How I became 'hot' as an average looking guy (Looksmaxxing Explained In-Depth)

Dylan McKnight
15 Oct 202311:28

TLDRThe video details the personal journey of an average-looking man who transformed his appearance through a process he calls 'looks maxing'. Over 90 days, he lost 20 lbs, reaching approximately 11% body fat, which significantly improved his facial aesthetics. The speaker emphasizes the importance of good habits, such as exercising the orbicularis muscle to achieve a more attractive eye shape, using eye drops for brighter eyes, and maintaining symmetry in facial features like eyebrows. He shares his skincare routine, which includes cutting out sugar and dairy, a nightly cleanse and moisturize regimen, and the use of beta carotene for a natural tan. The video also covers techniques for enhancing the jawline through mewing and jaw training, as well as dietary tips to reduce facial bloating. Lastly, the speaker discusses hair loss solutions, recommending finasteride and a dermastamp regimen with minoxidil and rosemary oil. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to embrace the long-term commitment of looks maxing and offers an ebook for further guidance.


  • 🎯 **Weight Loss**: Achieving a leaner physique with around 10% body fat can significantly improve facial aesthetics.
  • 👀 **Eye Care**: Using eye drops like Lumify can enhance the whites of the eyes, and exercises targeting the orbicularis muscle can shape the eyes to appear more attractive.
  • 🏼 **Skin Health**: Cutting out sugar and dairy, maintaining a nightly skin routine, and using products like Aquafor for lips can lead to clearer skin.
  • 🌞 **Tanning**: Regular exposure to sunlight and supplementing with beta-carotene can contribute to a healthy tan, which is often associated with good health.
  • 🦅 **Jawline Enhancement**: Mewing and using a jaw trainer can help develop the masseter muscles, leading to a more defined and masculine jawline.
  • 💧 **Reducing Bloat**: Controlling carbohydrate and sodium intake can help reduce facial bloating.
  • 🧊 **Cold Therapy**: Icing the face in the morning can tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of pores.
  • 💊 **Hair Loss Prevention**: Taking finasteride can prevent further hair loss, which is crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance.
  • 🌱 **Hair Regrowth**: Using a dermastamp, minoxidil, and rosemary oil can stimulate hair regrowth and improve the overall look of the hairline.
  • 📚 **Educational Resources**: Investing in an ebook or guide focused on looksmaxxing can provide a wealth of information and accelerate the process of facial improvement.
  • ⏳ **Long-Term Commitment**: Looksmaxxing is a long-term process that requires consistent effort and good habits for noticeable and lasting results.

Q & A

  • What significant change did the author notice in their appearance after 90 days of looks maxing?

    -The author noticed a significant improvement in their facial aesthetics, which led to increased interactions with girls and a boost in confidence when talking with them.

  • What body fat percentage is recommended for males to maximize their facial aesthetics according to the author?

    -The author recommends getting down to about 10% body fat for males to maximize their facial aesthetics.

  • How much weight did the author lose during their looks maxing journey?

    -The author lost about 20 lbs during their looks maxing journey.

  • Why are eyes considered so important in the context of looks maxing?

    -Eyes are considered important because they are often the first thing people look at and they serve as a health marker that humans subconsciously use to determine the health of an individual.

  • What is the term used to describe the exercise of the orbicularis muscle to achieve a more 'Hunter-like' eye shape?

    -The term used is 'squint maxing'.

  • How does the author suggest improving the symmetry and expressiveness of eyebrows?

    -The author suggests intentionally controlling eyebrow movements during conversations, using a filter to identify the correct starting and ending points of the eyebrows, and styling them with hairspray for symmetry and a well-groomed appearance.

  • What dietary changes did the author make to clear up their acne?

    -The author cleared up their acne by completely cutting out sugar and dairy from their diet.

  • What are the two main factors that can cause bloating in the face, according to the author?

    -The two main factors that can cause bloating in the face are carbohydrates and sodium.

  • What is the term for the practice of maintaining proper tongue posture to potentially improve facial structure and jawline prominence?

    -The term is 'mewing'.

  • What is the author's recommended daily carbohydrate intake to reduce facial bloating?

    -The author recommends keeping daily carbohydrate intake at around 125 grams.

  • Which supplement does the author suggest for achieving a natural tan complexion?

    -The author suggests supplementing with 75,000 IU of beta carotene for a natural tan complexion.

  • What is the author's advice on dealing with a receding hairline?

    -The author recommends using finasteride, a dermastamp with a 0.5 mm needle length, minoxidil, and rosemary oil to maintain and potentially regrow hair.



📸 Transformation and Looksmaxing Journey

The speaker discusses their personal transformation over 90 days, emphasizing the significant changes in their appearance and increased confidence, particularly in interactions with women. They credit the improvement to adopting good habits and losing weight, aiming for about 10% body fat for males to maximize facial aesthetics. The speaker shares their experience with looksmaxing, including using eye drops to enhance eye appearance, exercising the orbicularis muscle for a more attractive eye shape, and using Volufiline to reduce dark circles and eye bags. They also mention the importance of eyebrow grooming and maintaining symmetry for facial attractiveness.


💪 Skincare, Diet, and Jawline Enhancement

The paragraph focuses on skincare routines, diet changes, and methods for enhancing the jawline. Key points include clearing up acne by eliminating sugar and dairy from the diet, maintaining a nightly skin routine with cleansing and moisturizing, and using Aquafor for lip care. The speaker also discusses achieving a tan complexion through sun exposure and beta-carotene supplementation. For the jawline, they mention the benefits of mewing (correct tongue posture) and using a jaw trainer for a more prominent jaw. Additionally, they address reducing facial bloating through diet, specifically by limiting carbohydrates and sodium, and using a gacha tool for a more defined face.


