The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Paddington and the Cold Snap | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
TLDRهذه الخلاصة تلخص قصة مثيرة حول حيوان الأسد الأليف بينغتون، الذي يعيش في جنين ووردسور. يبدأ النص برحلة بينغتون من بيرو إلى إنجلترا بمفرده، حيث يلتقي بالعائلة براون وتبدأ حياة جديدة ممتعة. يظهر النص كيف يكون بينغتون مفيدًا وودودًا في المجتمع، وكيف يتعامل مع المشاكل والتحديات العالقة. يتضمن النص أيضًا قصة ممتعة حول مكافأة بينغتون من قبل الشخصية المعروفة باسم مستر كوري، بسبب مساعدته في إصلاح الأنابيب المجمدة. ويتناول النص أيضًا موضوع الرعب الغامض وال Yeti، ورحلة مغامرة للبحث عنه في تبت. في النهاية، يشارك بينغتون في برنامج تحدي على التلفاز يدعى "Lucky for Some"، حيث يظهر أنه ذكي ولديه قناع، مما يقود إلى فوزه بالجائزة الكبرى. يشير النص إلى أن بينغتون يعتزم استخدام الجائزة لشراء هدايا عيد الميلاد وتقديم الباقي لمنزل التقاعد للدببة في ليما، بيرو.
- 🧳 **Paddington小熊独自离开秘鲁并前往英格兰**:故事开始于Paddington小熊独自离开秘鲁,到达英格兰后遇到了Brown一家,并开始了新生活。
- 🏡 **Windsor Gardens的新生活**:Paddington成为了Windsor Gardens社区的宠儿,因为他总是尽力帮助每个人。
- 🛠️ **Mr. Curry的管道问题**:Mr. Curry的水管冻结了,他请求Mr. James帮忙修理,但最终因为意外而由保险公司负责修理费用。
- ❄️ **寒冷天气与雪人**:由于Mrs. Bird的冷天气,Paddington和其他人开始制作雪人,其中有一个雪人让Mr. Curry想起了自己。
- 📚 **探索喜马拉雅山**:Mr. Brown和Mr. Gruber前往喜马拉雅山探索,希望能找到传说中的雪人(Yeti)。
- 🐾 **Yeti的传说**:尽管Yeti是半人半熊的神秘生物,但当地人相信它帮助了迷路的旅行者,并且对它的存在有深刻的信仰。
- 🏆 **幸运的电视节目**:Paddington参加了一个名为“Lucky for Some”的电视智力竞赛节目,并成功赢得了大奖。
- 💡 **Mr. Brown的聪明才智**:Mr. Brown在节目中展现了他的智慧,特别是在数学问题上,他用创造性的思考方式解决了问题。
- 🎁 **分享胜利的果实**:Paddington计划用赢得的奖金买圣诞礼物,并把剩余的钱捐给利马的退休熊之家。
- 📺 **电视节目的幽默**:节目中包含了对电视节目制作的幽默讽刺,特别是当涉及到节目规则和参赛者表现时。
- 🧐 **探索未知的好奇心**:整个故事展现了对未知世界的好奇心,无论是探索Yeti的传说还是参加电视智力竞赛。
Q & A
كيف تغيرت حياة بيدينتون بعد مغادرته من بيرو ورحلةها seule إلى إنجلترا؟
-بعد مغادرة بيرو ورحلةها seule إلى إنجلترا، تعرفت بيدينتون على عائلة براون التي استقبلتهاه وأخذتهم إلى منزلهم. بدأ بيدينتون حياة جديدة وأصبح أبتر في جناح ويندسور جاردنز، وأصبح يساعد الجميع بجد.
ماذا حدث عندما ظهرت مشكلة في منزل مستر كوري؟
-عندما ظهرت مشكلة في منزل مستر كوري، تعلقت بخطوط المياه المجمدة. طلب مستر كوري مساعدة مستر جيمس الصنيق، ولكن بدلاً من ذلك، أرسل له مستر جيمس كتابًا لتعليمه كيفية التعامل مع مشاكل الصنيق بنفسه.
كيف تعاملت العائلة براون مع بيدينتون؟
-العائلة براون تعاملت بيدينتون بلطف وترحيب، وأخذتهم إلى منزلهم وساعدتهم في بدء حياة جديدة.
