From Saunas to Satellites, Finland Is Heating Up

Bloomberg Originals
18 Dec 201914:28

TLDRThe video script introduces Helsinki's wooden house district, a symbol of Finland's robust social support system, and its evolution from workers' homes to trendy areas inhabited by artsy hipsters. It then transitions to discuss the potential future replacement of human labor with robots, exemplified by ZenRobotics' waste-sorting robots. The narrative moves to Iceye, a Finnish startup using satellites with synthetic aperture radar to monitor Earth continuously, providing valuable data for various industries. Finally, the script touches on the Finnish tradition of saunas, highlighting their cultural significance and the ritual of alternating between heat and cold, akin to a spiritual experience for Finns.


  • 🏡 The wooden house district in Helsinki was built in the early 1900s to provide workers with nice living spaces and gardens, symbolizing Finland's strong social support system.
  • 🌿 The area initially meant for workers has evolved over time, with artsy hipsters now seeking residence in these trendy neighborhoods.
  • 🤖 Robotics and AI are changing the landscape of labor, with robots potentially replacing human workers in various sectors, including waste management.
  • 🚮 ZenRobotics, a company in Helsinki, has developed robots that sort industrial trash by identifying materials like wood, metal, and plastic through advanced sensors and AI.
  • 🔎 The robots' accuracy in sorting waste can reach up to 90% purity, depending on the type of waste, showcasing the effectiveness of AI in waste management.
  • 🌎 Iceye, a Finnish startup, has developed small satellites equipped with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to take constant images of Earth, even through clouds and darkness.
  • 🛰️ Iceye's satellites provide high-resolution images for various applications, including insurance claims, environmental monitoring, and tracking sanctioned vessels like the Grace One oil tanker.
  • 💡 The democratization of satellite imagery allows for a broader range of users to access this information, not just governments or large corporations.
  • 🌲 Finland's cultural heritage includes the sauna, a tradition deeply rooted in Finnish society that promotes relaxation, health, and social bonding.
  • 🧊 The Finnish sauna experience often involves alternating between the heat of the sauna and the cold shock of ice water or rolling in the snow, which is believed to be invigorating for the body.
  • 🤝 Sauna culture in Finland represents a level of equality and honesty, as people from all walks of life come together in a state of vulnerability and simplicity.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the wooden house district in Helsinki?

    -The wooden house district in Helsinki represents Finland's renowned social support system, providing workers with nice places to live and gardens to tend to, contributing to the happiness of Finns.

  • How has the wooden house district evolved over time?

    -The wooden house district, initially built for workers in the early 1900s, has evolved over time, with the original inhabitants being replaced by artsy hipsters seeking trendy neighborhoods.

  • What is the role of ZenRobotics in waste management?

    -ZenRobotics develops robotic arms designed to sort industrial trash, separating materials like wood and metal into different piles, thereby contributing to more efficient waste management.

  • How do ZenRobotics' robots identify different types of waste materials?

    -ZenRobotics' robots use a combination of cameras, metal detectors, 3D sensors, and near-infrared sensors to identify and sort different types of waste materials based on their properties.

  • What is the accuracy rate of ZenRobotics' robots in sorting waste?

    -The accuracy of ZenRobotics' robots in sorting waste can reach up to 90% purity, depending on the type of waste being processed.

  • How does Iceye's satellite technology differ from traditional cameras?

    -Iceye's satellites use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology instead of traditional cameras, allowing them to capture images of Earth's surface through cloud cover and darkness, providing a constant and objective monitoring capability.

  • What are some applications of Iceye's satellite imaging technology?

    -Iceye's satellite imaging technology can be used for various applications, including monitoring mining activities, assessing damage from natural disasters like hurricanes, and tracking vessels for compliance with international sanctions.

  • How does the sauna culture in Finland reflect societal values?

    -The sauna culture in Finland embodies the concept of equality and honesty, as individuals from all walks of life gather in a state of vulnerability and simplicity to sweat out their daily worries, both physically and mentally.

