- 🎉 视频中的人物感到震惊和不可思议,因为她意外地发现自己怀孕了。
- 😭 她在录制视频时情绪波动,多次哭泣,表达了对这个意外消息的复杂情感。
- 🤰 她提到了怀孕的早期迹象,如乳房胀痛和腿部疼痛,这些迹象与她的月经周期相似。
- 📅 她使用了Flow应用来追踪月经周期,并注意到最近几个月周期的不规律。
- 🚫 她提到了与伴侣Marcus的计划,包括在2024年戒酒,以及尝试怀孕的非正式尝试。
- 🎁 她计划在适当的时候给Marcus和亲朋好友一个惊喜,暂时保密怀孕的消息。
- 🤔 她表达了对于再次成为母亲的恐惧和紧张,但也感到幸福和感激。
- 👶 对于如何告诉家人和朋友怀孕的消息,她和伴侣已经有了详细的计划。
- 🏥 她提到了等待进行超声波检查等进一步的医学确认。
- 💪 她谈到了在怀孕期间继续健身的计划,尽管不能再像以前那样进行某些活动。
- 🙏 她表达了对于健康怀孕的期望,并感谢了支持她的人们。
Q & A
😭 意外怀孕的震惊与情感波动
🤰 对未来的规划与惊喜的期待
👶 对再次成为母亲的恐惧与喜悦
The speaker expresses feeling of denial and confusion at the beginning.
The speaker is emotional and crying, indicating a significant event.
The speaker mentions rereading something, possibly a test result, and forgetting what they are doing.
The presence of a pregnancy test is implied, with the speaker mentioning 3 minutes and peeking at results.
The speaker apologizes to someone named 'Twi', suggesting a personal connection.
The speaker discusses hiding evidence and a partner named Marcus, indicating a desire for privacy.
The speaker talks about cravings and period symptoms, hinting at a possible pregnancy.
The speaker mentions using the Flow app to track their menstrual cycle and notices irregularities.
The speaker had a plan for announcing a pregnancy but now feels uncertain about it.
The speaker expresses a desire to surprise their partner, Marcus, with the pregnancy news.
The speaker reflects on past feelings of fear when becoming a mother and the anticipation of another child.
The speaker talks about a previous pregnancy and the emotional toll it took.
The speaker expresses gratitude and happiness for the current situation, despite the fear.
The speaker mentions a party where they were contemplating future children.
The speaker concludes with a message of thanks and anticipation for the second journey of motherhood.
all right
guys I don't even know how to start this
um let's just get straight to the
point I don't know it just feels so
weird I feel like I'm just in denial
um a this is so weird I'm so crying I
don't know if this is it I feel like it
is but it's
not in here I don't I can't even open I
can't even set up the
camera let's try
this it's I'm
okay all right so we going to do this um
okay I keep rereading it cuz I keep
forgetting what I'm
doing all right here goes the
should I
peek okay 3 minutes right it's right
here and I didn't put it upside
M no Mama
mama no
it's okay Mama it's okay I'm sorry Twi
out the way through my is too high sorry
I'm sorry baby no M
Mama yes it's okay when I got to stop
kous because I don't want her to cry
it's okay it's
okay holy
this is
insane I'm sorry baby oh my
hi oh my gosh
literally I'm
moly there is is the timer
guys I don't want to keep
crying two lines
right I'm literally shook because the
first time around I didn't record much
anything and I
am I Tred there's a time do I take
another one how this work I have to hide
out all the evidence Marcus is at work
went and go eat and I've been craving so
much and I was like I'm craving cre and
barbecue let's go and I got my period
symptoms because literally when you like
with her when I got home pregnant I had
this pregnancy symptoms my boobs were
sore like I just got cramps and this
time the same I had cramps and my legs
hurt so so much cuz every time I in a
period my legs hurt a lot and that's
literally how it was
again and I'm going to drink water and
take another one because guys I'll wait
the 3 minutes for the next one and we
want to have another one so they're not
too far apart and all the questions have
been coming in
lately when's the next one and blah blah
blah me chugging water cuz I want to
take another one before like I
actually it actually stinks
this is insane
guys this is crazy I did not think I'd
be here at a camera showing my pregnancy
desk this is
insane I I don't know I had just came to
terms that like it wasn't our
time not yet we don't 100 % try but
honestly we do try here and there like
oh it's fine next month next
month and
yeah that's insane and I had told myself
like hey 2024 no alcohol to like work
out and be 100% about it but now no
alcohol for other
reasons um this is
insane cuz every month I'm like I'm not
going to take a pregnancy T cuz I'm
going get my period like two days late
whatever a date late but this time just
felt different but I told myself that
every time every time like 3 four months
but still and guys we've like plotted
this out like we have another kid this
is how I'm going to tell you and this is
how we're going to tell our family and
our friends and like we literally had it
planned out for months and it's crazy