ماذا يشير إلى العبارة "(paddington, london's been hit by another one of mrs, bird's cold snaps)"؟
-العبارة تشير إلى أن لندن تعرضت لحالة حرارة منخفضة جدًا، ما يُعرف بـ "mr bird's cold snaps"، مما يعني أن الهواء بارد جدًا.
لماذا رفض مستر جيمس الصنيق مساعدة مستر كوري في ال维修؟
-مستر جيمس رفض مساعدة مستر كوري لأن后者 لم يدفع له حتى الآن مقابل الخدمة السابقة التي قدمها له، ولم يظهر أي توضيح على دفع الأجر.
ماذا حدث في النهاية مع خطوط المياه في منزل مستر كوري؟
-الخطوط المجمدة في منزل مستر كوري تم إصلاحها بشكل احترافي، وسيدفع التأمين为此因为这是由于一夜之间的低温导致的管道破裂。
ماذا يشير إلى العبارة "(paddington, it's mr curry to see you)"؟
-العبارة تشير إلى أن مستر كوري يأتي لشكر بيدينتون لمساعدته في حل مشكلة خطوط المياه المجمدة في منزله.
لماذا يعتقد البعض أن ييتي غير موجود حقيقيا؟
-يعتقد البعض أن ييتي غير موجود حقيقيا لأنها مخلوق افتراضية، ولن يجد踪迹 في الجبل الجبلية، مثل بيغفوت ووحش لوك نيس، حيث لا يوجد دليل قوي على وجودها.
ماذا تشير العبارة "(the yeti is half man half bear)" إلى؟
-العبارة تشير إلى الاعتقاد الم普遍 في بعض الثقافات التقليدية في أن ييتي هو مخلوق شبه الإنسان والدب، يعيش في الجبل الجبلية.
ماذا حدث في النهاية مع مستر براون ومستشار جوبر وناغابو؟
-في النهاية، تم العثور على مستر براون ومستشار جوبر وناغابو بصحة جيدة، وظن أن ييتي قد ساعدهم في العثور على ملجأ في الكهف خلال العاصفة.
ماذا تشير العبارة "(i wanted very much to be a guest on lucky for some)" إلى؟
-العبارة تشير إلى رغبة بيدينتون في الانضمام إلى برنامج التلفزيوني "lucky for some"، وهو برنامج اختبار يتيح للمشاركين فرصة للفوز بالجوائز.
😀 Paddington's New Life and Mr. Curry's Plumbing Woes
The first paragraph introduces Paddington's journey from Peru to England, where he is warmly welcomed by the Browns and becomes a favorite in Windsor Gardens. Despite getting into sticky situations, Paddington is always helpful and maintains a positive outlook. The paragraph also humorously highlights Mr. Curry's predicament with frozen pipes during Mrs. Bird's cold snap. Mr. Curry's attempt to get Mr. James, the plumber, to fix his pipes is met with a suggestion to use a blow lamp and a DIY plumbing book, leading to a comical series of events that end with Mr. Curry's pipes being professionally repaired by his insurance.
🏞️ The Quest for the Yeti in the Himalayas
The second paragraph shifts the narrative to an adventurous quest in the Himalayas. Mr. Brown and Mr. Gruber, along with their guide Ngapo, are on a mission to find the mythical Yeti. The story is filled with cultural insights about the Yeti, including local beliefs and legends. The characters face challenges such as harsh weather and getting lost, but they manage to find shelter in a cave. The narrative includes a playful theory about Yeti footprints being made by a bear, adding a touch of humor to the adventure.
📺 Paddington's Television Debut on 'Lucky for Some'
The third paragraph describes Paddington's appearance on a television quiz show called 'Lucky for Some.' Paddington, with his unique perspective and wit, navigates through the questions, providing clever and sometimes literal answers that lead to humorous misunderstandings with the show's host, Mr. Playfair. Despite the challenges, Paddington's intelligence and the support of Mr. Gruber help him progress through the game, showcasing his resourcefulness and the bond between the characters.
🎉 Paddington Wins the Jackpot and Plans His Generosity
In the final paragraph, Paddington successfully answers a series of questions, leading him to win the jackpot of 500 pounds on the quiz show. His victory is celebrated with applause and music. Paddington's generosity is highlighted as he plans to use his winnings to buy Christmas presents, keep a small amount as a souvenir, and donate the rest to a home for retired bears in Lima, Peru. The paragraph concludes with a nod to another show, 'Prove Your Point,' indicating Paddington's continued interest in engaging activities.
