How to Finish a Half-Written Novel with AI

The Nerdy Novelist
20 Mar 202412:10

TLDRThe video provides a step-by-step guide on using AI to complete a half-written novel. It recommends using Novel Crafter, a tool that allows the AI to access all generated pieces of the novel so far. The presenter explains the importance of connecting Novel Crafter to Open AI through an API key and Open Router, and suggests copying all existing novel content into Novel Crafter. The video also emphasizes the significance of having a detailed outline and character profiles in the 'Plan' tab and 'Codex' respectively, to guide the AI in writing. It discusses the advantages of using fine-tuned models or the Claude 3 Opus model for writing in the author's style, and the necessity of editing the AI-generated content for consistency and style. The process involves entering scene beats and continuing the writing process until the novel is finished, making it an iterative and interactive experience.


  • πŸ“š Use Novel Crafter to integrate AI into completing a half-written novel by connecting your account to Open AI through their API key and Open Router.
  • πŸ”— Ensure your Open Router and Open AI connections are set up correctly within the Novel Crafter settings.
  • πŸ“ Copy and paste all existing novel content into Novel Crafter, including chapters and any outline information.
  • πŸ“‹ Utilize the Plan Tab to input chapter outlines and use the chat option for brainstorming missing chapters if needed.
  • πŸ’‘ For discovery writers, leave chapter summaries blank but consider adding them as you write for better AI context.
  • πŸ“– The Codex is essential for character details; input descriptions and characteristics for the AI to understand and write distinct characters.
  • ✨ Character nicknames and aliases help the AI differentiate between characters, ensuring accurate representation.
  • πŸ–‹οΈ Style preferences can be set to guide the AI's writing style, and the existing written content helps the AI mimic the author's style.
  • πŸš€ Claude 3 models like Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus are adept at continuing the author's style based on past writing examples.
  • πŸ“ˆ Fine-tuned models can closely mimic an author's style but require technical knowledge and a dataset for setup.
  • πŸ’» Start writing the next chapter using a slash command and scene beat in Novel Crafter, selecting the appropriate AI model for style consistency.
  • ✍️ Edit and proofread the AI-generated content for style, consistency, and to correct any potential continuity errors.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use AI to complete a half-written novel.

  • Which tool is recommended for completing a half-written novel with AI?

    -The recommended tool is Novel Crafter.

  • How can Novel Crafter access previously generated pieces of the novel?

    -Novel Crafter can access previously generated pieces by allowing the user to input them into the tool, making them available for the AI to use when needed.

  • What is the first step to connect Novel Crafter to Open AI?

    -The first step is to connect your account to Open AI through their API key and through Open Router by setting up the connections in the settings.

  • How can a user get an Open AI API key?

    -A user can get an Open AI API key by going to and setting it up there.

  • What is the purpose of the Plan Tab in Novel Crafter?

    -The Plan Tab is used to input any information about the novel's outline, such as what happens in each chapter.

  • How can a user get help with brainstorming missing chapters?

    -A user can use the chat option in Novel Crafter, providing the AI with the context of the full novel outline, and then ask for help brainstorming what should happen in the missing chapters.

  • What is the significance of having chapter summaries in Novel Crafter?

    -Having chapter summaries helps the AI understand the context of past chapters without having to read through the entire book, which aids in maintaining continuity and style.

  • What is the Codex in Novel Crafter used for?

    -The Codex is used to store information about characters, including physical descriptions, personality traits, and other relevant details to help the AI write distinct and consistent characters.

  • Why is it beneficial to have a style preference set in Novel Crafter?

    -Having a style preference set helps ensure that the AI writes in a style that the user likes and can provide better instructions to the AI if it gets something wrong.

  • Which AI models are mentioned as being good at continuing the style of a half-written novel?

    -The Claude 3 models, Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus, are mentioned as being particularly good at continuing the style of a half-written novel.

  • How does the process of writing with AI in Novel Crafter differ from a normal book writing process?

    -The process is similar to the normal book writing process, but with the advantage of having some of the novel already written, which the AI can use to analyze the user's writing style and maintain continuity.



πŸ“š Introduction to Using AI for Novel Completion

The speaker introduces the topic of using AI to complete a half-written novel, a common inquiry. They mention using Novel Crafter for this purpose due to its ability to integrate previously generated content. The speaker emphasizes the importance of connecting Novel Crafter to OpenAI via an API key through Open Router, and provides a brief guide on setting up the connection. They also suggest copying and pasting existing novel content into Novel Crafter and using the 'Plan' tab to outline chapter details. For missing chapters, the speaker recommends using the chat option to brainstorm ideas or using a chatbot like Claud Pro for further assistance. The importance of including chapter summaries for both outliners and discovery writers is highlighted for providing context to the AI.


