Breaking Down Trump’s Options to Pay $454M Civil-Fraud Penalty | WSJ
TLDR唐纳德·特朗普面临五亿美元的法律罚款,这一数字每天都在以数万美元的速度增长。纽约民事欺诈审判的判决代表了对这位前总统个人财富数十年来最大的考验。特朗普可能不得不变卖资产,这给特朗普组织带来巨大压力,存在资产开始崩溃的风险。目前,他有直到三月底的时间筹集资金,否则纽约州总检察长可能会开始没收他的部分资产。特朗普的律师表示,尽管与世界上一些最大的承租人进行了谈判,但他仍未能获得保证支付的债券。面对不断增加的账单,特朗普有哪些融资选项?据《华尔街日报》编辑彼得·格兰特分析,特朗普目前的净资产估计约为30亿美元。特朗普的现金储备受到质疑,因为法律问题不断增加。2月16日,纽约法官命令特朗普支付3.55亿美元的罚款,外加10亿美元的利息,利息每天大约增加10万美元。这是因为法官发现这位前总统欺诈性地评估了他的房地产帝国的部分资产,以获得更有利的贷款。特朗普上诉了这一裁决,但为了继续上诉,他必须为可能的全部罚款金额获得融资。特朗普的律师在3月18日向纽约上诉法院提交的文件中表示,他面临难以逾越的困难,认为以判决的全部金额获得债券是不切实际的。如果法院不干预,他们表示,特朗普可能被迫以低价紧急出售他的宝贵房地产。特朗普有三个不出售资产的方式来支付判决金:一是利用可用现金;二是以资产为抵押借款;三是从朋友那里借钱。最糟糕的情况是他开始出售资产,他将不得不迅速出售,买家可能会利用这种情况,他无法获得他希望的价格。尽管特朗普的一些财产被视为标志性财产,可能价值连城,但愿意花费这笔钱的人并不多。特朗普的律师在3月18日的法庭文件中表示,通过出售房地产获得现金将导致无法挽回的损失。特朗普在3月8日为另一起案件清除了一个财务障碍,当时他获得了近9200万美元的债券,以保证他欠作家E. Jean Carroll的诽谤判决。与此同时,特朗普的法律团队一直在专注于上诉工作。这些诉讼可能会持续一年或更长时间。如果特朗普在上诉中获胜,那么这一切就无关紧要了。除了法律费用外,他实际上不会损失任何东西。但要记住的另一点是,这些数字永远不会下降。它们会不断上升,直到上诉用尽。所以,假设唐纳德·特朗普在上诉中没有获胜,我们在最后看到的数字将会比现在看到的数字大得多。
- 📉 唐纳德·特朗普面临5亿美元的法律罚款,并且这个数字每天都在以数万美元的速度增长。
- ⏳ 特朗普有直到三月底的时间来筹集资金,否则纽约州总检察长可能会开始扣押他的一些资产。
- 💸 特朗普的律师表示,尽管与世界上一些最大的承租人进行了谈判,但他仍然无法获得保证支付的保证金。
- 🤔 据《华尔街日报》编辑彼得·格兰特分析,特朗普目前的净资产大约为30亿美元。
- 🔄 特朗普在1990年代初的经济衰退期间面临巨大压力,但他通过改变策略生存下来,并开始更多地利用自己的品牌。
- 🏦 特朗普近年来通过出售资产来增强资产负债表,目前拥有大约4亿美元的现金,并减少了约3亿美元的债务。
- 🚫 由于法律问题不断增加,特朗普的现金储备现在受到质疑。
- 💼 特朗普有三个支付判决的方法:使用现有现金、抵押资产借款和从朋友那里借钱。
- 🏛️ 如果法院不干预,特朗普可能被迫以低价快速出售他的房地产,这将导致无法挽回的损失。
- 📝 特朗普的律师在3月18日的法庭文件中表示,通过房地产的紧急出售获得现金将导致无法挽回的损失。
- ✅ 特朗普在3月8日为另一起案件清除了一个财务障碍,他为保证支付给作家E. Jean Carroll的诽谤判决获得了近9200万美元的保证金。
Q & A
💼 特朗普面临的财务困境
🏦 特朗普偿还巨额罚款的挑战
纽约总检察长的立场明确,若特朗普无法确保足够的担保来暂停诉讼进程,这将为她提供行动的机会。特朗普的律师承认,他缺乏足够的流动资金来支付判决金额。如果法院不介入,特朗普可能不得不以低价急售其珍贵的房地产。他有三种方式来支付这笔巨额罚款,而不必出售资产:使用现有现金、借用资产或向朋友借款。然而,最坏的情况是他不得不急售资产,这将迫使他以低于期望的价格快速出售,从而导致不利的情况。尽管特朗普的一些资产可能被视为标志性财产且价值巨大,但愿意花费大量资金购买这些资产的买家并不多。特朗普在3月8日为另一起案件克服了一项财务障碍,当时他获得了近9200万美元的债券,以保证支付给作家E. Jean Carroll的诽谤判决金。与此同时,特朗普的法律团队正在专注于上诉努力,这一过程可能持续一年或更长时间。如果特朗普在上诉中获胜,那么这一切的代价仅仅是债券成本和法律费用。但必须记住,这些金额将持续增加,直到上诉耗尽为止。假设特朗普上诉失败,最终的金额将远大于目前的数字,我们将回到目前的局面。
特朗普在3月8日为另一起案件清除了一个财务障碍,当时他获得了近9200万美元的债券,以保证他欠作家E. Jean Carroll的诽谤判决。
- [Narrator] Donald Trump
is facing half a billion dollars in legal penalties,
an amount that's growing by tens
of thousands every day.
The judgment in his New York civil-fraud trial represents
one of the biggest tests
of the former President's personal wealth in decades.
