Goldman's father reflects on OJ's death, addresses his 'new normal'

12 News
11 Apr 202405:04


TLDRThe video script recounts the heartbreaking journey of Fred Goldman, father of Ron Goldman, one of the victims in the O.J. Simpson case. It delves into his life before and after the tragic murders of his son and Nicole Brown Simpson in 1994, his pursuit of justice, and the emotional turmoil throughout the high-profile trial that found Simpson not guilty. Despite the civil suit's judgment against Simpson for the deaths, Goldman continues to advocate for victims' rights, emphasizing the impact of loss and the struggle to find a new normal in the wake of such tragedy.


  • 📰 The Goldman family's reaction to the news of Ron's killer's death is described as a mix of complicated emotions.
  • 🗣 Mark Curtis conducted an exclusive interview with Fred Goldman in 2017 and followed up with him for his reaction to recent developments.
  • 🔍 Despite a civil judgment and a confession in 'If I Did It', the Goldmans feel that the hope for true accountability has ended with the killer's passing.
  • 💔 Fred and Kim Goldman have dedicated their lives to advocating for the rights of victims and survivors, ensuring their voices are heard in and out of the courtroom.
  • 🏡 Prior to Ron's death, the Goldman family was leading a reasonably normal life with aspirations for the future.
  • 🚚 The shocking news of Ron's murder was delivered via a call from the coroner's office, changing the family's life forever.
  • 😢 The emotional turmoil of the Goldman family is highlighted by the vivid recount of the moment they received the tragic news.
  • 👚‍👩‍👧‍👊 Fred Goldman's hope to see his children grow up, marry, and have their own children was abruptly shattered by the loss of his son.
  • 🛠 The O.J. Simpson case became the trial of the century, drawing attention to the legal process and the families' struggle for justice.
  • 🚚 The not guilty verdict in the criminal trial left Fred Goldman questioning how he maintained his composure in the presence of the man he believed responsible for his son's death.
  • 💰 In a 1997 civil suit, Simpson was found liable for the deaths and ordered to pay $33.5 million in damages, but paid little of it and moved to Florida.

Q & A

  • Who is the father of Ron Goldman mentioned in the transcript?

    -Fred Goldman is the father of Ron Goldman mentioned in the transcript.

  • What was the profession of Mark Curtis when he interviewed Fred Goldman?

    -Mark Curtis was a journalist who conducted an exclusive interview with Fred Goldman in July of 2017.

  • How did Fred Goldman describe his life before the tragic event?

    -Fred Goldman described his life before the tragic event as 'reasonably normal', mentioning that they were a 'reasonably normal dysfunctional family'.

  • What was the impact of the phone call about Ron's death on Fred Goldman?

    -The phone call about Ron's death had a devastating impact on Fred Goldman, causing time to seemingly stop and shattering the normalcy of his life.

  • What was the role of the coroner's report in the O.J. Simpson case?

    -The coroner's report played a crucial role in the O.J. Simpson case by providing evidence of multiple wounds on Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman, supporting the investigation into their murders.

  • How did Fred Goldman feel during the trial of O.J. Simpson?

    -During the trial, Fred Goldman felt a mix of emotions, including anger and the desire for justice, as he believed O.J. Simpson was responsible for his son's death.

  • What was the outcome of the civil suit filed by the victims' families in 1997?

    -The civil suit found O.J. Simpson liable for the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, and ordered him to pay $33.5 million in damages.

  • How did Fred Goldman cope with the 'new normal' after his son's death?

    -Fred Goldman coped with the 'new normal' by accepting that his previous life had ended and focusing on creating a new reality, even though it was not what he wanted.

  • What did Fred Goldman and his wife, Kim, express in their statement following the news of Ron's killer's death?

    -In their statement, Fred Goldman and his wife, Kim, expressed mixed emotions and a sense of complicated grief, noting the end of hope for true accountability but also their continued advocacy for the rights of victims and survivors.

  • How did the O.J. Simpson case evolve in the public eye?

    -The O.J. Simpson case evolved into the 'trial of the century', with many focusing on aspects such as race and celebrity status, despite the core issue being the pursuit of justice for the victims' families.

  • What challenges did O.J. Simpson face after the civil suit?

    -After the civil suit, O.J. Simpson faced the challenge of paying $33.5 million in damages, which he paid little of, leading him to move to Florida and struggle to remake his life.



