Bing Full Episodes | 10x Episodes | 1 HOUR | Bing US English 🇺🇸

Bing - Official Channel
23 Mar 202465:49

TLDRThe video script revolves around the adventures of Bing Bunny and his friends. Bing is excited to visit Sula's house to play and eat a special KY bagel, but he catches a cold and has to stay home. Despite the disappointment, he enjoys a cozy day with Flop, and later, Sula and Emma bring him the bagel. Bing also plays various games with his friends, including hide and seek, musical statues, and a parking game, learning the importance of sharing, taking turns, and being a good sport. The script emphasizes the joy of playing together, the value of friendship, and the fun of imaginative play.


  • 🎵 Bing and his friends enjoy making music and dancing together, which is a fun way to express themselves.
  • 🏠 Bing learns the importance of staying home when sick to avoid spreading germs to friends, like Sula.
  • 🍞 Emma makes special bagels for Bing, showing care and thoughtfulness towards friends.
  • 😷 Bing catches a cold and has to stay comfortable at home, highlighting the need for rest when unwell.
  • 📚 Flop reads a book to Bing to help him feel better, demonstrating the comfort reading can provide during sickness.
  • 🍯 Bing is introduced to hot honey and lemon as a home remedy to help with his cold symptoms.
  • 🎈 Bing plays with a balloon named Bloon, which pops, teaching him about the temporary nature of some toys.
  • 🎨 Bing and Flop create a card for Sula with pasta, shinies, and jewels, showing the joy of making handmade gifts.
  • 🚗 In a parking game, Bing learns to share and accommodate different play styles, even when it disrupts his own game.
  • 🦆 Bing feeds the ducks quietly and still, learning patience and gentleness in interacting with animals.
  • 👯‍♀️ Through various games and activities, Bing discovers that playing together with friends, even when there are disagreements, is more enjoyable and important than winning.

Q & A

  • What are Bing and Flop planning to do at the beginning of the story?

    -Bing and Flop are planning to go to Sula's house to play and eat a special KY bagel made by Emma.

  • Why does Bing decide not to go to Sula's house?

    -Bing decides not to go to Sula's house because he is feeling unwell with a cold, and Flop is concerned that Bing might give his germs to Sula.

  • How does Sula show care for Bing when he is sick?

    -Sula shows care for Bing by having Emma deliver a KY bagel to him at home to make him feel better.

  • What does Bing learn about handling a balloon?

    -Bing learns that he needs to be gentle with balloons, as they can easily pop if mishandled. Once a balloon pops, it cannot be blown up again.

  • What is the name of the game that Bing and his friends play?

    -The game that Bing and his friends play is called 'Musical Statues'.

  • How does Bing react when he loses the game of Musical Statues?

    -At first, Bing is upset and doesn't want to play anymore because he wobbled and didn't win, even though he chose the game. However, he eventually joins in again when he realizes it's more fun to play with others.

  • What does Bing learn about sharing and playing together with his friends?

    -Bing learns that playing together with friends is more enjoyable than playing alone, and that it's important to share and cooperate, even if it means building a rainbow tower together instead of individual projects.

  • Why does Bing hide Sula's sparkly shoes?

    -Bing hides Sula's sparkly shoes because he doesn't want Sula to go home and wants to keep playing with her.

  • What does Bing do when he accidentally gets Sula's shoe wet?

    -When Bing accidentally gets Sula's shoe wet by hiding it in the toilet, he offers Sula one of his own yellow rainy boots to wear instead.

  • How does Bing handle the situation when his block tower is knocked down by Coco?

    -After his block tower is knocked down by Coco, Bing initially gets angry and disrupts Coco's rainbow, but they eventually decide to build a rainbow tower together and have fun doing it.

  • What is the moral lesson that Bing learns from the story about Hoppy and the Moon Keeper?

    -The moral lesson that Bing learns is that even if you know a story by heart, you can still tell it and enjoy it even if the physical book gets damaged or wet.



😷 Bing's Sniffles and the Cancelled Playdate

Bing is excited to go to Sula's house to play and eat a special KY bagel made by Emma. However, Bing is showing signs of a cold with a sniffly nose. Despite his excitement, Bing's parent, Flop, insists on catching the germs at home to avoid spreading the cold to Sula. They have to cancel the playdate, and instead, Bing is comforted at home with a hot honey and lemon drink and a story from his Hoppity V book. Emma and Sula send over the bagel to cheer Bing up, and they look forward to playing together once Bing recovers.


👟 The Misadventure with Sula's Sparkly Shoe

Bing and Sula play together, but Bing hides Sula's sparkly shoe in the toilet, not wanting the playtime to end. The shoe gets wet, and Sula is disappointed, calling it a 'bad buy' instead of a 'good buy'. To remedy the situation, Bing offers Sula his yellow rainy boot to wear home. They agree to play again the next day and learn the importance of not putting things that aren't waste paper or toilet paper down the toilet.


🎈 The Balloon's Tale: Bloon's Arrival and Departure

Bing finds a small balloon, which he and Flop work to inflate. They play with the balloon, which Bing names 'Bloon', and engage in various activities with it. However, when the balloon is kicked, it pops. Bing is upset but learns that once a balloon pops, it cannot be reinflated. They decide to place the deflated balloon in a 'bye-bye box', a special place to store items that have served their purpose or are broken, as a way to remember them fondly.


🎨 Art Time: Creating a Card for Sula

Bing decides to make a card for Sula using various materials like cards, crayons, decorations, and glue. They create a picture with pasta, shinies, and a magic fairy wand, which Sula loves. However, there are mishaps with the glue, and the final product gets covered in sparkles to hide the mess. Despite the imperfections, Bing and Sula cherish the card, and Bing delivers it to Sula, reinforcing the joy of making and giving personal creations.


