Cheetah vs Robodog - Zoo Robot Research testing world 1st - Sydney Behind the scenes

17 Jun 202103:41

TLDRIn a thrilling and precautionary demonstration at Sydney Zoo, a team introduces a robodog to lions and cheetahs to test its potential in deterring dangerous animals. Amidst anticipation and nervousness, the robodog is put to the test, with the cheetahs showing initial interest but ultimately not pursuing, proving the concept's promise and offering a potential solution for wildlife management and safety.


  • 🦁 The team is preparing for a presentation involving lions and cheetahs, with a focus on safety and effectiveness.
  • 🐯 There is uncertainty about how the lions will react, but there's optimism regarding the cheetahs' interaction with the presented unit.
  • 🛡️ The unit is described as heavy-duty and cheetah-proof, indicating a high level of durability and safety measures.
  • 📍 The event takes place at the Sydney Zoo, and the team is taking a precautionary approach to the demonstration.
  • 🚫 The goal is for the animals not to be repelled by the unit, but to engage with it in a controlled manner.
  • 📏 The cheetahs are positioned close by, and the unit's speed is noted to be slightly less than that of the cheetahs.
  • 🐶 A robo dog is used in the demonstration, and its behavior and reactions are controlled remotely.
  • 🎥 The event is being recorded, as indicated by the presence of music and laughter, suggesting a positive atmosphere.
  • 🥳 There is a sense of anticipation and excitement, with team members encouraging each other and preparing for the demonstration.
  • 🏃‍♂️ The robo dog is set in motion, and there is a focus on its ability to deter or engage the cheetahs effectively.
  • 👏 The demonstration appears to be successful, as indicated by applause and music, and the cheetahs' reactions are monitored closely.

Q & A

  • What is the main activity being discussed in the transcript?

    -The main activity discussed in the transcript is a demonstration or test involving lions, cheetahs, and a robotic dog at the Sydney Zoo.

  • What is the purpose of the team's presentation?

    -The purpose of the team's presentation is to showcase the capabilities of their robotic dog in interacting with dangerous animals like lions and cheetahs as a precautionary measure.

  • What is the team's initial assessment of how the lions might react to the robotic dog?

    -The team initially guesses that the lions might not react well to the robotic dog.

  • How does the team describe the robotic dog's design in relation to cheetahs?

    -The team describes the robotic dog's design as heavy-duty and cheetah-proof, implying it is built to withstand the potential force or interaction with cheetahs.

  • What is the zoo's expectation for the robotic dog's interaction with the animals?

    -The zoo expects the robotic dog to be engaging and not repel the animals, particularly wanting it to attract the cheetahs without being rejected by them.

  • What is the significance of the location near the gate in the script?

    -The location near the gate is significant as it is the starting point for the robotic dog's interaction with the cheetahs, and it is where the team and the robotic dog are positioned for the demonstration.

  • What is the role of Brett in this activity?

    -Brett appears to be a key figure in this activity, potentially responsible for operating the robotic dog or overseeing the process, as he is mentioned as being about to make history and is given the signal to open the slide.

  • How does the team communicate with each other during the activity?

    -The team communicates verbally, giving each other instructions, updates, and encouragement throughout the activity.

  • What is the outcome of the interaction between the robotic dog and the cheetahs?

    -The outcome is not explicitly stated in the transcript, but it suggests that the robotic dog has the potential to engage the cheetahs without causing them to become aggressive or to retreat.

  • What is the significance of the music and laughter in the transcript?

    -The music and laughter indicate that the atmosphere during the activity is tense but also hopeful, with moments of levity and excitement as the team anticipates the results of the interaction.

  • What is the role of Josh in controlling the robotic dog?

    -Josh appears to have control over the robotic dog, as he is given the authority to operate it and make decisions during the interaction with the cheetahs.








The term 'presentation' refers to the act of introducing or showcasing something to an audience. In the context of the video, it relates to the team's preparation and subsequent demonstration of a certain unit or device, presumably designed for interaction with animals such as lions and cheetahs. The presentation is a central theme of the video, as it sets the stage for the subsequent events and experiments.


