Scarlet Johansson for also
immediately after 40 came out people
someone one of the audience people asked
like was this modeled after Scarlet
Johansson she was like that's really
funny a couple people have asked that
recently and we've never like thought
about that before we've never heard of
that before it's like if Scarlet
Johanson story is true then yes you have
unless Sam Alman didn't tell anybody on
his team
it's good media training you know that
saying where it's like never never blame
on like intentional meanness what you
could just blame onute attribute to
incompetence like nobody you can just in
a simple World assume that they didn't
mean to do what they did sure I think
this is not one of
those I agree yeah also if like if it's
true that they reached out to Scarlet
Johansson and then Mera specifically
said what is this we've never seen this
before that just makes me think they
absolutely Train on YouTube data like
it's it's already been fairly clear
considering how like roundabout they've
been being like uh we got to trade our
model when they're asked the question of
if they train on YouTube data they just
work around the question which means yes
but now it's like definitely yes to be
fair they say this is a voice actress so
my guess is they pick someone who sounds
I just want I don't know if you were
saying no they're not training they
didn't use her voice from content not
saying training the voice on YouTube
data I'm saying training the multimodal
AI on data I just which is the big
question that everyone's been asking
them for the last few months yeah at the
end of the day this just felt like they
kind of they knew they didn't have the
permission and they tried to skirt it by
anyways um and maybe threw a couple too
me meme too close to the Sun and well
it's interesting cuz there's multiple
outcomes here there's the outcome in
which they did hire a voice actress did
try to make like hire someone that
sounded just like Scarlet Johansson
there's also the option where they
literally scraped like her voice from a
bunch of movies and created a model and
just tweaked it slightly so it wasn't
quite her voice I think that would be
super hard to prove we'll see what any
of this is proving but I there would
have to be like a litigation they'd have
to do like Discovery to be able to know
that yeah I it felt like they were
trying to do it and not get caught and I
think the fact that they made it so
similar that Scarlett Johansson's family
reached out to her is what bit them in
the what we were saying this morning
it's like if you ask someone permission
and they say no and you are
simultaneously trying to be the biggest
AI assistant in the world they were
going to find out they're going to find
out you can't just like you can't just
assume that Scarlett Johansson will
never hear this voice like you're open
like think about this you're open Ai and
you're one of the biggest companies in
the world and your your goal is to make
an assistant that everybody in the world
wants to like and use and you tweet like
cleverly her in all lowercase just just
play it up just cuz like it's kind of a
thing everyone's like already there's no
way you
then out Johansson to ever find out Sam
Alman needs to print a picture of that
tweet and hang it next to whatever
computer he tweets from yeah as to
reminder to just type it out and press
the x button feels just as good and then
you don't find yourself in a pile of
later yeah um fun fact in the movie
Scarlett Johansson was cast after it was
pretty much shot and edited like it was
a different actress doing the voice for
the whole imagine they found the other
actress that would be amazing that would
be crazy impressive one more thing
though before we switch away from open
AI is they also announced that they
partnered with Reddit so now open AI can
scrape Reddit data to use it for their
model what do you call that Library
model model yeah for the large language
model yeah yeah that's fun if I had if I
was worried about AI is hallucinating I
think the last place I would want my AI
to scrape data from is Reddit comments
because if you use Reddit you know that
it is simultaneously the best place to
look for things and also the toxic
hellscape of the internet the funny
thing is even if it's not hallucinating
and just making stuff up it's also
potentially going to be wrong just
because a lot of people on right it just
say things yeah it's it's interesting
because it depends on what you want to
use it for if I was looking for like
answers to factual questions I wouldn't
think this would help at all no but if
you wanted to be really creative and
think of insane random off-the-wall
stories like I'm sure this is great for
that well I'm I think that also they
just need more data to train what
natural human language looks like yeah
and there's an insane amount of humans
making typos and like talking about
experiences they've had and all sorts of
stuff and Reddit comments a bunch of
different types of words and the good
thing about Reddit data is it has
context kind of built in already based
on subreddits and stuff I guess it's
like I feel like the reason Reddit is a
great place to try and look at something
you're looking for is just you get to
use the context of what you already know
and then get to use a comment based on
replies and upvotes like that's a great
way to be like oh this one has a lot of
upvotes a lot of people agree with it
and also he's a few counter points under
it can it can it use that context I
doubt it should I would love to talk to
a model trended on the highest uploaded
and then a model trend on the the most
downvoted and see how different they
talk that would be a great video I don't
think they're necessarily trying to like
pull information from Reddit I think
they're just trying to add to the model
because there's a bunch of stories that
came out a couple weeks ago that a a lot
of these companies ran out of words to
train on like they basically scraped the
entire internet and so now they ran out
of words and there's a few companies
that are looking into training models on
other models output because they just
generate output and then they they're
like well we need more we need more and
more input you know there's there's
multiple camps for this and I am not an
AI engineer so maybe it's okay but
personally I feel like every time you
start making a photocopy of a photocopy
of a photocopy it just loses relevance
and starts export that jpeg over yeah
exactly pretty much jort exact it's
pretty much the same video yeah it's
pretty much the same thing when you say
words do you mean tokens and we're not
going down no no no no no we did get
that wrong last week we said we said it
was not wrong it was maybe not yeah did
say a token is the smallest bit of uh
discret information that a Transformer
model can process but we also said in a
language model it's often Words which is
not true it can be prefixes and suffixes
and itty bitty bits of words I still
really there was a lot of people also
saying how Google did a poor job at
explaining how much two 2 million two
million tokens was as context and I
agree cuz I still don't I think the only
that's why I asked last week there are a
lot of people in the comments saying
like that this is awesome like this is
huge news and I was like wow I didn't
get that from that at all and maybe I'm
a but like I feel like I'm in this
space enough where I should understand
the grasp of that and I don't I didn't
the reason a 2 million token context
window is awesome besides the fact that
you can put 37 Cheesecake Factory menus
in there 96 96 even better dude the
someone left the funniest comment
yesterday where they were like Ellis
just said was laughing at Google for
saying 96 cheesecake menus as like a
unit of measurement but then went as far
to say 12th of an inch instead of 1.27
millimet we don't do those millimeters
here we don't do those what no we live
in America come on um no the reason that
a 2 million token context window is good
is because like the bigger your context
window you can have you could put a full
book into well not a full book with you
know a small novel maybe you can put
that into Gemini and then ask it
questions and then you have all the
context of the entire thing is there a
representation this is where I could
have used a graph not a Cheesecake
Factory menu graph um I also before we
stop talking about Reddit I also just
have to say Steve Huffman um because
this is just more proof that Reddit only
cares about making as much money as
possible to the list Steve does not care
about any Reddit users he only cares
about money and I hate him for ruining
that website and the app still sucks
it's actually worse so bad it's horrible
somehow relay still works for me well
relay now paid oh you pay for okay yeah
yeah cuz they yeah they found a way to
still actually recoup and pay for it and
use the API tokens but I guess pre a lot
of other ones it was like not able for
them to do it yeah I just want to bring
up these two articles real quick brought
this up vaguely last week but there's
this awesome wired article called I'm
once again asking our Tech over s to
watch the whole movie about her which is
very funny because like we were talking
about just like a lot of these uh Tech
CEOs just try to create the things that
in the movie it says explicitly or maybe
implicitly to not create and then they
just do it anyway kind of like how Apple
recreated the Ready Player One intro
