Angular Material Tutorial - 6 - Button Toggle

25 Feb 201905:53


TLDRThe video script introduces the button toggle element in Angular Material, explaining its on/off functionality and basic setup. It covers importing the MatButtonToggleModule, using the MatButtonToggle and MatButtonToggleGroup directives, and accessing the toggle state with template reference variables. The video also discusses attributes like checked, disable ripple, and disabled, and demonstrates grouping button toggles as an alternative to radio buttons or checkboxes, with options for single or multiple selection.


  • 🔘 The button toggle element in Angular Material has a button-like appearance and can switch between on and off states.
  • 📦 To use the button toggle, import the MatButtonToggleModule and add it to the material components array in your Angular application.
  • 🖱️ Add the MatButtonToggle to your HTML with text to create a basic toggle button that users can click to toggle its state.
  • 🔍 Access the toggle state by using a template reference variable and checking the 'checked' property of the button toggle.
  • 🔁 The default state of a toggle button is unchecked (false), but you can change this by adding the 'checked' attribute to the element.
  • 🌊 The ripple effect that occurs when clicking on the button can be removed by adding the 'disableRipple' attribute.
  • 🚫 Disable the entire button toggle by adding the 'disabled' attribute, preventing any toggling actions.
  • 🔗 Button toggles are often grouped using the MatButtonToggleGroup directive, allowing for the management of a set of related toggle buttons.
  • 🏷 Each toggle button within a group should have a 'value' attribute that corresponds to the group's overall value.
  • 📈 To handle the group's selected values, create a template reference variable and assign it to the MatButtonToggleGroup, then access its 'value' property.
  • 🎯 The toggle group can behave like radio buttons (single selection) or checkboxes (multiple selections), depending on whether the 'multiple' attribute is included.

Q & A

  • What is a button toggle element in Angular Material?

    -A button toggle element in Angular Material is a UI component that appears like a button and can toggle between on and off states, similar to radio buttons or checkboxes.

  • How do you import the MatButtonToggleModule?

    -To import the MatButtonToggleModule, you need to add it to the 'imports' array in your NgModule, typically in the app.module.ts file.

  • What is the purpose of the 'value' attribute in a button toggle element?

    -The 'value' attribute in a button toggle element represents the unique identifier for the toggle that is used when the toggle is part of a button toggle group, allowing you to track which button is selected.

  • How can you display the state of a button toggle element in the browser?

    -You can display the state of a button toggle element by adding a template reference variable and then accessing the 'checked' property of that variable in the template.

  • What is the default behavior of a button toggle group?

    -By default, a button toggle group behaves like a radio button group, allowing only one item to be selected at a time.

  • How can you enable multiple selection in a button toggle group?

    -To enable multiple selection in a button toggle group, you add the 'multiple' attribute to the mat-button-toggle-group element.

  • What does the 'buttonId' attribute represent in a button toggle element?

    -The 'buttonId' attribute represents the unique ID for the underlying button element, which is used for accessibility purposes and to group radios for unique selection.

  • How do you disable the ripple effect on a button toggle element?

    -To disable the ripple effect on a button toggle element, you add the 'disableRipple' attribute to the element.

  • How do you disable a button toggle element?

    -To disable a button toggle element, you add the 'disabled' attribute to the element, which prevents it from being toggled between on and off states.

  • How can you listen to change events of a button toggle group?

    -You can listen to change events of a button toggle group by creating a template reference variable for the group and then using the '(change)' event emitter in the template to execute code in the component class.

  • What is the role of the 'MatButtonToggleGroup' directive?

    -The 'MatButtonToggleGroup' directive is used to group individual button toggle elements together, allowing you to manage their collective state and behavior as a single unit.



