Bake Your Way Out The Escape Room
- 🔒 两位厨师被邀请到一个秘密会议,进入后将被封闭在内部。
- 🍽️ 只有正确制作出南瓜卷蛋糕,厨师们才能逃离厨房。
- 🎃 厨师们面对的第一个挑战是制作他们从未尝试过的南瓜卷蛋糕。
- 🔍 厨师们需要通过解谜和找到线索来获取所需的食材和工具。
- 🍳 厨房内布满了锁和计时器,增加了逃脱的难度和紧张感。
- 🤯 厨师们在厨房中感受到了极大的压力和恐惧。
- 🧩 厨师们必须找到隐藏的小人偶,以获取下一步的指示。
- 🍰 制作南瓜卷蛋糕的过程中,厨师们需要完成多个步骤,包括准备馅料和卷制蛋糕。
- 🕒 厨师们在有限的时间内,必须快速并准确地完成烹饪任务。
- 🎉 成功制作出南瓜卷蛋糕的厨师将获得逃离厨房的机会。
- 👻 整个逃脱过程充满了戏剧性和幽默感,厨师们在紧张的同时也有不少欢笑。
Q & A
游戏中的“Liquid I.V.”是什么?
-“Liquid I.V.”是一种补水产品,它比单独喝水更补水,并且含有八种维生素和营养素,口味也很好。
🎃 神秘厨房逃脱挑战
🍳 破解谜题寻找食材
🍰 制作南瓜卷的混乱过程
🍦 广告插播与继续挑战
视频中插入了一段由Liquid I.V.赞助的广告,随后厨师们继续他们的挑战。他们需要将蛋糕烤制一定时间,并且在烤箱中找到另一把钥匙。厨师们在处理蛋糕时遇到了困难,比如如何正确翻转蛋糕并将其转移到冷却架上。
🥞 准备馅料与最终组装
🏆 完成挑战逃离厨房
- Hello.
- [Gamemaster] We invited two inept chefs
to a top secret meeting.
- Hello.
- [Gamemaster] Once they enter, they will be sealed inside.
- What is this?
- [Gamemaster] If they want to leave,
they will face their worst fear.
- In order to escape the kitchen,
you must correctly make a pumpkin roulade.
Shall we get started, chef?
- A pumpkin roulade.
I don't even know what that is.
(dramatic music)
Give me your sacred pumpkin.
- Oh, come on.
- Oh my God. This is like an escape room,
but I have to cook my way out. - You took all the utensils?
- This is my nightmare.
(dramatic music) (Jared laughing)
- [Gamemaster] It's now time to escape the kitchen.
(dramatic music)
- Hello.
Oh shit.
Oh, no, no, no.
What is, are you guys gonna kill me finally?
- What the (bleep)?
What's going on?
- Oh, no.
There's a clock.
There's a lot of locks.
This is...
Oh shit.
- If I read this, this is gonna start a clock.
Why is everything chained up?
Guys, I'm freaking out.
This is scary.
No one's talking.
This is quiet in here.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, you can't.
No, I didn't even read the thing yet.
Put that back.
Put that back.
Hey, guys. Start it over.
Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
- Welcome in.
In order to get the kitchen,
you must correctly make a pumpkin roulade.
Oh, do you need a recipe?
Puzzles attack and mysteries thrive,
the truth you seek lies inside.
- The time you waste, you can't afford.
Carve for clue one.
Oh my gourd.
- Oh my gourd?
What does that mean? (laughs)
What does that mean?
(tense music)
- Eggs in here.
Okay, I have to...
Excuse me?
The (bleep) was that?
- There's a little man in here.
What does that little man mean?
Is he a clue of some sort?
- You took all the utensils?
- I don't even know what a gourd is.
I'll take a diet Coke for good measure.
Ah, ah.
I'll put it back.
I'll put it back.
- Oh, come on.
- Carve for clue one.
Oh my Gourd.
What's this do?