scene for the vision it's like that's a
hellscape yeah just saying yeah just
saying uh and then there's I forgot they
did that there was this tweet by Alex
blenman sci-fi author from three years
ago too from three years ago sci-fi
author in my book I invented the torment
Nexus as a cautionary tale tech company
at long last we have created the torment
Nexus from classic Sci-fi novel don't
create torment
Nexus speaking of Nexus which was a
phone and therefore speaking of Google
and Chrome speaking of terrible Segways
and circle to search coming to IA
H nice I got to cut us off eventually
there's been so many people asking us to
stop that yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry we
apologize but we're going to keep doing
it I'd like to take this chance to
apologize to absolutely no one for my
Segways I'm going to keep trying you
can't get better if you don't practice
you don't get good at these you do you
want great Segways you think I'm just
going to like come up with them off the
top of my head no I got to practice not
getting better but I need to fail
forward and in public to get good maybe
it's writing I need to write write these
outlines with better connections between
them like option Segways for like the
previous article here are some segue
options yeah Circle the search seg
Circle the search is apparently coming
to Chrome in iOS so got to read the
headline Circle to search on iOS yeah
now we got you listening it sounds nice
but it's just in Chrome I mean it's a
Google product so they're like bringing
this cool circle circle to search is
awesome and I still use it every day on
My s24 World trip but like it's a it's a
nice feature don't have it I've been
loving Circle search is someone who
loves Google lens on my camera and I
know you could do it before but Circle
search is so much easier just yeah in
context in the apps that you're using I
use it all the time I think this will be
sherlocked in a month when uh Apple has
WWDC probably has some sort of
contextual I'm really looking forward to
W me too dude there's a lot of stuff
coming that we assume is coming at WWDC
that is really like things we've been
looking forward to for a long time that
make a meaningful difference to products
that we use yeah and hopefully products
that we're not using like Siri that
hopefully can get really good this
sounds like a conversation that happens
before a really boring WWDC I don't I
don't know we'll see dude they're
supposed to have RCS everything about
this year screams this is a good one
yeah I agree we'll see and we'll also
see like what's going to be new for
Vision Pro yeah because and the Apple
car right if we do get Circle to search
on iOS it's going to only work in Safari
we don't well it's going to be Siri
based probably if it's like Circle to
search right like it's going to be on
phone and nothing that has to do with
Google at all yeah no I know I think
they'll put it in Safari you think
they'll put something like that in
it's onice it's going to be OS based the
reason Circle search is so good on
Android phones is because it's not only
in your browser it's in like Instagram
TI Tok and YouTube and everything like
that's what makes it good the I almost
feel like the times I'm actually
searching on Google on my phone or in
Chrome is so little yeah and then like
most of the time I'm like clicking a
link through a different app or now
circle of search is finding that thing
yeah do you know what I hadn't thought
of how is that going to potentially
screw over affiliate links in video
content like if you put an affiliate
link to a charger that we have or even
do an ad spot for like anchor and now
instead of clicking the link on the
bottom I guess we don't do affiliate
links like that a great question Andrew
and we're thinking deeply about the to
that that was part of the reason it's
worked out well in the past is because
we've thought really deeply about how to
do it right yeah did you watch that soon
to our interview dude yeah it was pretty
bad okay shout out to if you haven't
already yeah uh Nei Patel from The Verge
interviewed on the decoder podcast
Sundar Pai CEO of alphabet and Google
they talked about a bunch
of AI at the top of search related
things and Neil had a lot of valid
points about like okay you're driving a
lot less traffic to these websites now
like the whole model of the internet is
like people search for things and then
go to the websites from search and drive
a lot of traffic through Google and what
if that just stops because you've just
given people the answers at the top and
so many of sundar's answers were like we
we think a lot about this and turns out
the incentives will work out like things
are just going to work the way they
should like I didn't really get a lot of
concrete no uh evidence other than him
assur ing us that clickthrough rates are
actually higher for links in AI
summaries which you should you should
watch zero chance I believe that a full
there's a full video version you should
watch it it's on YouTube I to go watch
that it's really good it was good I the
the thing that suar kept saying was like
oh in the past we've mostly seen that
the thing that's good for the end
consumer is what ends up winning out so
the consumer wins and it's like cool
we're not really talking about the
consumer here we're talking about the
people that make the content and it's
like yes it is true that probably
consumers would rather have a generated
web page that has a potentially
hallucinated answer on it yeah and then
maybe 1% of them will click the links
and go look at the website and look I
agree the modern so the modern web kind
of sucks like there's if you go to any
website there's just ads everywhere it's
slow loading except all your cookies G
gdpr it's like annoying I get it however
if we cut off the hose that makes the
content and these AIS are still
hallucinating things and there was a
part in the interview too where Sundar
like like subtly said like the
hallucination problem is kind of a
feature and not a bug oh I I I heard I
heard that and I I heard what he was
trying to say but didn't I don't want to
Goa him but yeah heally he leaned into
the meme of that saying I think he
basically said like it's still a problem
that is inherent to Transformers and we
can't really change it but the benefit
is if you're trying to be creative it
allows for more creativity which is like
technically true but doesn't solve the
underlying issue that makes all of these
AI systems feel too unreliable to a
truth problem where it's like if you
just want it to be creative that is one
version of a tool for AI where the
Transformers are really good at being
creative and coming up with things but
if you're Google and you're trying to
give people factual answers to queries
that's a different use of AI that it is
not as good at so it's a feat over here
and it's a bug over here yeah and I'm
just trying to break it down to the
fundamentals like you've solved it for
this this fun questions to Gemini give
me a story write me a speech type thing
but it's not solved for give me answers
to questions on the internet which feels
way more detrimental to the population
couple quiry Stories the Neil interview
is very good he pushed back on Sundar a
lot and this is the most frustrated I've
ever seen Sundar get which Sundar is
also one of the chillest dudes I've ever
seen in my life this visually cuz I I
listened to it in the car so I didn't
watch oh I was running next to David
while listening to it we were both on a
treadmill and he's just like looking
over my arm running on the treadmill
watching the facial expression like gets
visibly like frustrated uncomfortable
but he's still Sundar Pai so he's still
like the most relaxed guy in the world
if he was more like Elon he would have
just ended the interview cuz he was that
close like there was a point where in
which he said which Nei said something
and soon just goes that is so far from
the truth wow so far
from reality
reality it was interesting CU Nei
specifically called out there was a in
the Google ad as we have seen in many of
these uh generative AI ads where they'll
just get something wrong there was a
point where they asked like how do I fix
my film camera that's jammed and Nei
pointed out that one of the things it
said was to open the film camera and
adjust the film which ruins all of the
film there's some weird like Nuance
there because the the bullet point right
before it said press the rewind button
if there is one and technically if you
rewind your film you can then open the
film camera and then get the film out
but because it was in bullet point
format as like a number of different
things you can try and not necessarily
like an order ordered list and so Nei
brought that up to Sundar and Sundar was
like you know I ran this by some film
photography experts and they said it was
fine and I'm like okay well that's kind
of just that was their film photographer
AI model that's that confirmed you it
was kind of like semantically based and
so yeah if it was like do this and then
do this and then do this if it was
rewind the film and then open the camera
it would make sense but because it was
bullet point based there is kind of an
issue there that's a legitimate problem
though is like semantics matter and like
yeah I agree you can completely screw
something up in that situation if you
don't correctly like yeah list things
out I don't know I would argue just to
go back on you said how like this new AI