💡Paddington Bear
💡Windsor Gardens
💡Mrs. Bird
💡Mr. Curry
💡Mount Everest
💡Television Quiz Show
💡Lima, Peru
💡Home for Retired Bears
Paddington leaves Peru and sails to England alone, where he is taken in by the Browns and becomes a beloved member of the Windsor Gardens community.
Paddington is known for always doing his best to help everyone and finding creative solutions to problems.
Mr. Curry suffers from a cold and frozen water pipes, leading to a humorous interaction with Paddington and Mrs. Bird.
Paddington humorously suggests Mr. Curry should see a plumber, not a doctor, for his 'frozen' pipes.
Mr. James, the plumber, is reluctant to help Mr. Curry without payment for previous work, showcasing a running theme of Mr. Curry's financial promises.
Paddington and Mr. Brown get involved in an amusing attempt to fix the frozen pipes, leading to unexpected results.
The Browns and Mr. Gruber embark on an adventure to find the mythical Yeti in the Himalayas.
Local beliefs suggest the Yeti is a creature that has helped lost travelers, despite being feared by some.
Mr. Brown and Mr. Gruber get lost in the mountains and experience a series of mishaps, including confusion over who is snoring.
Paddington cleverly uses fake Yeti footprints to lead a search party to the lost Mr. Brown and Mr. Gruber.
Paddington appears on his favorite TV show, 'Lucky for Some,' and uses his unique perspective to answer questions differently.
In a comedic turn, Paddington argues with the game show host over the correct answer to a math question, insisting on his bear logic.
Paddington wins the jackpot on the show and plans to use the money to buy Christmas presents and donate to a home for retired bears in Peru.
Paddington's participation in the quiz show brings a unique and entertaining perspective, challenging conventional thinking.
The story highlights the importance of community, friendship, and the power of thinking differently.
Paddington's character is portrayed as polite, curious, and always looking at things with a fresh perspective, despite getting into sticky situations.
The narrative includes a subplot about the challenges of plumbing in cold weather and the resourcefulness required to overcome them.
The story also touches on themes of insurance coverage and the luck of having the right policy in place, as Mr. Curry's pipes break and are repaired.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun he's windsor
gardens favorite son
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
london's been hit by another one of mrs
bird's cold snaps
which means it's time for making snowmen
hmm this one reminds me of someone
i know mr curry
it even sounds like him come over here
oh it is you mr curry
i've caught a nasty cold in my nose a
cold in your nose
not my toes my
nose oh you mean your nose
and if that isn't enough my system is
frozen your system's frozen mr curry oh
dear i better get mrs bird to send for
dr mcandrew i don't want a doctor bear i
want mr james the plumber it's my water
pipes that are frozen solid not my
insides oh
give him my front door key and tell him
it's an emergency
he can let himself in
and tell him not to make too much noise
i shall probably be in bed asleep
and no hanging about on the way if
you're quick i may even give you ten
if i had all the ten pences mr curry's
promised me over the years
i'd be rich
curry i know him and his little jobs he
still hasn't paid me for the last one i
did and that was six months ago it's
nice to know i'm not the only one tell
him for me that before i do any more
little jobs for him i want to see the
color of his money
oh i expect he would show it to you mr
james only he may be asleep
huh that wouldn't surprise me he's got a
cold you see and well
i'll let mr curry these a blow lamp and
a do-it-yourself book on plumbing
it's very kind of here mr james but tell
him i'm all booked up so it's take it or
leave it
knowing mr curry i think he would rather
i'd left it
on the other hand i knew he wouldn't be
best pleased if he woke up and found his
pipes was still frozen
the plumber's mate by bert stillson
everything the amateur plumber needs to
it sounds as if mr curry is having
trouble with his plumbing
i wouldn't want to be the unlucky person
who has to fix those old pipes
james can't you hit those pipes quietly
everything's coming along fine mr curry
one of the best methods of thawing a
frozen pipe is pouring boiling water
over rags wrapped around it
if the pipes are frozen where am i
supposed to get the water to boil
what is that funny smell
mr james
what's that funny spell
uh um
things are just heating up in here mr
it's funny that mr stilson does his
plumbing in warm weather when pipes
would never freeze
heating the pipe is another effective
fancy leaving it until the last chapter
to tell people that
what's going on in there
i think the water's starting to flow
once the pipes are forward check for
tape wrap tightly around a small leak
will serve as a temporary repair
mr james
how's the job coming along there eh
