How to get the transcript of a YouTube video

Python 360
15 Jul 202119:29

TLDRThe video script provides a detailed tutorial on how to programmatically extract transcripts from YouTube videos using Python code. It emphasizes the convenience of this method over manual transcription or browser extensions, especially when dealing with multiple videos. The process involves obtaining the video ID from the URL, installing necessary packages like 'youtube-dash-transcript-api' via pip or conda, and utilizing the 'youtube_transcript_api.get_transcript' function to fetch the transcript. The script also addresses language preferences and handling of video IDs that start with a hyphen. The tutorial concludes with an example of extracting and saving the transcript to a text file, and briefly touches on potential applications in natural language processing (NLP), such as sentiment analysis or keyword searching across multiple transcripts.


  • 📚 **Automate Transcript Retrieval**: The video demonstrates how to use Python code to automatically retrieve YouTube video transcripts.
  • 🔍 **Video ID Extraction**: The last part of the YouTube video URL is the video ID, which is necessary for retrieving its transcript.
  • 💻 **Python Libraries**: The `youtube-dash-transcript-api` or `youtube_transcript_api` is used to fetch transcripts programmatically.
  • 🔧 **Installation**: The library can be installed using `pip` or `conda`, with slight variations in the command based on the package manager.
  • 🌐 **API Usage**: The API call `youtube_transcript_api.get_transcript(video_id)` is used to fetch the transcript.
  • 🔗 **Handling Video ID Format**: If the video ID starts with a hyphen, it should be masked with a backslash to avoid misinterpretation by the script.
  • 🌟 **Multi-Language Support**: The API can retrieve transcripts in different languages by specifying language codes in the call.
  • 📝 **Text Extraction**: The script focuses on extracting the text of the transcript, which is useful for further analysis like NLP.
  • 📈 **NLP Applications**: The transcript can be used for various natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis or part-of-speech tagging.
  • 🛠️ **Code Demonstration**: The video includes a practical demonstration of running the code to generate a text file from the video transcript.
  • ✅ **Efficiency**: The method allows for efficient content analysis by extracting transcripts from multiple videos without the need to watch them.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in obtaining a transcript from a YouTube video?

    -The first step is to get the ID of the YouTube video, which is the last part of the video URL.

  • How can you handle a video ID that starts with a backslash in the Python code?

    -You should mask the backslash with a hyphen when adding the video ID to your Python code.

  • What package do you need to install to use the YouTube Transcript API?

    -You need to install the 'youtube-dash-transcript-api' package using pip or conda.

  • How can you specify the language for the transcript if you want a specific one?

    -You can specify the language by using two-letter country codes as parameters in the 'get_transcript' function.

  • What does the YouTube Transcript API return if you provide a video ID?

    -The API returns a list of dictionaries containing the transcript text, start times, and end times.

  • How can you extract just the text from the transcript data for further processing?

    -You can extract the text by iterating over the list of dictionaries and appending the 'text' field to your list.

  • What is the purpose of using 'CountVectorizer' in the provided code snippet?

    -CountVectorizer is used to convert a collection of text documents into a matrix of token counts, which is useful for NLP tasks like sentiment analysis or creating a bag of words.

  • Why might you want to use the YouTube Transcript API for multiple videos?

    -You might use it for multiple videos to save time by programmatically extracting transcripts instead of manually copying and pasting, and to quickly search for specific content across many videos.

  • What is the benefit of not needing an API key and auth token for using the YouTube Transcript API?

    -The benefit is that you can use the API without registration, making it accessible and easy to use for any video.

  • How does the YouTube Transcript API handle videos that do not have subtitles?

    -If a video does not have subtitles, the API will not return an error but will notify you that it is not possible to get subtitles for that video.

  • What is the final output format when running the provided Python code?

    -The final output is a text file containing the extracted transcript from the YouTube video.

  • Why is it recommended to use a different text editor if the output file does not open correctly in one editor?

    -Different text editors may handle special characters or formatting differently, so using an alternative editor can help ensure the file is displayed correctly.



😀 Automating YouTube Video Transcripts with Python

This paragraph introduces a method to automatically extract transcripts from YouTube videos using Python. The speaker explains the process begins by obtaining the video ID from the URL and then using a Python library to fetch the transcript. The video ID is the last part of the video's URL, and if it starts with a backslash, it must be masked with a backslash in the code. The speaker mentions the 'youtube-transcript-api' package, which can be installed using pip or conda, and provides a brief overview of how to use the package to get the transcript. The transcript can then be saved to a text file or used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. The speaker also hints at manual methods and browser extensions but emphasizes the efficiency of a programmatic approach for handling multiple videos.