  • What is the significance of 'loyly' in Finnish sauna culture?

    -Loyly refers to the steam and spirit of the sauna, which is believed to be enhanced when the sauna is heated with wood, providing a distinct experience that is central to the traditional Finnish sauna.

  • How often do Iceye's satellites pass over a specific point on Earth?

    -Iceye's satellites travel from pole to pole and pass over a specific point on Earth every 45 minutes, providing continuous monitoring and imaging capabilities.

  • What is the typical process of a Finnish sauna session?

    -A typical Finnish sauna session involves alternating between the heat of the sauna and cold water immersion, often done four times, ending with a swim to cool down, symbolizing a ritual of purification and relaxation.



🏡 The Transformation of Helsinki's Wooden House District

The video begins in Helsinki's wooden house district, showcasing homes built in the early 1900s for workers, reflecting Finland's social support system. This area, once populated by workers, now attracts artsy hipsters, signaling societal progress and change. The narrative transitions to the role of automation in waste management, highlighting ZenRobotics' use of AI and robotics in sorting industrial trash with high accuracy. ZenRobotics, operating in Helsinki and Silicon Valley, exemplifies the intersection of technology and sustainability, challenging traditional waste sorting methods and contributing to environmental preservation.


🌍 Iceye's Mission: A Global Perspective from Space

The second part focuses on Iceye, a Finnish startup revolutionizing Earth observation with its mini-fridge-sized satellites, equipped with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology. These satellites can capture detailed images through clouds and darkness, providing valuable data for various applications, including disaster response and environmental monitoring. Iceye's goal is to create a comprehensive surveillance system, akin to an MRI scan for Earth, democratizing access to satellite imagery. This initiative marks a significant advancement in remote sensing technology, offering insights into natural disasters, economic activities, and global events, while ensuring privacy and objectivity in data collection.


🔥 Embracing Finnish Culture through the Sauna Experience

The final segment explores Finland's deep-rooted sauna culture, a pivotal aspect of Finnish identity and social life. The narrative follows a visit to a traditional Finnish sauna with Jasper Paakkonen, a renowned Finnish actor, revealing the sauna's role in fostering equality, honesty, and community. This intimate glimpse into the sauna tradition highlights its spiritual significance, comparing it to a form of church for Finns, where physical and mental cleansing occurs. The practice of alternating between hot saunas and cold plunges, depicted as both a challenge and a therapeutic ritual, encapsulates the essence of Finnish resilience and wellbeing.



💡Wooden House District

The Wooden House District refers to a historical area in Helsinki, Finland, known for its beautiful wooden houses built in the early 1900s. These houses were constructed as part of Finland's social support system to provide nice living spaces and gardens for workers, contributing to the country's reputation for high happiness levels. In the video, the district symbolizes Finland's commitment to the well-being of its citizens and its historical architectural heritage.

💡Social Support System

The social support system in the context of the video refers to the welfare and social services provided by the Finnish government to ensure the well-being of its citizens. This system includes provisions for housing, healthcare, and other social services that contribute to the high standard of living and happiness in Finland. The video highlights this system as a key factor in making Finns some of the happiest people on Earth.

💡Artsy Hipsters

In the video, 'artsy hipsters' refers to a demographic of younger, often more affluent individuals who are drawn to trendy neighborhoods and are interested in arts, fashion, and alternative lifestyles. The term is used to illustrate the gentrification of the Wooden House District, where the original working-class residents are being replaced by a new demographic seeking a fashionable place to live.


Robotics in the video pertains to the field of engineering and science that involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The narrative discusses the use of robots in waste management, specifically at ZenRobotics, where robots are employed to sort industrial trash by identifying and separating different materials such as wood and metal. This reflects the advancement of technology and its impact on traditional jobs and the environment.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to enhance the capabilities of robots at ZenRobotics, enabling them to sort waste materials with a high degree of accuracy by predicting the type of material and replicating human-like sorting movements.


