When AIMBOT faces SPINBOT Cheats in Rainbow Six Siege

8 Jun 202211:01

TLDRThe video transcript describes a chaotic and humorous gameplay session of Rainbow Six Siege where two players, both using cheats, engage in a battle of wits and hacks. The dialogue is filled with banter and commentary on the absurdity of the situation, as they discuss the effectiveness of their cheats, such as 'moonwalking' and toggling into third-person view. The players attempt to outsmart each other, with one player expressing frustration at the difficulty of getting kills due to the opponent's speed and cheat advantages. The summary ends with a reflection on the fleeting nature of cheat effectiveness, as they suggest the best time to play without cheats is during brief periods when game updates temporarily disable them.


  • 🎮 The player is engaging in a game of Rainbow Six Siege using cheats, which is setting up an interesting dynamic against another player also using cheats.
  • 🤷‍♂️ There's a sense of curiosity and anticipation about what kind of 'cool' or 'wild' moves the players might pull off with their cheats.
  • 🚀 The game quickly becomes a competition between two players with similar cheats, leading to some unpredictable and fast-paced gameplay.
  • 😂 There's a humorous tone to the dialogue, with the player expressing a desire to see entertaining outcomes from the use of cheats.
  • 🔄 The player discusses toggling cheats on and off, which affects the gameplay and the strategies employed during the match.
  • 👀 The player observes the opponent's use of third-person perspective and 'moonwalking' as part of the cheating tactics.
  • 🤔 There's a moment of confusion and a bit of banter about whether the player should engage in the same level of cheating as the opponent.
  • 🚫 The player expresses frustration with the selfishness of the opponent's cheating, which makes it difficult to get any kills.
  • 😤 There's a sense of urgency and competitiveness as the player tries to get a kill before the opponent, despite the cheating.
  • 😲 The player is surprised by the opponent's speed and the effectiveness of their cheats, making it challenging to counteract.
  • 🏆 The player talks about the importance of maintaining a good kill/death ratio and the impact of cheating on their statistics.

Q & A

  • What is the topic of the video transcript?

    -The video transcript is about a player discussing a match in Rainbow Six Siege where both players seem to be using cheats, such as an aimbot and a spinbot.

  • What does the term 'spinbot' refer to in the context of the game?

    -In the context of the game, 'spinbot' refers to a type of cheat where a player's character spins rapidly, often making it difficult for opponents to hit them.

  • What is the player's reaction to encountering another cheater in the game?

    -The player seems to be both entertained and frustrated, expressing a desire to see something 'cool' or 'wild', but also acknowledges that watching the cheating can be headache-inducing.

  • How does the player feel about the fairness of the game when both players are using cheats?

    -The player questions the fairness of the game when both are using cheats, suggesting that it's not a 'fair' situation and expressing a preference for when only legitimate players are left.

  • What is the player's strategy when facing an opponent using a spinbot cheat?

    -The player attempts to counter the spinbot cheat by also using cheats, such as toggling their hat and using third-person view to see the opponent's cheats in full effect.

  • What does the player find amusing about the situation?

    -The player finds it amusing that both he and his opponent are using cheats, and there's a certain level of absurdity in the chaotic gameplay that ensues.

  • How does the player feel about the game's anti-cheat system?

    -The player seems to be critical of the game's anti-cheat system, as they discuss the temporary nature of cheat availability and the need to play during update windows when cheats are less prevalent.

  • What is the player's goal regarding their kill-death ratio?

    -The player's goal is to improve their kill-death ratio (KD) from 0.96 to 1.0, indicating a desire to perform better in the game.

  • What does the player suggest as the best time to play the game without encountering cheats?

    -The player suggests that the best time to play without encountering cheats is during updates when the cheats are temporarily down for maintenance.

  • How does the player react to the chaotic nature of the game when multiple cheats are in use?

    -The player expresses a mix of excitement and confusion, describing the round as the 'most chaotic' they've ever seen and showing a willingness to engage in the unpredictable gameplay.

  • What is the player's attitude towards the end of the game?

    -The player seems to have enjoyed the game despite the presence of cheating, expressing a positive sentiment and a desire to continue playing ranked matches in Rainbow Six Siege.



🎮 Cheating in Gaming: A Hilarious Commentary

The first paragraph of the script revolves around the theme of cheating in video games. It features a dialogue where the speaker is engaging in a game where both players seem to have access to cheats. The speaker expresses a desire to see something 'cool' or 'wild' and humorously contemplates whether watching the game is entertaining or just headache-inducing. The narrative includes various in-game actions such as moonwalking, toggling cheats on and off, and the speaker's frustration at not being able to get kills due to the opponent's speed and use of cheats. The summary also captures the speaker's attempts to counter the opponent's cheats and the chaotic nature of the gameplay, as well as the comical banter and commentary throughout the gaming session.


😅 The Struggles of Fair Play in Online Games

The second paragraph continues the gaming theme, focusing on the challenges of fair play when opponents are suspected of cheating. The speaker discusses the difficulty of reacting to a fast-paced game where opponents seem invincible. There's a sense of irony as the speaker comments on the fairness of the game and the opponent's behavior. The dialogue includes references to 'simping' and mistaken identity, adding a layer of humor to the situation. The speaker also talks about the strategy of pretending to cheat to gain an advantage and the importance of confidence in gameplay. The summary highlights the speaker's attempts to secure kills and improve their kill-death ratio (K/D), as well as the preference for playing during game updates when cheats are less prevalent. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the enjoyment of higher rankings and the fun aspect of the game, despite the challenges posed by cheating.


