ELEVENLABS MUSIC - STUNNING new AI music maker arrives to battle UDIO and SUNO

Red Ferret
9 May 202408:59

TLDR11 Labs has launched a new AI music generation service, positioning itself to compete with established platforms like udio and sunno. Known for their expertise in voice synthesis and full-length movie voice cloning, 11 Labs is now offering a music creation tool that generates songs from text prompts. The service has released three demo tracks showcasing pop, country, and contemporary R&B genres, each created from a single text prompt. The company's strong legacy in APIs and the recent launch of a marketplace suggest that we can expect tracks to be sold or supplied through APIs to various applications globally. While the demo tracks are promising, the real test will be the ease of use, flexibility, and the process of creating longer and more complex songs. As a billion-dollar organization, 11 Labs is expected to make a significant impact on the music industry, challenging udio and sunno with their innovative approach.


  • 🎼 11 Labs has launched a new AI music generation service to compete with udio and sunno.
  • 📢 The company is renowned for its expertise in voice synthesis and full-length movie voice cloning.
  • 🚀 The music creation tool allows users to generate a pop song from a text prompt.
  • 🤖 AI-generated lyrics can be identified but are not of poor quality, showcasing subtlety and nice vocals.
  • 🎶 Three demo tracks have been released, representing pop, contemporary R&B, and indie rock genres.
  • 📈 11 Labs has a strong legacy in APIs and has started a new marketplace, hinting at potential sales and distribution of tracks.
  • 📈 There is speculation about the possibilities of tracks being sold on the marketplace or supplied through APIs globally.
  • 👑 11 Labs, being a billion-dollar organization, is expected to make significant contributions to the music ecosystem.
  • 🆚 The competition between 11 Labs, udio, and sunno will be interesting to watch, with a focus on how they manage the created tracks.
  • ⏱️ Questions remain about the ease and flexibility of the song creation process, including the length and customization options.
  • 🔍 The initial demos are promising, but the true test will be in the user experience and the ability to generate high-quality, customizable music.

Q & A

  • What is the main subject of the article from Venture Beat?

    -The main subject of the article is the release of a new AI music generation service by 11 Labs, which is intended to rival existing services like Udio and Sunno.

  • What are 11 Labs known for, according to the transcript?

    -11 Labs is known for their expertise in voice synthesis, full-length movies, voice cloning, and various other areas of voice manipulation.

  • What kind of tool is 11 Labs introducing for music creation?

    -11 Labs is introducing a full-blown Music Creation tool that generates music from a text prompt.

  • How many demo tracks are mentioned in the transcript?

    -Three demo tracks are mentioned in the transcript.

  • What is suggested about 11 Labs' legacy in APIs?

    -The transcript suggests that 11 Labs has a strong legacy in APIs and has started a new marketplace, which could potentially involve selling tracks or supplying them through APIs to various applications.

  • What is the potential impact of 11 Labs' new music service on Udio and Sunno?

    -The potential impact is that 11 Labs could push the ecosystem and challenge Udio and Sunno with their expertise in voice manipulation and APIs, possibly affecting their market positions.

  • What is the general impression of the first demo track presented in the transcript?

    -The first demo track is considered to have not bad and quite subtle vocals, with AI-generated lyrics that are not horrible.

  • What genre is the second demo track?

    -The second demo track is a smooth contemporary R&B with subtle electronic elements.

  • How does the third demo track differ from the first two?

    -The third demo track is an indie rock song with 90s influences, featuring a combination of clean and distorted guitars.

  • What are some of the potential features or services that could be expected from 11 Labs' new music platform?

    -Potential features or services could include custom lyrics facilities, selling users' voice stuff, and possibly having singers audition on the 11 Lab store to sell their voices for music tracks.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on the demo tracks?

    -The speaker concludes that for a start, the demo tracks are pretty good and shows promise, considering 11 Labs' legacy in vocals and voice technology.

  • What is the main concern regarding the new service's ability to create music?

    -The main concern is about the ease of use, flexibility, and the process of manufacturing the music, including how long it takes to create a song and whether longer songs can be made.



🎵 Introduction to AI Music by 11 Labs 🎵

The video discusses the launch of a new music generation service called AI Music by 11 Labs, which is poised to compete with existing services like udio and sunno. The speaker highlights 11 Labs' expertise in voice synthesis and their successful ventures in full-length movies and voice cloning. The AI Music service allows users to input a text prompt and receive a pop song in return, showcasing the company's prowess in voice manipulation. Currently, three demo tracks are available for review, and while not much information has been released, the potential for tracks to be sold on a marketplace or supplied through APIs to various applications is mentioned. The video also previews the first demo, a pop country top-chart song generated from a single text prompt, emphasizing the subtlety and quality of the AI-generated lyrics and vocals.


