Lina Khan – FTC Chair on Amazon Antitrust Lawsuit & AI Oversight | The Daily Show

The Daily Show
1 Apr 202421:07

TLDRIn this engaging interview, Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan discusses the role of the FTC in protecting American consumers from monopolistic practices and ensuring fair market competition. Khan addresses the challenges of enforcing anti-monopoly laws against powerful corporations like Amazon and Facebook, and the importance of strategic, entrepreneurial approaches to litigation. She also highlights the potential risks of AI consolidation and the need for vigilance in applying existing laws to new technologies.


  • 🛡️ The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under Lina Khan's leadership is dedicated to protecting Americans from monopolistic practices and ensuring fair consumer protection.
  • 💪 Despite being a small agency, the FTC is mighty and strategic, focusing on enforcement of antitrust and consumer protection laws to prevent market bullying and coercion.
  • 🚫 Monopolies and oligopolies, such as the control of the entertainment industry by a few major companies, are viewed as problematic due to their potential to harm customers, suppliers, and workers.
  • 📈 The FTC's lawsuit against Amazon alleges that the company has maintained a monopoly through illegal practices, including manipulating search results and imposing high fees on small businesses.
  • 🧐 The metrics used to judge a company's monopoly power involve examining their behavior and the impact on consumers, suppliers, and the market.
  • 👨‍⚖️ The FTC is up against powerful companies with vast resources, including numerous lawyers, but remains committed to playing to its strengths and being entrepreneurial in its approach.
  • 💰 Fines are not the only tool; the FTC also pursues remedies like individual executive accountability and industry bans, as seen in the case against Martin Shkreli.
  • 🤖 The FTC is concerned about the consolidation of AI technology within a few major companies, which could lead to monopolistic control and stifle competition.
  • 🔍 The agency is actively investigating potential anti-competitive behavior in the tech sector, including partnerships and investments that may give undue influence or special privileges.
  • 🌐 The enforcement of existing antitrust laws is crucial for ensuring that new technologies like AI do not lead to further market concentration and consumer harm.

Q & A

  • What is the primary role of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?

    -The primary role of the FTC is to protect Americans from monopolistic company practices and to enforce the nation's antitrust and consumer protection laws. The FTC ensures that the American public is not bullied, coerced, or tricked in the marketplace.

  • How does the FTC define a monopoly?

    -A monopoly is defined by the FTC as a company that has significant and lasting power in its market, which allows it to harm consumers, suppliers, and workers without facing competition. This can be assessed through market share and more directly by observing the company's behavior in the marketplace.

  • What are some of the practices that the FTC has identified as harmful to consumers and indicative of monopoly power?

    -Some harmful practices include littering search results with irrelevant ads to generate revenue, hiking fees for small businesses to sell through their platform, and implementing a 'monopoly tax' where businesses have to pay a significant portion of their earnings to the monopolistic company.

  • How does the FTC approach dealing with large companies that have significantly more resources than the agency?

    -The FTC focuses on playing to its strengths, being entrepreneurial and strategic. This involves not just seeking fines but also deterring illegal behavior through measures such as naming individual executives in lawsuits and understanding the root causes of market issues.

  • What was the outcome of the FTC's lawsuit against Martin Shkreli?

    -The FTC was able to effectively ban Martin Shkreli from doing business in the pharmaceutical industry. This was a significant remedy as it prevented him from continuing his practices of dramatically increasing drug prices.

  • How is the FTC addressing the issue of high drug prices and shortages?

    -The FTC investigates and challenges improper patents that contribute to high drug prices. They have also taken action against companies that use monopolistic behaviors, such as price fixing, to create shortages and maintain high prices.

  • What is the FTC's stance on the consolidation of tech companies and their influence on the economy?

    -The FTC is concerned about the increasing consolidation of tech companies and their potential to form oligopolies. The agency is actively investigating anti-competitive practices, such as the acquisition of competitors and the potential for algorithmic price fixing, to ensure a fair and competitive market.

  • How does the FTC view the acquisition of startups by large tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google?

    -The FTC is wary of such acquisitions as they can lead to the formation of monopolies or oligopolies. The agency is particularly concerned when these acquisitions put a significant amount of decision-making and power in the hands of a few companies, which can stifle innovation and harm consumers.

  • What historical context does the FTC consider when addressing monopolistic practices?

