INSANE IMAGES 🤯 Stable Cascade | Install + Use Guide | FREE | Use your Own PC!

20 Feb 202404:59

TLDRIn this video, the presenter introduces Stable Cascade, a breakthrough AI image generation tool, and guides viewers on its simple installation and use on a personal PC for free. The software, accessible through Pinocchio, allows for text-based image creation and supports larger images at faster speeds. The video demonstrates the process of setting up the software, downloading the Stable Cascade model, and generating an image, while also discussing its system requirements and performance.


  • 🚀 Introduction to Stable Cascade, a significant breakthrough in AI image generation.
  • 📂 Pinocchio software simplifies the installation process of Stable Cascade on your PC.
  • 🔗 Download Pinocchio from the provided link and choose the appropriate version for your OS.
  • 📦 Installation involves extracting files and running executables, with platform-specific instructions available.
  • 📱 A desktop icon for Pinocchio is created, and the software opens with a dark theme option.
  • 💾 Set a storage location with ample space for models, preferably not the C drive.
  • 🔍 Access the Stable Cascade model via the Discover page or by searching for it within Pinocchio.
  • 📋 Follow the prompts to install additional required components for Stable Cascade.
  • 🖼️ Stable Cascade differentiates itself by supporting text, faster processing, and larger image generation.
  • 📈 Advanced options in Stable Cascade allow for customization of prompt seeds, width, height, and number of images.
  • 🐿️ An example image request is a chimp in a red hoodie holding a sign saying 'coffee good enough'.
  • 💻 Stable Cascade can be resource-intensive, potentially causing crashes on lower-end systems or during recording.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction and installation guide for Stable Cascade, a breakthrough AI image generation software.

  • What is the name of the software used to simplify the installation of Stable Cascade?

    -The software used to simplify the installation of Stable Cascade is called Pinocchio.

  • How can one download Pinocchio?

    -To download Pinocchio, visit the provided link in the video description and choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, Mac, etc.).

  • What is the first step after installing Pinocchio?

    -The first step after installing Pinocchio is to set a location to save the large models and other files, preferably on a drive with more space.

  • How does one find and download Stable Cascade through Pinocchio?

    -After opening Pinocchio, visit the discover page, search for Stable Cascade, and click download. The software will handle the installation of necessary dependencies.

  • What are the key features that set Stable Cascade apart from other stable diffusion models?

    -Stable Cascade is set apart by its support for text inputs, faster processing speeds, and the ability to handle larger images natively.

  • What is the significance of VRAM requirements for running Stable Cascade?

    -VRAM (Video RAM) requirements are significant as they determine the performance and capability of running the Stable Cascade model. A minimum of approximately 20 GB of VRAM is recommended for inference.

  • What issue does the video creator encounter when generating images with Stable Cascade?

    -The video creator experiences crashes in their recording software and potentially their entire PC when generating images with Stable Cascade due to high VRAM usage.

  • How does the video creator suggest overcoming the limitations of VRAM on lower-end graphics cards?

    -The video creator suggests that while the best performance is achieved on higher-end graphics cards, it is still possible to use Stable Cascade on lower-end graphics cards, albeit with longer processing times.

  • What alternative does the video creator provide for those who cannot run Stable Cascade efficiently?

    -The video creator provides an alternative method using Stable Cascade in automatic 1111s stable diffusion webui, which uses less VRAM and generates images faster.



🚀 Introduction to AI Image Generation with Stable Cascade

The paragraph introduces the viewer to Stable Cascade, a significant breakthrough in AI image generation. The speaker, Troubleshoot, explains that they will demonstrate the easiest method to install and utilize Stable Cascade on a personal computer without any cost. The speaker mentions their previous AI-related videos and emphasizes that the simplest setup involves downloading a software called Pinocchio, which is available for different platforms like Windows and Mac. The installation process is outlined, including downloading, unzipping, and running the software, with a focus on setting up the software on a drive with ample space and choosing a dark theme for the interface.



💡AI image generation

AI image generation refers to the process of creating visual content using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it is the primary focus, highlighting the breakthrough technology of Stable Cascade, which is capable of generating images based on textual descriptions. This technology is a significant advancement in AI, as it allows users to produce complex and detailed images without the need for professional design skills, simply by inputting text prompts.

