Hear what happened when Stormy Daniels testified during Trump's trial

7 May 202407:27


TLDRIn a courtroom setting, Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress, testified about her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006, which Trump has consistently denied. Daniels provided a detailed account of their interactions, including meetings and phone calls, with various witnesses corroborating her story. As she identified Trump in court, he closely watched the proceedings from behind a monitor. Despite the judge's request for brevity, Daniels' testimony was highly detailed, causing Trump to appear increasingly irritated. The jury paid close attention to her testimony, which included personal anecdotes and humorous remarks. Daniels' account painted a vivid picture of the situation, raising questions about Trump's denials and the nature of their relationship.


  • 📢 Stormy Daniels testified in court about her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006, which Trump has denied.
  • 👀 Trump was present in the court, sitting close to where Daniels was testifying, and closely watched the proceedings on a monitor.
  • 🚫 From the witness stand, Daniels could see Trump but there was no direct eye contact due to the court's layout.
  • 👉 Daniels identified Trump in court, causing a momentary exchange of glances between them.
  • 🔍 Daniels provided detailed accounts of her interactions with Trump, including specific meetings and phone calls.
  • 🤫 Trump appeared increasingly irritated during her testimony, muttering to his attorney.
  • 🗣️ The judge at one point reprimanded the prosecution for the level of detail Daniels was providing, which was more than necessary to answer the questions.
  • ⏱️ Daniels spoke quickly, leading to multiple requests for her to slow down so court reporters could keep up.
  • 📈 Despite some humor in her testimony, it was unclear how the jury reacted to her detailed recount of events.
  • 📝 Daniels described the environment of Trump's hotel room, including the bathroom products he used, in great detail.
  • 😶 Trump's denials of an affair were challenged by the specificity of Daniels' testimony and the number of witnesses she mentioned who could corroborate her story.

Q & A

  • Who is the main subject of the court case mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main subject of the court case is Donald Trump.

  • What is Stormy Daniels' claim regarding her relationship with Donald Trump?

    -Stormy Daniels claims to have had a sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006.

  • How has Donald Trump responded to Stormy Daniels' allegations?

    -Donald Trump has repeatedly denied the allegations made by Stormy Daniels.

  • What was the atmosphere like in the courtroom when Stormy Daniels entered?

    -The atmosphere was tense, with everyone anticipating her testimony, and attention was drawn to her as she entered the room.

  • What was the position of Donald Trump in relation to Stormy Daniels during her testimony?

    -Donald Trump was seated with his defense team, his back to the entrance, and he was able to see Stormy Daniels from a monitor in front of him.

  • How did the judge react to the level of detail in Stormy Daniels' testimony?

    -The judge expressed that the level of detail was more than necessary, scolding the prosecution and instructing Stormy Daniels to answer questions directly.

  • What was the demeanor of the jury during Stormy Daniels' testimony?

    -The jury was paying close attention to Stormy Daniels' testimony, although their specific reactions to her jokes or detailed accounts were not entirely clear.

  • How did Stormy Daniels describe her interactions with Donald Trump?

    -Stormy Daniels provided a high level of detail about her interactions with Donald Trump, including specific instances, conversations, and even details about the hotel room they were in.

  • What was the reaction of Donald Trump during Stormy Daniels' testimony?

    -Donald Trump appeared increasingly irritated, muttering to his attorney, and was closely watching the monitor during her testimony.

  • How did Stormy Daniels handle her testimony?

    -Stormy Daniels was conversational and casual in her approach, although she seemed nervous at the beginning and was speaking very quickly, which led to her being asked to slow down multiple times.

  • What was the significance of the Access Hollywood tape in relation to Stormy Daniels' testimony?

    -The Access Hollywood tape's release coincided with Trump's presidential campaign, which led to renewed interest in Stormy Daniels' story and her alleged affair with Trump.

  • What was the reaction of the court reporters to Stormy Daniels' speed of speaking?

    -The court reporters had difficulty keeping up with Stormy Daniels' fast pace of speaking, leading to her being asked to slow down on four occasions.



