The Inside Story of ChatGPT’s Astonishing Potential | Greg Brockman | TED

20 Apr 202330:10

TLDRGreg Brockman, co-founder of OpenAI, discusses the evolution and potential of AI, particularly focusing on the ChatGPT model. He highlights the importance of steering AI in a positive direction and the collaborative effort between humans and AI. Brockman demonstrates the technology's capabilities, such as generating images and integrating with other applications, emphasizing the need for high-quality feedback and incremental deployment to ensure safety and ethical development. He advocates for collective responsibility in shaping AI to benefit humanity and stresses the value of public engagement and literacy in this transformative technology.


  • 🚀 OpenAI was founded seven years ago with a vision to guide the development of AI in a positive direction.
  • 🤖 The rapid advancements in AI, particularly in natural language processing, have been remarkable and gratifying to witness.
  • 🎨 Introducing the new DALL-E model that generates images from text descriptions, expanding AI's capabilities beyond text generation.
  • 🔍 AI can be trained to use tools and applications, like DALL-E for image generation and memory tools for data storage.
  • 📈 AI training involves a two-step process: unsupervised learning to predict text and human feedback to refine and improve outcomes.
  • 📚 The importance of human oversight and feedback in teaching AI to perform tasks and make decisions that align with human values and intentions.
  • 🔄 The potential of AI to transform traditional user interfaces by handling complex tasks with a unified language interface.
  • 📊 AI's ability to analyze and interpret large datasets, like AI papers on arXiv, with the help of tools like Python interpreters.
  • 🛠️ The necessity of scaling up the ability to provide high-quality feedback as AI tackles more complex tasks.
  • 🌐 The deployment of AI models like ChatGPT to the public to gather widespread feedback and improve the technology responsibly.
  • 🌟 The future of AI-human collaboration holds the promise of solving problems that were once deemed impossible, redefining our interaction with technology.

Q & A

  • What was the motivation behind the establishment of OpenAI seven years ago?

    -OpenAI was established because the founders felt that something really interesting was happening in AI and they wanted to help steer its development in a positive direction.

  • How does the new DALL-E model expand the capabilities of ChatGPT?

    -The new DALL-E model expands ChatGPT's capabilities by generating images in response to text prompts, allowing it to carry out user intent in a more visually creative way.

  • What is the significance of the live demo presented in the talk?

    -The live demo is significant because it showcases the real-time generation of content by AI, without any pre-planning, highlighting the technology's ability to adapt and respond dynamically.

  • How does the AI learn to use its tools effectively?

    -AI learns to use its tools effectively through a two-step process. First, it undergoes unsupervised learning, and then human feedback is used to reinforce the correct processes and outcomes.

  • What was the issue with GPT-4's initial interaction with Khan Academy?

    -The issue was that GPT-4 did not double-check students' math, and it would continue with incorrect mathematical input without correction.

  • How does the AI's ability to fact-check itself improve its reliability?

    -By using AI to fact-check itself, the system can identify and correct inaccuracies in its responses, thereby improving its overall reliability and trustworthiness.

  • What is the vision for the future use of AI technology as described in the script?

    -The vision for the future use of AI technology is one where humans and machines work together in a many-step collaboration, with humans providing management, oversight, and feedback, and machines operating in an inspectable and trustworthy manner to solve complex problems.

  • How does the speaker address concerns about the potential risks of AI?

    -The speaker acknowledges the risks but emphasizes the importance of incremental deployment and high-quality feedback to ensure that AI aligns with human intent and becomes more beneficial and less risky over time.

  • What is the significance of the story about the sick dog and the veterinarian?

    -The story illustrates how AI, when used responsibly and in collaboration with professionals, can contribute to better outcomes that might not have been possible without its assistance.

  • What is the OpenAI mission mentioned in the script?

    -The OpenAI mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

  • How does Greg Brockman view the role of public feedback in AI development?

    -Greg Brockman believes that public feedback is crucial for AI development as it allows for a collective effort in teaching the AI, providing diverse perspectives, and ensuring that the technology is developed responsibly and beneficially for everyone.



🚀 Introduction to OpenAI and AI's Progress

The speaker begins by reflecting on the founding of OpenAI seven years ago, driven by the exciting developments in AI and the desire to guide its trajectory positively. They express amazement at the field's progress and the diverse applications people have found for the technology. The speaker acknowledges the range of emotions people feel about AI, from excitement to concern, and emphasizes the historic nature of the current moment, where society will define a technology of great importance. The speaker introduces a new DALL-E model that generates images and is integrated with ChatGPT, demonstrating its ability to create detailed images based on text prompts and highlighting the live demo aspect of the technology.


🧠 Training AI Through Feedback: The Turing Test and Beyond

The speaker discusses the methodology behind training AI, referencing Alan Turing's ideas from his 1950 paper on the Turing test. They explain that AI is taught through a two-step process involving unsupervised learning and human feedback. The first step involves predicting text, while the second step refines the AI's use of its learned skills through human evaluation. The speaker shares an anecdote about teaching GPT-4 to double-check math problems, illustrating the iterative process of improvement. They also mention the importance of high-quality feedback and the AI's ability to self-fact-check, showcasing its evolving reliability.


