AI + Print on Demand 2024 Sales Update! Real Profit in 4 Months

Detour Shirts
15 May 202412:52

TLDRJuna from Detour shares her experience with Print on Demand (POD) for 2024, detailing her journey of designing a t-shirt a day since January. By April, she has seen a significant increase in sales, particularly on Redbubble, where she made a profit of $23 from 12 sales, and on T-public, where she earned $48 from 12 sales. Amazon Merch on Demand has been her most successful platform, with $76 profit from 20 sales in April alone. Juna emphasizes the importance of consistently adding new designs to increase sales over time. She also reflects on her early days with POD in 2017, noting the gradual growth of sales as she added more designs. Despite the slow start, she has made a total profit of $282.67 so far this year. Juna advises on focusing on evergreen designs for sustainability and suggests that following trends can lead to quick sales but may not be as sustainable. She encourages aspiring designers to keep creating and learning, offering her prompts for design inspiration on her website.


  • 🎨 **Consistent Design Creation**: Juna has been designing a t-shirt a day for the year 2024, starting from January to April, which shows the importance of consistency in design creation.
  • 📈 **Sales Trajectory**: Initially, there was only one sale in the first three months, but by the fourth month, sales increased to 12, indicating a positive trend in sales growth.
  • 💰 **Profit Margins**: Profits from Redbubble and Amazon Merch on Demand were relatively low initially but showed an increasing trajectory, suggesting the potential for higher earnings over time.
  • 🔍 **Transparency**: Juna has been transparent about sharing both designs and income, providing a realistic view of the financial outcomes from the print-on-demand business model.
  • 📚 **Learning from Data**: By analyzing the sales data, Juna is able to identify which designs are more successful and adjust the strategy accordingly.
  • 🌐 **Platform Performance**: Different platforms (Redbubble, TeePublic, and Amazon Merch on Demand) showed varying levels of success, with Amazon having the highest sales in April.
  • 📦 **Product Diversity**: A variety of products (t-shirts, stickers, hoodies) were sold, highlighting the benefit of offering a range of merchandise to customers.
  • 📈 **Ramping Up**: It takes time for new designs to gain traction and start selling, emphasizing the need for patience and continuous design addition.
  • 🚀 **Potential for Growth**: Despite the slow start, the overall trend shows an upward trajectory, suggesting that with time and consistent effort, the business can become more profitable.
  • 📅 **Time as a Factor**: The growth in sales and profit is shown to be a gradual process that takes months, not suitable for those seeking immediate high returns.
  • 🔥 **Trend Awareness**: While focusing on evergreen designs, Juna also suggests that following trends can lead to quick sales, although it may not be sustainable in the long term.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of Juna's video?

    -Juna's video focuses on providing a transparent update on her experience with Print on Demand (PoD) services, specifically her sales and profits from designing and selling t-shirts on platforms like Redbubble, TeePublic, and Amazon Merch on Demand over a period of four months.

  • How often does Juna design a t-shirt?

    -Juna designs a t-shirt every day for the year 2024 as part of her 'Design with Detour' project.

  • What was the profit Juna made from Redbubble in the first three months?

    -In the first three months, Juna made a profit of $33.00 from Redbubble.

  • How many sales did Juna have on Redbubble in April?

    -In April, Juna had 12 sales on Redbubble.

  • What was the total profit Juna made from TeePublic in the first three months of the year?

    -Juna made a total profit of $93.6 from TeePublic in the first three months.

  • How many sales did Juna have on TeePublic in April?

    -In April, Juna had 12 sales on TeePublic.

  • What was the total profit Juna made from Amazon Merch on Demand in April?

    -In April, Juna made a total profit of $76 from Amazon Merch on Demand.

  • What is the general trend Juna observes in her sales across the PoD platforms?

    -Juna observes an increasing trend in her sales, with each passing month showing more sales than the previous one. This indicates that adding more designs over time can lead to higher profits in PoD businesses.

  • What is the total profit Juna made from all PoD platforms in the first four months of the year?

    -The total profit Juna made from all PoD platforms in the first four months is $282.67.

  • What advice does Juna give to speed up the process of increasing sales in PoD businesses?

    -Juna suggests focusing on trends to get quick sales and to upload more designs than just one per day to increase the chances of making more sales. However, she emphasizes that quality should not be compromised for quantity.

  • What is the significance of the 'Evergreen' designs that Juna creates?

    -Evergreen designs are those that are not tied to current trends and thus have a longer lifespan in terms of sales potential. Juna chooses to create Evergreen designs for their sustainability over time, as opposed to trend-based designs that may only sell well for a short period.

  • How does Juna share her designs and engage with her audience?

    -Juna shares her designs on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as on the YouTube Community Feed. She also provides prompts and downloads on her website for those who want to design with her.



🎨 T-shirt Design Journey and Transparency

Juna from Detour is undertaking a daily t-shirt design challenge for the year 2024, starting in January and progressing into April. Throughout this journey, Juna has been maintaining transparency by sharing both the designs produced and the income generated from them. The video serves as an update to a previous one, focusing on the designs created in the fourth month and comparing the sales and profits to the initial three months. The discussion includes an analysis of the performance on platforms like Redbubble and Amazon, and thoughts on how to improve and speed up the process for print-on-demand businesses are shared towards the end of the video.


