Scientology summit: With Apostate Alex in Los Angeles!

Tony Ortega
10 May 202411:19

TLDRIn an undisclosed location in Los Angeles, the host of an underground bunker meets with Apostate Alex Barnes to discuss their shared experiences and efforts against Scientology. They talk about the importance of changing public perception of the organization from a quirky cult to a harmful and abusive entity. Alex shares his strategy for raising awareness in the UK, focusing on exposing the abusive practices and the financial irregularities of the organization. The conversation also touches on the controversial book 'Dianetics' and its outdated and harmful views, particularly towards homosexuality. The host and Alex express their determination to continue their activism and make a positive impact, with the hope of influencing politicians and those in power to take action against the abuses perpetrated by Scientology.


  • 📍 The meeting is taking place in an undisclosed location in Los Angeles.
  • 🤝 Both individuals have known each other for years but are meeting in person for the first time.
  • 🚀 Apostate Alex is known for his energy and the many initiatives he is involved in.
  • 🎯 The main goal is to raise awareness about the abusive practices of Scientology and change public perception.
  • 🇬🇧 Alex is working to expose the harmful aspects of Scientology in the UK, where it is often dismissed as a quirky American cult.
  • 🌟 The conversation highlights the importance of focusing on actionable goals rather than getting caught up in debates.
  • 📚 The discussion touches on the controversial book 'Dianetics' and its content, which is seen as harmful and lacking scientific basis.
  • 🏳️‍🌈 There is a critique of Scientology's stance on homosexuality as presented in 'Dianetics', which contradicts its current public support for gay rights.
  • 💰 The economic impact of Scientology's practices, including tax evasion and exploitation of volunteers, is a point of concern.
  • 🇺🇸 The impact of high-profile defections and exposes in the US has shifted public opinion about Scientology over time.
  • ✅ Alex's activism is making a difference in the UK, with attention from politicians and those who can effect change.

Q & A

  • Who is the guest in the conversation?

    -The guest in the conversation is Apostate Alex, also known as Alex Barnes.

  • Where are they meeting?

    -They are meeting in an undisclosed location in Los Angeles.

  • Why is it significant that they are meeting in Los Angeles?

    -It is significant because both individuals have busy schedules and it's a rare opportunity for them to meet in person. Alex is also using the visit to see his mother on Mother's Day.

  • What is Alex's primary goal with his activism?

    -Alex's primary goal is to stop the abuse associated with Scientology and change public perception to see it as a harmful and abusive organization.

  • What is the role of anonymity in their discussion?

    -Anonymity is important as they discuss avoiding detection by the Church of Scientology, referred to as 'Osa' in the transcript, to protect their activities and safety.

  • How does Alex describe his approach to activism?

    -Alex describes his approach as focusing on what he can do to make an impact, following his intuition, and moving on to the next action if one doesn't work out.

  • What is the significance of the book 'Dianetics' in the conversation?

    -The book 'Dianetics' is significant as it is a foundational text of Scientology. The speakers discuss its content, questioning its scientific basis and expressing concern over its continued publication.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the content of 'Dianetics'?

    -The speaker finds the content of 'Dianetics' to be disgusting, nonsensical, and lacking in scientific research or factual basis. They also criticize it for promoting harmful ideas.

  • What is the role of social media in their activism?

    -Social media, specifically YouTube, is mentioned as a platform where Alex is active in his activism, reaching a wider audience and raising awareness about Scientology.

  • Why is the speaker critical of Scientology's stance on homosexuality as presented in 'Dianetics'?

    -The speaker criticizes Scientology's stance because the book classifies homosexuality as a perversion and a sign of being a degraded being, which contradicts the Church's current public support for gay rights.

  • What is the impact of their activism on the perception of Scientology in the UK?

    -Their activism aims to make people in the UK aware of the harmful practices of Scientology, which is often dismissed as a quirky American cult, and to prompt action from politicians and those who can effect change.



🤝 Underground Bunker Meetup

The first paragraph introduces a meeting between the speaker and Alex Barnes, who are in an undisclosed location in Los Angeles. They discuss the secrecy surrounding their meeting and the excitement of finally meeting in person after knowing each other for years. The speaker expresses admiration for Alex's energy and accomplishments. Alex attributes his success to focusing on goals, such as changing public perception of Scientology in the UK, and not getting distracted by debates. The speaker shares his own experiences with Scientology and the impact of public figures coming forward with their stories.


🚫 The Dangers of Scientology

The second paragraph delves into the speaker's personal motivation for activism against Scientology. He talks about the desire to prevent others from experiencing the trauma he went through and the importance of taking action. The speaker discusses the appeal of Scientology's initial promise of self-improvement and how it contrasts with its harmful practices. He criticizes the book 'Dianetics' for its lack of scientific basis and harmful content, including its outdated and prejudiced views on homosexuality. The speaker also highlights the cognitive dissonance of the Church of Scientology claiming to support gay rights while promoting such views in their literature.


