we need to talk
- 🏠 视频博主终于独享房屋,感到非常幸福,因为长期以来一直生活在高压环境中。
- 🎶 博主与朋友们计划前往圣迭戈的一家对唱钢琴酒吧,这是她最喜欢的地方之一。
- 🦆 博主在家后院发现了一只母鸭和10只小鸭,之后联系了人道协会来帮助它们。
- 🥦 博主分享了一个让冷冻蔬菜口感接近新鲜蔬菜的生活小窍门,通过二次烘烤和使用纸巾吸干水分。
- 💊 博主提到了一种新的补充剂,名为Ritual Stress Relief,她认为这对缓解压力非常有帮助。
- 🌿 补充剂中含有阿什瓦根、L-茶氨酸和藏红花等成分,都有助于支持正常的皮质醇水平和提供压力缓解。
- 🐈 博主更新了她的小猫情况,两只猫即将绝育,其中一只在发情期间表现出了不寻常的行为。
- 💬 博主坦诚自己处理离婚的方式并不好,感到很难平衡个人生活和在线分享的界限。
- 👩⚖️ 博主建议在处理律师事务时要面试多个律师,因为她自己曾因选择错误而付出了昂贵的代价。
- 🛡️ 博主决定将所有问题通过法律途径解决,她感到自己终于准备好为自己的权利而战。
- 🎉 博主感谢观众的支持和鼓励,她保存了所有收到的积极信息,并在情绪低落时回顾它们。
- 👗 视频最后,博主准备出门,并向观众征求意见选择穿哪套衣服。
Q & A
🏠 独居新生活与家庭更新
🐱 猫咪动态与个人感悟
🎉 准备夜出与感谢粉丝
hello guys welcome back to another Vlog
Style video in my series that I like to
call my life is a dumpster fire but you
know what a dumpster Fire doesn't seem
big enough what's bigger than a dumpster
fire but this time I have some good
updates better updates because um you
might notice that I seem a bit happier
and that is because huge huge update um
I finally have the house to myself
someone has moved out and this is
literally all I've wanted dreamed of
wished for Hope for for so long you have
no idea like my nervous system has been
in high alert like unwell living in hell
for so long so um just that alone I'm
like doing 10 times better but there is
a lot of updates a lot of things to talk
about to discuss so I will sprinkle that
throughout but I'm getting ready now
because I am going with some of my best
friends to my favorite happiest place in
San Diego it's this like Dueling Piano
Bar where you request songs there's two
piano players and they kind of like
battle it out and I know it sounds weird
but it's just pure dopamine so this
morning I'm making breakfast for the
kids and I hear this weird sound I go I
look in the backyard only to see a
mother duckling and 10 little ducklings
swimming in my pool I called The Humane
Society to come get them and bring them
to a lake but then it got really
dramatic because the mama duck left and
she left behind one of the ducklings and
the duckling was in distress but
thankfully like 15 20 minutes later mama
duck came back for her missing duckling
and so that warmed my heart and you know
what I am taking this as a good lot I'm
making lines what I want to show you
guys a legitimately life-changing hack
and I know I say that a lot but for me
this has been amazing to make frozen
vegetables taste almost as good as fresh
frozen vegetables are so much easier
they're pre-washed they're pre-cut but
the taste leaves a lot to be desired
they're usually really soggy so
basically you want to roast them twice
so first you roast them at 350 just
plain with nothing on them for 10 to 12
minutes and that starts to dry them out
then you want to get a paper towel or
towel and Pat them dry remove some of
that moisture then you go in with your
olive oil your seasoning and you roast
again at 375 for an additional 8 to 10
minutes keep an eye on them cuz you
don't want them to burn but it changes
the game I wanted to do a little
medication SLS supplement update cuz
there's something new I'm taking that I
feel like is helping a lot right now
ritual came out with a stress relief
supplement you guys and oh my goodness
it is my Holy Grail this right here has
helped me so much like I cannot convey
you enough is very kindly sponsoring
this portion of the Vlog I have a
discount code if anyone else out there
is dealing with a lot of stress this
right here you got first of all you know
ritual in general they are all science
back they are research based they have
traceable ingredients then they come out
with a stress relief I swear they made
this just for me and the ingredient it
has Ash waganda it's an adapter there's
many benefits to it but it is clinically
stady to support normal cortisol levels
cortisol is our stress hormone what
makes us feel frazzled and stressed we
have eleanine eleanine is found in green
tea clinically studied to provide quick
stress relief just gives you that
overall feeling of calm and then here's
the heavy hitter saffron this is
something that also has been clinically
study to help with mood anxiety and I
just love this combination and they're
all in One supplement this one has a
combination of quick release and
time-lapse release so you get that
instant feeling of calm but it also slow
releases over an 8 hour period so I've
been taking this at like the 4:00 hour
because for me that's when I feel my
cortisol levels really this has
made such a big difference this is my
Holy Grail if I can only pick one ritual
supplement you all know how much I love
all of their supplements I still love
the symbiotic plus the women's multi and
even the Skin Care vitamin I'm still
taking like they own me at this point
but specifically anyone else out there
dealing with stress try these and I have
a code for 25% off you will know within
one bottle if it makes as big of an
impact for you as it does for me like
this again could not have come in a
better time for this supplement so
definitely recommend trying this out I
will have the link down below and again
you can save 25% off want to give you
guys a little kitty update because
Little Miss Ember here is in heat she
was acting kind of weird she normally
doesn't meow and she's up at night
meowing into the window she's looking
for a mate but she's getting spay
they're both getting spayed on Tuesday
the other thing is she's trying to
escape desperately like anytime a door
opens she's racing out there kind of
cute cuz she normally doesn't meow at
all and she's meowing desperately into
the night Winnie my girl right here is
my little purring alarm clock she wakes
me up every morning at exactly 6:30 a.m.
