Tutorial: Crea Arte usando Inteligencia Artificial | Deep Dream Generator

Auribox Training
6 Nov 202210:34

TLDRThe video introduces viewers to the world of AI-generated images using the Deep Dream Generator. It showcases the process of creating images from text inputs, blending two images, and finding patterns to produce surreal or beautiful artworks. The host demonstrates generating various scenes, from a paradisiacal landscape with blue flowers to an abstract concept of 'true love in the sky with happiness', highlighting the versatility and creativity of AI in art.


  • 🌟 Introduction to a new video from aurybooks training, focusing on AI-generated images.
  • 🎨 Discussion of the vast range of AI-generated images available online, from realistic art to surreal nightmares.
  • 🖼️ Explanation of the Deep Dream Generator as a tool for creating such images.
  • 📝 Description of the various methods available on the platform to generate images: text interpretation, image mixing, and Deep Dream.
  • 👤 Importance of creating an account on the website to access the image generation tools.
  • 🌄 Showcase of examples of images created by others, such as a paradise-like landscape and a cat with flowers.
  • 🚀 Instructions on how to use the generate button to create an AI-generated image based on a provided text prompt.
  • ⏳ Acknowledgment that image generation can take up to 5 minutes due to high usage of the tool.
  • 🎨 Demonstration of the process of generating an image with specific elements like a landscape with blue flowers and a wooden cabin.
  • 📸 Tutorial on saving the generated images for future use.
  • 💡 Encouragement for viewers to share their own generated images in the comments section.
  • 🔜 Tease of future videos in the series that will introduce more tools related to AI image generation.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the demonstration and explanation of an AI image generation tool called Deep Dream Generator.

  • How do the generated images by AI differ?

    -The generated images by AI can greatly vary, some may appear as realistic and beautiful artworks, while others might resemble disturbing or surreal dreamscapes.

  • What are the different methods available in Deep Dream Generator for creating images?

    -Deep Dream Generator offers several methods for creating images: interpreting text input by users, merging two different images to create a third, and the Deep Dream process which identifies and enhances patterns in the uploaded images.

  • How long does it typically take for the AI to generate an image?

    -The generation of images by the AI can take around 5 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the tool's usage and server load.

  • What was the first image generated by the user in the video?

    -The first image generated by the user in the video was a landscape covered with blue flowers and a small wooden house, created using the text input method.

  • What was the abstract concept the user asked the AI to generate, and what was the result?

    -The user asked the AI to generate an abstract concept of 'True love in the sky with happiness', and the result was an interesting image with hearts in the sky and a couple, possibly representing the abstract concept.

  • How can users share their generated images with the video creator?

    -Users can share their generated images by posting the links in the comments section of the video.

  • What was the final image generated in the video?

    -The final image generated was of a boat at sea with an orange sunset, although the AI did not include the light rain as requested.

  • What is the purpose of the Deep Dream Generator tool?

    -The purpose of the Deep Dream Generator tool is to utilize artificial intelligence to create unique and often artistic images based on user inputs, patterns, or merged images.

  • What does the video creator encourage viewers to do after watching the video?

    -The video creator encourages viewers to leave a like, comment on the video, and subscribe to the channel if they haven't already done so.

  • Are there plans for future videos on similar topics?

    -Yes, the video creator mentions that in future videos of the series, they will be presenting other tools that perform similar image generation tasks.



🎨 Introduction to Deep Dream Generator

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI-generated images, specifically focusing on the Deep Dream Generator. It explains that these images can range from seemingly real pieces of art to nightmarish visions. The script walks through the process of using the Deep Dream Generator, starting with creating an account and observing examples of images created by others. It then describes the steps to generate an image by inputting text, such as creating a utopian landscape or combining two different images. The paragraph emphasizes the utility of this tool and its potential for both wonderful and disturbing outcomes.


🌟 Experimenting with Abstract Concepts

In this paragraph, the script explores the capabilities of the Deep Dream Generator by feeding it abstract concepts, such as 'True love in the sky with happiness.' It discusses the anticipation of the AI's interpretation of these abstract notions and the excitement of seeing the generated results. The paragraph also touches on the possibility of rendering times, suggesting that the process might be slow due to high usage but also expressing optimism for a faster result. The goal is to demonstrate how the AI can relate abstract ideas to visual representations.