This is like the shining.
I'm terrified.
(bell dinging)
- Shit.
- Gourd.
This has to be a Gourd 'cause I don't know what it is.
Yes. (laughs)
- Oh this, you want me to do this?
Come on.
The ingredients are in here, and I need a key.
What am I missing?
What am I missing?
What am I missing?
(playful music)
Okay, there's an orange.
Oh, carve...
(magical warble)
Oh, this is fun.
- Okay.
I don't even know how to cut these things.
- There's no way you put something inside of the pumpkin.
- No one gave me any context for this show.
They just put me in a kitchen
that looks like a Dexter's murder room.
- No (bleep) way.
No way. No way.
(lively music)
Can I smash?
Stop it.
No (bleep) way.
How did you, how did you, how did you give it?
No. (laughs)
- A little gourd clue.
Oh, God.
Gourd smelled terrible.
For the roulade.
Oh, it's my (bleep) ingredients.
- For the roulade.
Unsalted butter.
Unsalted butter, 160 flour.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
- Unsalt.
(device whirring)
Oh my gosh.
Hello, chef.
How are you?
- [Gamemaster] To find your next step,
you'll have to answer this question.
What has to be broken before you can use it?
(mysterious music)
- So I have to cook and do riddles?
This is my nightmare.
(playful music)
Jared, think.
A safe.
No. Damn it.
- What has to be broken before you can use it?
- [Jared] What has to be, oh, an egg.
- [Zach] There's no way you put a key in an egg, right?
- [Jared] Are there any clues in these eggs?
(playful music)
- [Zach] There's no clue in that one.
- So I'm gonna break every single one of these eggs,
and if somebody somehow found a way to put a clue inside
of these eggs, somebody at Try Guys is David Blake.
(magical music)
- You fricking psychopaths.
- Oh!
This egg is empty and there's something in there.
- (laughs) You guys are crazy.
(Zach laughing)
Step one, heat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Butter a 13 by 18 inch rimmed baking sheet.
- But I need butter and butter's in the fridge.
That's where butter lives, in the fridge, which is locked.
- We got a message coming in from up top.
You need to get something that's been locked away.
- To find the code, you'll need to play.
- Find the weight, and you'll do great.
To open, you'll have to weigh?
This is so much.
- To open, you'll have to weigh.
(playful music)
You'll have to weigh.
So how much does this currently weigh?
- It was the thing on top of the scale.
I need to find the weight of this, and that's the code.
I am good.
What have I just spoken to it?
- Okay, it says 1923.
- Oh shit.
This is fancy.
Okay, 1923, key.
- Oh shit. (laughs)
Let's go.
- I need butter, but I don't, this is unsalted.
I want the regs.
Oh my God, there's a little man in here.
This little man means something.
- Butter the parchment.
I assume you just paint it like a glue stick.
- You're saying to yourself, Jared,
you don't know how to do this.
Imagine you got walked into a room,
nobody talked to you, nobody said a thing to you.
They just looked at you like you're a hostage,
and then you're getting clues in a printer.
All right, unsalted butter.
(playful music)
- I looked at the unsalted butter,
and I said to myself, "You don't want the unsalted butter.
You want the regular butter."
The very first thing on here is unsalted butter.
(device whirring)
- Do you need the next step?
(upbeat music)
Yeah, obviously. (laughs)
You'll have to ask nicely.
(upbeat music)
Room, can you help me please?
Thank you.
That's not good enough, I wrote a pre, come on.
That's not good enough.
I wrote you a pretty poem.
Will you write me a pretty poem?
You got it, room.
- Poem.
Please, may I have the very next step?
I'd love to do it.
(playful music)
Okay, I'll start again.
I'm lost in space, and only you can help.
(playful music)
(bleep) I'm bad at poems.
- Room, room.
Oh, fearful room.
Lead me to glory.
Guide me to the loom.
(playful music)
Oh (bleep) you.
- All right, here we go.