search they're saying is better for the
consumers I've had it on my phone
recently and I think it makes searching
more annoying lately cuz now I search
the window pops up and then I also get
this it takes up the whole first part of
the screen that's just like AI
initiating and like figuring it all out
and then the best part is it gives me an
answer I scroll down and there's still
those little boxes of like frequently
asked questions and you click one and
it's like the exact same answer but this
one on the bottom was loaded already
it's super bloated and then you don't
get any links unless you scroll down
really far yeah I want popped out of the
redesign there is and just use old
Google search well there is that new
button web search now that you can press
and get R of all the Google widgets
default it yeah I would love to default
that yeah yeah it's it's a weird world
but anyway shout out to that interview
you should go watch that interview yeah
there's another I haven't gotten to
watch this video but it's a Creator I
like a lot named hippot Tech and he just
did a video called it's not just you
Google sucks now and it's Google has a
big problem and about how Google search
has just completely changed recently I
probably should watch it before
recommend it but I like all I like his
content and he's usually it's a great
great video or great title good Creator
okay hopefully a good video lot of trust
in this one yeah um I just want to bring
up really quick with the circle to
search on iPhone thing on Chrome this is
like very clearly Google trying to
protect Chrome's market share because
there's a lot of like they have slowly
been losing like a little bit of market
share for Chrome and I think they're
starting to panic about it and
especially on iOS like yes you can only
really do this in Chrome on iOS you
could also probably do it in the Google
app which is the app that they now have
Gemini in for some reason there was
someone sorry I just interrupt you
there's someone saying there is a weird
way to shortcut this with Google
assistance to do something like Circle
to search on iOS so there is a hacky way
of doing Tak a screenshot and then it
uses Google Lens to analyze the
screenshot and then it pulls up a Google
search based on your Google ends query
and it's like a automated um some people
do some crazy things but sorry yeah no
basically that I just think that they're
like kind of worried about Chrome and
they're just like trying to protect
their market share which they have like
86% market share and so it's not but it
used to be 90 it used to be higher so
yeah do you think this is enough of a
feature for people to use Chrome over
Safari on iOS no I didn't think so I
don't use an iPhone but I'm assuming
most people just use Safari on iPhone as
their web browser yep and I don't think
this is changing that yeah especially
like you said when dubdub will have a
feature basically exactly like this
that's on device and actually being able
to look at the scen yeah then it's like
why do you need to no point yeah so all
right I think that's a pretty good place
to take it to break but that's a good
break spot first we should do but
naturally you know as we do MH when we
take breaks typically there's also a
trivia question
oh I'm not sorry all right so it is
clear AI is the Talk of the Town has
been this week was last week was the
week before it's the theme of the until
it talks about itself where it's
everywhere so in that
Spirit what component sits between the
ink Supply pump and the ceramic crystal
in an inkjet
printer I'm just kidding that's not the
actual trivia question this week but if
you know the answer no Supply pump the
actual trivia question is the first ever
industrial robot named unimate worked at
a General Motors production line in what
state is this going to be a trick
question how could it be a trick
question because it could be Washington
DC which isn't a state okay it's not
Washington DC no that's not that's not
what I was going for it's not Puerto
Rico also not a state uh it's not Guam
it is a
territorial it's not Pennsylvania which
I don't consider a state all right well
Andrew doesn't get the point United
50 states right in fact I'll just I'll
it's not in Hawaii or Alaska so the
continental US indeed cool do you know
there's people who they see the map with
like Hawaii and Alaska off to the side
and they think those are two islands
next to each other they're
not I do know I've met multiple people
grown-ups no who still kind of thought
that I have a family member who uh was
shocked to find out that Alaska is not
in fact an island and I couldn't even be
mad I was like he was like it's right
next to Hawaii on the map and I was like
the funniest part of it is just thinking
of the climates of both of them and like
the photos you see of Hawaii are like
the beach and the jungle and waterfalls
and volcanoes and then Alaska is like
yeah grizzly bears and snow and elk and
like snowy mountains and that would be a
hell of that's it would be a sick
if Hawaii were cold it would probably
kind of look like
Alaska if it had all the animal My
Grandmother Had A B yeah if my
grandmother had Wheels my grand be no
I'm just it's got It's got look it's got
It's got mountains you know what I mean
there's a lot of there's a lot of
topographical activity has a mountain um
and it is a mountain they both have they
both have dense
forests and yeah and and California
could also be described by this that is
true wait have you never seen that that
video that if my grandmother had Wheels
she would be a bike oh my go we're going
to take a quick break and show David
that video okay we'll be right back all
right support for this episode of
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form all right welcome back uh on Monday
of this week there was a very long
interesting Microsoft Event in which
they announced co-pilot plus PCS it was
like kind of a Microsoft Event kind of a
surface event kind of an AI event they
had a lot of different things that they
announced there they also announced a
bunch of OEM laptops uh mostly because
they're moving towards the age of the AI
PC as they call it um mostly that just
means that they're repackaging Windows
11 with a ton of built-in AI features
and to enable that they need a chipset
that can actually push those features
forward which Windows 11 yeah which in
this case is the uh Qualcomm Snapdragon
X Elite and uh X+ processors which were
announced last October at qualcom Tech
Summit in Hawaii so we're finally
getting those yeah we've talked about
Windows 11 I thought you yeah I agree I
just figured new version of Windows but
I guess that's kind of not very often I
mean origin originally they were saying
Windows 10 was going to be the last
version of Windows and then randomly
they're like 11 I like 11 a lot 11's
great I mean yeah they're just going to
go hey it's Windows 11 again but this
time with co-pilot right I feel like
they know that every every couple
Windows updates they hit the bad one
yeah so they're really worried about
it's alternating yeah they know we got
it yeah yeah no it no it does alternate
is it alter 10 and 11 were both great I
don't think people like 11 really no I
like 11 that's actually I don't even use
11 at home but I liked 11 I use it on my
old laptop it was nice Vista was I like
a lot Vista was ter maybe maybe 11's the
good one no people like terrible yeah
seven8 s was it was XP was good Vista
was terrible seven was good eight was
horrible 8 8.1 was good yeah but I think
I think it already had the sour taste
and everyone's about that just like
eight as a whole sucks eight was when
they were trying to make Windows mobile
happen and instead of trying to make
Windows mobile look more like the
computer they tried to make the computer
look more like the phone it was always
so funny when you had to go to the tile
that was your desktop like and just be
like never let me see this again yeah
but then yeah then 10 great Mo mostly
because it wasn't eight but also 10 was
good and now I like 11 yeah so they kind
of broke the curse they broke the curse
but now they really don't want to push
it for the next yeah fair enough okay
I'll have him forever I want to give
some context on this whole like shifting
over to arm PCS thing um thank you
because you were trying to explain this
to me yesterday and I need a full
explanation okay yeah so this these new
qualcom SN Dragon X Elite processors not
the first time Microsoft and Qualcomm
have tried to make arm-based
computers uh famously they tried to make
it in 2019 when they released this new
computer called the Surface Pro X which
was an arm-based windows on arm it's
going to happen this time guys for real
for real wanted to be good and they
co-branded a processor with Qualcomm
that they called the Microsoft sq1
around that time Qualcomm had uh
released the Qualcomm 8cx processor
which is an awful name and was made for
Windows unarm computers however at the
time nobody really wanted to sign on to
Windows on arm specifically because it
sucked um Good Reason yeah totally fair
qualcom made like a lot of uh Fanfare
about the fact that they their emulator
their like Rosetta esque uh translator
emulator was like really good really
efficient the problem was that it only
worked with 32bit x 86 uh Intel based
applications and at that point in time
most professional Applications had moved
to um
64-bit so you had this problem where
like only super old apps were working on