🌟 Exclusive Interview with Fred Goldman

This paragraph details an exclusive interview with Fred Goldman, the father of Ron Goldman, who was one of the victims in the high-profile O.J. Simpson case. The interview, conducted in July 2017, captures Mr. Goldman's emotional response to the news of Simpson's death. Despite the civil judgment and Simpson's confession in his book, the family's quest for true accountability seemed to have ended with his passing. Fred Goldman and his wife, Kim, express their continued commitment to advocating for victims' rights, ensuring their voices are heard in and out of the courtroom. The paragraph also delves into Fred Goldman's life before the tragic event, his recollection of the night he received the devastating news, and the profound impact it had on his family. The narrative further explores the aftermath of the O.J. Simpson trial, the civil suit, and Simpson's subsequent life struggles, highlighting the ongoing pain and the search for a 'new normal' for the Goldman family.



💡Ron Goldman

Ron Goldman was a victim of a high-profile murder case in 1994, alongside Nicole Brown Simpson. His father, Fred Goldman, is a central figure in the narrative of the video, expressing his pursuit of justice for his son and the emotional impact of the loss. The mention of Ron Goldman is significant as it sets the context for the discussion on the aftermath of the murders and the quest for accountability.

💡Fred Goldman

Fred Goldman is the father of Ron Goldman, one of the murder victims. He is portrayed as a grieving father who has been advocating for the rights of victims and survivors. His experiences and emotions are central to the video's narrative, illustrating the long-term effects of such a tragic event on a family.

💡OJ Simpson

Orenthal James Simpson, commonly known as OJ Simpson, is a former football player and actor who was accused and acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. His name is synonymous with the infamous 'trial of the century' and is central to the video's discussion of the legal proceedings and the impact on the victims' families.

💡Civil Judgment

A civil judgment is a formal decision made by a court in a civil case, which is a legal dispute between two parties. In the context of the video, it refers to the outcome of a civil suit brought by the victims' families against OJ Simpson, where he was found liable for their deaths and ordered to pay damages. This concept is key to understanding the legal avenues pursued by the Goldman family for justice.


Accountability refers to the responsibility one has to answer for their actions, especially in a legal or moral sense. In the video, it is a recurring theme as the victims' families seek justice and a sense of closure. The concept is central to the narrative, highlighting the ongoing struggle for the families to find resolution and acknowledgment of the wrongs committed.

💡Emotional Impact

The emotional impact refers to the psychological and emotional effects that an event or situation has on individuals. In the video, the emotional impact is evident in the personal accounts of Fred Goldman, who shares his grief and the profound changes in his life following his son's murder. This concept is crucial to understanding the human aspect of the story and the long-term effects of tragedy on survivors.

💡New Normal

The term 'new normal' is used to describe a significant change in circumstances or lifestyle that becomes the standard over time. In the video, Fred Goldman talks about adjusting to a 'new normal' after his son's death, indicating the process of adapting to life after a traumatic event. This concept is important as it illustrates the resilience and coping mechanisms of those affected by tragedy.

💡Trial of the Century

The 'trial of the century' is a colloquial term often used to describe a legal proceeding that captures widespread public attention and has significant cultural or historical importance. In the context of the video, it refers to the OJ Simpson trial, which was notable for its racial dynamics, media coverage, and high-profile nature. This concept is key to understanding the societal impact and the magnitude of the case.

💡Coroner's Report

A coroner's report is an official document prepared by a coroner following an investigation into the cause and circumstances of a person's death. In the video, the coroner's report is mentioned as a critical piece of evidence in the murder case of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. This concept is important as it represents the legal procedures and the pursuit of justice in the aftermath of the crime.


In legal terms, damages refer to a monetary compensation awarded to a party who has suffered harm or loss due to the actions of another party. In the context of the video, damages were awarded to the victims' families in a civil suit against OJ Simpson. This concept is significant as it reflects the legal recourse available to victims and their families to seek compensation and acknowledgment of their suffering.


Advocacy is the act of publicly supporting or recommending a particular cause or policy. In the video, Fred Goldman's advocacy work is highlighted as he continues to fight for the rights of victims and survivors, even after the legal proceedings have concluded. This concept is central to understanding the ongoing efforts to ensure that the voices of victims are heard and their interests are represented both in and out of the courtroom.


Fred Goldman describes the impact of Ron's death as a sudden shift to a 'new normal,' highlighting the immediate and profound change in his life.

The news of Ron's killer's death evokes 'a mixed bag of complicated emotion' for the Goldman family, showcasing their ongoing emotional turmoil.

Despite obtaining a civil judgment and a hypothetical confession in 'If I Did It,' Fred Goldman expresses that 'the hope for true accountability has ended.'

Fred Goldman commits to continuing advocacy for victims' rights, ensuring their voices are heard in and beyond the courtroom.

The night of June 13th, 1994, is described as the point where everything changed for Fred Goldman, marking the beginning of his life's upheaval.

Fred Goldman recounts the devastating phone call informing him of his son's death, illustrating the shock and suddenness of the tragedy.