Poem. Here's a poem.
What are words that rhyme?
When you're on the spot,
boy, that freestyle ability goes out the window.
- Why a loom?
I don't know.
Like fruit of the loom.
Loom is like a treasure.
It's like a, I don't know.
I was just trying to rhyme.
- I need a next step.
I beg on my knees.
Can you help me?
I ask pretty please.
That's a yes.
That's a bow.
- Okay.
Step two, in a medium bowl, whisk together the dry...
I don't have dry ingredients, oh, no.
- Whisk together the wet ingredients until smooth.
Fold them together, no lumps.
That means nothing to me.
- And my legs just supposed to like, okay,
to be able to find stuff in here?
Okay, so there's a little man.
- I need all purpose flour.
These all have locks on them.
Flour, flour, read all about or.
- This isn't even on.
What the hell is this?
- All purpose flour now.
(lively music)
- I need this.
I need this.
- I hope you came hungry, chef.
I did. I always do.
- [Gamemaster] For this next one, you'll need a key.
You'll find it in the pantry.
So please eat carefully.
- Where is the pantry?
♪ I'm a little pantry ♪
I can't leave this room, right?
The pantry's in this room.
- I gotta find a way into you, my dude.
All right, maybe I'll eat every...
There's gotta be inside one of these here.
I bet you everything happens for a reason.
(playful music)
These gluten-free?
Trying to cut down.
No kidding, really?
(playful music)
(playful music)
(Zach laughing)
- Oh, there's key in the muffin.
There's a key in the muffin.
We're cracking codes.
We're getting ourselves outta here.
If there's one thing I know,
it's I can escape.
That's not it.
- Oh, that.
Well, we've got that, or what?
Burning through time over here.
Okay, so in a medium bowl, whisk all the dry ingredients.
One teaspoon of ground cinnamon,
- All purpose flour, 160 grams.
- [Zach] 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt.
- 3/4 teaspoon baking powder,
- Quarter teaspoon of baking soda.
We gotta rename these two.
They're too similar.
You know, someone needs to rebrand.
(playful music)
- What is a pumpkin roulade, chef?
- It's like a sauce, right?
It's like a pumpkin sauce thing.
- What is a pumpkin roulade, chef?
It's funny you say that because I literally have no,
ooh, is it a pie?
- Okay, now we're gonna do the wet ingredients.
240 grams of canned puree.
How much is in here?
Making a roulade.
Canned pumpkin puree.
- Can openers make me think of old people. (laughs)
That's not right, but it's true.
- Three large eggs.
- Oh, don't get any of the shell in there.
- [Zach] One teaspoon of vanilla extract.
- Oh my god. Shit.
Oh now it just smells like vanilla.
- 100 grams of granulated sugar and 110 of dark brown.
- In a large bowl,
whisk all the wet ingredients until smooth.
- Fold them together, no lumps.
What does that mean?
- Fold them together?
Where do I fold them, on the parchment paper?
- Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and say that this is folded.
- [Jared] Oh shit.
- [Gamemaster] Stains and smudges, badges I wear.
- [Zach] Yet in my fold secrets, I bear.
- [Jared] A kitchen companion through and through.
- [Zach] Now, unravel the riddle.
- Who am I to you?
I really like reading poems, I've decided
- Stains and smudges.
Okay, well, badges I wear.
That means a stain and smudge, I'm going for a cleaner.
- It's the KitchenAid.
I am a genius.
- Hm, Scrub Daddy?
What has folds?
Yeah, "And my folds."
- Nope.
- Stains and smudges.
(playful music)
- Nope.
- "Badges I wear."
What the (bleep) does that mean?
Badges. Badges.
- A timer? - Badges, badges, badges.
- No? - To my folds.
- A kitchen companion through and through.
- A kitchen companion.
Now, unravel the riddle.
Who am I to you?
- Oh, I just folded and I'm stained.
- My apron?
- No way.
Is it in me?
- I'm missing it.