📈 Sales and Profit Trajectory for Print-on-Demand

The video provides a detailed account of the sales and profit trajectory for Juna's designs across various platforms. Initially, Redbubble had a slow start with only one sale in three months, but by April, there was a marked improvement with 12 sales, demonstrating a positive trend. Similarly, T-public, another platform, showed an increase in sales from nine in the first three months to 12 in April alone. Amazon Merch on Demand also exhibited a growth pattern with 20 sales just in April, amounting to a profit of $76. The video emphasizes the importance of consistently adding new designs to drive up sales in print-on-demand businesses and shares a graph illustrating the increase in sales over the months.


💰 Earnings and Insights from Print-on-Demand Business

Juna shares the total earnings from the print-on-demand business for the year so far, which amounts to $282.67, with breakdowns provided for Amazon ($171.72), T-public ($84), and Redbubble ($26.95). While acknowledging that the earnings are modest, especially considering the time and effort invested, Juna highlights the upward trajectory and potential for growth. The video also references past experiences with Merch by Amazon, illustrating how the sales increased significantly once the number of designs uploaded was increased. Juna advises on strategies to accelerate growth, such as focusing on trending topics for quick sales, though noting the ephemeral nature of such trends. The video concludes with encouragement to continue creating and learning, and offers resources for those interested in following Juna's work or joining in on the design challenge.



💡AI + Print on Demand

AI + Print on Demand refers to the integration of artificial intelligence with the print on demand business model. In the context of the video, it suggests the use of AI technologies to enhance the design process or to predict trends in the print on demand industry. The video discusses the sales update for 2024, indicating that the presenter is utilizing AI to create and potentially market their designs for t-shirts and other merchandise.

💡Design with detour

Design with detour is a concept mentioned by Juna, the presenter, which implies creating designs that are unique or take an unconventional approach. In the video, Juna is designing a t-shirt a day for the year 2024, showcasing a high volume of creative output and the use of detour in the design process to stand out in the market.


Transparency in this video script refers to Juna's commitment to openly sharing her designs and income generated from them. This approach builds trust with the audience and provides a realistic view of the financial outcomes associated with her print on demand business. The script mentions that she is 'being very transparent about showing you my designs, as well as showing you the income I get from these designs'.


Redbubble is an online marketplace for print on demand products. In the video, it is one of the platforms where Juna sells her designs. The script discusses her sales performance on Redbubble, noting an increase in sales from one in the first three months to 12 in the fourth month, demonstrating the growth trajectory of her business on this platform.


Tuu, also known as T-shirt Public, is another platform for selling custom-designed t-shirts. The script mentions that Juna is comparing her sales on Tuu with other platforms to evaluate performance. She discusses the number of sales and profits made through Tuu, indicating it as a significant part of her overall print on demand business.

💡Amazon Merch on Demand

Amazon Merch on Demand is a service offered by Amazon that allows creators to sell their designs on various products without the need to manage inventory. In the script, Juna shares her sales figures from Amazon Merch on Demand, which shows a higher number of sales and profit compared to the other platforms, highlighting its importance in her business strategy.


Profit in the context of the video refers to the income Juna has made from her designs after all costs have been deducted. The script provides specific profit figures from each platform, such as 'a profit of 330', 'total profit for this one for just in April was $23', and 'a bigger profit $76 worth a profit just in April', showing the financial progress of her print on demand business.

💡Ramp up

Ramp up in the video script is used to describe the process of increasing sales or business activity over time. Juna discusses how it takes time for her designs to gain traction and result in sales, as seen in the phrases 'it takes a while to ramp up' and 'the trajectory is really good it kind of just shot up like that'.


Evergreen refers to content or products that remain relevant and popular over time, as opposed to being trendy for a short period. Juna mentions that her designs with detour are Evergreen, meaning they are not based on temporary trends but are designed to have lasting appeal, which can contribute to a more stable and sustainable business.


Trends in the video script are hot topics or popular themes that are currently in high demand. Juna suggests that following trends can lead to quick sales but warns that they may not be sustainable once the trend passes. She contrasts this with her Evergreen approach, indicating a strategic choice to focus on long-term viability over short-term gains.


In the context of the video, a tier refers to a level or rank within a platform's system, often determining the number of designs one can upload or the benefits one receives. Juna mentions tiers in relation to Amazon Merch on Demand, where she suggests that as one moves up tiers, they can upload more designs, which can help in speeding up the growth of the business.


Juna from detour is designing a t-shirt a day for 2024 and sharing her income transparently.

After three months, Juna had only one sale on Redbubble, but in the fourth month, she had 12 sales.

The profit from Redbubble in April was $23, a significant increase from the first three months.

On T-public, Juna had 12 sales in April, compared to only nine in the first three months of the year.

The profit from T-public in April was $48, more than the total profit from the first three months.

Amazon Merch on Demand had 20 sales in April, with a profit of $76.

Juna emphasizes the importance of continually adding more designs to increase sales over time.

The total profit for the year so far from all platforms is $282.67.

Juna's experience shows that Print on Demand is a slow game but can become profitable with time and consistent effort.

In the early stages of her Print on Demand business, Juna increased her upload limit to speed up the process.

Following trends can lead to quick sales, but Juna chose to focus on evergreen designs for sustainability.

Juna suggests uploading more than one design a day to speed up the growth of a Print on Demand business.

The video provides a realistic view of the earnings and growth trajectory in Print on Demand businesses.

Juna's strategy involves a daily design upload to Amazon, which has shown a gradual increase in sales and profit.

She shares her designs on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the YouTube Community Feed.

Juna provides prompts for design inspiration on her website for those who want to design with her.

The video concludes with encouragement to keep creating and learning in the Print on Demand space.