The adjective 'precautionary' describes actions taken to prevent potential harm or negative outcomes. In the video, this term is used to describe the team's careful approach to testing their device with the animals, indicating that they are taking measures to ensure safety and avoid any adverse effects. The precautionary nature of the activity highlights the importance of responsible experimentation and risk assessment.

💡display position

The phrase 'display position' refers to the physical placement or arrangement of an object or device for optimal visibility or interaction. In the video, this concept is crucial as it relates to how the team positions their device to effectively engage the cheetahs. Proper display positioning is essential for ensuring that the animals interact with the device as intended, which in turn affects the success of the experiment.

💡robo dog

A 'robo dog' is a robotic device designed to mimic the appearance and movements of a real dog. In the video, the robo dog is the central object of the presentation and experiment, intended to interact with the cheetahs at the Sydney Zoo. The robo dog represents an innovative technological development aimed at engaging and possibly deterring wild animals, showcasing the intersection of technology and animal behavior research.


Acceleration refers to the rate of change of velocity of an object. In the context of the video, it is used to compare the speed capabilities of the robo dog to that of the cheetahs. Understanding acceleration is important in this scenario because it affects how effectively the robo dog can engage or evade the cheetahs during the experiment, which is a key aspect of the presentation's success.


Nervousness is a feeling of anxiety or apprehension, often in anticipation of a potentially stressful situation. In the video, the team members and possibly the animals themselves may experience nervousness as they prepare for the interaction between the robo dog and the cheetahs. This emotional state is significant as it can influence the behavior of both the humans and the animals, potentially affecting the outcome of the experiment.


The term 'history' in this context refers to the creation or achievement of something new or significant. In the video, the team is on the verge of making history by conducting an innovative experiment involving a robo dog and cheetahs. This keyword underscores the potential groundbreaking nature of their work and the excitement surrounding their presentation.


In the video, 'slide' likely refers to a mechanical or electronic mechanism that opens to reveal or release something, such as the robo dog. The opening of the slide is a pivotal moment in the presentation, as it marks the beginning of the interaction between the device and the cheetahs. This keyword signifies the commencement of the experiment and the anticipation of the results.


The term 'brave' describes someone or something that shows courage or is willing to face danger, pain, or difficulty. In the video, bravery is attributed to the individuals involved in the experiment and the robo dog itself, as they are about to engage in a potentially risky interaction with the cheetahs. This keyword highlights the importance of courage in the face of uncertainty and the willingness to take risks for the sake of innovation.


Applause is the act of clapping one's hands together to show appreciation or approval. In the video, applause signifies the positive reaction from the audience or team members to a successful moment in the presentation or experiment. This keyword indicates a moment of triumph or accomplishment, reinforcing the success of the team's efforts.

💡calmed down

To 'calm down' means to become less agitated, excited, or upset. In the context of the video, this phrase likely refers to the cheetahs' reaction to the robo dog, suggesting that they have become less agitated or aggressive after the initial interaction. This keyword is important as it indicates a positive outcome of the experiment, with the cheetahs potentially accepting the robo dog's presence without aggression.


The team is preparing to present a new technology involving animals at the Sydney Zoo.

The technology involves interaction with lions and cheetahs, two large predators.

There is uncertainty about how the lions will react to the technology.

The team believes the technology might be effective with cheetahs due to its heavy-duty design.

The purpose of the technology is to serve as a precautionary measure for dangerous situations.

The technology is being tested for its ability to deter predators without causing them distress.

The testing environment is set up with consideration for the predators' natural behaviors.

The robo dog is expected to mimic a potential threat to provoke a response from the cheetahs.

The team is conducting the test near the enclosure gate, with the cheetahs a few meters away.

The robo dog's speed is slightly less than that of the cheetahs, which may affect the outcome.

The team is hopeful but cautious, acknowledging the nervousness of the cheetahs.

History is being made with the testing of this technology.

The operation of the robo dog is controlled remotely by a team member.

The initial reaction of the cheetahs is a critical point of interest for the team.

The test aims to determine if the cheetahs will pursue the robo dog.

The success of the technology is measured by its ability to deter without causing harm.