that it's here I don't know this is
insane oh my God and last last time my
cousin was with me when I took the
pregnancy test and she was like the only
one that knew for a
while not even a while like a day or two
and I was so quick to tell Marcus but
now I have to fake that I have my period
cuz I don't want to tell Marcus he's
like when's your period when's your
period blah blah so I'm going time like
oh dang it I got my period cuz I want to
keep it all for like a week or two and
then surprise him I just want to keep
the surprise to us for the longest as
long as we can um I I just hate that I'm
like so on my period so like I know like
a few days so I think I only have one I
don't know my I've been I've been
tracking it I used the Flow app been
using it for like literally years that's
I find out with hily and this time
around like my period's been so on and
off the past like 5 months 6 months
it'll be like it'll come in 3 weeks and
then it'll like come 4 weeks 2 days but
then today it's been like more than 30
days which that is like suspicious and
I'm like and hily I found out a week no
I just found out 3 days late and I think
I'm I think I'm like since Sunday Monday
Tuesday Wednesday I'm 4 days late but
the app says I'm only one day late but I
think I'm 4 days late this isn't saying
let me check why I take another
one it doesn't feel real should I stop
talking and take that one just take that
one or be be
back I don't even know how to open this
how I open the first one I don't want to
look at it I will be back and and when
the alarm goes off I did go change cuz I
have the gym I'm taking H with
me and I was like let me
just is not focusing guys why there he
is my P stick right to my
what literally so shook I did not
think it would be
here but yeah I'm like I'm super super
bloated but it's the same symptoms as my
period let me take my tampons out I'm
marus s some of my period I'm going to
fake this for like the next three
days we have
besties here's two our your journey
motherhood mom of
two God willingly we get a healthy baby
first and foremost and I'm going just
wait it out to get like ultrasound and
all that um it's crazy cuz we had
literally planned how I was telling him
I was telling my family I feel so
repetitive but now I'm like I really
don't know cuz last month I swear guys I
really really thought I was pregnant
last month I was literally like planning
it I was like I'm tell him like the
basketball theme but I don't know how to
get it done blah blah blah and now I got
to get creative with it
I I might just going like 1,000 M hour
it really is that is insane I mean CH to
no more period guys I'm literally so
shook that is insane Saturday I'm at the
party like what's the next baby I like
I'm actually just starting to feel like
my old self and finding my new self and
I don't think I'm going have a baby
anytime soon and then I've been working
out and I feels so good
and I here it comes but really thank you
God thank you thank you thank you I'm
happy but I'm scared o so so scared and
I remember when I got pring with hily I
literally would cry myself to sleep
every night and I would have to sleep
room with the TV on because I was scared
to become a mom and I was scared like
you have a whole little human depending
on your 24/7 for like the next 18 years
or plus and it is such a scary feeling
and the second one's just as scary but I
mean we got through the first one here
we go insanely but and it feels the same
as if you get your period but it's not
your period hily actually punched my
boob like yesterday she's like this and
I was like ow I thought Marcus was going
to say something like why is your boobs
or something but he
didn't thankfully and oh my
god thank you guys so much Marcus love
you baby
daddy twice in a row um family friends
can't wait to tell you guys and oh this
is crazy here we go round two this is
insane does not feel real now let me go
hide all evidence thank you so much for
being there for Journey number one and
here we go to Journey number two thank
God thank you hopefully it's a healthy
pregnancy that's all I really really
want there so much happens we're I just
wrapped up in like Bor girl and I don't
know now I'm to go to the gym even
though I can't have fat timey anymore
it's for a great cause guys love you
guys so much thank you for everything
this is crazy to even be on here saying
but here's the baby number
two I'm excited and I was
scared all all over again here we are
almost 2 years ago
right or 3 years ago oh my gosh all
right guys bye love
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