🌍 Raising Awareness in the UK

The third paragraph focuses on the speaker's efforts to raise awareness about the abuses of Scientology in the UK. He emphasizes the importance of educating politicians and the public about the organization's labor practices and tax evasion. The speaker discusses the long history of human rights violations within Scientology and the financial implications of their non-profit status. He expresses optimism about the impact of his work and the growing interest from high-level officials.




Scientology is a set of religious beliefs and practices that was developed in the early 1950s by L. Ron Hubbard. It is often considered controversial due to its secretive nature and alleged abusive practices. In the script, it is discussed as a harmful and abusive organization, with references to its history and impact on individuals.

💡Apostate Alex

Apostate Alex, also known as Alex Barnes, is an individual who has publicly criticized and distanced himself from Scientology. In the context of the video, he is portrayed as an activist working to expose the alleged abuses of the Church of Scientology and is meeting with the host in Los Angeles.


Dianetics is a self-help system that was developed by L. Ron Hubbard and is considered the foundation of Scientology. The term is mentioned in the script in relation to a book titled 'Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health,' which the host suggests should be removed from libraries due to its content.


An engram, in the context of Scientology, is a hypothetical mental image or impression made during a moment of pain or unconsciousness. It is a core concept of Dianetics and is used to explain how past traumatic experiences can affect an individual's current behavior. The script discusses Hubbard's example of an engram being formed during rough sex in the womb.

💡The Hole

The Hole refers to a reported secretive compound within the Church of Scientology's Gold Base in California, where it is alleged that high-ranking members were held against their will and subjected to hard labor and punishment. It is mentioned in the script as an example of the abusive conditions some members have faced.

💡David Miscavige

David Miscavige is the leader of the Church of Scientology and is often associated with allegations of abuse and misconduct within the organization. In the script, he is mentioned in the context of the abusive experiences that some members have had under his leadership.


Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities that originated on the imageboard website 4chan. In the script, it is mentioned as a group that has played a role in raising awareness about the alleged abuses of the Church of Scientology.

💡St Hill Manor

St Hill Manor is a property in East Grinstead, England, that was purchased by L. Ron Hubbard and is associated with the Church of Scientology. It is mentioned in the script as a location where alleged abuses have occurred, including forced manual labor and other forms of mistreatment.

💡Tone Scale

The Tone Scale is a concept in Scientology that purports to measure a person's emotional tone and ethical state. It is referenced in the script in relation to the book 'Dianetics,' where it is claimed that individuals who are homosexual are considered to be lower on the scale, which the host criticizes as outdated and harmful.


A cult is a social group defined by its religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or common interest in a particular personality, that differs significantly from the larger society. In the script, Scientology is referred to as a 'cult,' highlighting the public perception of it being an unconventional and potentially harmful group.


Activism involves the promotion, impediment, or direction of economic, political, social, or environmental reform by individuals, groups, or organizations. In the script, Alex Barnes is described as an activist working against Scientology, aiming to raise awareness and change public perception of the organization.


The meeting between the host and Apostate Alex in Los Angeles is kept top secret and undisclosed.

Apostate Alex is known for his energy and many ongoing projects, which impress the host.

Both the host and Apostate Alex are glad to finally meet in person after knowing each other for years.

Apostate Alex is in Los Angeles briefly before heading to Portland, with his presence in LA kept secret from the Church of Scientology.

The host and Apostate Alex discuss their shared goal of exposing the abuses within the Church of Scientology.

Apostate Alex aims to change the public perception of Scientology in the UK by highlighting its abusive nature.

The host reflects on the shift in public opinion about Scientology in the US, from viewing it as a joke to recognizing its harmful practices.

Apostate Alex emphasizes the importance of focusing on actionable goals rather than getting caught up in debates.

The host shares his traumatic experience within Scientology and his motivation to prevent others from suffering similarly.

Apostate Alex discusses his role in raising awareness about Scientology in the UK as an activist on YouTube and in the press.

The host published content suggesting that L. Ron Hubbard's book 'Dianetics' should be removed from libraries due to its content.

Apostate Alex criticizes 'Dianetics' for its lack of scientific basis and harmful advice, such as blaming parents for personal issues.

The host and Apostate Alex agree that Scientology's extremist belief system is dangerous and harmful when applied to its extreme.

Apostate Alex points out the hypocrisy of Scientology's public support for gay rights while the book 'Dianetics' denigrates homosexuality.

The host appreciates Apostate Alex's efforts in making people in the UK aware of the harmful organization that Scientology is.

Apostate Alex is motivated by the opportunity to make an impact and help change the narrative about Scientology in the UK.

The host and Apostate Alex discuss the importance of presenting Scientology's abusive practices and financial irregularities to politicians and influential people.

Apostate Alex is encouraged by the interest from members of parliament and high-level officials in the UK regarding Scientology's activities.