📝 Stormy Daniels' Testimony and Trump's Reaction

In the court, Stormy Daniels detailed her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006, which he has denied. The atmosphere was tense as she testified, with Trump closely watching the proceedings from his defense table. Daniels recounted various interactions and meetings with Trump, including phone calls and a dinner, which she described with significant detail. The court was attentive, and her testimony included personal anecdotes and specific details about Trump's behavior and their encounters. The judge intervened to limit the level of detail when it seemed irrelevant. Despite her nervousness, Daniels maintained a conversational tone and even made light of the situation at times. Trump's denials of the affair and his claim that Daniels was not his type were directly contradicted by her detailed account.


😄 Daniels' Interactions with the Jury and Her Humor

Stormy Daniels made an effort to connect with the jury through humor and a casual tone. She made light-hearted comments about the adult film industry and its sponsorship of golf tournaments, and shared anecdotes from her interactions with Trump, including a humorous misunderstanding with Trump's bodyguard, Keith Schiller, whose name she had saved in her phone as 'Keith Trump'. Despite her attempts to engage the jury with humor, it was unclear if they found her remarks amusing. Daniels also described the intimate details of her encounter with Trump, including the moment she found him undressed in his hotel room. Throughout her testimony, she was asked to slow down multiple times due to her rapid speech. The jury's response to her testimony was mixed, but she made a clear effort to be engaging and candid in her recounting of events.



💡Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States, serving from 2017 to 2021. In the context of the video, he is a central figure as the person Stormy Daniels alleges having a sexual encounter with in 2006, which he has repeatedly denied.

💡Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels is an adult film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. She is the key witness in the video, recounting an alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006. Her testimony is significant as it directly contradicts Trump's denial of the event.


Testimony refers to the evidence given by a witness under oath. In this video, Stormy Daniels provides her testimony in court regarding her alleged affair with Donald Trump, which is a pivotal moment in the trial.


An affair typically denotes a secretive romantic or sexual relationship, often between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. In the video, the alleged affair between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump is the main subject of the court proceedings.


A court is a formal setting where legal matters are heard and decided. The video describes a courtroom scene where Stormy Daniels is testifying, making the court a central location for the unfolding events.


Denial in this context refers to the act of stating that something is not true or did not happen. Donald Trump's denial of the alleged affair with Stormy Daniels is a key aspect of the narrative, as it sets up the conflict being addressed in court.

💡Witness Stand

The witness stand is the place in a courtroom where witnesses give their testimony. It is significant in the video as it is where Stormy Daniels stands to recount her experiences and identify Donald Trump during the trial.


The prosecution refers to the legal team that represents the side bringing the case against a defendant in a criminal trial. In the video, the prosecution is questioning Stormy Daniels and presenting her as a key witness in the case.

💡Defense Team

The defense team represents the person accused in a legal case, in this instance, Donald Trump. They are responsible for presenting his side of the story and challenging the prosecution's arguments and witnesses.

💡Keith Schiller

Keith Schiller is Donald Trump's longtime bodyguard, mentioned in the video as a contact in Stormy Daniels' phone. His presence and role are indicative of the close security detail surrounding Trump, and his mention adds a layer of credibility to Daniels' account of her interactions with Trump.

💡Adult Film Industry

The adult film industry involves the production and distribution of adult films. Stormy Daniels is associated with this industry, and her professional background is relevant to the video as it pertains to her credibility and the nature of the allegations against Trump.


Stormy Daniels testified about a sexual encounter she claimed to have had with Donald Trump in 2006, which he has denied.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins reported from the court, discussing the atmosphere and reactions during Stormy Daniels' testimony.

The attorneys addressed Stormy Daniels' impending testimony before the jury entered, indicating its significance.

Stormy Daniels entered the room as another witness was testifying, and her presence dominated the subsequent proceedings.

Daniels and Trump had not seen each other since 2007, and her entrance was a pivotal moment in the trial.

From the witness stand, Daniels was able to see Trump, but due to the layout, direct eye contact was not possible.

Trump watched the proceedings closely, particularly the monitor showing Daniels' testimony.