🤖 Human-AI Collaboration: Enhancing Problem-Solving

The speaker highlights the collaborative nature of human-AI interaction, where humans manage and provide oversight, while AI operates in an inspectable and trustworthy manner. They foresee a future where this collaboration becomes commonplace, allowing for the solving of 'impossible problems.' The speaker uses the example of analyzing a large dataset of AI papers to demonstrate how ChatGPT can infer meaning and generate insights, such as graphs and data visualizations, from complex data with high-level instructions.


📈 AI in Practice: Real-World Applications and Limitations

The speaker shares a real-world story of how AI, in conjunction with human medical professionals, contributed to saving a sick dog's life. While acknowledging that AI systems are not perfect, the speaker argues that they can significantly enhance outcomes when used responsibly. They emphasize the need for widespread participation in shaping AI's role in society, setting rules, and ensuring the technology benefits all of humanity. The speaker reiterates that AI looks different from what was anticipated and that collective literacy in AI is crucial.


🌐 OpenAI's Approach and the Future of AI

Greg Brockman, a representative from OpenAI, discusses the company's philosophy and approach to AI development. He talks about the importance of confronting reality, the power of scaling up AI models, and the emergence of unexpected capabilities. Brockman addresses concerns about the risks of releasing AI into the public domain and argues for incremental deployment to allow for proper safety measures and public feedback. He believes in the collective responsibility to guide AI development and stresses the importance of the ongoing debate on AI's role in society.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, AI is the central theme, with the speaker discussing the rapid advancements in the field and the impact of AI on society, particularly through the development of OpenAI's models like ChatGPT and DALL-E.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. It is designed to interact with users in a conversational manner, answering questions, and even generating creative content. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is showcased as a tool that can be integrated with other applications and can learn from human feedback to improve its performance.


DALL-E is an AI model developed by OpenAI that specializes in generating images from textual descriptions. It represents a significant advancement in the field of generative AI, showing the ability to understand and translate complex language prompts into visual outputs. The video emphasizes DALL-E's role in expanding the capabilities of AI beyond text generation to include visual creativity.


In the context of the video, emergence refers to the phenomenon where complex behaviors or patterns arise from simpler interactions in a system, such as an AI model. As AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E scale up and interact with more data, they begin to exhibit new and unexpected capabilities that were not explicitly programmed. This concept is central to understanding how AI models evolve and improve over time.

💡Human Feedback

Human feedback is a critical component in the training and improvement of AI models. It involves humans providing input, corrections, and guidance to the AI, helping it learn from its mistakes and refine its understanding and performance. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of human feedback in teaching AI models like ChatGPT to better align with human intent and improve their output.

💡Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers to model complex patterns in data. It is a key technology behind the advancements in AI, enabling the creation of models like ChatGPT and DALL-E that can perform tasks like language understanding, image generation, and decision-making. The video highlights deep learning as the foundational approach that has allowed AI to progress to its current state.

💡Incremental Deployment

Incremental deployment is the strategy of releasing new technology or software in small, controlled stages to manage risks and gather feedback for improvement. In the context of AI, this approach allows for the careful observation of how AI systems interact with the world and how they can be adjusted to ensure safety and effectiveness. The video discusses the importance of incremental deployment to allow for the proper understanding and management of AI's capabilities as they evolve.

💡General Artificial Intelligence (AGI)

AGI refers to the hypothetical AI system that possesses the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. It is the ultimate goal in AI research, aiming to create machines that can apply intelligence flexibly and adapt to a wide range of tasks and situations. The video touches on the mission of OpenAI to ensure that AGI benefits all of humanity, reflecting the long-term aspirations of the AI community.

💡Turing Test

The Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing, is a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. It involves a human evaluator who judges whether the responses from a machine are indistinguishable from those of a human. In the video, the speaker references the Turing Test to discuss the training process of AI models, emphasizing the importance of feedback and learning from human interaction.


Inspectability in the context of AI refers to the ability to understand and review the decision-making process of an AI system. It is crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness in AI. The video highlights the importance of creating AI tools that are inspectable, allowing humans to provide feedback and shape the AI's learning and behavior.

💡User Interface (UI)

A user interface (UI) is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur, often through graphical, auditory, or tactile elements. In the video, the speaker discusses the evolution of UIs, moving from traditional app-based interfaces to more unified language interfaces powered by AI, which can handle complex tasks with minimal input from the user.


OpenAI was founded seven years ago with the aim of steering AI in a positive direction.

The field of AI has made significant progress since OpenAI's inception.

Raymond and others are using OpenAI's technology for various beneficial purposes.

OpenAI's technology elicits a range of emotions from excitement to concern.

We are entering an historic period where we define a technology crucial for society.

OpenAI's DALL-E model generates images based on text prompts.

ChatGPT can now interact with other tools, such as DALL-E, to expand its capabilities.

A live demo showcased AI-generated images and the ability to create a shopping list and tweet.

ChatGPT learns through a two-step process involving unsupervised learning and human feedback.

High-level questions are used to teach AI what to do with its skills.

AI is trained using a method similar to how a human child learns, through rewards and punishments.

Khan Academy provided feedback to improve AI's ability to double-check math problems.

Users' feedback on ChatGPT helps identify areas of weakness for further improvement.

AI can help provide better feedback by fact-checking its own work and writing out its chain of thought.

AI's ability to scale and the quality of engineering are crucial for predicting emergent capabilities.

OpenAI's approach is to push the limits of technology to see its potential and then move to a new paradigm.

The deployment of AI models is incremental to allow for proper supervision and safety.

OpenAI's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

The development and integration of AI should involve participation from everyone to set the rules and ensure alignment with human values.