How to paraphrase using AI tools? Best free AI tools for paraphrasing. Rewrite manuscript/Assignment

26 Nov 202305:00

TLDRThis video provides guidance on how to use AI tools for paraphrasing to reduce manuscript similarity and avoid plagiarism. It introduces four free AI tools: Quillbot, Paraphraser, Ref-N-Write, and Chat GPT, explaining their features and how they can be utilized effectively. The video emphasizes the importance of ethical use, including citing sources and declaring the use of AI tools in publications. It advises viewers to be responsible for the content they publish and offers tips for using these tools without running into ethical issues.


  • 📚 High similarity scores and plagiarism are major causes of publication delays and rejections.
  • 🔄 Paraphrasing is used to reduce manuscript similarity, which is a common practice among researchers and students.
  • 🛠️ Several AI tools are available to assist with paraphrasing, saving time compared to manual methods.
  • 🧐 Quillbot is a user-friendly online tool that offers various modes for paraphrasing text.
  • 🔑 Paraphraser is another tool that allows for text paraphrasing with options to choose synonymous words.
  • ✅ Ref-N-Write provides paraphrasing options and additional features like proofreading and grammar checks.
  • 💡 GPT is a multi-utility tool that can also be used for paraphrasing, offering the ability to regenerate responses.
  • ⚖️ It is the user's responsibility to ensure the ethical use of AI tools and to cite sources even when paraphrasing.
  • 📝 AI tools can aid in manuscript writing, but they should be used carefully to avoid plagiarism.
  • 📖 Always declare the AI tool used in the manuscript to maintain transparency and ethical standards.
  • ✉️ The video encourages viewers to share their preferences and provides additional resources on research and AI tools.

Q & A

  • What are the major causes of publication delays and rejections?

    -The major causes of publication delays and rejections are high similarity scores in manuscripts and plagiarism with previously published papers.

  • Why is paraphrasing used by researchers and students?

    -Paraphrasing is used to reduce the similarity of a manuscript with existing literature, which helps to avoid plagiarism and improve the chances of publication.

  • What are the four best free AI tools for paraphrasing mentioned in the video?

    -The four best free AI tools for paraphrasing mentioned are Quillbot, Paraphraser, Ref-N-Write, and Chat GPT.

  • How does Quillbot assist in paraphrasing?

    -Quillbot is an online tool that allows users to paraphrase text by copying and pasting it into the tool. It provides alternate words or phrases for the selected text and offers different modes for paraphrasing.

  • What is the capacity of the Paraphraser tool when it comes to the amount of text that can be paraphrased at once?

    -The Paraphraser tool can paraphrase a maximum of 600 words at one time.

  • What additional features does the Ref-N-Write tool offer besides paraphrasing?

    -Ref-N-Write offers proofreading, grammar and syntax checking, and provides word choices for direct synonym selection to reduce text similarity.

  • How does Chat GPT assist in paraphrasing?

    -Chat GPT assists in paraphrasing by generating a paraphrased version of the text when prompted. Users can regenerate responses if they are not satisfied with the initial paraphrase.

  • What ethical considerations should be taken into account when using AI tools for paraphrasing?

    -Users should always cite the source paper even if the content has been paraphrased and declare the use of AI tools in appropriate sections to maintain ethical standards and avoid plagiarism issues.

  • Why is it important to manually check the suggestions provided by AI paraphrasing tools?

    -It is important to manually check the suggestions because AI tools may sometimes provide incorrect synonyms or phrases that could alter the intended meaning or lead to grammatical errors.

  • What is the responsibility of the user when using AI tools to write their manuscript?

    -The user is solely responsible for the content they publish. They should ensure that the use of AI tools aligns with ethical guidelines and that the final manuscript is free from plagiarism.

  • How can AI tools help in writing assignments?

    -AI tools can assist in writing assignments by providing paraphrased versions of text, which can help reduce similarity with existing literature and improve the originality of the assignment.

  • What advice is given for using AI paraphrasing tools without causing any trouble?

    -To avoid trouble, one should use AI paraphrasing tools responsibly, always cite sources, declare the use of AI tools, and manually review the paraphrased content for accuracy and appropriateness.



📚 Introduction to Paraphrasing Tools for Manuscripts

The video script begins by addressing the common issues of high similarity scores and plagiarism in academic writing, which often lead to publication delays or rejections. It introduces the concept of paraphrasing as a method to reduce manuscript similarity and mentions the use of AI tools to facilitate this process. The video promises to present four free AI tools for paraphrasing, provide examples, and discuss the precautions and ethical considerations when using these tools in manuscript writing.




