How to Paraphrase without Plagiarising | Essay Writing Made Easy

Dr Amina Yonis
31 Oct 202008:56

TLDRThis video discusses the art of paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism, a common concern for writers. The presenter shares strategies for rewriting text in one's own words while preserving the original meaning and maintaining proper citation. Key points include reading and understanding the source material, summarizing it in one's own words, focusing on the study's aims, methods, and key results, and using techniques such as changing sentence structure, employing synonyms, and varying voice. The video also highlights the importance of vocalizing sentences to ensure coherence and understanding. Additionally, it touches on the relevance of paraphrasing in making scientific research accessible to a broader audience. The presenter also introduces a website-building platform, XYRO, with a special discount code for viewers and shares personal experiences with the platform.


  • 📚 Read and understand the source material thoroughly before attempting to paraphrase.
  • 💡 Summarize the key points of the text in your own words to begin the paraphrasing process.
  • 🔍 Focus on the aims, methods, and significant results of the study to maintain the essence of the original text.
  • 📝 Write sentences in your own version, starting at a different point or flipping the structure of the original sentence.
  • 📖 Use synonyms and a thesaurus to replace words without changing the meaning.
  • 🔄 Switch between active and passive voice to alter the sentence structure.
  • 🧩 Break down complex sentences into two or more simpler sentences to avoid direct copying.
  • 🗣️ Constantly vocalize your sentences to ensure they make sense and are coherent.
  • ✅ Always reference the original source to avoid plagiarism and give credit where it's due.
  • 🌐 Paraphrasing can be a useful tool for making scientific research more accessible to a general audience.
  • 🛍️ Mention of a sponsored platform, XYRO, for building personal or professional websites with a special discount code for viewers.

Q & A

  • What is the primary concern when paraphrasing text?

    -The primary concern when paraphrasing is to avoid plagiarism by ensuring that the rewritten text is in your own words while maintaining the original meaning and properly citing the source.

  • Why is it important to read and understand the source material before paraphrasing?

    -It is important to read and understand the source material before paraphrasing because it allows you to grasp the key concepts, aims, methods, and results of the study, which you will then need to convey in your own words without plagiarizing.

  • How can summarizing the study in your own words help with paraphrasing?

    -Summarizing the study in your own words helps with paraphrasing by allowing you to express the main points, significance, and take-home message of the original text in a way that is uniquely your own, thus avoiding direct copying.

  • What are some strategies to effectively paraphrase a sentence?

    -Effective paraphrasing strategies include starting the sentence at a different point, using synonyms and a thesaurus, changing the voice from active to passive or vice versa, and breaking down complex sentences into simpler ones.

  • Why is it crucial to reference the citation after paraphrasing?

    -It is crucial to reference the citation after paraphrasing to acknowledge the original source of the information and to avoid presenting the paraphrased content as your own original work, which would be considered plagiarism.

  • How can verbalizing sentences while writing help with paraphrasing?

    -Verbalizing sentences while writing helps with paraphrasing by allowing you to better understand the topic, ensure that the rewritten sentences make sense, and maintain coherence in your text.

  • What is the role of blogs in making scientific research more accessible?

    -Blogs play a role in making scientific research more accessible by translating complex findings from scientific journals into language that is easier for the general public to understand, often through paraphrasing.

  • How can a platform like Xyro help in building a personal or professional website?

    -Xyro can help in building a personal or professional website by providing a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that does not require design or coding skills. It also offers features for managing multiple marketplaces and is compatible with selling on various platforms like Amazon, Facebook, or Instagram.

  • What is the significance of using a discount code when subscribing to a service like Xyro?

    -Using a discount code when subscribing to a service like Xyro can provide financial savings, such as a 30% discount off the plans, making it more affordable for individuals to create their own websites.

  • Why is paraphrasing considered an important tool in essay writing?

    -Paraphrasing is considered an important tool in essay writing because it allows you to incorporate the ideas and work of others into your text while maintaining your own voice and style, as long as it is done without copying directly and with proper citation.

  • How can one improve their paraphrasing skills?

    -One can improve their paraphrasing skills by practicing regularly, seeking feedback, understanding the original text deeply, using a variety of paraphrasing techniques, and ensuring that the paraphrased text is coherent and makes sense when read aloud.



📚 Mastering Paraphrasing to Avoid Plagiarism

The speaker begins by addressing a common question regarding how to paraphrase effectively without plagiarizing. They emphasize the importance of understanding the original text's meaning before attempting to rewrite it in one's own words. The process involves reading the source material, summarizing the key points such as the aims, methods, and results of a study, and then rephrasing these points. Techniques for effective paraphrasing include starting sentences differently, using synonyms, and varying the voice from active to passive. The speaker also advises on breaking down complex sentences into simpler ideas and ensuring that the paraphrased text makes sense when read aloud. They stress the importance of citing the original source to avoid plagiarism.