🤯 The Chaos of an Unpredictable Match

The third paragraph describes an extremely chaotic round in a video game, where the speaker expresses confusion and surprise at the unpredictable events unfolding in the game. The speaker's commentary is filled with excitement and a sense of urgency as they decide to take aggressive action against an opponent. The narrative captures the speaker's active engagement in the game, the strategic use of in-game abilities, and the speaker's readiness to set up defensive structures. The summary encapsulates the high-energy and dynamic nature of the gameplay, the speaker's determination to succeed, and the overall sense of chaos that defines this particular round.




An 'aimbot' is a type of software used in video games that automatically aims the player's weapon for them, often giving an unfair advantage over other players. In the context of the video, it is used to describe a cheat that one of the players is using, which is a central theme as it leads to the chaotic gameplay and discussions throughout the video.


A 'spinbot' is a term used in gaming to describe a cheat or a glitch that causes a character to spin rapidly, often making them difficult to hit. It is a key concept in the video as it represents another form of cheating that players are facing off against, contributing to the video's focus on the impact of cheating in games.


Cheats in video games are unauthorized modifications or methods used to gain an advantage over other players. The video revolves around the use of such cheats in 'Rainbow Six Siege', showing how they affect the gameplay and the players' interactions. The term is repeatedly mentioned as players discuss and react to the various cheating methods being used.


The term 'moonwalk' in the context of the video refers to a trick shot or movement in the game where a player moves backwards quickly, similar to the dance move popularized by Michael Jackson. It is used to describe a specific type of movement cheat that one of the players is using, adding to the video's theme of unconventional gameplay due to cheating.

💡Third Person

In gaming, 'third person' refers to a perspective where the player views the game world from a vantage point outside of their character, often from above or behind. The video mentions this perspective as a way to better utilize or counter the cheats being used, highlighting the strategic aspect of dealing with cheating in the game.


In the context of video games, a 'kill' refers to the act of eliminating an opponent's character. The script frequently discusses kills as a measure of success and skill within the game, especially in the context of players trying to outperform each other while dealing with cheating.


A 'drone' in the context of 'Rainbow Six Siege' is a small, remote-controlled device used by players for scouting and surveillance. The script mentions a drone being 'mozzied', which refers to an in-game scenario where the drone is destroyed or incapacitated, affecting the flow of the game and the players' strategies.

💡KD (Kill-Death Ratio)

The 'kill-death ratio' is a statistic used in gaming to measure a player's performance by comparing the number of kills they have made to the number of times they have been killed. It is mentioned in the script as a player expresses their desire to improve their KD, indicating the importance of this statistic in evaluating one's skill and success in the game.


In the context of the video, an 'update' refers to a new release or patch for the game that may include fixes for cheats and other exploits. The players discuss the timing of these updates and how they provide a brief window of fair play before new cheats are developed, showing the ongoing battle between game developers and cheat creators.


Ranks in multiplayer games like 'Rainbow Six Siege' represent a player's level or skill tier. The script mentions players aiming to achieve higher ranks, which is a common goal in competitive gaming. The discussion around ranks also touches on the integrity of the ranking system when players use cheats to gain an advantage.


In the script, 'Concert' likely refers to a map or location within 'Rainbow Six Siege' where the players are engaging in combat. The mention of Concert provides context for the gameplay scenarios being discussed, as players strategize and react to the chaotic situations created by cheating.


A test account with the same cheats as the main account is used, leading to an intense game of cheaters versus cheaters.

The player expresses excitement to see something cool and wild, like a moonwalk element trick shot.

The player humorously questions if they are allowed to kill themselves to just watch the game.

An opponent is seen moonwalking and moving quickly in reverse, showcasing the use of third-person cheats.

The player tags an opponent and discusses toggling off cheats for a round.

A suggestion to counter the opponent's cheats with cheats of one's own is made.

The player's drone gets 'mozzied', leading to frustration and humor.

A player refuses to pick up a teammate, focusing on getting a kill before the opponent.

The player attempts to go into third person to see the opponent's cheats in full effect.

A trade-off is made, and the player comments on the opponent's poor performance.

The player expresses concern about being 'mozzied' again and the chaotic nature of the game.

A strategy of hiding and avoiding confrontation is considered.

The player discusses the fear and excitement of facing a spin bot versus aim hacks.

A humorous miscommunication about 'hip thrust' occurs, adding to the game's entertainment.

The player is concerned about their kill-to-death ratio and the impact of the chaotic game.

The player pretends to cheat and encourages confidence in swinging everything.

A player is encouraged as the better player and the tension of the game escalates.

The player expresses dissatisfaction with the game, calling it 'terrible' due to the prevalence of cheating.

The player discusses the best time to play the game without cheats, which is during updates when cheats are down.

The player shares a strategy of playing ranked matches during a brief window when cheats are inactive to improve their kill-to-death ratio.

The game concludes with the player expressing enjoyment despite the challenges of facing cheaters.