this translator so you could use like
the the default Microsoft apps on the
Surface Pro X kind of they kind of
worked and that was good but if you
tried to use like anything else that you
download from the internet just wouldn't
run games usually just wouldn't run if
you could get them to run the emulation
would be so slow that it was basically
unplayable extremely expensive computer
uh it was a lot better it was like they
made the design a lot better they
streamlined the bezels they made it look
really nice it was good Hardware but
considering it was an arm-based PC the
battery life was like pretty bad and
there was just no reason why you should
why you should buy a Surface Pro X over
an Intel based Surface Pro X at the time
you mean it was bad for an RPC right
yeah the Surface Pro X was also that
like tablety it was a surface yeah so
the surface pro has always been the
tablet that has the attachable keyboard
and so they made the Surface Pro X which
was their attempt at windows on arm I
remember seeing this at Microsoft that
year but nobody was invested in Windows
on arm and I'm not sure if it was
because it just sucked or what but like
none of the oems wanted to get involved
in it and so you pretty much only really
saw like the Surface Pro X and maybe
like one or other two one or two other
computers come out um so that was their
first run in 2016 and then Apple did M1
201 sorry yeah 2019 not 2016 and then
Apple released M1 and has just been
totally smoking them for like so many
years now that they're finally like okay
guys we really really really need to
actually make this happen guys like for
real this time for real this time for
real for real this whole M chip thing is
like pretty good over there you should
probably do something about it I think
this just showcases like the difference
between vertical integration and being
someone like Microsoft Qualcomm Asus
ASRock who is like all trying to work
together to make something that works
versus Apple who just makes everything
themselves like it's cool I love the
idea of separation um and having all
these different companies like come
together because then you have choice
you have a lot of choice but it makes it
very hard to make these things work
there's clearly pros and cons of both
situations yes um so anyway on Monday
they held an event in Richmond that
again was like part surface event
because they did announced a new Surface
Pro which I think they just called the
new Surface Pro which is funny um and
then also a new Surface labtop in two
different sizes and these are primarily
going to be arm-based computers that run
on the new Snapdragon X+ and snap dragon
X Elite which in a lot of synthetic
benchmarks are eclipsing M3
and I actually went to a Qualcomm event
um like a month ago in which they showed
me all of these benchmarks and they were
specifically comparing it to M3 and it
was before M4 dropped on the iPad and I
think that's the whole reason that Apple
put out M4 in its most basil form on the
iPad is just because they knew that
Qualcomm was going to compare ex Elite
to all the M4 stuff or M3 stuff and the
xelite uh processors are specifically
geared towards AI where because they
have 45 uh flop
mpus um which the M4 tokens those are
words that mean things to me
yeah they have a more powerful neural
engine yeah they neural engin yeah
exactly exactly so like the Qualcomm
neural engines are really really beefed
up and I I think that's exactly what
Microsoft wants specifically too because
all of these features that are coming to
Windows 11 and SAA is always like we've
entered the age of the AI PC it's mostly
based on that neural engine M um so yeah
now the now that M4 is out M4 also has
way beier neural engines it's just we
don't really know what it can do yet
because Apple hasn't had the developer
conference in which they released
features neur it can take pictures of
documents and remove Shadows I that was
actually the thing I was the most
excited about to be honest it can do
stem split stem split which is kind of
cool yeah but like I don't know I want
to see what it actually does on
computers yeah okay so yeah Microsoft's
event was basically to like really
showcase the X Elite and X+ processors
that are coming out it was an oem based
event so we got new laptops from Acer
Asus Lenovo Dell
HP um and uh they announced some new
features in Windows 11 that are AI Focus
the the biggest one that most people are
talking about is a feature called a
recall yeah this one is interesting
which is interesting uh I've heard from
some s says that the that the internal
name for this was Total Recall which is
very funny and kind of a nod to that
movie uh but this feature is basically
it takes snapshots of your screen every
5 Seconds when there is something
different on your screen and it stores
that in a cache and that's a lot of
smarts but also a lot of
data yes I looked at you that's perfect
perfect forone and it uses all of those
snapshots as contextual understanding of
like what you're doing what that page or
window or whatever is so that if you I
don't know you were texting your friend
or emailing your friend the other day
like oh what's that barbecue spot you
like and you don't remember the answer
you ask the recall feature when bring up
the email where I was talking to Jessica
about that barbecue spot and then it
brings it up because it has this like
list of things that you've been doing on
your computer for a long period of time
yeah this is sort of the dream of what
we want an AI assistant to be in a lot
of ways because it's just like it knows
everything that you've been doing and
therefore yeah you can really use it to
help you yeah it's like a superpower
yeah I think it's a pretty a very
interesting feature I want to get one of
these laptops in to actually test and
see how useful it actually is um they're
saying that all of the snapshots are
encrypted and stored locally on your
computer never go to the cloud hopefully
it doesn't come out that they're
training their llms on it um I don't
think it will but we'll see um also they
give you lot of control over it so you
can turn off recalls ability to uh
scrape apps on an app bya basis if you
want so you can say never read my Gmail
app or never read you edge or whatever
uh and you can also just turn it off
entirely if you want but it is opt out
so there's that um and co-pilot is also
getting more deeply integrated into
Windows 11 like providing suggestions in
the settings menu um it can edit files
and file explorer for you
and they're also wait can I but in sorry
I don't want to go too far away from
recall because the first thing I thought
about this was when I used to do it and
being like I wish every person in this
office had recall so when they could say
like I don't know what happened it just
the screen just went blank or like this
happened I could be like I'm sure you
didn't and then type in the thing that I
told everyone not to do and watch them
probably do that and break the computer
by themselves my dad always says that my
dad is like the computer just decided to
do this itself and I was like no dad
that's not Compu this wouldn't help that
but one time one of my bosses was like
the screen just went blank and I came in
and I was like oh that's weird like he
was like I was just writing an email and
I looked down under his desk and the
computer was like sideways on the ground
and I was like do you usually keep it
like laying down like that so you don't
knock it over he's like oh no it's
usually stin what like how David does it
was like a tower like but some people
did on their desk put it like that and
he was like oh no it's usually standing
up and I was like so you kicked it in
the face I was like got it so it
probably probably got knocked over huh
he's like yeah I guess I like put it
back up and plugged it in the back he's
like whoa thanks man and I was like holy
yeah I don't know what happened yeah
yeah yeah yeah so I don't know I I I
think this is a super interesting
feature assuming people aren't too
creeped out by it
um yeah people are pretty creeped out
that's a big assumption that's a big
assumption yeah I would I would like to
see if it's actually useful though cuz
like I don't know there's a lot of AI
features that come out that are like in
this very explicitly specific instance
it could be useful but this is something
that's sort of just like there and if
you ever have a question you could look
it up and I feel like that's kind of
nice this is how I could see it is it
comes on there's people who are going to
opt out because they think it's creepy
and then they're going to hit a scenario
where they're
like I wish I had that on I really could
have used that and then I bet they turn
it on yeah what is that scenario though
because for me it's looking for memes
that we talk about do I really want this
turned on to find the M we spoke about
last week that yeah I mean like find a
deleted tweet that you saw and you're
like oh that was really funny but now
it's deleted or like I didn't even think
that the worst thing about threads is
that when you open threads and you you
like instinctively go to refresh it but
then you see the first thread on the
page and you're like oh wait I'm kind of
interested in that and then it refreshes
the whole thing and you're like that
happens on Twitter also you will'll
never see that ever again what's Twitter
that's or I mean I've had YouTube also
where something's been on the
recommended page on the front and like
