How to Swap Face with Fooocus AI Stable Diffusion?

AI Edge Mastery
14 Apr 202406:04

TLDRThis tutorial showcases how to use Focus AI's Stable Diffusion for face swapping in images. It guides through the process of combining facial features from one image with the pose of another, offering tips for refining results. The video covers various methods, including using the inpainting tool for masking, adjusting settings like the stop at percentage for better similarity, and utilizing text prompts for styling images. The aim is to create realistic AI-generated images for influencers, storytelling, or other creative purposes.


  • 🖼️ Use Focus AI for face swapping in images to create AI influencers or for storytelling.
  • 💻 Run Focus on your computer or use Google Colab for the face swap process.
  • 📸 Upload the image whose face you want to use and enable advanced options to access the face swap feature.
  • 🔄 Set the 'stop at' option as a percentage to control the number of steps the AI works on face swapping; increasing it above 0.9 can improve similarity.
  • 🔧 Adjust the 'weight' between 0.95 and 1.2 for the face swapping strength; higher values may yield unexpected results.
  • 🎨 Use the 'inpaint' or 'outpaint' tab to upload the image whose pose you want to use and mask the face for the AI to recognize it.
  • 🖊️ Optionally, use a text prompt for more control over the final image; avoid long sentences and use short phrases.
  • 📱 Increase 'weight' and 'stop at' values if you want to refine the results further.
  • 🌈 Use 'Focus enhance' and 'Focus sharp' styles for more realistic models.
  • 🛠️ Utilize the 'upscale and variation' tab to fine-tune the image, and disable settings from previous sections if not needed.
  • 📋 Remember to experiment with different values for each image to achieve the best results.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial?

    -The main topic of the tutorial is how to use Focus AI's Stable Diffusion for face swapping in images.

  • What are some applications of face swapping with AI?

    -Face swapping with AI can be used for creating images for AI influencers, storytelling, or any other purpose where image manipulation is needed.

  • How does one select the face and pose of different images for swapping?

    -The user can select the face of one image and the pose of another by uploading the desired images and using the face swap feature in Focus AI.

  • What is the significance of the 'stop at' option in the face swap process?

    -The 'stop at' option indicates the number of steps the AI will work on face swapping. Increasing this value can improve the similarity of the swapped face.

  • Why is it recommended to mask certain parts of the image during the face swap process?

    -Masking parts like the hair, skin of the neck and body helps the AI understand which parts to change and prevents it from altering other elements like the dress color or background.

  • How can one refine the results of the face swap?

    -One can refine the results by adjusting the weight value between 0.95 and 1.2, experimenting with different values, and using the inpaint or outpaint tab to mask and edit the image.

  • What are the benefits of using the 'developer debug mode' and 'mixing image prompt and inpaint/outpaint' options?

    -These options provide more control over the image manipulation process, allowing for a higher level of customization and better outcomes.

  • How does using text prompts in conjunction with source images affect the face swap process?

    -Using text prompts with source images allows for additional styling and customization of the final image based on the text description provided.

  • What is the recommended approach for changing hair color and clothing in the image?

    -The inpaint tool can be used to edit and change the hair color and clothing of the image after the face swap has been completed.

  • How can one ensure the best results from the face swap process?

    -The best results can be achieved by experimenting with different 'stop at' values, weights, and image prompt settings, and by carefully editing the image using the inpaint and outpaint tools.

  • What is the advice given for writing text prompts in the Stable Diffusion Focus tool?

    -When writing text prompts in the Stable Diffusion Focus tool, it is advised to use short phrases rather than long sentences for effective results.



🎥 Introduction to Focus for Face Swap

This paragraph introduces a series of video tutorials about the AI tool, Focus. It explains how Focus can be used for face swapping to create images for AI influencers and storytelling. The speaker shares tips on using the face from one image and the pose from another, highlighting the importance of experimenting with different settings to achieve the best results. The process involves using the image prompt tab, enabling advanced options, and utilizing features like inpainting and outpainting to refine the image. The video also mentions the use of Focus enhance and sharp styles for realistic models.


🖌️ Advanced Techniques and Text Prompts

The second paragraph discusses advanced techniques for using Focus, including the use of text prompts, source images, and additional images for pose inspiration. It emphasizes the ability to fix image defects, change backgrounds, and edit images using the paint tool. The speaker also shares advice on increasing the 'stop at' percentage for better results and provides guidance on using the 'wait' feature. The paragraph concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with different styles and to share their experiences and questions in the comments section.



💡Face Swap

Face swap is a technique used in the video to exchange the facial features of one person in an image with those of another. It's a core concept in the tutorial, as it allows users to create composite images for various purposes such as storytelling or creating AI influencers. The process involves selecting a source image and a target image, and then using AI to blend the face from the source into the pose of the target image. In the script, the user is guided through the steps of enabling face swap, adjusting the 'stop at' percentage to control the blending process, and fine-tuning the result to achieve a realistic outcome.

