ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Beginners in 2024! (Full Guide)

AI Foundations
20 Dec 202321:44

TLDRThis tutorial offers a comprehensive guide to prompt engineering for beginners, focusing on how to effectively interact with AI like Chat GPT to achieve desired outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, providing detailed context, and specifying the desired action in prompts to receive tailored and efficient responses. The video also covers essential principles such as concision, natural language use, and follow-up prompting to refine and expand on AI-generated content. Additionally, it introduces the concept of evolving one's workflow by using features like custom instructions and GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) to automate repetitive tasks and create personalized, efficient AI interactions.


  • πŸ“Œ Prompt engineering is the skillful crafting of prompts to maximize outputs and relevance with AI like Chat GPT.
  • 🎯 Start every prompt with a clear goal, such as growing a YouTube channel to a specific number of subscribers.
  • πŸ’‘ Provide detailed context for your goal, including your current situation, timeline, and any relevant background information.
  • πŸ“ˆ Include an action in your prompt, instructing Chat GPT on what you want it to do, like generating a content strategy.
  • πŸ“ Be concise and specific with your goals, deadlines, and context to ensure Chat GPT understands and responds effectively.
  • πŸ‘₯ Use natural language when interacting with Chat GPT, as it is designed to understand and respond to human-like conversation.
  • πŸ”„ Follow-up prompting is crucial for refining and expanding on the initial response from Chat GPT.
  • πŸ“š Develop templates and paradigms for repetitive tasks to automate and streamline your workflow with Chat GPT.
  • πŸ€– Utilize features like custom instructions and GPTs (virtual assistants) to further evolve and personalize your interactions with Chat GPT.
  • ⏱️ Time efficiency can be greatly improved by using Chat GPT to automate responses and strategies for recurring issues or tasks.
  • πŸ“ˆ The combination of goal, context, and action in a prompt sequence is fundamental for effective communication with Chat GPT.
  • 🌟 To truly master prompt engineering, consider joining a community or course that provides ongoing learning and updates in the field.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of this ChatGPT tutorial?

    -The main focus of this tutorial is to teach prompt engineering, which is the skillful crafting of prompts to maximize outputs and relevance when interacting with ChatGPT.

  • What is the first step in creating an effective prompt for ChatGPT?

    -The first step in creating an effective prompt is to establish a clear goal, which is the main objective of the action you want to complete within ChatGPT.

  • Why is providing context important in prompt engineering?

    -Providing context is important because it gives detailed information about your subject, situation, timeline, and other relevant factors, which helps ChatGPT to generate more tailored and relevant outputs.

  • What does the acronym 'GPT' stand for in the context of this tutorial?

    -In this tutorial, 'GPT' stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer', which is the type of language model that ChatGPT is based on.

  • How does ChatGPT use the information provided in the 'goal' section of a prompt?

    -ChatGPT uses the information provided in the 'goal' section to develop an effective strategy tailored to the user's situation, helping them to achieve the stated goal.

  • What is the role of 'conciseness' in prompt engineering?

    -Conciseness ensures that the prompts are to the point and do not waste valuable token space. It also involves being specific when defining goals and actions, which helps ChatGPT to understand exactly what the user wants.

  • Why is using natural language important when interacting with ChatGPT?

    -Using natural language is important because ChatGPT is trained on natural language data and understands it best. It allows for more optimized and human-like interactions, leading to better results.

  • What are follow-up prompts and how can they enhance the interaction with ChatGPT?

    -Follow-up prompts are additional questions or instructions that build on the initial prompt or the response from ChatGPT. They can enhance the interaction by allowing for deeper analysis, better understanding, and expansion on the initial topic.

  • How can creating templates and paradigms with ChatGPT help streamline a user's workflow?

    -Creating templates and paradigms can streamline a user's workflow by automating repetitive tasks. Once a workflow is established, the user can input shorter, more natural prompts that trigger the automated process, saving time and effort.