During her testimony, Daniels identified Trump in the courtroom, causing a notable exchange of glances.

Daniels provided a detailed account of her interactions with Trump, including specific meetings and phone calls.

The judge expressed a desire for more direct answers from Daniels, rather than the extensive detail she was providing.

Daniels' testimony included specific details about the locations and circumstances of her meetings with Trump.

Trump appeared increasingly irritated as Daniels detailed their interactions.

The jury paid close attention to Daniels' testimony, which was delivered in a conversational and casual manner.

Daniels' testimony covered the period leading up to the Access Hollywood tape and Trump's presidential campaign.

She made light of certain aspects of her story, including her work in the adult film industry and interactions with Trump.

Daniels' testimony included a detailed account of a dinner with Trump that did not proceed as planned.

She described the contents of Trump's bathroom and the personal care products he used, providing an intimate glimpse into his private life.

Daniels expressed regret and a sense of being in a bad situation after finding Trump undressed in his hotel room.



So far today, Donald Trump


has been sitting feet away from Stormy Daniels as she recounted


the sexual encounter she said that they had in 2006.


Trump has repeatedly denied that occured, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins


just emerged from the court.


A lot to talk about.


Well, to tell everything.


I mean, it's hard to even know where to start.


I mean, just to be in that room. When she entered,


there was another witness who testified before her this morning.


But by that point, we all had been made publicly known


that Stormy Daniels is going to be the next witness to be called to testify.


And the attorneys addressed it right at the beginning of court


before the jury actually came in.


So it kind of just loomed over that entire testimony.


I mean, no one was even really paying attention to what the Penguin Random House


employee was saying, although there were a lot of interesting


quotes from various books by Trump about how he micromanaged business.




And it was it was very interesting, but it just had nothing


on what was about to come. And I think everyone understood that.


And when Stormy Daniels walked into that room, I mean, she later testified


that she and Donald Trump have not been and that she had not seen them since 2007,


the summer of 2027, when they were in Los Angeles, walked in


from the side and actually walks behind the table with Trump.


She walks in, the witness walks in from a side entrance.


And so Donald Trump is already seated in there with his defense team.


So his back is to her.


But she's over at the witness stand, which is we reported yesterday,


you can actually see the defendant, Donald Trump, from the witness stand,


but he has this monitor in front of her.


He was watching it very closely.


I mean, his eyes were on this monitor almost the entire time.


He was not closing his eyes like he's been doing in other days of testimony.


And there was this one moment where she'd been on the stand briefly


just describing who she was, where she grew up, her back story.


And the prosecution asked her to identify Donald Trump,


and she had to kind of stand up in her seat a little bit.


And she pointed at him and identified him as the person in the Navy jacket.


And he looked over towards the witness stand as this happened.


It was this remarkable moment where she was


just doing something as simple as identifying him.


And as he reported yesterday,


based on talking to somebody else who had testified previously, the reason


people have trouble identifying where Donald Trump is is because


from the witness stand, you cannot see the you cannot see Donald Trump.


No, because


and when you I looked closer today after a witness who testified in this case


told me that the judge's bench does extend out so far and where


they're kind of tucked away over by the jury


and looking more directly at the prosecution.


And Donald Trump is seated in the middle


of his defense table with an attorney to his right.


So it's just it's not a direct eye contact.


That's why Trump's often looking straight ahead at this screen.


But I mean, this is the biggest witness


to testify easily so far in the 13 days of this trial.


I don't think


I think there was a lot of questions about whether


she was actually going to take the stand.


But the prosecution called her this morning.


I mean, it was the most salacious details that we've seen as she went


into her alleged affair with Donald Trump, which she denies to the salacious.


It seemed that the judge wanted more salacious than the judge wanted,


because at times, I mean, she was going into a


not even just salacious I mean, it was very detail heavy.


This is something that also stood out to me


as Donald Trump has always denied this affair and said that,


you know, Stormy Daniels was not his type.


He's talked about her a lot.