as I'm clicking refresh I'm like wait oh
wait what was that one and I will never
find that video ever again yeah recall
yeah recall solves all the terrible
social media ux designs you could
literally be like what was that fire
post that I just missed while I
refreshed and oh you meant this one yeah
so I'm I'm very interested in how Intel
responds to all this because inel is
just like an aging aging aging company
that like Qualcomm and arm we're always
going to be the future right like
obviously phones got faster and had
better battery life and that's obviously
what we eventually wanted for computers
and apple did it and it worked and so
now Microsoft and all of their oems are
like all right we're really really
putting our best foot forward this time
and this is actually going to be the
future and it is nice to see that a lot
of oems are actually making a bunch of
laptops that are uh that are ex Elite
powered because last time it was pretty
much just Microsoft and the the one
laptop they released for it sucked so
these laptops look sick they look good I
want like five of them yeah the surface
laptops yeah so we can talk about the
new updates um there's a new Surface Pro
which again they're just kind of calling
the Surface Pro it's the first time
they've put an OLED panel in the Surface
Pro as an option although the OLED panel
does add
$500 um which is quite a lot uh but it
is available with the wait no no no but
you also get the the upgraded ship with
that $500 yeah you get The XLE versus oh
so it's not only a $500 up yeah yeah
true okay okay yeah there's the X pro
chip and the X Elite chip the X Elite
chip is a lot more powerful um so it's
nice to get the OLED in there and then
they also announced a new Surface Flex
keyboard so prior the surface the
surface Pros were like they would be a
tablet and you would attach this
keyboard that was also kind of like a
folio we've seen that happen in every
tablet known to man at this point M um
but the keyboard had to be attached to
the computer in order for you to use it
as keyboard now you can wirelessly use
it when you take it off of the tablet
which is kind of nice that's one of
those things that felt like it should
have just been happening the whole time
yeah they never had a battery in the
keyboard it was justed by the pins I
also like that the keyboard it looks
like there's an Alcantara version and I
kind of missed the the old surface
laptops that had that optiona yeah yeah
alcanta was nice I have a question David
sure about the Surface Pro so is the
Snapdragon X Elite a like sort of
unified platform in the same way that
Apple's arm platform is where the memory
and the and storage and the motherboard
and the graphics processor are all like
on one yeah I believe so okay then
assuming that is true uh you can only
put 16 gigs of ram in this thing which
makes it not a very Pro device do you
have the super fast me does it seem like
we'll get the super fast memory swap on
this that renders Ram a little bit less
useful or is this another Microsoft
product that they're calling a pro
product and then just expecting people
to uh go make a sandwich Microsoft pro
products have literally never been pro
products almost ever the Surface Pro
Series has never been fast yeah so you
know it's more about the flexibility I
guess I'd forgotten all about the I knew
they had some sort of tablet but I
forgot it was called the pro so when you
said Surface Pro before I just assumed
it was like I just always think it's
just like the nicer laptop seven or
whatever that has the attach I'm super
excited about this thing as someone who
at home uses their Asus Zenbook fold and
really enjoys it this just seems like a
better version of that but without like
what am I supposed to do with 16 gabes
of I can floss my teeth with 16
gigabytes of RAM you know what I mean
that's nothing this say 32 gigs I'm
specking one out right now and the
highest option is do you have excelite
yeah hold on let me double check all
this okay um well that new Chrome tabs
the new Surface Flex keyboard is very
cool however it is
$350 um which is the same price as the
Apple 13in iPad magic keyboard I was
wrong you can't spe it up to 32 gigs
okay good okay cool my bad you floss
your teeth with that but again again the
surface Pros have never been like Pro
devices also just saying the second
highest tier option is called
Dune instant isn't that just a color
oh misinformation King over here see you
guys later I'm off the
podcast wait also I'm got a thing up
right here that says Surface Pro Flex
keyboard with slim pen $449 that because
you're getting with the pen is there a
way to buy separ without the pen like 90
bucks wow or maybe if you buy it with
the computer I keep also reading this as
slime pen and it's so much more
interesting is insane yeah that's a lot
I don't know yeah it's a lot of money
and I just got to say both to Apple and
Microsoft stop charging
$350 for you spent more on you know how
sick of a keyboard I could build for
$450 yeah yeah that's true it's not the
same thing maybe I should do a short of
that this is extortion like how much
keyboard can you get especially
considering on the Surface Pro you can
barely use that as a computer without
one of the keyboards you kind of need it
true about the iPad but it's like the
iPad Pro it's literally called the pro
but like most people but the iPad is
also focused around using it as like a
touchscreen tablet device and like
adding the keyboard is sort of like I
want to make this a computer now whereas
a Microsoft tablet is not as useful
Windows is not that useful as a tablet
it's just they try they try to make it
that way but it's just not it's mouse
and keyboard first yeah I have to say
they do a good job at showing some
examples of where this Now new wireless
keyboard would be uh like nice one of
them is in here he has like the tablet
on a coffee table with the kickstand and
he's using it on his lap but like that
would be awesome on a plane because now
I have it on the thing but I'm not the
one typing my keyboard making the guy SE
in front of you like shaking put in your
lap and then he also has this cool
situation where he has the tablet semi-
propped up using the stylus but then he
still has the keyboard to the left with
his left hand to do shortcut keys that's
cool I bet Tim would find that pretty
interesting yeah except it's Windows
yeah I figured it out you as of on the
pre-order page you could only pre-order
it with 32 gigs of RAM if you choose the
platinum color the pro platinum color
yeah otherwise if you choose Sapphire
black or Dune why is this we were just
talking about this with apple if you get
the pro versions of things get boring
colors yep it's because those are the
most popular colors by
far but I do cuz you don't offer us
better colors Mystic
bronze Mystic that's an old an old one
okay call back call back okay in the
laptop we also have a new Surface uh
laptop and there are two sizes um which
is nice they they made the smaller size
slightly bigger it's now 13.8 in and
there's also a 15in also both OLED both
600 knits not 10 not
tandem uh starts at 16 gigs of RAM with
256 gigs of storage for 99 $9.99 I also
want to say in order to use recall you
have to have 50 GB of storage available
okay which if you buy the 256 gab model
that means you only really
have which is kind of less than probably
less than 200 the OS takes up storage
you're probably only really going to
have like 150 gigs now the benefit of
the surface laptop is that there's a
slot and I think on the Surface Pro as
well there's a slot on the back where
you can swap out the memory extremely
easily um you can add in memory just on
the back of the computer memory or
Storage storage Sor sorry storage not
Ram sorry that's good cuz I flu my teeth
150 I don't even know what that how that
analogy would work but you know what I
mean it's so thin that you could it's
nothing it's it's
worthless I wake up and I blow my nose
in 16 gigs of RAM right out one thing
really cool that I think is also worth
pointing out Dave 2D pointed out in his
video is the botom of the screen now is
rounded so all four edges are rounded
and I never noticed that and now I can't
not see that on my MacBook I was about
to not rounded the MacBook is rounded at
the tops but on the bottom it's not I
never noticed now it bothers me so
much this
is you don't notice it as much on the
MacBook because most of the apps round
the corners on the bottom and then the
dock makes it so the app isn't full
screen unless you're using full screen
mode but it's a lie but you just don't
notice but yeah what background am I
using they're darker on the bottom so
it's harder to see the backgrounds are
always darker on the bottom Apple
designers they know what they're doing
hid first came out yeah when the when
the iPhone still do yeah when the iPhone
10 first came out with the notch they
made yeah the wallpaper's gradient to to
Darkness notch or dynamic Island well it
was a notch then now they still kind of
like creatively hide the dynamic island
with darker colors but they are a little
bit bit less
uh it's like a feature now so they want
to show it off it's Discerning
difference in the AI is hallucinating
yeah it's feature not above
feature uh enjoy it so the laptop for me
is a lot more interesting than the
Surface Pro um in this scenario cuz they
actually upgraded like a lot of things
on the laptop that is very nice um they
now have a haptic touchpad very similar