He details his interaction with the coroner's office, emphasizing the harsh reality of confirming his son's identity and the impact of such news.

Fred Goldman faces the challenge of informing his daughter, Kim, about her brother's death, underlining the pain of spreading tragic news within a family.

Reflecting on the OJ Simpson trial, Fred discusses the difficulty of sitting in the courtroom, facing the accused murderer of his son.

He shares his inner conflict about maintaining composure in court despite believing Simpson to be the murderer.

Fred Goldman speaks on the role of time in healing, noting that while it doesn't heal everything, it allows for the establishment of a new normal.

A 1997 civil suit found OJ Simpson liable for the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, awarding $33.5 million in damages.

Simpson's subsequent financial struggles and minimal restitution payments are noted, highlighting the ongoing consequences of the trial.

Fred Goldman describes his life before the tragedy as 'reasonably normal,' setting a stark contrast to his life post-tragedy.

The transcript reflects a father's enduring grief and the profound impact of violent crime on families.



And Fred Goldman. Ron's dad lives right here in the valley.


Our very own Mark Curtis sat down for an exclusive interview with him in July of 2017.


Mark called Mr Goldman again this morning to get his reaction.


He and his wife, Kim sent us this statement here, it reads in part,


the news of Ron's killer passing away is a mixed bag of complicated emotion.


For three decades.


We tirelessly pursue justice for Ron and Nicole and despite a


civil judgment and his confession in if I did it,


the hope for true accountability has ended,


we will continue to advocate for the rights of all victims and


survivors ensuring our voices are heard both within and beyond the courtroom.


Let's take a look back now at what Mr Goldman had to say


nearly seven years ago about his new normal after his son's death.


OJ Simpson, there has been no formal police action but the coroner's report is in


Nicole Simpson and the man found with her had multiple wounds.


What was your life like before that call?


I guess you could say it was reasonably normal.


We were a reasonably normal dysfunctional family.


Hey, you know, I had raised Ron and Kim since they were roughly four and six.


I hope that some reasonable point, I'd be able to retire,


do my thing and go forward and watch my kids grow up


and get married and have kids of their own and enjoy life.


The bodies of Simpson's ex wife, Nicole Brown.


Simpson and Ronald Goldman were discovered early Monday morning.


It should have worked out that way.


But on the night of June 13th, 1994


everything changed for Fred Goldman. I wasn't home when the phone call came in.


Patty had gotten the call. The call went something to the effect of uh, hello.


Is this uh, Goldman's? Yes.




do you have a son, Ron? Yes, Patty said there's somebody from


the coroner's office. They calling about Ron


and I get on the phone and this person said to me,


are you aware of the murders that took place?


I said, I don't know what you're talking about. Why are you calling?


Well, your son was the other victim.


Time suddenly stopped. Fred Goldman's only son was gone.


You know, I said, well, do I have to come down and


identify? No, we, we know it's him. We had a,






they hung up


and Patty and Harry


stood in the kitchen hugging each other, crying her eyes out.


Things couldn't get any worse,


but they did.


He was the one who'd have to call and break the news to his daughter, Kim. I said to Kim


almost what was said to me by the corner. Did you hear anything about


Kim said, why are you asking me something like that?


And I told her that


Ron had been killed.


Fred's life had suddenly in the cruelest possible way, lurched off the tracks.


Your life becomes a new norm,


a new normal because the previous normal instantly goes away your


dreams and your thoughts about what your child in this case


is gonna be doing with their life. Next year, next week,


who their wife is gonna be, what their kids are gonna look like. All gone


weeks turned into months and the months into years as the


OJ Simpson case turned into the trial of the century,


we the jury in the above entitled action, find the defendant Orenthal


James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder.


And even though many made it about race or celebrity in the end,


this was really about a father sitting in a courtroom


looking at the man that he believed had butchered


his son when you're sitting there in the courtroom


for weeks


and you're looking at him and you know


that he killed your son.


How do you keep yourself from jumping over that railing?


It's an interesting question because I thought about that many a time.




and to this day still think about it.




I guess the answer is, um,


I, I think of myself as a decent human being.


And that's not something


I would do.


Is there a lesson that you've learned? That the only thing I can I can say is that


time does heal some,


doesn't heal everything.


But time gives you the opportunity to have. As I said before, a new normal in your life


and the new normal may not be what you wanted it to be,


but it's gonna be your new normal.


In 1997 a civil suit by the victims families found Simpson


liable for the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson


and ordered him to pay $33.5 million in damages.


Now, Simpson paid little of the debt,


moved to Florida and struggled to remake his life.

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True CrimeGriefJusticeO.J. SimpsonRon GoldmanNicole BrownCourtroom DramaFamily LossCivil SuitEmotional Healing