🔘 Introduction to Button Toggle in Angular Material

This paragraph introduces the button toggle element in Angular Material, explaining its appearance and functionality as a button-like component that can switch between on and off states. It outlines the initial steps to incorporate the button toggle into a project by importing the MatButtonToggleModule and adding it to the materials array. The paragraph then describes how to implement the button toggle in HTML, demonstrating its basic behavior of toggling between states upon user interaction. It also explains how to access and utilize the toggle state by using a template reference variable and the checked property. The paragraph further discusses the customization of the button's default behavior with attributes like checked, disable ripple, and disabled. Lastly, it touches on the common grouping of button toggles as an alternative to radio buttons or checkboxes, showing how to create a button toggle group with the MatButtonToggleGroup directive and how to manage its value.


🔍 Accessing Toggle Values and Handling Events

This paragraph delves into methods of accessing the toggle button's state and handling events within the Angular component class. It discusses how to listen to change events to execute code and how to use template reference variables within the class to perform operations. The paragraph also mentions a series on Angular component interaction for further understanding. It concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe for more content and signals the end of the tutorial with a prompt to see the audience in the next video.



💡Button Toggle Element

The Button Toggle Element is a UI component that resembles a button but can switch between on and off states. In the context of the video, it is used to demonstrate how to create interactive elements in Angular Material that can be toggled by users. This component is showcased by importing the MatButtonToggleModule and using it within the application's HTML and component classes.

💡Angular Material

Angular Material is a UI framework based on Material Design guidelines that is used to build responsive and mobile-first applications. In the video, Angular Material is the platform where the button toggle element is implemented, and its modules are imported to enable the functionality of the toggle button.

💡Template Reference Variable

A Template Reference Variable in Angular is a way to reference a DOM element or a component instance in the template. It allows developers to access and manipulate the properties of the referenced element or component within the component class. In the video, a template reference variable is used to access the checked property of the toggle button and to get the value of the button toggle group.

💡Checked Attribute

The Checked Attribute is an HTML attribute used to set the initial state of a toggle button to 'on'. It determines whether the toggle button starts in an active or inactive state. In the video, the checked attribute is used to modify the default behavior of the toggle button, setting it to 'on' right from the start.

💡Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect is a visual reaction to user interaction, often seen when clicking on a button in Angular Material applications. It provides feedback to the user, indicating that the action has been registered. In the video, the ripple effect is mentioned as a default behavior of the toggle button, which can be removed using the 'disable ripple' attribute.

💡Disabled Attribute

The Disabled Attribute is used in HTML to prevent user interaction with an element. In the context of the video, adding the disabled attribute to the button toggle element prevents it from being toggled, rendering it inactive and unresponsive to user clicks.

💡Button Toggle Group

A Button Toggle Group is a collection of button toggle elements that are grouped together, often used as an alternative to radio buttons or checkboxes. In the video, the button toggle group is created using the MatButtonToggleGroup directive, allowing users to select one or multiple options based on the configuration.

💡Value Attribute

The Value Attribute in HTML is used to store data related to a form element, such as a button toggle. In the context of the video, each button toggle element within a group has a value attribute that corresponds to the data it represents. The overall value of the group is determined by the value attributes of the selected toggle buttons.

💡Multiple Attribute

The Multiple Attribute is an HTML attribute that allows multiple elements to be selected within a group, similar to checkboxes. In the video, adding the multiple attribute to the button toggle group changes its behavior, allowing users to select more than one toggle button at a time, creating a comma-separated list of selected values.

💡Change Events

Change Events are triggered when the value of an element changes, such as when a user toggles a button. In the context of the video, listening to change events allows developers to execute code in response to user interactions with the button toggle elements, enhancing the interactivity and functionality of the application.

💡Component Interaction

Component Interaction refers to the communication and data exchange between different components within an Angular application. In the video, the use of template reference variables and event handling in the component class exemplifies how components can interact with each other and respond to user actions, such as toggling a button.


Introduction to the button toggle element in Angular Material.

Importing MatButtonToggleModule from angular material and adding it to the materials array.

Adding MatButtonToggle in HTML with text 'toggle'.