💡Stable Cascade

Stable Cascade is an AI model specifically designed for generating images. It is characterized by its ability to handle text inputs, process them faster than previous models, and produce higher resolution images natively. The video emphasizes the ease of installation and use of Stable Cascade on a personal computer, making AI image generation more accessible to a broader audience. The software is presented as a significant innovation in the field of AI, offering improved text quality and image generation capabilities.


Pinocchio is a software mentioned in the video that serves as a platform for downloading and using AI models like Stable Cascade. It simplifies the process of installation and setup, allowing users to access advanced AI capabilities without the need for extensive technical knowledge. By using Pinocchio, users can download and run AI models on their own PCs, which is a key aspect of the video's tutorial on utilizing Stable Cascade for image generation.


Installation in this context refers to the process of setting up and preparing software for use. The video provides a guide on how to install Stable Cascade using Pinocchio, detailing the steps from downloading the software to configuring the settings for optimal performance. Proper installation is crucial for the successful operation of the AI model and for users to begin generating images.

💡Text prompt

A text prompt is a textual input provided to an AI model to guide the generation of specific content. In the case of Stable Cascade, text prompts are used to describe the desired image, which the AI then creates based on that description. The video demonstrates the importance of text prompts in AI image generation, showing how a detailed description can lead to a more accurate and relevant image output.

💡High-resolution images

High-resolution images are digital images with a large number of pixels, resulting in a detailed and clear visual output. The video highlights that Stable Cascade is capable of generating images with higher resolutions natively, which means the model can produce more detailed and crisp images without the need for upscaling or additional processing. This feature is significant as it allows for the creation of high-quality visual content suitable for various applications.

💡VRAM requirements

VRAM, or video RAM, refers to the memory used by a graphics processing unit (GPU) to store图像 data. In the context of the video, VRAM requirements are crucial for running AI models like Stable Cascade, as they demand a significant amount of GPU memory to process and generate images. The video notes that Stable Cascade has a VRAM requirement of approximately 20 GB for inference, which means that users need a graphics card with enough VRAM to run the model effectively.


Performance in this context refers to the efficiency and speed at which the AI model operates. The video discusses the performance of Stable Cascade on different graphics cards, noting that while high-end GPUs like the 90 series or 4090 can run the model smoothly, lower-end cards may take longer to generate images. This highlights the importance of having adequate hardware to ensure a smooth and efficient AI image generation experience.

💡Automatic 1111s Stable Diffusion WebUI

Automatic 1111s Stable Diffusion WebUI is an alternative user interface for using Stable Diffusion, which is presented as a more resource-efficient option for generating images. It uses less VRAM compared to Stable Cascade and is said to generate images faster, making it a more accessible choice for users with less powerful hardware. The video suggests this WebUI as an option for those who may not meet the high VRAM requirements of Stable Cascade.

💡Free model

A free model refers to software or an AI model that is available without any cost to the user. The video emphasizes the accessibility of Stable Cascade as a free model, allowing users to experiment with AI image generation without financial barriers. This is significant as it democratizes the technology, enabling more people to explore and utilize AI capabilities for various purposes.

💡Local model

A local model is a software or AI model that is installed and runs on a user's personal computer or device, as opposed to being accessed through a cloud service. The video discusses the advantages of using a local model like Stable Cascade, which allows for greater control and privacy over the generated content. However, it also notes the potential limitations in terms of performance and resource requirements, depending on the user's hardware.


Stable Cascade is a breakthrough in AI image generation.

It can be installed and used on your own PC for free.

Pinocchio is a recommended software to simplify the installation process.

Choose your operating system for the Pinocchio download.

Follow the installation steps specific to your platform.

Set a location with enough space to save the models.

The Dark theme can be applied for a better user experience.

Visit the discover page to find Stable Cascade.

Stable Cascade supports text inputs and is faster than traditional models.

It can handle surprisingly larger images natively.

Advanced options allow for detailed customization.

An example of generating an image of a chipmunk in a red hoodie.

The generation process can be slow and crash the system with high text input.

Stable Cascade requires around 20 GB of VRAM for inference.

Performance is best on a 90 series graphics card.

It is possible to use on lesser graphics cards but will take longer.

The video provides a link to an alternative method using Stable Cascade in automatic 1111s stable diffusion webui.

This alternative uses less VRAM and generates images faster.

The guide explains how to install and start using Stable Cascade.

The video is a comprehensive guide to leveraging Stable Cascade's capabilities.