to the MacBooks so it's kind of the same
thing where there's not actually a
physical button but it's a motor that
presses back on you I'm very interested
in seeing if that's comparable to the
macbook's touchpad it's probably about
the same which is pretty cool um there
are now two USBC and one usba whereas
prior I believe it was one USBC and one
usba uh and then they have the surface
connect charger on the right and they're
saying that it can get up to 22 hours of
video playback which is pretty
comparable with the MacBooks pretty good
yeah and this is kind of their big move
to unse try to unse the MacBook Air as
the most popular computer in the world
basically um cuz the MacBook Air just
sells like hot cakes cuz everything
about it is incredible yeah it's already
I mean like I I loved my Surface laptop
I don't remember which one it was
because all of them look exactly the
same which I don't think is a bad thing
I think it's a really Sleek nice looking
laptop I love traveling with it it was
small it's way easier to carry around
than this thing um the problem it will
never beat the MacBook Air but that's
not of its own fault it's that Windows
has a million competitors it's just like
why one Android phone is never going to
beat an
iPhone it's like there's way too many
different ones to pick from and
different price points where if you just
want careful Andrew careful you just
mean in pure sales in pure sales yeah I
think it's oh yeah yeah sorry that's
what I it's semi comparable to the pixel
because Google makes Android just like
Microsoft makes windows and then they
have a flagship device that they want to
show off that OS on and I don't think
normal people care about that I agree
and they do their best as far as
vertical integration but it's never
quite as complete full stack as like
Apple's top to bottom right thing well
this was my question to you Yer David
because I also think the surface line is
very similar to the pixel line and
Google eventually started making tensor
their own chip and I was asking if you
think Microsoft will eventually make
their well they tried to make their own
chip with the sq1 which was like a
custom design chip with Qualcomm which
is basically exactly what Google did
with tensor because snap because uh
Samsung actually made the chip for them
but they Ed it so it was similar where
like Microsoft had a lot of input in the
design of the processor for the
co-branded chip the sq1 um I could see
them eventually doing that just because
they're investing so much in AI that I
could see them being like we want our
own chip that Qualcomm will manufacture
but we will like design specifically
every major tech company is basically
like we would like to make our own ship
I mean open AI is trying to make their
own chip so yeah which is crazy uh him
that's a great yeah they also made the
surface laptops a little bit thicker in
the middle so that they could put the
Snapdragon X Elite chip the best one in
it um so now when you buy a surface
laptop you you get like the fastest new
arm-based processor that there is okay
theoretically these exite processors are
extremely good at emulation have
extremely good battery life and can run
everything hopefully they took their
blunders from last time and actually
made a translator that is just as good
as Rosetta they say it's just as good as
Rosetta too so I really really am
interested in like trying to play games
on this thing right because if you want
to play valerant on on this like it's an
arm-based computer can it emulate it
well you know like on my MacBook Pro I
play Dota 2 and I get 144 FPS out of it
now that is compiled natively for Linux
and for Mac which is cool um but it's
going to be interesting when it's it's
emulating yeah so yeah it was a pretty
big event that had like a lot of stuff
in it I think the big things were uh the
new Chips recall and the refreshed
computers and there's also a bunch of
computers from all those other oems so
there's a lot of articles online if you
want to go check out those other laptops
as well I think it's like comparing
these I know everyone wants to be like
this is the MacBook killer the MacBook
Air like this is going to be better than
the MacBook Air but I I feel like
Microsoft mostly should just want to
take over the windows segment of laptops
like they are also compared competing
against Dell HP and all of their other
partners which I guess they still you
know are making money off them if
they're probably more money off them
more money that's a good point but like
if they want to be the laptop of Windows
like that feels like the better well
they have the same issue that Google has
right they make Android and they rely on
other manufacturers especially in
countries where pixel is not that
popular but also want to beat them yeah
or even available a lot of people always
me tweeted us and stuff saying that
aren't even available in a lot of right
totally yeah and so that's I think
that's why they're like available on
Pixel only for 3 months and then
everyone gets it because they want other
people to they want these other oems to
be incentivized to still make phones and
not turn out like HTC or LG devices yeah
and may that may also a little bit be uh
to avoid the little anti-rusty stuff
where you can't just I mean you can but
you'll get sued if you just build a
whole bunch of things only for yourself
kind of like the way Apple has like with
the Apple watch yeah yeah yeah but it's
also like Google makes most of its money
on Google Play services and that just
means the more Android devices you have
in the wild the more money you're going
to make no matter who makes it so that's
the reason that they haven't really
cared about the pixel that much until
fairly recently um and now I think the
only reason they're really caring about
the pixel is because the iPhone market
share is just skyrocketing so much so
yeah I think Microsoft's doing a great
job with all these laptops and it's not
just the laptops they're putting out but
in that sense of of like being the
easier to recommend laptop they're going
into Best Buy stores and making really
good displays that are simple these
laptops look really nice they are like
the same company making the operating
system and the actual computer and like
they're making it just seem way
friendlier and I I don't know I've
always liked the surface stuff even
though I switched to a Macbook I got to
say the sapphire and the Dune colors are
really good looking they're really nice
and honestly it's like it's just
exciting to have a viable Windows option
now because the only use case in buying
a Windows computer in the past has been
like one if you need one for work
because you run certain applications
that only run on Windows two you need
backwards compatibility with old windows
stuff which is a lot of people and three
uh I'm trying to remember the third one
you're a rebel you're a rebel you want
to use your oh gaming gaming computers
because you want like a really good GP
and also because most games are windows
and and or Linux only generally Windows
only and DirectX we compatible all the
way baby yeah direct X if you want to be
like me and use your surface laptop at
the Apple event yeah it's always a fun
one and be the only one who got Wi-Fi
that one time so that was also fun true
Rebel you want Wi-Fi at an Apple event
get a Surface lap I got to say I am
extremely lucky that the only video game
that I play is natively available on Mac
because otherwise I would really need a
Windows computer I don't know I got to
say like it's really nice that outside
of those use cases you can now like
think about buying a window cuz I like
we were saying earlier I really like
Windows 11 and it runs a lot of things
really well and they also partnered with
a bunch of very popular uh application
makers like Adobe a bunch of adobe apps
are now natively compiled for arm 64 um
Da Vinci resolve is now natively
compiled for m64 cap Cut's now compiled
for m64 and resolve has a lot of AI
features in it now and they showed me
some demos when I was at that Qualcomm
event the other day and it it processes
those AI like it's like AI tracking and
like masking and stuff in real time and
it's really really fast um I imagine
once M M4 and M4 Pro and M4 Max come to
these laptops and they have all of these
uh AI features they're probably also
going to accelerate those kind of tasks
in things like tracking in Final Cut um
it's just cool and also having Windows
computers have good battery life finally
is is really nice I think it's funny
that your example was maybe you want you
need it for work when mine's the exact
opposite as my work computer is my Mac
stuff and I was running a Windows laptop
and a Windows computer at home but now
that gamer too so that's why yeah I mean
the laptop not playing games on it but I
just like Windows better yeah me too the
fact that though this is just my work
computer and then I can take it home
it's just easier to do everything on the
same computer that's going to translate
to when it's at work but yeah I like
Windows yeah team Windows hashtag yeah
and having a bunch of computers that are
actually good
yeah is going to be like really great
who have it so I'm really really hoping
that it doesn't turn out like the 8cx
scenario um I don't think it will but
we'll have to see so big event big news
uh I guess we should take it to the
question lots of good
names lots of good names good names I'm
sarcastic ex Elite name branding baby