🚀 Conclusion and Future Tutorials

The final paragraph wraps up the tutorial by thanking the viewers for their陪伴 and encouraging them to like, comment, and subscribe to the channel. It invites viewers to share their own generated images in the comments and promises that future videos in the series will introduce other similar tools. The paragraph ends on a positive note, highlighting the potential for creating more artistic images and expressing gratitude for the audience's participation in the journey.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate images that can range from beautiful artworks to disturbing dreamscapes. The video showcases the capabilities of AI in creating images based on textual descriptions or by combining elements from different images.

💡Image Generation

Image Generation is the process of creating visual content using algorithms and computer programs. In the video, image generation is achieved through AI, which can interpret text descriptions to produce images that may resemble paradisiacal landscapes or combine elements to create new visual entities, such as a cat with flowers.

💡Deep Dream

Deep Dream is a computer vision program developed by Google, which uses a Convolutional Neural Network to find and enhance patterns in images. In the video, the Deep Dream feature is used to identify and emphasize patterns within the loaded images, modifying them to create a new image with a certain level of similarity to things we can recognize or learn.

💡Text Interpretation

Text Interpretation in the context of the video refers to the AI's ability to understand and process textual descriptions provided by users, and then generate images that correspond to the described concepts. For example, when the user inputs 'a landscape covered with blue flowers and a small wooden house,' the AI generates an image that matches this description.

💡Image Mixing

Image Mixing is the process of combining two or more images to create a new image. In the video, this technique is demonstrated by blending a car and a horse image with text to produce a new visual entity, showcasing the versatility of AI in merging different elements to generate unique content.

💡Account Creation

Account Creation is the process of setting up a user profile on a website or platform. In the video, the presenter mentions the need to create an account on the Deep Dream generator website to access and use its features for image generation.

💡Generate Button

The Generate Button is a user interface element that initiates the image generation process. In the video, pressing the 'generate' button triggers the AI to produce an image based on the user's input, whether it's text, mixed images, or a combination of both.


Rendering refers to the process of generating a final image or scene from a set of instructions or data. In the context of the video, rendering is the AI's process of creating the image based on the user's input, which can take a few minutes due to high demand and the complexity of the task.

💡Abstract Concepts

Abstract Concepts are ideas or thoughts that are not concrete or specific and often deal with emotions, ideas, or intangible elements. In the video, the presenter challenges the AI with abstract concepts like 'true love in the sky with happiness' to see how it would interpret and visualize these concepts in an image.

💡User Interface

User Interface (UI) is the space where interactions between users and a computer program occur, including input and output devices. In the video, the user interface of the Deep Dream generator is mentioned as the platform where users can observe and interact with the generated images, as well as input their own requests for image generation.

💡Comment Section

The Comment Section is an area on a video platform or website where users can leave feedback, ask questions, or share their thoughts. In the video, the presenter encourages viewers to share their generated images and links in the comment section to foster community engagement and showcase the capabilities of the AI tool.


Introduction to the concept of AI-generated images, which can range from beautiful artworks to disturbing dreamscapes.

Discussion of the Deep Dream Generator as a tool for creating such images, and its presentation in the video.

Explanation of the various methods available on the Deep Dream Generator, including text interpretation, image mixing, and the Deep Dream process itself.

Demonstration of how to create an account on the Deep Dream Generator website and navigate the interface.

Showcase of images created by others on the platform, illustrating the range of possibilities with AI-generated art.

Step-by-step guide on how to use the generate button to create an AI-generated image based on a text prompt.

Example of generating an image with a specific landscape description, highlighting the AI's ability to interpret and visualize text.

Discussion on the potential wait time for image generation due to high usage of the tool, and the estimated time for the process.

Showcase of the final result of the AI-generated landscape, emphasizing the AI's accuracy in creating the requested image.

Experimentation with generating an image using a different, more abstract text prompt to see how the AI interprets it.

Presentation of the AI-generated image based on the abstract prompt, noting the interesting and creative outcome.

Final demonstration of generating an image with a different scene, testing the AI's versatility and creativity.

Showcase of the AI-generated image with the requested elements, such as an orange sunset and a boat at sea.

Invitation for viewers to share their own AI-generated images and experiences in the comments section.

Conclusion of the video with a call to action for likes, comments, and subscriptions for future content on similar topics.