πŸ–‹οΈ Character and Style Setup for AI Writing

The speaker discusses the process of setting up character information in Novel Crafter's 'Codex' to ensure distinct and accurate character portrayal. They provide an example with the character Mina Harker, detailing how to input physical descriptions, emotional processing, personality traits, and other characteristics. The speaker also addresses the importance of style preference settings in Novel Crafter and the advantage of using models like Claude 3, Opus, which are adept at mimicking the author's writing style based on provided text. They also touch on the process of starting a new chapter and selecting an appropriate AI model for writing, including the option of using a fine-tuned model for a more personalized style.


πŸš€ Writing Process and Model Selection

The speaker demonstrates how to write the next chapter in the novel using Novel Crafter. They show how to use slash commands to initiate a scene and describe the process of selecting an AI model for writing. The speaker suggests that Claude 3 models, particularly Opus, are effective for matching the author's writing style. They also discuss the importance of reviewing and editing the AI-generated content for consistency, style, and potential errors. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the iterative nature of the process, which involves continuous writing and editing until the novel is complete.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to complete a half-written novel by generating text that continues the story in the author's style.

πŸ’‘Novel Crafter

Novel Crafter is a software tool designed to assist authors in writing their novels. It allows users to input their existing work, outline, and character details to help AI generate text that fits seamlessly with the existing narrative. The video demonstrates how to utilize Novel Crafter to finish a novel using AI.

πŸ’‘API Key

An API (Application Programming Interface) key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. In the video, the presenter explains the process of connecting Novel Crafter to OpenAI using an API key to enable the AI text generation feature.

πŸ’‘Open Router

Open Router is a platform that facilitates the connection of various applications to AI services like OpenAI. The video script mentions creating an account with Open Router to establish a connection that allows Novel Crafter to access AI-generated content.

πŸ’‘Character Codex

The Character Codex is a feature within Novel Crafter where authors can input detailed information about their characters. This includes physical descriptions, personality traits, and other characteristics that help the AI understand and portray the characters consistently throughout the novel.

πŸ’‘Scene Beat

A scene beat refers to a unit of action within a scene that helps to drive the narrative forward. In the context of the video, the presenter uses the term to describe the process of writing the next part of the story in Novel Crafter, with the AI generating text based on the scene's context.

πŸ’‘Fine-Tune Model

A fine-tune model in AI refers to a model that has been trained on specific data to perform a particular task better. In the video, the presenter discusses using a fine-tune model to write scenes in a style similar to the author's existing writing.

πŸ’‘CLA 3 Opus

CLA 3 Opus is an AI model mentioned in the video that is adept at identifying and mimicking the writing style of the author based on the text provided. It is used to generate text for the novel that closely matches the author's original style.

πŸ’‘Discovery Writer

A discovery writer is an author who writes by the seat of their pants, meaning they do not follow a detailed outline and discover the story as they write. The video explains how Novel Crafter can be used by both outliners and discovery writers to complete a novel with AI assistance.

πŸ’‘Chapter Summaries

Chapter summaries are brief descriptions of what happens in each chapter of a novel. In the video, the presenter suggests that even discovery writers can benefit from adding chapter summaries to Novel Crafter to provide context for the AI when generating subsequent chapters.

πŸ’‘Style Preference

Style preference refers to the specific writing style an author prefers. The video discusses how Novel Crafter allows authors to set their style preferences to guide the AI in generating text that aligns with the author's unique voice and writing style.


Using AI to complete a half-written novel is a common inquiry and can be less complicated than perceived.

Novel Crafter is a suitable tool for this task as it allows AI to access previously generated content.

Ensure your Novel Crafter account is connected to Open AI through an API key and Open Router.

Create an account with Open Router and connect it to Novel Crafter for AI word integration.

Obtain an Open AI API key from for further integration.

Copy and paste all existing novel content into Novel Crafter, including chapters and any gaps.

Utilize the Plan Tab to outline chapter information and use the chat option for brainstorming missing chapters.

For discovery writers, leaving chapter summaries blank is acceptable, but past chapter summaries can provide AI context.

The Codex in Novel Crafter should contain detailed character information to assist AI in consistent character portrayal.

Having style preferences set in Novel Crafter can help the AI write in a preferred style.

Existing written content in your style can greatly assist AI in continuing the novel in a similar fashion.

Claude 3 models like Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus are adept at mimicking the writer's style based on past examples.

_GP4 models tend to be overly flowery and may not adhere to style preferences as well as Claude 3 models.

To begin writing the next chapter, use the 'scene beat' slash command in Novel Crafter.

Selecting the right AI model is crucial, with fine-tuned models or Claude 3 Opus being good options for style consistency.

Editing the AI-generated content is necessary to ensure it aligns with your style and checks for inconsistencies.

Continuing the writing process involves iteratively entering 'scene beat' and crafting subsequent sections.

The process of finishing a novel with AI is similar to traditional writing, enhanced by the AI's ability to analyze and mimic the writer's style.