all right next question what do the
record player bubble wrap the Unix
operating system and condensed soup
which is soup with almost all the water
removed all have in
common it's definitely not something can
you can you put those four things on
like a screen so we can just see them
later this is more like yeah for when we
answer this is more like a New York
Times word game than it is
trivia listen New York Times is like
basically a gaming company now no keep
doing this and then maybe they'll buy it
from us true put it in their app for a
subscription seven
figures all right we'll be
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form all right last little bit we got to
talk about here uh rivan software update
for their cars they're going to be
pushing us software update that allows
uh the Youtube app and Google cast in
r1t and r1s which I think is pretty cool
uh we've talked for a long time about
all these EVs and how they get software
updates and ideally they get better over
time so this is one of those features
that they're adding and it's
particularly cool in an electric car
because you may spend more time sitting
in it parked because it's probably
charging and so you can watch YouTube
videos or cast some videos maybe you
want to watch some live stream or
something maybe twitch I don't know you
can Google Cast to the screen in front
of you in the rivan this is one of those
things yeah you nailed where it's only
cool because it's an EV and because you
actually might be sitting parked for a
prolonged amount of time where watching
a YouTube video could be a great
distraction when you're charging these
EVS all have big screens and might as
well use them while you're charging yeah
it's way better than looking on your
phone I Casting is a great thing also
though at first you're like well if it's
going to have the YouTube app who cares
about casting but there's plenty of
other apps that aren't in there twitch
things you can do like that you can even
cast your gallery things onto the screen
if you wanted to um maybe that could be
something interesting but yeah having
updates in software and EVS are really
cool because you can add things later to
them which is awesome hopefully there
aren't any companies out there that want
to take apps away from us
um cuz that would be terrible yeah that'
be ridiculous did you see that Tesla's
taking steam out of
what nice my cyber PP I'm model as plan
um so apparently a bunch of people who
or well previously in 2022 they added an
option to the infotainment system on
Model S and X where you could have Steam
on your uh infotainment system because
they had 16 gigs of RAM and a dedicated
GPU I believe that's the difference on
why you could start doing that yeah I'm
not deep in the Tesla culture I never I
thought it was just a I guess what I
thought and this is this could be
totally wrong so ignore me if I'm wrong
but I thought it was that the the
computer that they used to drive the UI
on the screen and to power the
self-driving happened to also be
powerful enough to run games if you're
not driving is that I don't know if
that's explicitly the reason but I just
I know that they did use an Nvidia GPU
that was powerful enough to like play
The Witcher and cyberpunk I I thought it
was because that was powerful enough to
run all of the input signal processing
for like full self-driving cuz Tesla
famously minimal and cost cutting would
not just put $1,000 GPU in the car for
funsies for sure uh for the luls you
don't think Elon would put something in
for the the not if it cost it definitely
wasn't just to play games on right so I
I pictured it as a a fun consequence of
having a powerful computer in the car
for other functions it can also play
some games yeah cool but apparently they
don't need that specific computer
anymore and the one they're using now
doesn't have the same ability to play
these Steam games so they're just taking
steam out that's crazy there was people
who have reservations for the S and the
x that saw in the features that steam
will not be available anymore um and
then I saw something about people saying
that their cyber trucks that they own
Now does not have Steam support the
operating system is not rated to handle
what steam requires well so somebody uh
have steam there's a an article here
that says the cybertruck did not receive
a dedicated graphics processing unit and
many people are noting that they don't
have access to seam on their Foundation
series um and that it also only has
eight gigs of RAM so it seems like a
lesser is that that's what the model 3
and the model y use right I don't know
but I wouldn't be shocked it has the
same like single screen in the middle so
it feels like it could be the same okay
so maybe it's just it's not as powerful
as the old snx and it seems like
potentially it seems like the new snx
are getting this less powerful version
which won't have steam which again is
only something that's really interesting
when you're sitting and possibly
charging for 20 30 plus minutes you're
like waiting for I don't know you're
waiting outside the school to pick up
your kid or something just playing cyber
Punk or cuphead freaking out that how
much road rage would that induce of just
like being really mad you died in Dark
Souls cuz you get to freak out in the
game and then go back to living life no
then you're all amped up because now
you're like well now I'm not sitting
here long enough I need to beat this
Dark Souls boss and now you're driving
as fast as possible home so are they
taking off of existing cars who had it I
don't believe so cuz they would still
have they still have the hardware that
can run it but they could just disable
it and software but they're not going to
do that right I have not seen anything
about that it seems more like a update
in the reservations where let's see it
says this is somebody's reservation
order and it says Tesla's making the
following changes there's something
about Tesla Vision um and then there's a
part at the bottom that says gaming
features Tesla's updating the gaming
computer in your model X and your
vehicle is no longer capable of playing
Steam games all other entertainment and
app functionalities are unaffected wow
so all 12 of you who are going to get
this car specifically because you could
play Steam games you're going to have to
look elsewhere sorry you m about this
that's the problem it's just like it
felt like a big almost a not selling
point but definitely a feature that was
in it that was like advertised and uh
like applauded it was like play cyber
Punk and there were so many videos of
people playing cuphead like in their
Tesla as being this really Co
so yeah it's one of those I think it's
one of those gimmicks that it's a
gimmick for sure it was on the website
and it was talked about but not a single
real person actually bought the car
because of that no but I'm sure there's
people who bought the car who were
excited about it yeah and I bet there's
people who made a reservation excited
about it and now their car is not going
to also there's like that there's and
they won't change their order they'll
trays that allow you to like put like a
mouse and keyboard on there and if I
could play DotA in my car while waiting
for it to charge that'd be pretty
sick it would though I mean that can
with your like iPad that you have
already or you can't play do on an iPad
your Surface Pro you should laptop yeah
when someone's when someone's playing
really poorly like your teammate is one
of your like toxic insults like what are
you playing this at a supercharger right
yeah I'm trying to think of like an
equivalent feature that it's on the same
level of for Teslas like fart mode where
you can like program your horn to be a
whoopy cushion yeah it's like yeah if
they took that away it would technically
be taking away a feature and I'm sure
like 12 people who are really excited
about it would be mad but I think you're
underestimating how many times people
are sitting at superchargers and want
something to do and like being able to
play a game makes that so much more ENT
that life and I saw a lot of people at
superchargers and they just had their
phone out and they and I'm like sitting
next to dozens of other cars capable of
doing cool things on screen watching
YouTube watching Netflix watching
nobody's doing it I've never seen
someone do it but I think it's cool you
can yeah it's cool you can I bet a lot
of people do it that have it I thought
they already removed whoopy cushion mode
like now you can only use it in park if
you're driving with a custom horn it
reverts to the normal horn yeah it's
just a parked button press type thing
okay funny haha yeah yeah yeah that's
kind of it so yeah I I'm sure yeah
taking away features is never fun so
yeah I mean at least it's not removing
it from existing cars cuz that would be
really really L that would be mean this
is clearly cost cutting I think we all
agree with that yeah yeah um and some
I'm sure there's some people who will be
upset and they will probably still
purchase the car anyways but it still
sucks for them yeah yep um my only kind
of analogy I could think of would be
maybe pet mode like if they got rid of
pet mode that would be horrible has like
a decent function I know a lot of people
who use that oh people actually use that
oh well then never mind pet mode awesome
is when you leave your car in a parking
lot with your pet in it it keeps the AC
on and keeps the temperature on and like