nearly finished i'm dying for a nice hot
bath everything's just fine mr curry
well i hope you're not charging me by
the hour nearly finished mr curry good
likely trouble spots are
this must be where the water's frozen
ah the water's running at last
where's mr james
where's all this water coming from
it's mr curry to see you
i just wanted to thank you bear
here's your ten pence and a box of cream
buttons as a bonus for a job well done
well done yes thanks to you bear all the
pipes in my bathroom are going to be
repaired professionally
my insurance is paying for it because
the pipes broke
during the night
lucky mr curry that you didn't have a
clause in your insurance policy saying
you weren't covered for freezing pipes
yes but in this case it had nothing to
do with a claws
it was pores that did it
and if ever i need another act of bear
i'll know where to come
act of bear
well i never
don't eat that i was just reading about
the recent sighting of the yeti
the yeti's been sighted
what is the yeti mr gruber
the yeti which is also called the
abominable snowman is a mythical
creature mr brown people claim it lives
in the mountains of tibet
is that why we're going there to find
the yeti and include it in your book the
world and its wonders we're certainly
going to include the story of the yeti
but i don't hold out much hope for
finding it
like bigfoot and the loch ness monster
we are not certain the yeti even exists
tibet however is a land of infinite
the himalayas mr brown
that peak is the world's highest
mountain mount everest
so edmund hillary was the first person
to climb it
did he see the yeti mr gruber i don't
believe so mr grub
but here's a photograph that another
explorer took judge for yourself
welcome mr brown and welcome to you too
sir my name is
ngapo pleased to meet you
the yeti is half man half bear
his kind have lived in the mountains for
thousands of years
although people fear him it is said the
yeti has helped lost travelers find
their way have you seen the yeti
seeing him is not important
we believe he exists
i would be happy to lead you into the
mountains good luck perhaps we shall see
for ourselves oh
we will make an early start in the
to see the yeti you must keep your eyes
and ears open but most important
your heart
why don't you try that theory you read
about mr brown
of how the yeti footprints may have been
made by a bear
how did it work again mr gruber if you
place your hind core partly over the
imprint of your forepaw you will create
a footprint positions in the opposite
direction and that resembles the yeti
i don't think much of the footprint
theory mr gruber it must be hard if
you're a yeti to tell whether you're
coming or going
quite right mr brown
we should hurry while the weather is
good in the himalayas the weather can
change at the drop of a hat
i'm sorry i dropped my hat mr gruber i
didn't mean to make the weather change i
believe that's simply a figure of speech
mr brown
where's mr brown i'll find the young
bear you went here for me
mr gruber
and garpo
ah mr gruber mr groover
mr brown
over here
mr gruber
now both are lost i must find
them even though mr gruber was dressed
warmly it sounded as though he was
getting a cold luckily mrs bird had
given me some throat lozenges for the
trip here you are mr gruber have some
lozenges for your sore throat
mrs bird swears by them
don't worry they taste strong but they
do work
we can use this cave as shelter and ride
out the storm how clever of you to lead
us here mr brown
but i was following you
here mr gruber have another lozenge
but i haven't had any yet i gave you one
when i was following you i'm afraid
high altitudes can make people
light-headed and confused mr brown
my head feels the same weight as it did
this morning we'd better rest
we'll have to try and find nagapo in the
morning i do hope he's all right
you must be hungry mr gruber here
though i don't think i've got any bread
why mr gruber you were really hungry
luckily i have my emergency sandwich
it's a good job we're not staying in a
hotel mr gruber your snoring would keep
the other guests awake
it's a good job we're not staying in a
hotel mr brown your snoring would keep
the other guests awake
your cold must have been bothering you
during the night mr gruber you were
snoring very loudly i'm afraid you must
have been the one snoring mr brown i
never snore i think perhaps you may be
the one suffering from lightheadedness
mr gruber i never snore either what i'm
suffering from at the moment is a light
stomach i'm very hungry i know you ate a
whole jar of marmalade during the night
i what mr brown mr gruber
and gapo thank goodness you are all
right however did you find us
why i followed mr brown's fake yeti
footprints now that's very clever mr
brown getting up early to make fresh
prince foreign to find
i didn't make any fresh prints
if you didn't then
the yeti
i know we experienced some strange
goings-on last night but there must be
some other explanation
i don't suppose we shall ever know for
but it would be nice to think it was the