  • What is a 'GPT' in the context of evolving one's workflow with ChatGPT?

    -A 'GPT' in this context refers to a customized virtual assistant created within the ChatGPT platform. It is configured with specific instructions and can perform tailored actions to help solve particular problems or automate tasks.

  • What is the significance of evolving one's workflow with tools like custom instructions and GPTs?

    -Evolving one's workflow with tools like custom instructions and GPTs allows for greater automation and personalization. It enables users to create systems that can be reused, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness in using ChatGPT for various tasks.



πŸ“š Introduction to Prompt Engineering with Chat GPT

The first paragraph introduces the concept of prompt engineering, emphasizing its importance in maximizing outputs and efficiency when interacting with Chat GPT. It clarifies that prompt engineering is not a complex skill requiring formal education but rather a methodical approach to crafting prompts. The tutorial promises to cover the basics and provide a framework for effective communication with large language models like Chat GPT, with applications in personal and professional contexts.


🎯 Crafting Effective Prompts: Goal, Context, and Action

The second paragraph delves into the structure of an effective prompt, which consists of three key components: a clear goal, relevant context, and a specified action. It uses the example of growing a YouTube channel to illustrate how to provide detailed information about the goal, including deadlines and specific targets. The paragraph also highlights the importance of context in tailoring the output to the user's situation and the need for concise and specific instructions to Chat GPT.


πŸ’‘ Essential Principles of Prompt Engineering

The third paragraph outlines essential principles for prompt engineering in Chat GPT. It emphasizes the need for concision, natural language, and follow-up prompting. Conciseness involves being straightforward and specific, while natural language encourages a conversational tone. Follow-up prompting is a technique to refine and expand on previous responses, which can significantly enhance efficiency and output. The paragraph also touches on evolving one's workflow by creating templates and paradigms for repetitive tasks.


πŸ“ Custom Instructions and GPTs for Workflow Evolution

The fourth paragraph discusses the use of custom instructions and GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) to further evolve and automate one's workflow with Chat GPT. It explains how custom instructions can store personalized information to tailor responses, and how GPTs can be configured to solve specific problems. The paragraph provides examples of how these tools can be used to create personas and automate problem-solving processes, enhancing the user's interaction with Chat GPT.


πŸš€ Advancing Prompt Engineering for Workflow Automation

The fifth and final paragraph summarizes the key takeaways from the tutorial, emphasizing the importance of understanding the basic prompt sequence of goal, context, and action. It encourages users to translate these basics into custom instructions or GPTs for workflow automation. The paragraph also promotes a deeper learning experience through the speaker's Chat GPT Mastery course and invites users to engage with the growing community of Chat GPT learners. It concludes with an invitation to subscribe for more content and become proficient in using Chat GPT.



πŸ’‘Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the strategic creation and refinement of prompts to elicit desired responses from an AI system like Chat GPT. In the context of the video, it is about skillfully crafting prompts to maximize outputs and achieve relevance, which is crucial for personal or business applications. The video emphasizes the importance of goal setting, context provision, and clear action directives within prompts to effectively communicate with the AI.


A goal in the context of prompt engineering is the specific objective one aims to achieve using the AI. It serves as the starting point for crafting a prompt, guiding the AI towards generating responses that align with the desired outcome. For instance, the script mentions a goal of growing a YouTube channel to 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year, which sets the direction for the AI to provide relevant strategies.


Context in prompt engineering is the background information or details that one provides to the AI to help it understand the situation better. It includes details about the subject, timeline, current status, and any other relevant information that aids the AI in generating a more tailored and effective response. The video script uses the example of a YouTube channel based in artificial intelligence to illustrate the importance of providing context.


Action within the framework of prompt engineering is the specific request or instruction given to the AI to achieve the stated goal. It tells the AI what the user wants it to do, such as generating a content strategy or providing tips for growth. In the script, the action 'generate me a Content strategy' is a clear directive for the AI to develop a plan to help reach the goal of 100,000 subscribers.