ZenRobotics is a company mentioned in the video that specializes in the development of robotic systems for waste sorting. Despite the 'Zen' in its name suggesting calmness, the company's robots are actively involved in the challenging task of segregating industrial trash into different categories. This showcases the application of technology and AI in addressing environmental issues and the potential for automation in various industries.


A gripper, in the context of the video, refers to a device used by robots to physically handle objects, similar to a human hand. The development of a gripper capable of gripping different sizes and shapes of waste is one of the significant challenges addressed by ZenRobotics. It highlights the innovation in robotic technology to adapt to various waste management tasks.


Iceye is a start-up company mentioned in the video that has developed small satellites equipped with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology. These satellites are capable of taking constant images of Earth, providing real-time monitoring and data collection. Iceye's technology allows for objective and accurate observation of global activities, marking a shift towards democratizing access to satellite imagery.

💡Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a radar system that uses microwave signals to create high-resolution images of the Earth's surface. Unlike traditional cameras, SAR can penetrate clouds and darkness, allowing for constant monitoring regardless of weather conditions or time of day. In the video, Iceye utilizes SAR technology in their satellites to provide detailed images for various applications, such as tracking natural disasters or monitoring mining activities.

💡Satellite Constellation

A satellite constellation refers to a group of artificial satellites that are launched and operated as a network to provide specific services, such as communication, navigation, or Earth observation. In the video, Iceye plans to launch a constellation of 18 small satellites to enable continuous and reliable monitoring of Earth, reflecting the growing trend of utilizing satellite technology for various commercial and governmental purposes.


A sauna is a traditional Finnish bathing practice involving a heated room where people sit or lie in alternating bouts of heat and cold, often followed by immersion in cold water or rolling in snow. In the video, the sauna is depicted as a cultural institution in Finland, embodying the principles of equality and honesty, and serving as a place for relaxation, contemplation, and social interaction.


Loyly is a Finnish term that refers to the steam or vapor and the associated sensation experienced in a sauna, particularly when water is thrown onto the hot stones of the sauna heater. The term encapsulates the essence of the sauna experience, which is deeply rooted in Finnish culture and tradition. In the video, the concept of loyly is used to illustrate the unique and authentic Finnish sauna experience.


The wooden house district of Helsinki was built in the early 1900s for workers to have nice places to live and gardens to tend.

These houses symbolize Finland's social support system, contributing to the happiness of its people.

The workers in the wooden house district have been replaced by artsy hipsters seeking trendy neighborhoods.

ZenRobotics is a company that develops robots to sort industrial trash, separating materials like wood and metal.

ZenRobotics' robots use cameras, metal detectors, 3D sensors, and near-infrared sensors to identify different types of waste.

The AI predicts the material type of waste and simulates human sorting movements to increase efficiency.

The robots' sorting accuracy can reach up to 90% purity, depending on the type of waste.

ZenRobotics has expanded its operations to Silicon Valley, working in a large garbage processing facility in San Jose.

Espoo, a tech suburb near Helsinki, is home to Nokia's headquarters and the Angry Birds company.

Iceye is a startup that has built small satellites for constant monitoring of Earth's activities.

Iceye's satellites are mini fridge-sized and use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to image the Earth's surface through any weather.

The SAR technology combined with advanced software allows Iceye to create highly detailed images for various applications.

Iceye's images were used to monitor Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and assess the damage for insurance purposes.

The company's images also tracked the Grace One tanker related to Iranian sanctions, providing transparency on its location and status.

Iceye aims to launch a constellation of 18 small satellites in the coming years, providing a constant, objective source of information.

Finland's sauna culture is deeply ingrained, with saunas being more common than cars and seen as a place for honesty and resolution.

The traditional Finnish sauna is wood-heated to produce 'loyly', the spirit or essence of the sauna experience.

Sauna is considered a church-like experience for Finns, a place for mental and physical cleansing and reflection.