🔍 Detailed Guide on Using YouTube Transcript API

The second paragraph delves deeper into the technical aspects of using the YouTube Transcript API. It starts with the installation process, either through pip or conda, and addresses potential prompts for package updates. The speaker then provides a step-by-step guide on importing the module and using it to extract subtitles. The code snippet demonstrates how to handle the output, which by default is a list of dictionaries containing the subtitles' text, start and end times. The speaker also explains how to specify language preferences using two-letter country codes and how the API checks for available subtitles in the order of priority provided. The paragraph concludes with a preview of the code's output and an invitation to support the project or visit the speaker's website for related content.


📚 Utilizing Transcripts for Efficient Video Content Analysis

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses practical applications of video transcripts, such as saving time by quickly scanning through multiple videos for specific content. The idea is to search the transcripts for keywords instead of watching hours of video. This approach is presented as a legitimate way to streamline research or study, rather than a method for circumventing YouTube's intended user experience. The speaker then transitions into demonstrating the code with a live example, showing how to replace the video ID in the script with a new one and execute it to obtain subtitles in different languages, such as German. The paragraph highlights the multi-language capability of the API and the efficiency of this method for content analysis.


💻 Demonstrating YouTube Transcript API with Code Execution

The final paragraph focuses on demonstrating the YouTube Transcript API in action. The speaker comments out a section of code and runs the main code to generate a text file with the video's subtitles. The output is shown, and the speaker discusses minor issues with newline characters and how they are handled in different text editors. The paragraph also touches on the potential for natural language processing, such as using 'count_vectorizer' to identify unique words and their frequencies in the transcript. The speaker concludes by reflecting on the video's purpose, which was to fulfill a subscriber's request to programmatically extract video transcripts, and emphasizes the ease of use of the YouTube Transcript API without the need for API keys or authentication tokens.




A transcript is a written version of spoken language, often used to represent the dialogue or text from a video or audio recording. In the context of the video, the transcript is essential for accessibility and for those who prefer to read rather than watch the content. It also facilitates the use of the video's content for text-based analysis, such as natural language processing.

💡YouTube Video ID

The YouTube Video ID is a unique identifier assigned to each video on the YouTube platform. It is typically a string of characters that comes after the 'v=' in the video's URL. The script discusses how to extract this ID to programmatically obtain the video's transcript, which is a crucial step in the process.

💡Python Code

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language widely used for general-purpose programming. In the video, Python code is used to automate the process of fetching a YouTube video's transcript. This demonstrates the utility of programming in automating tasks and handling data extraction from online platforms.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human languages. It is used in the video to suggest potential applications of the extracted transcript, such as sentiment analysis or part-of-speech tagging. NLP can help analyze and understand the text in more depth.


An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. The video discusses using the 'youtube-transcript-api' to fetch transcripts, highlighting how APIs can be used to extend the functionality of existing services.

💡pip install

pip is a package manager for Python that allows users to install software packages from the Python Package Index. The phrase 'pip install' is used in the script to demonstrate how to install the necessary Python package to interact with the YouTube Transcript API, which is a common practice in Python development.


Conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system for installing and managing packages in the R programming language and Python. In the video, it is mentioned as an alternative to pip for installing the YouTube Transcript API package, catering to users who prefer or require the use of Conda.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. The video script mentions JSON in the context of the data structure returned by the YouTube Transcript API, which contains information about the video's subtitles.


Subtitles are a form of captioning that appears on-screen to translate or transcribe the dialogue in films, television programs, or video content. The video is about extracting these subtitles from a YouTube video, which can be useful for accessibility, language learning, or content analysis.


Tokenization in the context of NLP refers to the process of breaking down text into individual terms or tokens, which can then be analyzed. The video script briefly touches on using a 'CountVectorizer' for tokenization, which is a common step in text mining and NLP tasks.

💡Multi-Language Support

The video script discusses the ability to extract transcripts in multiple languages, which is important for inclusiveness and reaching a wider audience. It mentions specifying different languages to get the desired transcript if the video has been captioned in various languages.


Using Python code to automatically get the transcript of a YouTube video.

The importance of obtaining the video ID, which is the last part of the video URL.

Installing necessary packages using pip or conda for transcript extraction.

The use of 'youtube-transcript-api' for fetching video transcripts.

Handling video IDs that start with a hyphen by masking it with a backslash.

Specifying different languages for transcripts using two-letter country codes.

Extracting text from the transcript to work with NLP or other text-based analyses.

The option to donate to the developer of the 'youtube-transcript-api'.

Checking out 'red and green' website for network automation, GitHub page, and technical notes.

Demonstration of the code to extract video subtitles and save them to a text file.

The capability to handle multiple languages in video transcripts.

Using 'CountVectorizer' for feature extraction in natural language processing.

The potential to save time by programmatically extracting transcripts instead of manual copying.

The ethical use of the 'youtube-transcript-api' to respect YouTube's terms of service.

The practical application of transcript extraction for time-saving and efficient video analysis.

No need to register for an API key or auth token to use 'youtube-transcript-api'.