Conciseness is the principle of being brief and to the point while still being clear and specific. In prompt engineering, being concise helps in utilizing the AI's token limit effectively and ensures that the AI focuses on the most relevant information. The video emphasizes the need to avoid unnecessary pleasantries and to clearly state what is required from the AI, as demonstrated by specifying the deadline 'by the end of this year'.

πŸ’‘Natural Language

Natural language in the context of prompt engineering is the use of conversational and informal language when interacting with the AI. It involves speaking to the AI as one would to a human, which helps in getting more optimized and relatable responses. The video suggests that using everyday language, including colloquialisms and abbreviations, can enhance the interaction with the AI.

πŸ’‘Follow-up Prompting

Follow-up prompting is the act of asking additional questions or seeking further clarification after receiving an initial response from the AI. It is a technique used to delve deeper into a topic, analyze a response, or expand on a previous prompt. The video outlines three categories for follow-up prompts: analyzing, understanding, and expanding, which are crucial for refining and maximizing the output from the AI.


In the context of the video, a workflow refers to the sequence of steps or processes that one follows to achieve a goal using the AI. It involves evolving and automating repetitive tasks or problems by creating templates and paradigms within the AI system. The video discusses how to develop efficient workflows using custom instructions and GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) to streamline interactions with the AI.

πŸ’‘Custom Instructions

Custom instructions are a feature within the AI system that allows users to provide additional information about themselves or their preferences, which the AI can use to tailor its responses. This feature is available to both free and paid users and can include personal details, work habits, and desired response formats. The video demonstrates how custom instructions can be used to create personas or roles for the AI to assume, providing more personalized assistance.

πŸ’‘GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers)

GPTs, as mentioned in the video, are advanced AI constructs that can be programmed to perform specific tasks or solve particular problems. They are part of an evolved workflow strategy where the AI is trained to execute a series of actions based on predefined instructions. The video showcases how GPTs can be used to automate and streamline complex processes, making the interaction with the AI more efficient.


Efficiency in the context of prompt engineering is the ability to achieve the maximum output with the least amount of effort or input. The video stresses the importance of crafting prompts that are efficient, which means they should be concise, clear, and directly aligned with the goal. It also highlights that using follow-up prompts and evolving one's workflow with custom instructions or GPTs can significantly improve efficiency in interactions with the AI.


Prompt engineering is the skillful crafting of prompts to maximize outputs and relevance with chat GPT.

Every great prompt starts with a clear goal, such as growing an Instagram or YouTube channel.

Providing context is crucial for chat GPT to develop an effective strategy tailored to your situation.

Detailed information about your subject, situation, timeline, and what you've already done is considered proper context.

The action part of the prompt sequence instructs chat GPT on what to do to help achieve your goal.

Concision in prompts is important; be specific and to the point without unnecessary pleasantries.

Natural language use in prompts helps chat GPT understand and respond more effectively.

Follow-up prompting can analyze, understand, or expand on the outcome of previous responses.

Developing templates and paradigms for chat GPT can automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow.

Custom instructions and GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) are tools to evolve and automate your workflow.

Custom instructions allow you to tell chat GPT about yourself for better tailored responses.

GPTs can be configured with backend instructions and files to create automated problem-solving processes.

The basic prompt sequence consists of goal, context, and action for effective communication with chat GPT.

Prompt engineering can be used to get basic responses and also to automate more complex tasks.

The chat GPT Mastery course offers in-depth knowledge on prompt engineering and an active community for learning.

Free content and tutorials are available on the YouTube channel for those wanting to learn more about chat GPT.

The importance of evolving your workflow with tools like custom instructions and GPTs for efficiency and automation.

The ability to create a content strategy and subscriber milestones with chat GPT using engineered prompts.

The use of follow-up prompts to dive deeper into specific parts of a previous response for better understanding and expansion.