- Why do I mean?
What do you mean?
- Everything says it's in the apron pocket.
It's in the pocket of your silly little apron.
- What?
- The issue is not all these pockets actually are pockets,
and the ones that are pockets
seem to have literally nothing.
- Do I rip it?
- There's something I'm missing,
and it's right under my nose.
- What?
- What are you just having me break this for?
- What do you mean?
- I am hovering over what I need to do next.
- There's no way that ruining this perfectly good,
what do you mean?
This can't be?
- Can I rip this sewn shut pocket open?
- Oh, there's a secret compartment.
- Wow, guys, this is awesome.
- Okay, so you're telling me I just broke,
I totally ripped apart this apron for nothing.
- So I unraveled a pockets.
(tense music)
Almost dropped it.
(bright vocalization)
(Zach giggling)
- Well, I think I need a new apron, guys.
Do I get a clue for this one
or we're doing a sponsored segment?
Oh, okay.
This portion of today's video
is brought to you by Liquid I.V.
I know this one. This is easy.
Liquid I.V. is the hydration multiplier.
More hydrating than water alone,
plus eight vitamins and nutrients and great taste.
Sugar free?
Sugar free?
Maybe you've had a long day.
Maybe say you've been trapped inside a creepy kitchen,
and the only way out is to play out your personal torture
for the enjoyment of millions of strangers on the internet.
You may find that you need to hydrate.
Hmm, that's good.
Is that raspberry melon?
That's delicious.
Maybe you're an athlete stopping.
I've gotten a pickleball recently.
Very fun.
Have some Liquid I.V. after that.
Much rather be doing that right now.
That's toasty.
Thanks to Liquid I.V.
for sponsoring this portion in today's video.
Now, back to my personal torture.
How do I get out of here?
- Step three, spread the batter
onto the prepared sheet and even layer.
- [Zach] Okay. Okay.
- Bake until the cake is puffed
- [Zach] Into the oven.
- Set and spring back
when pressed gently and center.
Set and springs back when pressed gently and center?
- Wanna know how long it bakes for?
Turn the town upside down.
- I have literally no understanding of what it means.
- Turn the town upside down.
Turn the town.
- [Jared] Turn the town.
Little upside down.
- Oh, I found another key.
That was a mistake.
You want me to pretend I didn't find that?
- [Jared] Turn the down upside down?
- You go upside down.
I have to get upside down?
I've gotta look.
I just sit here upside down like this?
I have to get upside down?
(Zach gasping)
- [Jared] Is that where it's at?
- Oh my gosh.
(Zach giggling)
Oh my gosh.
15 minutes. (bleep)
I wish I looked at the clock, but I put it in the oven.
- Okay, well, it's already been two.
So let's set a timer for 13.
Oh, we're killing this.
- Okay, so here's the thing.
We're assuming that I started this at 55 minutes.
- My god.
I hope it's not like ruining it
that I have needed so many hints.
(tense music)
Let's (bleep) go.
- Cooking is hard.
The pinata's been lowered.
Let's go.
Time to put it on.
(excited music)
- Strong.
Strong company.
(dramatic music)
- Do I need to wear the pinata thing?
- Gah! Gah!
- Die, die, die die.
- Oh, yay.
- There's gotta be a clue in here.
Give it to me!
- Okay.
Step four.
Meanwhile, set a clean dish towel and a work surface.
- And then I'll use this dish towel with the sugar.
- Dust until evenly coated with confectioner sugar.
- What is confectioner sugar?
- What's confectioner sugar?
Is there another sugar in here?
- In a vault, the treasure is stashed.
Secured tightly, never to be trashed.
From a feathered friend, I emerge.
The key to seek right on the verge.
From a feathered friend, I emerge.
- Okay.
Yup, yup.
This is where the egg comes into play. (laughs)
Found that key earlier.
So set a clean dish towel on a work surface,
dust evenly with confectioner sugar.