she's more of like my cuddly girl and
then Ember is more playful and curious
so I wanted to sit down for a second and
have a little chat because I have just
been feeling that I have not been
handling this divorce well and it's just
been tricky for me as someone who's been
online for over 10 years and I have
shared a lot of my life with you all the
ups the Downs things that have gone on
um in my life for so many years I've
been trying to find that balance of like
sharing this major huge pivotal thing
that is going on in my life and that's
affecting me greatly without saying too
much and that has been a very hard line
to determine so from my perspective I
wasn't even initially going to share I
was getting divorced right away I wanted
to take time to process let my kids kind
of understand what was going on and that
information got leaked before I even had
a chance to share it so I made a video
because I would rather you all hear that
coming from me and then after that point
I largely said absolutely nothing for
many many months like six seven months I
I was sharing here and there that I'm
not doing well and that it's been hard
but I didn't say anything really beyond
that and what you didn't see and might
not understand is that in that time
period from filing for a divorce until
recently things were so bad
significantly worse I would say than
even leading up to the divorce which I
was not anticipating I was not
anticipating I'm having to continue to
live in the same house and all of the
things that transpired after the fact
like there is only so much one person
could take and I was pushed and have
been pushed to full fully a Breaking
Point and I'm not saying what those
things were but I guess the bigger thing
that I've learned and that I've realized
self-reflecting is I need to let this
all play out in court this needs to be
in front of a judge the evidence and the
facts and the truth on the table and let
a judge decide and um that is kind of
what I'm doing moving forward is I'm
sharing a lot less of the details here
I'll still share how I'm doing and how
the process is progressing but more so
I'll just be focusing on starting over
and lessons I've learned if anyone could
take something away from my mistakes
like for example huge lesson if you are
dealing with lawyers in any capacity
whether it be for a divorce or anything
else interview multiple lawyers I hired
the first lawyer who I talked to I don't
care if it's a pain and they you know
you have to pay for each consultation
that do it is worth it cuz I made a huge
mistake in the lawyer that I hired and I
saw the red flags pretty early on she
did something initially early on that my
gut told me did not feel good was not
right and I ignored that and I thought
in this past 10 years the one thing that
I should have learned is how to identify
red flag and take that seriously and not
ignore it but I had never dealt with
lawyers before and I didn't know what
was normal and I kind of gaset myself
like okay no this is just how all
lawyers are and that was a very
expensive very timec consuming mistake
but now that I'm with a better lawyer I
realize oh my goodness night and day
difference that it makes to have someone
who actually knows what they're doing
and is giving you good legal advice so
that's another very expensive mistake
that I want to share so maybe anyone out
there can learn from that like
everything in the past 10 years should
have told me if something doesn't feel
right you need to listen to your
intuition you need to acknowledge those
red flags and know your worth and move
on so now hopefully I will get the
message in all aspects of my life I do
finally feel like I'm in good hands I'm
ready to fight to the full extent of the
law I'm not scared anymore like I've
been pushed to a point that I'm standing
up for myself finally for the first time
probably in my life like I realized I am
a doormat of a human being a lot of you
are out there saying like in a couple
years time you will look back and you'll
be so proud of yourself that you battled
through and you got through it and
you'll be doing so much better so I am
doing this for my future self so that's
where I'm coming from I'm just wanted to
get that off my chest so anyway I need
to get dressed now to go to the sh house
and hopefully have a nice night and
leave my troubles and drama behind for a
few hours okay I'm getting ready to head
out and I need you to help me pick an
outfit to wear so this is a new like
bodysuit that came in love the color I
don't even know what to call this maybe
but love the vibrant color it is a
little bit lower cut than I would like
but I do like that it has the cap
sleeves and I can wear a normal brow
with it that's always bonus points so
this is option number one and then I'll
show you the other and this is option
number two I can also wear a normal bra
with this just comfortable I love this
color as well so I'm not sure I'm
thinking that I'm going to go with the
other cuz that color was just making me
happy nice and vibrant I've been really
into wearing more color lately so I
think I'm going to go with that I need
to like put on my accessories jacket
head out the
door time we are the champions my
friend and we are
keep to the
end around the world speak the
let the vition of
theate deep down into your I'm going to
wrap up this Vlog here thank you for
being here with me I call you all my
angels because you have been helping and
supporting me through this process more
than you'll even know I save all the
nice emails and DMS and messages that I
get into a folder on my phone and when
I'm feeling bad and down I go through
that and it really helps me so I really
appreciate you all and also if anyone
else out there is dealing with stress I
feel like you have higher cortisol
levels and you want to try the new
ritual stress relief supplement I cannot
recommend enough and I have a 25% off
code that I will have down in the
description box I definitely recommend
trying it it's one of those things you
will know pretty much right away if it
works for you as well as it has for me
saffron I think was the missing
ingredient in my life so with all of
that said thanks again so much for
watching and I will see you soon with a
video bye bye bye guys
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