Visual representation of the toggle button in the browser with on and off states.

Using the state of the toggle button for operations with a template reference variable and the checked property.

Default state of the button with 'checked' property being false.

Changing the default state by adding the 'checked' attribute to the toggle button element.

Removing the ripple effect with the 'disableRipple' attribute.

Disabling the button with the 'disabled' attribute to prevent toggling.

Overview of the properties and functionalities of a button toggle element.

Grouping button toggle elements using MatButtonToggleGroup directive.

Assigning 'value' attributes to individual toggle elements within a group.

Accessing the group's value with a template reference variable and the 'value' property.

Behavior of the toggle group resembling radio buttons by default, allowing single selection.

Enabling multiple selection by adding the 'multiple' attribute to the toggle group element.

Displaying the selected values as a comma-separated list when multiple items are selected.

Listening to change events and executing code in the component class for further interaction.

Reference to a series on Angular component interaction for detailed information on using reference variables.

Summary of working with the button toggle element in Angular Material and appreciation for the viewers.



alright guys let's take a look at the


button toggle element in this video


button toggle is basically an element


with the appearance of a button and can


toggle between on and off States to get


started we need to import Matt button


toggle module from angular material and


add it to the material array


import it and add it to the material


components array now in the HTML we can


add Matt button toggle with the text


toggle if you save the file and take a


look at the browser you should see a


toggle button click on the button a


toggle say the on state click again and


it toggles to the off state now you


might want to use the state of the


toggle button to perform some operation


to get hold of the toggle state add a


template reference variable and then


access the checked property on that




toggle button is going to be the


template reference variable and then


interpolate toggle button dot checked if


you now take a look at the browser you


can see that the value is false click on


the button and the value is true now the


button checked value is false by default


we can change that though by adding the


checked attribute to the toggle button




if you now take a look at the browser


you can see that the button appearance


is that of the on state and the checked


property value is now true we of course


still have the ripple effect when we


click on the button to disable it add


the disable ripple attribute


you can see that the ripple animation is


now gone it is also possible to disable


the button itself by adding the disabled




if I now head back to the browser and


try clicking on the button nothing


happens the button is disabled and


cannot be toggled between on and off


alright these are some of the properties


on a button toggle element now although


these elements can be used individually


they are typically grouped together and


presented as better alternatives to


radio buttons or checkboxes for example


let's say you have a list of front-end


technologies let me show you how to


display them using the button toggle


element to create a group of button


toggle elements we use the Matt button


toggle group directive


within the group we can add the


individual button toggle elements




react and view each of the elements need


to have a value attribute which will


point to the overall value of this group


so value is equal to angular react and


view now to access this group's value we


need to create a template reference


variable in assign Matt button toggle




the variable name is toggle group and to


this we assign Matt button toggle group


now we can interpolate toggle group dot




to access the value of this toggle


button group let's save this and head to


the browser and you can see that we have


the button group I click on the button


and the group value is displayed angular


react and view my default the toggle


group behaves like radio buttons and


only one item can be selected at a time


if you want the behavior to be that of a


checkbox where multiple items can be


selected you simply need to add the


multiple attribute to the toggle group


element so over here I'm going to add


multiple if you now go back to the


browser you can see that we can select


multiple elements and the value is now a


comma-separated list of the selections


angular react view just angular and


react just angular or all three


now what we have seen is how to get hold


of the value in the HTML you can also


listen to change events and execute some


code written in the component class as


well you can also get hold of the


template reference variable in the class


component and perform any required


operation I do have a small series on


angular component interaction where I go


in detail about using reference


variables within the component class so


please do take a look at that if you


have a necessity but this is pretty much


how you work with the button toggle


element in angular material thank you


guys for watching feel free to subscribe


I'll see you guys in the next video

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Angular MaterialButton ToggleFront-EndInteractive DesignComponent InteractionGroup SelectionMultiple SelectionWeb DevelopmentUI/UXCoding Tutorial
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