And at his rallies when I was covering him inside the White House,


she laid out so many instances of where not only when they met in 26 at the Lake


Tahoe Golf tournament and in the subsequent conversations,


she had other meetings that they had


phone calls where he would call and she'd put him on speaker.


And there were dozens of witnesses, essentially to their interactions.


Her assistant, her publicist,


her boyfriend at one time drove her to an interaction


with Donald Trump where she went and met with him in Beverly Hills.


And he waited in the car.


And so it also just speaks to Trump's denials of this.


I mean, she had a level of detail about the tile in his hotel room


in Lake Tahoe, the double doors, what what they were talking about.


There were parts


where he was muttering to his attorney and looked increasingly irritated


as she was continuing to testify about these details of their interactions.


There were moments where when the jury was out of the room,


when they took a break, the judge kind of scolded the prosecution


and talked about the level of detail that she was going into,


saying it wasn't really relevant


and that she just needed to directly answer the question.


And twice while she was answering her questions,


that was another interaction that happened where he said just directly answer that


you don't have to tell a whole story about how did the jury seem


to be responding to her.


They were paying really close attention and she came in.


She she was very conversational and casual.


She did seem a bit nervous at the beginning.


She was speaking very quickly


and she was answering her questions so fast that on several occasions


the prosecution had to ask her to stop and to slow down


because the court reporters couldn't actually get what she was saying.


And so it was this fascinating moment.


And then, you know, she was going into all of these details and talking


about how Trump never had asked her to keep their affair quiet or to hide it.


And they were clearly getting up to the point to where then


the Access Hollywood tape comes out and Trump's running for president


and why there was that renewed interest in her story.


It seemed like she was making sort of jokes or things.


She was laughing things, saying things she thought were funny.


And did the jury respond?


It wasn't it wasn't completely clear.


You know,


I was in there


when Keith Davidson was testifying and he was kind of this compelling witness.


He looked directly at the jury.


She was directly addressing the jury as well and trying to be conversational.


I mean, she made jokes about, you know, the adult film industry and contests


that they have and the irony of them sponsoring certain golf tournaments.


It wasn't clear that the jury was necessarily laughing at it.


There was a moment where she was describing her


her first dinner with Donald Trump,


and she had Keith Schiller, his everyone who knows


Donald Trump and has covered him. This was his longtime bodyguard.


She had his contact in her phone and his name was Keith Trump.


That's all she had. It saved on her phone.


She didn't know what his last name was.


And she was describing going into that dinner and she


she didn't necessarily want to go, she said, but her publicist


encouraged her to go and said, you know, what's the worst that could happen?


And she kind of laughed about that because she's now in a courtroom


testifying about that very dinner and where it led to all of that.


We've heard from court stenographers asking witnesses to slow down


and what they say. But it seemed like that happened a lot.


A lot of people were asking her to slow down.


I counted four times where she was asked to slow down


because she was just speaking really quickly.


And, you know, there were moments where she was going into


incredible detail, including that moment when she met Donald Trump in his hotel.


And 26, they were supposed to have dinner.


They didn't actually eat dinner, she testified.


But she talked while she went into the bathroom.


At one point, she was looking through, you know, his docket


that was in the bathroom and what products he had and she shampoo.




And she Old Spice was also one of the products.


And she came out.


I mean, I'm telling you, it's this level of detail that she was going into.


But she came out and she said that he was undressed


on the bed, that he was in boxers in a t shirt, and that she I wrote this down


because you could kind of just hear this cacophony of clicks in the courtroom


because no phones are allowed.


So everyone's on their phone and they are.


And she said that it was was like the blood had rushed out of her arms


and her legs, that she had been upside down.


That was the feeling that she had of kind of what did I get myself into?


What is this situation that I've that I've


that she made clear and forced her to do anything.


But she kind of felt like she had put herself in a bad situation


by being in his hotel room that night.


Caitlin Collins, thank you for.

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Stormy DanielsDonald TrumpCourt TestimonyAffair AllegationsCelebrity ScandalLegal ProceedingsPublic InterestMedia CoveragePolitical ControversyAdult Film Star
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