- We're just gonna do a ton of it.
I'm just gonna do a ton of it.
And I'm getting told that's okay.
Do I want the whole towel to just be covered in this stuff?
- Now step five, 'cause I have six and seven,
but where's five?
(device whirring)
- To find step five., Get yourself a frozen sweet treat.
- Hell yeah.
Ice cream time.
- A frozen sweet treat in the freezer?
That Ben and Jerry's eyes up.
- Scrappy in there.
What the (bleep) was that?
That cannot be on purpose.
Guys, I think the kitchen's water broke.
Kitchen, you're having a baby.
- Who did this?
Who did this?
- Yes.
- Okay, step five.
Remove the cake from the oven
and loosen it from the edges.
- Okay, you said it should be like spongy,
soft to the touch.
Yeah, this is soft.
Immediately flip the cake out onto the prepared towel
and peel off the parchment paper.
- Oh, I (bleep) it up.
- Huh?
Starting from one of the short edges of the towel,
roll the cake and towel up.
- Like roll it?
Like roll my cake?
- How is this correct?
In what world is this correct?
- Transfer the cake to a rack to cool?
- Okay, we got our little bumpkin burrito.
Go to bed, my love.
What am I even making?
What? What is this?
- A rack to cool?
Where do I, what's a rack to cool?
Like a fridge?
Like a rack in the fridge?
Like a rack in the oven?
Just turn the oven off?
- Ooh, are we having fun?
Only less than an hour left.
I kinda feel like I deserve some time back.
- There's a rack to cool it.
And it's not in one of these fridges.
It's not in the freezer.
A rack to cool.
What's a cooling rack?
Cooling rack.
Rack that cools things.
A rack to cool.
I don't know what that means.
A rack to cool?
Jared, think.
What is a rack in a kitchen?
A rack to cool.
All right, well, my cake just lives over here now
- Prepare the filling, okay.
So one tablespoon of water.
- This is one tablespoon.
- So 100 grams of granulated sugar.
No, what? What?
- You don't have the filling ingredients yet?
I don't have the filling ingredients yet.
- You've got step six and eight,
but are missing step seven.
To receive it, find my missing men.
There's a dozen?
- I have got five, and there's a dozen little men.
There's a dozen little men?
- I know there's one little man in here.
You're saying there's 12 of these guys?
- [Jared] The little men have been hiding this whole time?
- You in the muffin?
- There's not in the ice cream, are they?
That would be insane.
- Little men.
Then, quiet.
- At six.
I'm halfway there.
- [Zach] Found a man.
- Oh, you silly little boy.
We're at seven.
- Oh, he is in the safe.
Hey, I found a little man.
- You can't even handle all these men?
Handles? Handles?
Where? Handles.
Handles, handles.
- You're afraid.
You're afraid of my power
'cause you're afraid that I'm gonna escape.
You think I'm stuck in here with you?
You are stuck in here with me.
- Handles?
Did I already get the one on the handle?
Little man, where else could there be?
Little man.
Oh, there's multiple men.
There's multiple men in the multiple handles.
- Oh, there's a little man on the floor.
I don't know he where he came from,
but we're gonna call that a victory.
- One man is in safe.
- Oh, I found him in the safe.
We're at 10.
- Little man.
- Got one more.
Oh. (laughs)
- Okay.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.
- I found ah!
- I found your men.
Are you satisfied?
We've wasted 20 minutes.
20 minutes of time.
- Prepare the filling.
Add one tablespoon of water to a small sauce pan.
- 100 grams of sugar.
We're gonna bring it to a simmer.
Oh, no, we don't have enough time.
I'm not gonna make it.
Once it starts to cook to amber, swirl it
to help it coat evenly.
- Oh shit.
- I don't know what amber looks like.
- [Jared] This is amber.
I gotta take this right off.
I'm gonna run outta time.
- It's gonna get deeper amber
and then we're gonna immediately put this stuff in.
One quarter cup of heavy cream.
