How To Cartoonize Yourself in Stylar AI - Step By Step Tutorial

15 Feb 202405:18

TLDRLearn how to transform your photos into cartoon characters using Styler AI. Start by uploading your image, maximizing it, and selecting the 'innocent cutie' style for a cartoon effect. Adjust settings for style intensity and structure match. If the cartoon doesn't resemble you, use a face swap tool like Pika AI to make it look more like you, then re-upload to Styler AI for further cartoonization. Finally, enhance the quality using an image upscaler for a polished, high-resolution cartoon portrait.


  • 🎨 The video provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to cartoonize a personal image using Styler AI.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Start by visiting the Styler AI website, which is a tool for text-to-image and image-to-image generation.
  • πŸ“Έ Upload the image you wish to transform into a cartoon character.
  • πŸ” Maximize the image to fill the frame for better processing.
  • 🎨 Choose the 'image to image' option and select a style that suits your desired cartoon look.
  • πŸ€– The AI will generate a prompt based on the uploaded image, describing the key features.
  • 🌟 Adjust settings like 'structure match' and 'style intensity' to refine the cartoonization process.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ Select from the generated variations of cartoon characters to find the one that best suits your preference.
  • πŸ”„ If the cartoon face doesn't match your original image, use a face swap tool like Pika AI to adjust it.
  • πŸ“ˆ Download and upscale the final cartoon image using an image upscaler to enhance its quality.
  • πŸ‘ The final result should be a high-quality cartoonized version of your image that closely resembles your likeness.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to cartoonize a normal image of oneself using Styler AI.

  • What type of website is Styler AI?

    -Styler AI is a website for text-to-image and image-to-image generation.

  • How does the AI generate a prompt from the uploaded image?

    -The AI generates a prompt by describing the features of the image, such as the young man with a beard wearing a green jacket.

  • What style was chosen to transform the image into a cartoon?

    -The 'innocent cutie' style was chosen to transform the image into a cartoon.

  • What are the settings used for the cartoon transformation?

    -The settings used were structure match to 0.9 and style intensity to 0.7.

  • Why was there a need to use a face swap tool?

    -The need to use a face swap tool arose because the initial cartoon transformation did not closely resemble the original face.

  • Which website was used for the face swap?

    -Pika was used for the face swap.

  • How was the quality of the cartoon image improved?

    -The quality was improved by exporting the image at 2X resolution and using an image upscaler like 'I love'.

  • What was the final outcome of the process?

    -The final outcome was a high-quality, upscaled cartoon version of the original image.

  • What was the presenter's reaction to the final result?

    -The presenter was very pleased with the final result, stating that it looked absolutely perfect.



🎨 Cartoonizing Images with Styler AI

This paragraph introduces the audience to a method of transforming regular images into cartoon characters using Styler AI, a website for text-to-image and image-to-image generation. The speaker guides the viewers through the process, starting with uploading an image to the platform and selecting the 'image to image' option. They explain the importance of choosing the right style and settings, such as 'innocent cutie', to achieve the desired cartoon effect. The paragraph also discusses the limitations of the initial transformation, such as the potential for the AI to alter facial features, and suggests using additional tools like for face swapping to enhance the resemblance. The goal is to create a personalized cartoon character that closely resembles the original image, and the paragraph concludes with a mention of using image upscalers for improved quality.


πŸ‘‹ Conclusion and Farewell

In this concluding paragraph, the speaker expresses hope that the audience enjoyed the video and found the information on cartoonizing images valuable. They briefly recap the process and encourage viewers to try it out for themselves. The speaker then bids farewell, indicating the end of the video and looking forward to the next encounter with the viewers, reinforcing a sense of community and ongoing engagement.




The term 'cartoonize' refers to the process of transforming a regular image into a cartoon-like representation. In the context of the video, it involves using Styler AI to convert a normal photograph of oneself into a cartoon character. This is achieved by uploading the image to the Styler AI platform and selecting the appropriate style settings to achieve the desired cartoon look.

πŸ’‘Styler AI

Styler AI is an online platform that specializes in text-to-image and image-to-image transformations. It is used in the video to cartoonize a personal image by allowing users to upload their photos and apply different styles to create a cartoon version. The platform offers various options for customization, such as style intensity and structure match, to ensure the final cartoon character closely resembles the original image.

πŸ’‘Image Upload

In the video, 'image upload' refers to the initial step of the cartoonization process where the user loads their photograph onto the Styler AI platform. This is a crucial step as it provides the base image for the transformation into a cartoon character. The user must ensure the image is clear and of good quality to achieve the best results in the cartoonization process.

πŸ’‘Style Selection

The term 'style selection' pertains to the choice of cartoon style that the user wants to apply to their image during the cartoonization process. In the video, the 'innocent cutie' style is chosen to transform the uploaded image into a cartoon character. This selection significantly influences the final appearance of the cartoonized image, as different styles yield different visual outcomes.

πŸ’‘Structure Match

In the context of the video, 'structure match' refers to the setting within Styler AI that allows users to determine how closely the cartoonized image should resemble the original photograph. A higher structure match value means the cartoon character will retain more of the original image's features, while a lower value will result in a more stylized and less realistic cartoon representation.

πŸ’‘Style Intensity

The 'style intensity' setting in Styler AI controls the degree to which the chosen cartoon style is applied to the image. A higher intensity will result in a more pronounced cartoon effect, while a lower intensity will produce a more subtle transformation. This setting is important for achieving the desired balance between the original image's likeness and the cartoon aesthetic.


In the video, 'Stellarize' is the term used to describe the process of applying the selected style and settings to the uploaded image on Styler AI. This process generates a cartoonized version of the image, providing the user with multiple variations to choose from. The term is likely a proprietary name for the platform's image transformation algorithm.

πŸ’‘Face Swap

The term 'face swap' refers to the technique of replacing the face in an image with another face, often used to create a more personalized or realistic representation. In the video, the user exports their original and cartoonized images and uses a face swap tool to combine their own face with the cartoon character's body, ensuring the final cartoon image looks more like them.

πŸ’‘Image Upscale

The process of 'image upscale' involves increasing the resolution of an image without losing quality or introducing pixelation. In the video, after obtaining the cartoonized image, the user employs an image upscaler to enhance the quality and detail of the cartoon character, resulting in a higher definition and more visually appealing final product.

πŸ’‘Cartoon Character

A 'cartoon character' is a graphical representation of a person or animal in a simplified, stylized, or exaggerated manner. In the video, the goal is to transform a regular photograph into a cartoon character by using Styler AI's features and settings. The final result is a personalized, cartoonized version of the user's image that maintains some likeness to the original while adopting a cartoon aesthetic.


Introduction to cartoonizing images using Styler AI

Accessing the Styler AI website for image transformation

Uploading an image for cartoonization

Maximizing the image for better processing

Selecting the image-to-image option for transformation

AI-generated prompt based on the uploaded image

Choosing a cartoon style for the image

Adjusting settings for structure match and style intensity

Previewing different cartoon character variations

Selecting the preferred cartoon character design

Addressing discrepancies in the cartoonized face

Using a face swap tool to personalize the cartoon character

Exporting and upscale the final cartoon character image

Improving image quality with an image upscaler

Achieving a high-quality, personalized cartoon character

Conclusion and summary of the cartoonization process