yeti who led us to the cave mr gruber
and if it was i hope mrs bird's lozenges
help him get over that nasty cold
you know what lucy i wanted very much to
be a guest on lucky for some
it's a television quiz show and with mr
gruber's help i finally got my chance
don't miss lucky for some coming next
hurry up paddington your favorite
program's starting
lucky for some is right i'm missing
football on the other channel and now
it's lucky for some with your host the
one and only ronnie blake
thank you thank you and welcome to lucky
for some the quiz show that's
lucky for some especially the jackpot
do we have to watch this it is
paddington's favorite program and he
insisted that we watch it tonight
then where is he
so let's meet our first contestant all
the way from windsor gardens mr
paddington brown
are you sure you're right mr brown yes
mr playfair this is your letter inviting
me to be a contestant
i live at 32 windsor gardens but i'm
originally from darkest peru
oh well we won't expect you to prove
but we will expect the
bear facts tonight
is anyway perhaps you'd like to step
forward and send a message to anyone out
there who knows you
maybe this program isn't such a load of
rubbish after all if you ask me
television will never be the same again
hello all at number 32 i hope i won't be
late mrs bird mr gruber promised to
bring me straight home and hey watch it
you must be more careful with your marks
my marks but i had a bath this morning
no no no not dirt marks i mean the ones
you are supposed to stand on for the
camera position
but you asked me to step forward i said
step forward not go for a walk
anyway it's time to play the game so
come this way
perhaps you need a box to stand on
that's better now for the rules
you have five seconds to answer each of
the questions you must answer them
correctly to stay in the game keep your
winnings and go on to try for the
now which category do you choose history
geography mathematics or general
knowledge hmm
mathematics please bears are good at
mathematics it is
i must warn you
this may be a trick question hmm
how many buns make five
two and a half
i'm afraid that's incorrect i did warn
you it was a trick question oh
fancy getting the first one wrong
that's not like him at all
he must have something up his sleeve
what you should have answered was it
depends on whether you're buying or
but i wasn't doing either i share my
buns with mr gruber so we have two and a
half each he's right young mr brown and
i share our relevances every
the morning give him the money
very well then here's your five pounds
thank you mr playfair but do you think i
could have a bun to be going on with
answering questions makes you very
now do you want to go on the questions
get harder just one wrong answer and you
lose all the money you've already won
i'd like to go on please
this is a two-part question if you cut
an eight-foot length of wood in half
then half again and then those pieces in
how many pieces would you have
now how long will each of the pieces be
eight feet
oh what a pity
the answer of course is one foot i
thought that was pretty obvious not to a
bear it isn't i cut mine the other way
the other way there is no other way if
you like i'll prove my point
this is absurd you see if you have paws
it's much safer to cut it down the
there's no need to count it it's all
now do you wish to answer the final
question which is worth 500 pounds
oh yes please mr playfair for 500 pounds
if it takes two minutes 20 minutes to
fill a 50 gallon bath full of water
using one tap
how long will it take one man to fill
the same bath using both tabs
why no time at all
i'm afraid you're wrong mr brown the
answer is exactly half the time oh i'm
afraid you're wrong mr play playfair
very well prove your point would you
read the question again please if it
takes two men 20 minutes to fill a 50
gallon bath using one tap how long will
it take one man to fill the same bath
using both taps as i said no time at all
because you didn't say the bath was
emptied after it was filled the first
all right you win the jackpot
the jackpot he said i'd win 500 pounds
the jackpot is 500 pounds
just one more question
what will you do with all this money
i think i'll keep a little bit as a
souvenir and use some to buy christmas
presents then i'll give the rest to the
home for retired bears in lima peru
i hope that you and the other bears can
put the money to good use aunt lucy i've
now found a much better program to watch
it's called prove your point
and i hope i can do well on that too
don't we all paddington don't wear
curious and speaks is
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A Visit To The Hospital/Paddington Takes To The Road/The Last Dance
The Adventures of Paddington Bear (1999 UK VHS)
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - The Loch Ness Monster | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
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A Day to Remember/Paddington in Spain/A Most Unusual Ceremony