super useful the thing on the screen
might be the most beneficial part
because then you're also like so nobody
break my dog is not dying in this car
yeah right pet mode good utility you
know games it's it's good utility too to
like burn some time I just feel like I
every time I was at a supercharger I
never saw anyone doing it everyone would
be on their phone and the phone's hooked
up to the Bluetooth the car anyway so
you're just you're just on your phone
yeah yeah I'm sure there's plenty of
people who use it I would be we should
do a if I was using super if I was using
superchargers all the time and I had
steam on it I would definitely just
download some game that like each
checkpoint would only take 10 to 15
minutes and I would do every single time
unless you're good at
it all right um we got to talk really
quick about the Sonos headphones uh oh
they exist because
wellow they exist we you have them we
haven't had this whole time just off
camera you guys haven't known this but
look at
that we've had them for a couple weeks
now yeah they're they're here's what I
can say because I can't I haven't
reviewed them yet and there is a
separate uh time where that will come I
wanted the headphones um they are
$450 right so Sonos they've made these
very premium speakers and Soundbars in
the past and I think think they have
such a good reputation oh magnets yeah
you got to love the magnets uh that's a
great design the case which you guys are
admiring has like uh they come in black
or white and they have this like felt
kind not microfiber but like a soft
recycl type of feel the colors in case
remind me a lot of the Microsoft Surface
headphones they're the same color and
materials very similar this is the matte
black there is also a matte white which
I think looks just like the surface
matte white as well they're plastic
they're lighter weight they get compared
a lot to airpods Max because I think
just because they're expensive bluetooth
headphones I think they kind of look
like it from the side really yeah
there's been P there's pictures of
people wearing them and it has a I think
they kind of looks like airpods Max with
the like Sony or the Sony headset
headband huh there's um not Johnny I
tweeted about them he said the Sonos app
died so the a pods Max could live yeah
the Sonos the Sonos app has gotten so FL
lately you it's got the removable ear
cups and everything like they're they're
very solid fundamentally they have
active noise cancellation they have some
controls on them they have an onoff
button pretty cool that's pretty cool
USBC USBC on them um and they are much
lighter they're plastic they're they're
a lot lighter than airpods mac so they
they feel closer to like the Sony's or
the bows yeah they don't fold so if you
want to travel with them you'll need
this case right here at least they have
a case and an onoff button so they're
easier to travel with but you'll need
this case right here which has this
little cleverly magnetizing cable holder
they don't even spin the right way like
the XM FS they don't fully spin yeah
well but usually they spin into you so
the cushions on your chest when you spin
them in these spin out yeah right I'm
doing this right yeah you're right it's
the right
side yeah who sorry yeah so they they're
fine I mean I I'm I have a lot more to
say about actually using them I've gone
a couple flights with them I think they
have some other interesting features
that I haven't been able to talk about
yet but at least people now know they
exist people have been wondering is
Sonos going to make headphones for like
years now because of how good the
Soundbars are yeah of course they are
and they're entering at the top of the
market at $450 so people are very
curious about this type of thing so
review coming soon I'll put it that way
all right that's it sweet that's it
there you go cool well segue trivia all
right great segue nice thank you I wrote
my answers already uh miles is going to
WWA right now if anyone wants anything
I'm good listeners anyone W anything
from Wawa cool good put your orders in
the comments yeah yeah put your Wawa
orders in the comments please damn now I
really want to read the orders in the
comments I need a pen sorry I had two
wow David Gets a pen I have one not
doing the printer question but if you
know it put it in the comments wait say
it one more time what component sits
between the ink Supply pump and the
ceramic crystal in an inkjet printer
what's the ceramic Crystal I don't know
what the ceramic Crystal the ceramic
Crystal uh is are you familiar with like
how quartz clocks works it's a it's sort
of similar to a quartz clock it does
ultrasonic vibrations helps uh get the
ink flowing to the Head nope the jet
head anyway the real question the first
ever industrial robot unimate worked at
a General Motors production line in
what United States state
I think this was going to be a trick
question it's not it's it's got to be
it's one where the answer seem so
obvious that if I try and pick something
else and then I'm wrong I'll feel like
I'm more WR think deep Andrew deeper
look deep within yourself Jersey
deeper Central
Jersey doesn't exist shut up Ellis go
back to the West Coast I would love to
Pennsylvania all right you're all right
but say it at the same time 1 2
3 the correct answer is Jersey
New Jersey I should have known when you
just like tried to keep the straightest
face possible that that's what is we've
cursed three times this podcast
unbelievable I've cursed three times
this podcast all right quick update on
the score Marquez with nine H
Andrew not carrying the one with eight
David with nine when am I carrying the
one when you're ahead by one I should
have guessed it oh it used to be when I
was behind by a million now what that
was a trick question because Michigan is
the only state that has cars related to
it we all thought that's just not true
the obvious complete lie what do the
record player bubble wrap the Unix
operating system and condensed soup all
have in common that's a phonograph uh
yeah I I would phonograph is the device
I was referencing but they're it's the
functionally the same as a record player
Google Hangouts I was just going to do
that drop cam Google
optimize Google
Bookmarks backup and
sync fit star yoga what yep
measure timely fit
star that's thanks Google what do we
oh interesting all right one by one
these are good these are good oh oh
interesting marz and I have the same
thing uh I wrote they're all invented by
the same person imagine that resume that
crazy it was like the the the um
Tinder right there was that question
that was like they're
both two good meory the same okay my
answer was they all pop SL crackle in
different ways how does soup pop in
crackle when you apply too much she no
no no when you put soup in the microwave
it gets hotter at the bottom and then it
it pops but that's the water that's the
water that does condensed soup doesn't
have I I'm not going to give you the
point but that that's a good answer how
does the Unix operating the system pop
SL crack oh yeah
when when you put it in the
micro the correct answer
is all four of these things were
invented in New Jersey in the great
state New
Jersey I'm a bad new jerseyan I'm sad
about this you know what's funny so if
you ever land at new Yark Airport
Terminal A and if you walk through that
terminal there's a bunch of like new
screens oh so people are like flying in
from all sorts of places and they land
and there's like trivia questions on
them and every single trivia question
answer is New Jersey so it just says
like where do you think question where
is this college it's New Jersey where
was this fun pair of things invented New
Jersey every single answer is New Jersey
and that's that's what this reminded me
they do have a photo of my small town in
there because we just have this Old Mill
that's very picturesque and you'll see
in pictures of like New Jersey all over
the place and that is the only thing our
stupid little town has nice yeah we need
to get Marquez inducted into the New
Jersey Hall of Fame we need a we need a
Turnpike rest stop named after because
I've that's that's way cooler but I've
written an email or two to the New
Jersey Hall of Fame trying to get you
inducted cuz I thought it'd be like a
fun birthday present or something and
they have not no you need like a
Lifetime Achievement Award type that's
like a I don't think you get in under
about 50 years old I mean who's bigger
Marquez or Bruce Springsteen he's in it
uh Judy Bloom in The New Jersey Hall of
Fame apparently Gary vaynerchuck went to
my high school old you got to be old
that's one of the rules you got to be
old they don't say that but that's one
of the rules you got to be old yeah I
think that's the rule anyway that's uh
that's it for this podcast this week
we've talked about a lot and of course
we want to know what you guys are
thinking in the comments so fre fre to
leave those below as well but uh let us
know what other New Jersey fun facts you
have you made it this far on the podcast
you might as well leave a comment leave
us fun facts about New Jersey down in
the comments below okay thanks catch you
guys in the next one peace waveform is
produced by Adam Alina and Ellis Ren
we're partner with VOX media podcast
Network and our intat music was created
by VIN
Sil I've thought about sometimes being
like Alex you want me to come on and
just make fun of the Knicks
4.9 / 5 (41 votes)

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