🙈 Hide and Seek Shenanigans

Bing and friends play a game of hide and seek. The rules are simple: hide while the seeker counts to ten, and the last one found gets to be the seeker next round. The game is filled with laughter and interruptions, including a visit from the 'toilet train', a playful reference to needing a bathroom break. Despite the chaos, the children enjoy the game and learn to be patient and wait their turn.


🚗 The Great Block Tower and Rainbow Mishap

Bing is building a tower of blocks, aiming to make it as tall as himself. Flop joins with a new set of glittery pens and starts making a rainbow. There's a disagreement over the use of blocks, leading to a collapse of Bing's tower and a mix-up of Flop's rainbow. Eventually, they decide to collaborate on a rainbow tower, combining their individual projects into one. The episode highlights the importance of sharing and teamwork.


🎶 Musical Statues and Learning to Lose Gracefully

Bing chooses to play 'Musical Statues', a game where players dance until the music stops and then must freeze in place. As the game progresses, players are eliminated for moving, until only Bing and Pando are left. Pando wins, and Bing, initially disappointed, learns that it's okay not to win every game. The friends continue to play, emphasizing the joy of participation over winning.


🦆 Feeding Ducks and Encountering a Greedy Goose

Bing and Flop go to feed the ducks but are startled by a greedy goose that scares the ducks away. They learn that being quiet and still, like a statue, helps attract the ducks. When the goose takes over, they manage to shoo it away and continue feeding the ducks. The experience teaches them about patience, sharing, and the importance of being gentle with animals.


🚗 Playing Cars and the Charlie Game

Bing and Flop play a parking game with cars, but Charlie, a younger child, accidentally disrupts their game. To resolve the issue, they create a 'Charlie game' involving vegetables, which Charlie enjoys. The incident teaches Bing the importance of inclusivity and adapting activities for different age groups to ensure everyone can have fun together.


🎈 The Joy of Playing Together

The final paragraph doesn't contain a specific story but seems to be a conclusion or a general statement about the joy of playing with Charlie. It emphasizes that while playing with cars is fun, playing together is even better, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and social interaction.




Bing is the main character in the video, a bunny who is involved in various activities and experiences throughout the story. The name Bing is used to represent the central figure whose adventures and interactions with other characters form the core of the narrative.

💡Exciting plans

The phrase 'exciting plans' refers to the positive and thrilling activities that Bing has scheduled for the day. It sets the tone for the upcoming events and suggests that the character is looking forward to engaging in enjoyable and stimulating experiences.


In the context of the video, 'cold' is a common illness that Bing contracts, which leads to symptoms like a runny nose and sneezing. It is a key element of the plot as it affects Bing's ability to go out and play with Sula, illustrating the importance of health and consideration for others.

💡Snotty bubbles

'Snotty bubbles' is a playful term used in the video to describe the symptoms of having a cold, specifically referring to the runny nose. It is used to add humor to the situation and to explain to children in a light-hearted way the concept of being unwell.

💡Hot honey and lemon

Hot honey and lemon is a home remedy suggested in the video for Bing to help alleviate the symptoms of his cold. It represents the care and nurturing aspect of the story, where characters look out for each other's well-being.

💡Hide and seek

Hide and seek is a traditional children's game featured in the video where players take turns hiding and seeking. It is a central activity that Bing and friends partake in, promoting themes of fun, friendship, and fair play.

💡Rainbow Tower

The 'Rainbow Tower' is a collaborative construction project that Bing and Coco undertake using blocks. It symbolizes teamwork and creativity, showcasing how combining individual efforts can result in a beautiful and colorful outcome.

💡Musical statues

Musical statues is a game played where participants freeze when the music stops, and the last one standing is the winner. It is a fun activity that teaches children about following rules and the importance of self-control.

💡Feeding the Ducks

In the video, 'feeding the ducks' is an outdoor activity where Bing and friends interact with nature. It highlights the joy of caring for animals and the importance of being gentle and patient when engaging with wildlife.

💡Playing together

The concept of 'playing together' is a recurring theme in the video, emphasizing the value of shared experiences and social interaction. It is portrayed as a fundamental part of childhood and a key to developing social skills and building relationships.

💡Bye-bye box

The 'bye-bye box' is a special place where Bing stores items that are broken or no longer usable. It serves as a way to cope with loss and change, teaching children about acceptance and the process of letting go.


Bing is excited about his plans to visit Sula's house and play with her.

Bing's friend Emma promises to make him a special KY bagel.

Bing catches a cold and has to stay home, missing out on playtime with Sula.

Flop helps Bing feel better by making hot honey and lemon.

Bing receives a special delivery from Sula and Emma to chase away his germs.

Bing learns the importance of not sharing germs with friends and waits to play with Sula until he's better.

Bing and Sula play hide and seek and have fun hiding Sula's sparkly shoes.

Bing accidentally hides one of Sula's shoes in the toilet, leading to a funny and messy situation.

Bing and Sula create a beautiful card together with pasta, shinies, jewels, and feathers.

The glue on the card becomes a problem, but Bing cleverly covers it with sparkles, making it look even better.

Bing learns to share and play together with his friends, even when things don't go as planned.

Bing and his friends play a game of musical statues, learning the importance of focus and not wobbling.

Bing feeds the ducks and learns to be quiet and still so the ducks will come to him.

Bing plays a parking game with his cars and learns to play independently when his game is disrupted.

Bing discovers that playing together with friends is more fun than playing alone.