💡Focus AI

Focus AI is the name of the artificial intelligence tool being used in the video tutorial. It is a free AI tool that the creator of the tutorial has made a series of tutorials for, teaching viewers how to install and use it effectively. In the context of the video, Focus AI is used to perform face swaps, which involves advanced AI algorithms to recognize and manipulate facial features in images. The tool offers various options and settings that allow users to customize their creations, such as adjusting the 'stop at' percentage for face swapping and using different tabs for inpainting or outpainting to refine the final image.

💡AI Influencers

AI influencers are virtual characters or personalities created using artificial intelligence, often used in social media marketing or storytelling. In the video, the concept of AI influencers is mentioned as one of the potential applications of the face swap technique. By using Focus AI to create realistic and unique faces, users can generate images for AI influencers that can be used for various purposes, such as advertising campaigns or social media content creation. The tutorial provides tips and techniques to create these AI influencers by blending facial features and poses from different images.


Inpaint and outpaint are features within Focus AI that allow users to edit and manipulate images. The 'inpaint' function is used to fill in missing or masked parts of an image, while 'outpaint' extends the image beyond its original boundaries. In the context of the video, these tools are used to refine the face swap process. For instance, the 'inpaint' tab can be used to mask the face of the image that provides the pose, indicating to the AI which parts of the image should be altered. The 'outpaint' function might be used to extend the canvas if necessary, to accommodate any changes or additions to the image.

💡Stop At

The 'stop at' option in Focus AI refers to a percentage setting that controls the extent to which the AI tool works on face swapping. A higher 'stop at' value means the AI will perform more iterations of the face swap, which can result in a more accurate and realistic blend of the two faces. However, increasing the 'stop at' value too much can lead to strange or unnatural results. In the video, the creator advises viewers to experiment with different 'stop at' values to achieve the best results for each image, with a suggestion that a value above 0.9 can improve similarity.


In the context of the Focus AI tool, 'weight' is a parameter that influences the strength or intensity of the face swapping process. Adjusting the weight between 0.95 and 1.2 can help fine-tune the blending of facial features from the source and target images. The weight setting allows users to control how prominently the source face appears on the target image, providing a level of customization in the final result. The video emphasizes the importance of experimenting with different weight values to achieve the desired outcome, as the optimal setting can vary depending on the specific images being used.


Masking in image editing refers to the process of selecting specific parts of an image to be manipulated or protected from changes. In the video, masking is used in the inpainting process to indicate to Focus AI which parts of the image should be altered during the face swap. For example, the creator suggests masking the face, hair, and skin tone of the image to ensure a seamless blend of features between the source and target images. Proper masking is crucial for preventing unwanted changes to other parts of the image and for maintaining the overall coherence of the final composite.

💡Text Prompt

A text prompt in the context of using Focus AI is a short phrase or description that guides the AI in generating or modifying an image. Text prompts are used to provide additional instructions or style preferences to the AI, which can help achieve a more specific visual outcome. In the video, the creator uses text prompts to style images based on the narrative or aesthetic desired, such as specifying a particular atmosphere or visual style. The script emphasizes the importance of keeping text prompts short and to the point, as this can help the AI tool more accurately understand and execute the desired image transformation.

💡Upscale and Variation

The 'upscale and variation' feature in Focus AI is used to enhance and diversify the final output image. Upscaling increases the resolution of the image, which can improve its quality and detail. Variation, on the other hand, introduces subtle changes to the image to create a more unique or original result. In the video, the creator uses the upscale and variation tab to fine-tune the composite image after the face swap, selecting the 'very subtle' option to make minor adjustments. This process allows for the creation of images that are not only high-resolution but also distinct and personalized.

💡Enhance and Sharp Styles

In the context of Focus AI, 'enhance' and 'sharp styles' are likely features or settings that improve the visual quality and clarity of the generated images. 'Enhance' could refer to a function that adjusts the overall appearance of the image, making it more vibrant or visually appealing. 'Sharp styles' might be a setting that increases the sharpness and definition of the image, making the details more crisp and clear. These features are important for achieving a professional and polished look in the final output, especially when creating images for AI influencers or other applications where high-quality visuals are essential.


Learn how to use Focus AI's free tool for face swapping.

Create images for AI influencers and storytelling with Focus AI.

Combine the face of one image with the pose of another using Focus AI.

Adjust the 'stop at' option to improve the similarity of the face swap.

Experiment with different 'weight' values for optimal face swapping results.

Mask certain areas for better distinction between images during face swapping.

Utilize the 'inpaint' or 'outpaint' tab for precise adjustments.

Enhance images using 'Focus enhance' and 'Focus sharp Styles'.

Choose the best image from multiple results by increasing the image number.

Apply subtle variations to the pose using the 'upscale and variation' tab.

Use text prompts and source images to style your final images.

Edit and perfect images with the in-paint tool for hair, clothing, and background changes.

Write short and effective text prompts for stable diffusion in Focus AI.

Combine text prompts, source images, and additional images for pose usage.

Focus AI's face swapping technique allows for close resemblance to the source image.

Share your best results and ask questions in the comments for further assistance.