🧑‍🦰 Hair Care and Looksmaxing Resources

This section covers strategies for hair care and maintaining a hairline. The speaker recommends using finasteride to prevent further hair loss and a dermastamp along with minoxidil and rosemary oil to regrow hair. They provide a detailed protocol for using these products, emphasizing the importance of consistency. The paragraph concludes with a mention of an ebook the speaker purchased, which provided extensive information on facial improvement and looksmaxing. The speaker encourages viewers to like the video and use the provided information wisely, as it has the potential to significantly impact their lives.




Looksmaxxing refers to the process of maximizing one's physical attractiveness through various methods such as improving grooming habits, diet, exercise, and skincare. In the video, the speaker details his journey of looksmaxxing, which includes weight loss, eye care, and jawline enhancement, to improve his facial aesthetics and increase his confidence when interacting with others.

💡Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage is the proportion of fat in one's body mass. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reducing body fat to around 10% for males to maximize facial aesthetics. He shares his personal experience of losing 20 lbs and achieving an estimated 11% body fat, which contributed significantly to his improved appearance.

💡Eye Care

Eye care in the context of the video involves采取措施 to enhance the appearance of the eyes, such as using eye drops to brighten the whites of the eyes and performing exercises to achieve a more desirable eye shape. The speaker discusses his use of Lumify eye drops and daily exercises targeting the orbicularis muscle to improve the shape and appearance of his eyes.

💡Skincare Routine

A skincare routine is a sequence of steps taken to maintain the health and appearance of one's skin. The speaker outlines his skincare routine, which includes cutting out sugar and dairy, washing his face with a cleanser before bed, applying a moisturizer, and using aquafor for his lips. He also emphasizes the importance of changing pillowcases regularly to prevent breakouts.


Mewing is a technique that involves maintaining proper tongue posture by keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. The speaker explains that mewing not only provides a temporary improvement in facial appearance by making the jawline more prominent but also has long-term benefits for facial structure. It is part of his strategy to enhance his jawline and achieve a more masculine look.

💡Jaw Trainer

A jaw trainer is a device used to exercise the jaw muscles, with the goal of making them more prominent and improving the jawline. The speaker mentions using a jaw trainer as part of his routine to achieve a more defined jaw, which he believes contributes to a more attractive facial appearance.

💡Diet and Bloating

The video discusses the impact of diet on facial bloating, highlighting that high levels of carbohydrates and sodium can cause the face to appear puffy. The speaker shares his approach to reducing bloating by limiting carbohydrate intake and minimizing sodium consumption.


The hairline refers to the baseline on the head where hair growth begins. The speaker was self-conscious about his receding hairline and discusses the use of finasteride, a pharmaceutical drug, to prevent further hair loss. He also mentions additional treatments like dermastamp, minoxidil, and rosemary oil to promote hair regrowth.

💡Facial Symmetry

Facial symmetry is the balanced distribution of facial features, which is often perceived as more attractive. The speaker points out the importance of eyebrow symmetry and how controlling their movement can affect the expression and overall attractiveness of the face.

💡Beta Carotene

Beta carotene is a pigment found in plants, such as carrots, and is associated with a healthy tan complexion. The speaker takes beta carotene supplements and spends time in the sun to achieve a natural tan, which he believes enhances his skin's vibrancy and is perceived as a sign of good health.


A gacha is a tool used to remove subcutaneous fluid from under the skin, which can help tighten the skin and reduce puffiness. The speaker uses a gacha as part of his morning routine to enhance the appearance of his jawline and facial definition.


The author underwent a significant transformation in appearance through 'looks maxing', a process that took 90 days and resulted in increased confidence and social interactions.

The most important aspect of changing one's face is losing weight, ideally down to about 10% body fat for males to maximize facial aesthetics.

The author lost approximately 20 lbs during his looks maxing journey, which contributed to his improved physique and appearance.

Eyes are crucial to attractiveness, and using eye drops like Lumify can help make the whites of the eyes pop and remove redness.

Exercise of the orbicularis muscle through daily squints can lead to a more attractive 'Hunter-like' eye shape.

Volufiline can be used to add volume under the eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles and eye bags.

Controlling eyebrow movement can improve one-on-one communication and convey a more desirable demeanor.

Symmetry in eyebrows is important for facial attractiveness, and styling them can enhance this symmetry.

Cutting out sugar and dairy from the diet can significantly help clear up acne.

A consistent nightly skin routine and regular pillowcase changes can prevent breakouts and maintain skin health.

Icing the face in the morning can help shrink pores and prevent acne by limiting bacteria entry.

Achieving a tan complexion through sunlight exposure and beta carotene supplementation can enhance skin vibrancy and health appearance.

Enhancing the jawline through mewing and jaw training exercises can create a more masculine and strong facial appearance.

Reducing carbohydrate and sodium intake can help reduce facial bloating and puffiness.

Using a dermastamp with minoxidil and rosemary oil can potentially help regrow hair and prevent further hair loss.

Taking finasteride can prevent further hair loss by blocking DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss.

Looks maxing is a long-term process that requires consistent effort and can yield significant results over time.

The author credits an ebook focused on facial attraction and improvement for providing valuable information and accelerating his results.