🌐 Making Science Accessible Through Paraphrasing

The second paragraph discusses the resurgence of blogs, particularly in the field of science, where the goal is to make research more accessible to the general public. The speaker suggests paraphrasing as a method to translate scientific findings into a more understandable format for a non-specialist audience. They also introduce a platform called Xyro, which allows users to easily build personal or professional websites without the need for design or coding skills. The platform features a drag-and-drop interface and is affordable, with the added benefit of managing multiple marketplaces simultaneously. The speaker provides a discount code for Xyro and encourages viewers to check out the platform for building websites, including those related to blogging and online stores. They also touch on the importance of paraphrasing as a tool in academic writing and the need to maintain originality while respecting the source material.




Paraphrase refers to the act of rewording or rephrasing a text or passage while retaining its original meaning. In the context of the video, it is a crucial skill for essay writing as it allows the writer to present information from a source in their own words, thus avoiding plagiarism. An example from the script is when the speaker says, 'you are trying your best to rewrite some text... into your own words.'


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper attribution, which is considered unethical and can lead to serious academic and legal consequences. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding plagiarism by correctly paraphrasing and citing sources. The script mentions, 'you can very easily be called out for, plagiarizing and that's something that, you absolutely do not want to do.'


Citations are formal references to the sources from which ideas or information are taken. They are essential in academic writing to give credit to the original authors and to avoid plagiarism. The video script discusses the importance of maintaining accurate referencing and citations when paraphrasing, as stated: '...whilst maintaining referencing and citations, accurately.'


Summarizing is the process of condensing the main points of a text into a shorter form. It is a key part of paraphrasing as it involves understanding the original text and then expressing its essence in one's own words. The script illustrates this with the advice, 'you then want to, move on and summarize, the study in your own words.'


Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the language. In the context of paraphrasing, using synonyms is a technique to rephrase sentences without changing their original meaning, which helps to avoid plagiarism. The script suggests, 'use synonyms, and use a thesaurus for this...'.

💡Active Voice

Active voice is a grammatical structure where the subject of the sentence performs the action. It is one of the techniques discussed in the video for changing sentence structure while paraphrasing. The video mentions, 'active voice, is where the sentence is led by the subject...' as a way to alter the sentence structure from passive to active voice to achieve a different sentence with the same meaning.

💡Passive Voice

Passive voice is a grammatical structure where the subject of the sentence receives the action. It is used as a method to rephrase sentences differently while maintaining the original meaning, which is useful for paraphrasing. The script explains, 'passive voice is, where the sentence is led by the object...'.

💡Science Blogs

Science blogs are online platforms where scientific research and findings are discussed in a more accessible language for the general public. The video suggests that paraphrasing can be used to make scientific research more understandable to a non-specialist audience. The script refers to 'blogs... in science in particular, people have started to try to translate, research that's out there.'


Xyro is mentioned as a platform in the video that allows users to build their own personal or professional websites without needing to be a designer or coder. It is highlighted as a tool that can be used for various purposes, including creating a blog, an online store, or a portfolio. The script provides a discount code for Xyro, indicating its relevance to the video's content: 'which is a really cool platform where, you are able to build your own personal, or professional website.'

💡Voice Verification

Voice verification is the process of saying sentences out loud to ensure that the paraphrased text makes sense and is coherent. It is recommended in the video as a method to check the fluency and understanding of the paraphrased content. The script advises, 'make sure you're constantly, saying those sentences, out loud and by verbalizing what it is, that you're writing...'.

💡Essay Writing

Essay writing is the process of composing a structured piece of writing on a particular topic, often including research, analysis, and argumentation. The video focuses on the aspect of paraphrasing within essay writing, emphasizing the need to use original wording while respecting the original author's ideas. The script discusses, 'essay writing can be very difficult and, paraphrasing isn't as an aspect of essay, writing that, it's sort of inevitable...'.


Paraphrase without plagiarizing by rewriting text in your own words while maintaining the original meaning.

Understand the source material thoroughly before attempting to paraphrase to avoid misrepresenting the original text.

Summarize the study or paper in your own words to capture the essence of the original text.

Focus on the aims, methods, and key results of the study when paraphrasing to retain the core information.

Use different sentence structures and start points to create a unique sentence while keeping the same meaning.

Employ synonyms and a thesaurus to vary vocabulary and avoid direct quotes from the original text.

Active and passive voice can be switched to create different sentence structures without changing the meaning.

Breaking down a complex sentence into two simpler ideas can help in paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism.

Always reference the original source after paraphrasing to give credit and avoid claiming the work as your own.

Vocalizing your paraphrased sentences can help in ensuring they make sense and are coherent.

Blogs are a popular way to make scientific research more accessible to the general public through paraphrasing.

Xyro is a platform for building personal or professional websites without needing to be a designer or coder.

Xyro's drag and drop feature allows for easy website design and management of multiple marketplaces.

Using the provided discount code 'dr amina yonas', you can get 30% off Xyro's plans.

Effective paraphrasing involves taking someone else's ideas and expressing them in your own words with proper citation.

Avoid copying text directly and instead focus on organizing and rephrasing the text to reflect your own voice.

Readers are encouraged to share their experiences and struggles with paraphrasing in the comments section.

The importance of paraphrasing in essay writing is emphasized as a critical skill to master.