🎧 Reviewing AI Music Demos and Future Prospects 🎧

This paragraph continues the discussion on AI Music, focusing on a review of the three demo tracks provided by 11 Labs. The speaker critiques the music, noting that while the demos are not chart-toppers, they are impressive for a start, especially considering 11 Labs' strong background in vocals and voice technology. The paragraph also speculates on the future of the service, including the potential for APIs and a new marketplace where users could sell their voices to accompany music tracks. The speaker acknowledges 11 Labs as a billion-dollar organization that is likely to make significant advancements in the music industry, posing a challenge to competitors like udio and sunno. The video concludes with a teaser about the upcoming full release of AI Music and its potential impact on the music ecosystem.



💡AI music generation

AI music generation refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create music. In the context of the video, it is the core technology behind 11 Labs' new music service, which is designed to compete with existing platforms like Udio and Sunno. The video discusses how 11 Labs' expertise in voice synthesis and manipulation is being applied to generate full-length songs from text prompts, which is a significant development in the music industry.

💡11 Labs

11 Labs is a company mentioned in the video that has a strong legacy in voice synthesis and APIs. They are launching a new AI music generation service, which is expected to rival current services like Udio and Sunno. The company is portrayed as a leader in voice manipulation technology and is now expanding into the music creation space, indicating their influence and potential impact on the industry.

💡Voice synthesis

Voice synthesis is the artificial production of human-like speech. It is a technology that 11 Labs is known for and is central to their new music creation tool. The video highlights 11 Labs' proficiency in this area, suggesting that their AI music generation service will likely produce high-quality vocal tracks, which is a critical aspect of music production.

💡Text prompt

A text prompt is a short piece of text used as an input to generate a response or output, in this case, a song. The video script explains that 11 Labs' music service can create a pop song or any other style of music from a single text prompt, demonstrating the versatility and potential ease of use of their AI music generation tool.

💡Demo tracks

Demo tracks are sample pieces of music that showcase the capabilities of a new service or product. In the video, three demo tracks are mentioned, each representing a different genre, to demonstrate the range of music that can be generated by 11 Labs' AI music service. These tracks serve as an early preview of what the service is capable of producing.


A marketplace, in the context of the video, refers to a platform where goods or services are bought and sold. It is suggested that 11 Labs may introduce a marketplace for selling tracks created with their AI music generation service. This could potentially change the way music is distributed and monetized, offering new opportunities for artists and creators.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. The video mentions that 11 Labs has a strong legacy in APIs, implying that their AI music generation service may offer APIs for other applications to integrate music creation capabilities, expanding the service's reach and utility.

💡Voice manipulation

Voice manipulation refers to the process of altering or enhancing a voice, which can include changing pitch, tone, or adding effects. It is a key aspect of 11 Labs' technology and is expected to contribute to the high quality of the vocals in the songs generated by their AI music service. The video emphasizes the importance of voice manipulation in creating realistic and compelling AI-generated music.

💡Pop country

Pop country is a genre of music that blends elements of pop music with country music. One of the demo tracks mentioned in the video is described as a pop country top chart song, indicating that 11 Labs' AI music generation service can produce music that fits within popular and marketable genres.

💡Contemporary R&B

Contemporary R&B, or rhythm and blues, is a genre of music that combines elements of rhythm and blues with modern production techniques and styles. The video mentions a demo track in this genre, showcasing the versatility of 11 Labs' AI music generation service in creating different styles of music.

💡Indie rock

Indie rock is a genre of rock music that often emphasizes independent production and may have a focus on artistic expression over commercial success. The video includes an indie rock demo track with 90s influences, highlighting the ability of 11 Labs' AI music generation service to create music that reflects specific eras and styles.


11 Labs has released a new AI music generation service to rival udio and sunno.

11 Labs is known for their expertise in voice synthesis and full-length movie voice cloning.

The new music creation tool generates songs from a text prompt.

Three demo tracks have been released as an early preview.

11 Labs has a strong legacy in APIs and has started a new marketplace.

There is potential for tracks to be sold on the marketplace or supplied through APIs to applications worldwide.

The first demo is a pop country top chart song generated from a single text prompt.

The second demo is a smooth contemporary R&B track with electronic elements.

The third demo is an indie rock song with 90s influences and a mix of clean and distorted guitars.

11 Labs' vocals are on point, showcasing their legacy in voice manipulation.

The new service could potentially include a custom lyrics facility for users to input their own lyrics.

11 Labs is a billion-dollar organization, indicating serious investment in this new music service.

The impact on competitors udio and sunno is yet to be seen, with udio being more entrenched and sunno facing challenges.

The ease of song creation, flexibility, and manufacturing process will be critical for the service's success.

The ability to create longer songs and the overall user experience are aspects that need to be evaluated.

11 Labs' entry into the market presents an interesting challenge to existing music generation services.

The potential for singers to audition on the 11 Lab store to sell their voices alongside music tracks is a novel concept.

The initial demos show promise, but the full capabilities and user-friendliness of the tool are yet to be fully explored.