    -The FTC looks back to the Industrial Revolution and the passage of the Sherman Act in 1890 as the beginning of federal antitrust laws. These laws were a response to the concentration of economic power and the need for checks and balances in the economic sphere, similar to the political sphere.

  • What is the FTC's approach to新兴的 AI technology and its potential impact on the economy?

    -The FTC emphasizes that there is no AI exemption from existing laws. They advocate for a clear-eyed approach to ensure that AI technologies proceed in a way that benefits Americans and does not subject them to potential risks and harms. The FTC is focused on using policy tools and levers to guide the development and application of AI technology.

  • How does the FTC balance the need for enforcement against monopolies with the desire to promote innovation?

    -The FTC aims to strike a balance by ensuring that enforcement actions do not stifle innovation. They focus on deterring illegal and anti-competitive behaviors while still allowing for the growth and development of new technologies and businesses. This involves careful analysis and strategic enforcement that targets the root causes of market issues rather than hindering progress.



📜 Introduction and Role of FTC Chair Lina Khan

This paragraph introduces Lina Khan as the chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It highlights her role in protecting Americans from monopolistic company practices and ensuring fair pricing and consumer protection. The conversation touches on the responsibilities of the FTC, which include enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws to prevent market bullying, coercion, and trickery. Khan emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the American public is not mistreated in the marketplace and outlines the challenges faced by the FTC, including the pushback from monopolies against the enforcement of anti-monopoly laws.


🏢 Discussion on Monopolies, Oligopolies, and their Impact

The discussion shifts to the topic of monopolies and oligopolies, using the entertainment industry as an example of oligopolistic control. Khan explains the FTC's focus on company behavior, particularly whether companies act in ways that harm customers, suppliers, and workers without consequence. She describes the 'too-big-to-care' attitude as an indicator of monopoly power. The conversation also covers the metrics used to judge a company's monopoly power, with a specific reference to the FTC's lawsuit against Amazon for maintaining a monopoly through illegal practices.


💼 FTC's Legal Challenges and Strategies

This section delves into the legal challenges faced by the FTC when going up against large corporations with vast resources. Despite being outnumbered in terms of lawyers and resources, the FTC focuses on playing to its strengths by being entrepreneurial and strategic. The conversation highlights the importance of deterrence and the need to move beyond just issuing fines, which companies may view as a cost of doing business. Khan mentions the successful lawsuit against Martin Shkreli as an example of the FTC's enforcement power and its ability to enact industry bans on individuals.


💡 Addressing Market Consolidation and the Role of Tech Companies

The conversation addresses the issue of market consolidation, particularly in the tech sector, and the role of major tech companies as new oligarchs. The discussion covers the enforcement actions against Amazon and Facebook, focusing on anti-competitive acquisitions and the impact of these practices on maintaining monopolies. The conversation also touches on the broader concern of understanding the root causes of market issues and the need to target the 'mafia boss' rather than just the 'foot soldiers'. The potential risks of concentrating economic power in a few companies are highlighted, along with the historical context of antitrust laws.


🤖 The Future of AI and its Implications for Business Practices

The final paragraph discusses the transformative potential of AI and its implications for business practices. It raises concerns about the consolidation of AI models and the potential for monopolistic or oligopolistic control by major tech companies. The conversation emphasizes the importance of applying existing laws to new technologies and avoiding a hands-off approach that could lead to harmful consequences. Khan advocates for a clear-eyed understanding that there is no AI exemption from the law and the need to ensure that technologies proceed in a way that benefits Americans without exposing them to undue risks and harms.



💡Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a U.S. government agency tasked with protecting consumers and maintaining competitive markets by enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws. In the video, Lina Khan, the chair of the FTC, discusses the agency's role in preventing monopolistic practices and protecting the American public from being coerced or tricked in the marketplace.

💡Monopolistic practices

Monopolistic practices refer to the anti-competitive behaviors of a company or entity that seeks to dominate a market, often by eliminating competition, fixing prices, or manipulating market conditions. In the context of the video, these practices are seen as harmful to consumers and the overall health of the economy, as they can lead to higher prices, reduced choices, and stifled innovation.

💡Antitrust laws

Antitrust laws are regulations designed to prevent businesses from engaging in anti-competitive practices that could lead to the formation of monopolies or oligopolies. These laws aim to promote fair competition, protect consumers, and ensure that markets remain open and competitive. In the video, Lina Khan emphasizes the importance of enforcing these laws to maintain a balanced and equitable marketplace.