Paraphrase refers to the act of rewording or rephrasing a text while maintaining its original meaning. In the context of the video, it is a technique used by researchers and students to reduce the similarity of their manuscripts with existing literature to avoid plagiarism. An example from the script is when it mentions 'rephrasing a sentence by choosing alternate version of words or changing the voice of the sentence are most commonly done to reduce the similarity of manuscript with the existing literature.'


Plagiarism is the unethical act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit, representing them as one's own. The video discusses how plagiarism can lead to publication delays or rejections. For instance, the script states, 'manuscript with high similarity score, and plagiarism with previously published papers are the major causes of publication delays in rejections.'

💡AI Tools

AI Tools, in this context, are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist with tasks such as paraphrasing. The video lists several AI tools like Quillbot, Paraphraser, Ref-N-Write, and Chat GPT that are used to paraphrase text efficiently. The script mentions, 'but now several AI tools are available out there to help you out in paraphrasing.'


Quillbot is an online tool specifically designed for paraphrasing text. It is highlighted in the video as one of the best free AI tools for paraphrasing. The script provides a demonstration of its use: 'it is simple online tool using which we can paraphrase any text just copy the text and click on paraphrase.'


Ref-N-Write is another tool mentioned in the video for paraphrasing. It offers different paraphrased options for a given text and also includes proofreading and grammar checking features. An example from the script is: 'using this tool you can also do proof reading you can also check the grammar, syntax and more appropriate word for your text.'

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT, known widely for its versatility, is showcased in the video for its paraphrasing capabilities. It can generate paraphrased text based on the input provided to it. The script illustrates its use: 'the tool is Chat GPT... in the prompt write paraphrase the following text next copy the text you want to paraphrase.'

💡Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues in the context of the video relate to the proper use of AI tools for paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism and to give credit where it is due. The video emphasizes the importance of citing the source paper even after paraphrasing and declaring the use of AI tools in publications. The script states, 'always site The Source paper even if you paraphrase it while publishing always declare the AI tool used in appropriate sections.'


A manuscript refers to the original document or text that an author writes before it is published. In the video, the term is used to discuss the process of reducing similarity with existing literature to improve the chances of publication. An example is: 'researchers and students often use paraphrasing as a means to reduce manuscript similarity.'

💡Similarity Score

Similarity Score is a metric used to measure the extent to which a piece of writing resembles other published works. A high similarity score can indicate potential plagiarism. The video discusses the importance of reducing this score through paraphrasing. The script mentions, 'manuscript with high similarity score... are the major causes of publication delays in rejections.'

💡Publication Delays

Publication Delays refer to the postponement or holding back of a manuscript's publication process, often due to issues like high similarity scores or plagiarism. The video addresses how paraphrasing can help in reducing such delays. The script states, 'manuscript with high similarity score, and plagiarism with previously published papers are the major causes of publication delays in rejections.'

💡Research and Publishing

Research and Publishing is the overarching theme of the video, focusing on the process of conducting research and the subsequent steps involved in preparing and submitting manuscripts for publication. The script outlines tools and practices that can assist in this process: 'hello and welcome back to another useful video of research and Publishing series of exor Bio.'


High similarity scores and plagiarism are major causes of publication delays and rejections.

Paraphrasing is used to reduce manuscript similarity and is crucial in both research and assignment writing.

AI tools can assist in paraphrasing, saving time compared to manual methods.

Quillbot is a simple online tool for paraphrasing text with options for language and different modes.

Paraphraser is a user-friendly tool offering various modes for paraphrasing, with a limit of 600 words at a time.

Ref-N-Write provides three different paraphrased options and additional proofreading and grammar checking features.

Chad GPT is a multi-utility tool that can be used for paraphrasing, offering the ability to regenerate responses.

When using AI tools for paraphrasing, it is the user's responsibility to ensure the content is ethically sourced and cited.

Paraphrasing can reduce similarity but does not guarantee avoidance of plagiarism; always cite the source paper.

Declaring the use of AI tools in manuscript writing is an ethical practice to avoid potential issues.

The video provides examples of how to use each of the four recommended AI tools for paraphrasing.

Quillbot allows users to choose alternate words or phrases to paraphrase text effectively.

Paraphraser requires careful checking as some suggestions may be incorrect.

Ref-N-Write offers word choices for direct synonym selection to reduce text similarity.

Chad GPT can be used to paraphrase by providing the text to be paraphrased in the prompt.

The video emphasizes the importance of ethical use of AI tools in academic and research writing.

Viewers are encouraged to share the video and subscribe for more informative content on research, publishing, and AI tools.