- He is probably gonna have to liquidate assets,
and I think it is gonna put tremendous pressure
on the Trump organization,
and there's a risk that it all begins
to cascade.
- [Narrator] And he's up against the clock.
For now, he has until late March to come up with the funds.
Otherwise, the New York Attorney General could begin
to seize some of his assets.
On March 18th,
Trump's lawyer said he has been unable to obtain a bond
to guarantee payment despite negotiating with some
of the largest charterers in the world.
So what options does Trump have
to finance this mounting bill?
We asked Wall Street Journal editor Peter Grant
to break down where
the former President's wealth stands today.
- We've looked at his business for a long time
and our best guess is that his net worth today
is roughly around $3 billion.
Trump is under a lot of stress right now,
but it doesn't compare with the kind of stress
that he's facing during the recession of the early '90s.
- In 1975, we had a recession,
but that was a picnic compared to this.
That was an absolute picnic.
- Just before that recession,
he was a lot more ambitious in terms of his business goals
and he was buying assets right and left.
- We got it out on time for you folks.
So we're gonna really be a good competitor
and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.
- When the recession of the early 1990s hit,
he couldn't pay his debts and his empire began to crumble.
He had to sell a lot of these assets,
but even more he had to put some
of his casinos in Atlantic City into bankruptcy.
He himself was on the brink of personal bankruptcy.
- [Narrator] Trump managed to survive the recession,
and then changed his tactics.
- He started to leverage more his name, his brand.
He would sell his brand to developers
who would be building projects.
They put the Trump name on it,
but Trump wouldn't have the risk.
One of the things that Trump has done
to shore up his balance sheet in recent years
is sell assets.
Trump has numerous assets throughout the world.
They're primarily in the US, the ones he owns.
He owns resorts, condos, hotels,
and he has pretty big stakes in some big office buildings.
The Trump balance sheet today
is much stronger than it used to be.
It has roughly $400 million of cash on it,
and he's deleveraged by about $300 million,
which puts him in the position
of increasing leverage if he needs fast cash.
- Those cash reserves are now in question
as his legal troubles mount.
On February 16th,
a New York judge ordered Trump
to pay $355 million in penalties,
plus another $100 million in interest, which will continue
to grow by roughly $100,000 per day.
This comes after the judge found the former President
fraudulently valued parts of his real estate empire
to secure more favorable loans.
- The cases a complete and total sham. It's a sham case.
- There's a liquidity problem fundamental to all of this.
The likelihood that somebody
has $450 million sitting around just is not possible.
- [Narrator] Trump appealed the ruling,
but for it to move forward, he must secure the financing
for what might be the full amount of his penalty.
In late February,
an appeals judge rejected an offer from Trump's lawyers
to post a $100 million bond, rather than the full amount.
That decision is under review by a panel
of appellate judges.
Trump doesn't have too many options.
He could put up the entire amount in cash,
but doing that isn't easy.
- He can't deplete all his cash.
He needs a significant amount of cash to pay the bills,
so he can't use all $400 million.
- [Narrator] On the other hand, Trump could secure a bond
that would guarantee payment if he were to lose his appeal.
They're typically backed by cash, investments,
or other assets.
- He could potentially borrow against those assets,
come up with the cash, and just use that cash for the bond.
- [Narrator] The fees a company might charge
for the bond could also prove costly.
- It's like any other instance in which you're securing
a line of credit of sorts, right, which is,
there's gonna be a negotiation
over what they're gonna charge you for this.
So I don't think anybody thinks this
is gonna be an inexpensive bond.
- [Narrator] Trump has until late March to post a bond.
But in a filing to a New York Appeals Court on March 18th,
his lawyer said he has faced insurmountable difficulties,
and that a bond in a judgment's full amount
is a practical impossibility.
- We will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court,
and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.
- The AG has no interest in keeping it quiet.
I think there is no question that if Trump is unable
to secure the kind of undertaking that will allow him
to stay the proceeding, this is game on for her.
- [Narrator] Trump's lawyers have acknowledged
he lacks the liquidity
to cover the judgment.
If the court doesn't intervene, they said
that he might be forced to unload
his prized real estate in a fire sale.
- He has three ways
to pay off the judgment without selling assets.
One would be through the available cash.
Two would be borrowing against the assets,
and three would be borrowing money from friends.
The worst case scenario would be for him
to start selling assets.
He'd have to sell them quickly.
Buyers would have the potential
of taking advantage of the situation,
and he wouldn't get the kind of prices
that he would hope for.
So that would be a certainly a bad scenario for him.
- Even though some of these properties may be viewed
as iconic properties, they may be worth a lot of money,
there aren't a lot of people who are willing
to spend that kind of money.
- [Narrator] A spokesperson for Trump
did not respond to questions
over how he plans to finance the judgment.
His lawyer said in the March 18th court filing
that obtaining cash through a fire sale
of his real estate would result in irrecoverable losses.
Trump cleared one financial hurdle
for a separate case on March 8th when he secured
a nearly $92 million bond to guarantee
a defamation judgment he owes
to writer E. Jean Carroll.
In the meantime, Trump's legal team
has been focused on its appeal efforts.
It's possible those proceedings could last a year or more.
- Worry he'd win the appeal.
And in this instance,
let's assume win means the entire conviction is vacated,
then none of this matters.
The only thing he would actually be out at this point
other than legal fees, would be the cost of the bond.
The other piece that you always have
to remember is these numbers aren't ever going down.
They're going up and up and up,
and they will continue to go up
until the appeal is exhausted.
So, assuming Donald Trump does not win on appeal,
the number that we're gonna see at the end
of this is gonna be significantly larger
than the number we see now.
And again, we're gonna be right back here
where we are today.
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