💡Consumer protection

Consumer protection involves the safeguarding of consumers' rights and interests, ensuring they have access to accurate information, fair pricing, and safe products and services. In the video, the FTC's mission to protect consumers from being bullied or tricked in the marketplace is a central theme, with the chair discussing specific actions taken to safeguard consumer interests.

💡Market share

Market share refers to the percentage of the total market that a particular company or product controls. It is a key indicator of a company's relative size and competitive position within an industry. In the context of the video, market share is discussed as a metric to evaluate a company's monopoly power and its potential to influence market conditions.


Entrepreneurial refers to the innovative, proactive, and risk-taking approach that individuals or organizations take to create and manage businesses or projects. In the video, being entrepreneurial is highlighted as a strength of the FTC, as they must think creatively and strategically to effectively enforce laws against large, monopolistic corporations that often have greater resources.


An oligopoly is a market structure characterized by a small number of large, interdependent firms that control a significant portion of the market. These firms often have the ability to influence market conditions, prices, and competition. In the video, the consolidation of industries like entertainment into a few major companies is discussed as an example of oligopolistic market control.

💡Price fixing

Price fixing is an illegal practice where companies conspire to set prices for goods or services at a predetermined level, rather than allowing market forces to determine prices. This practice is harmful as it restricts competition and can lead to higher prices for consumers. In the video, the potential for algorithms to facilitate price fixing in various industries is discussed as a concern for the FTC.


Collusion refers to secret agreements or cooperation between companies or individuals to limit competition, manipulate market conditions, or deceive others for mutual benefit. In the context of the video, collusion is seen as a serious violation of antitrust laws and a threat to fair competition.


Algorithms are step-by-step procedures or formulas used for solving problems or accomplishing tasks, often in computing and data analysis. In the video, algorithms are discussed in the context of their potential role in facilitating anti-competitive practices, such as price fixing or monopolistic control over markets.

💡Supply chain

A supply chain refers to the network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in the production and distribution of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. In the video, the impact of monopolistic companies on supply chains is discussed, with examples of how dominant players can exert their influence to control prices, wages, and market conditions.


FTC Chair Lina Khan emphasizes the importance of protecting Americans from monopolistic practices and ensuring fair consumer treatment in the marketplace.

Khan discusses the FTC's role in enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws to prevent bullying and deception in the marketplace.

Monopolies naturally resist anti-monopoly laws, but the FTC employs a strategic and entrepreneurial approach to achieve victories for the American people.

The issue of oligopolies is addressed, with the entertainment industry's concentration of power being used as an example.

Khan explains that the FTC focuses on company behavior to assess if they can harm various stakeholders without consequence, indicating monopoly power.

Amazon is cited as an example of a monopoly that has maintained its position through illegal practices, such as manipulating search results and imposing high fees on small businesses.

The FTC's approach to enforcement involves more than just fines; it includes naming individual executives and seeking remedies that ban wrongdoers from their industries.

Khan highlights the success of FTC actions against Martin Shkreli, which resulted in a ban from the pharmaceutical industry, demonstrating the agency's ability to deter illegal behavior.

The pharmaceutical industry's pricing practices are questioned, with the high costs of life-saving drugs and potential monopolistic behaviors being discussed.

The FTC's entrepreneurial approach involves identifying and addressing the root causes of market issues, such as improper patents leading to inflated drug prices.

Tech companies as new oligarchs are discussed, with the FTC having lawsuits against Amazon and Facebook for their anti-competitive practices.

The acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp by Facebook is challenged as a monopolistic practice, with the FTC alleging it violated antitrust laws.

Khan addresses the concern of algorithms potentially facilitating price fixing, leading to inflated prices for consumers.

The impact of monopolies extends beyond prices, affecting wages, supplier relationships, and even contributing to product shortages.

The historical shift towards a more hands-off approach under President Reagan is discussed, with Khan noting the current consequences of this policy.

Khan calls for a clear-eyed understanding that there is no AI exemption from existing laws, emphasizing the need for enforcement against harmful business practices in the tech sector.

The importance of using policy tools to ensure beneficial trajectories for AI technologies is stressed, with the goal of avoiding catastrophic outcomes.