One tablespoon of butter.
- God, I'm like the trashiest of trash boys in this kitchen.
Two teaspoons, very finely ground coffee,
stirring until the mixture is smooth and creamy,
then carefully poured into the bowl of a stand mixer
- There's no time.
What, what, what, what?
10 minutes, chef.
Yes, chef.
I know, Chef.
- If you would like a picture of the dish,
sing us a catchy tune about spiraling.
♪ When you're in a kitchen and you don't know how to cook ♪
♪ And you don't know ingredients or what they even mean ♪
♪ And they tell you to make it when you're all alone ♪
♪ That's what is spiraling ♪
Oh, I know what pumpkin roulades are.
I was never gonna make this.
- That's goo enough, right?
We hope that. We love that.
We love how gooey it is.
We're gonna call that a goo cream.
- Eight ounces of cream cheese, soften to room temperature.
It's so much cream cheese.
Eight ounces?
- That's my last step.
That's the last step I have.
So I got six minutes.
No, but I mean, I got, I'm gonna,
I think I'm just gonna take it from here.
No more clues, I just gotta go.
What do you mean no?
- [Gamemaster] For the final step of what you need.
In a cabinet where the code is 5513,
watch out for the cascade.
My warning you should heed
- 5513.
- Oh.
(playful music)
- Oh!
Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow.
- Is it inside one of these?
- I mean, it's gotta be in one of these, right?
Oh, look at this.
- Oh, this one.
Okay, hold on.
(playful music)
Ah, I'm out of breath.
- [Gamemaster] Five minutes left, chefs.
- Whip half cup heavy cream to stiff peaks.
- You're telling me that if I just whip cream,
it becomes something?
- 'Cause I need to be able to fold this into the thing.
Fold me, just throw it right in there.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
Carefully unroll the cooled cake.
- We're gonna carefully unroll the cake,
spread the filling evenly.
- Spread filling evenly over the cake.
All right, all right, all right.
- Oh, it's so beautiful.
Oh my God.
This is the best roulade I've ever seen in my life.
- [Gamemaster] Three minutes remain.
- And then roll it back up with the dish towel
- [Zach] And then roll it back up.
- Oh God, this is so poorly, well, I did such a poor job.
- [Gamemaster] One minute, chefs
- Then trim a little from each end of the cake.
- Dust with confection or sugar and serve immediately.
Put it on a platter for you will be judged.
By who? The devil?
Who's judging this?
- Oh.
(tense music)
- [Gamemaster] Time's up, chefs.
Time's up, chefs.
Time's up, chefs.
- Pumpkin roulade.
I think.
(dramatic music)
- [Gamemaster] The chefs will now present
their dish to the room
and find out who will escape the kitchen.
(tense music)
- Oh, hi.
Absolutely. Help yourself.
(tense music)
- What?
Wasn't expecting that?
What does this mean?
Did I win a game?
Did I win?
Am I free?
Do I escape this portal of eternity?
(tense music)
- [Gamemaster] Congratulations.
You have escaped the kitchen.
- Yeah! (laughs)
Oh my God. Thank you.
I can leave?
Oh, shit.
Oh, thank you so much.
Goodbye, kitchen.
- [Gamemaster] Goodbye.
- And (bleep) you, forever.
- [Gamemaster] I know. Right.
(bleep) you.
- Do I just escape or?
♪ Happy birthday, happy birthday ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
- [Jared] I'll see you guys later. (laughs)
(upbeat music)
- There's a man in here.
He's just pretending I don't exist.
He's like really trying to not make eye contact with me.
He acting like I haven't met him before.
We've worked together.
Several times.
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Eating PINK vs BLACK Food Challenge!

JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen

Mikey and JJ Survive the Tsunami On the Island in Minecraft (Maizen)

STARFALL: FULL MOVIE (Minecraft Animation)

I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL WARDEN in Minecraft

Villager News (Minecraft Animation)