Chance the Rapper - Buried Alive (2024) | [Official Music Video]

Chance The Rapper
25 Apr 202403:02


TLDRThe video script narrates a powerful journey of survival and resilience in the face of adversity. The protagonist finds himself in a metaphorical 'dark space', akin to being between a rock and a hard place, yet he remains very much alive. Drawing parallels to the 'boy who lived', he recounts a tale of overcoming betrayal, as he was 'tied up' and nearly 'buried alive'. Despite the odds, he emerges victorious, turning the tables on his adversaries. The narrative is filled with vivid imagery, such as 'eating American Pie' and 'throwing dirt on the casket', symbolizing the end of an era and the rise of a new chapter. The protagonist's pen becomes a weapon, his ideas his currency, as he fights his way out of the metaphorical 'Shark Tank'. He likens his struggle to walking through a desert with a 'mighty sword', determined and unyielding. The script concludes with a triumphant return to the light, signifying a rebirth and a renewed sense of purpose. It's a testament to the human spirit's ability to endure and thrive even in the darkest of times.


  • 🎭 The speaker was in a metaphorical 'dark space', indicating a challenging period in their life.
  • ❤️ The mention of a 'heart race' symbolizes a strong will to live and a fight for survival.
  • 🧟‍♂️ The reference to 'buried alive' and 'the boy who lived' suggests overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.
  • 🎯 The phrase 'shot him off his high horse' implies a fall from grace or a humbling experience.
  • 🍰 'Ate his American Pie' could be a metaphor for achieving the American dream or experiencing success.
  • 📉 The line 'where's his money now' reflects on the loss or disappearance of wealth or resources.
  • 🔍 'Into the hunt for the baby in the basket' might be a metaphor for a new beginning or a fresh start.
  • ✍️ 'A pen turned the stone to a tablet' suggests the power of writing or creativity in transforming one's situation.
  • 💡 'Jailbreak stylist' and 'chisel like sh shank' indicate using one's skills and resourcefulness to break free from constraints.
  • 🏺 'Walking through the desert with the same mighty sword' symbolizes perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.
  • 💔 'The roof caved quick, rubble stone to kick' could represent a sudden crisis or a moment of intense struggle.
  • 🎶 The inclusion of '[Music]' suggests the presence of a musical component, possibly a song or soundtrack accompanying the narrative.

Q & A

  • What does the phrase 'between a rock and a hard place' typically signify?

    -The phrase 'between a rock and a hard place' signifies being in a difficult situation where one has to choose between two equally unpleasant options.

  • What is the reference to 'Harry' in the script?

    -The reference to 'Harry' is likely a metaphorical allusion to the character Harry Potter, known as 'the boy who lived,' symbolizing survival and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • What does the term 'Marry and trying to ride off into the sunset' imply in this context?

    -This phrase implies an attempt to escape or avoid a situation, often used in the context of leaving a problematic situation behind in search of a better or more peaceful life.

  • What is the significance of 'American Pie' in the script?

    -In the script, 'American Pie' could be a metaphor for the American dream or success, suggesting that the person being referred to has lost both their wealth and their aspirations.

  • What is the 'Moses' reference about?

    -The reference to 'Moses' is a biblical allusion, drawing a parallel to Moses being placed in a basket and set adrift on the Nile, symbolizing being alone and facing challenges.

  • What does 'jailbreak stylist' mean in this context?

    -The term 'jailbreak stylist' is a creative expression that could imply someone who breaks free from constraints, much like a prisoner escaping jail, and reinvents themselves or their style.

  • What is the 'Shark Tank' reference?

    -The reference to 'Shark Tank' is a metaphor for a competitive environment where one has to pitch and defend their ideas, often associated with the TV show where entrepreneurs present their business concepts to a panel of investors.

  • What is the meaning behind 'walking through the desert with the same mighty sword'?

    -This phrase suggests perseverance and resilience, indicating that despite the harsh conditions of the 'desert' (symbolizing difficult times), the person remains strong and armed with the 'mighty sword' (their determination or skills).

  • What does 'I made a beat with my elbow first, then my fist' signify?

    -This is a metaphor for starting from scratch or with limited resources, using whatever is available to create something, in this case, a beat or rhythm, symbolizing creativity and determination.

  • What is the 'Bell don't work' reference?

    -The phrase 'Bell don't work' likely refers to a situation where one is not receiving help or support they might expect, indicating a need to rely on oneself.

  • What does 'the old legendary story of the lunch table' imply?

    -This could be a reference to a well-known anecdote or a personal story that carries significant meaning for the speaker, possibly related to a turning point or a moment of realization.

  • What is the significance of 'the lights back on' in the final part of the script?

    -The phrase 'the lights back on' symbolizes a return to clarity, hope, or a better situation after a period of darkness or difficulty.



🎭 Overcoming Adversity Through Creativity

The first paragraph depicts a vivid journey of struggle and survival. The speaker finds themselves in a metaphorical 'dark space,' symbolizing a period of hardship and difficulty. Despite being 'buried alive,' they remain 'very alive,' signifying resilience. The narrative unfolds with references to betrayal and downfall, possibly alluding to personal experiences or observations of others who have faced public scrutiny and loss. The speaker then shifts to a tone of defiance and empowerment, using metaphors like 'jailbreak stylist' and 'chisel like sh shank' to describe their fight for freedom and success. The pen is portrayed as a powerful tool that can transform their circumstances, turning 'the stone to a tablet.' The paragraph concludes with a triumphant note, as the speaker emerges from the dark place with renewed strength and purpose.




Survival is the state of continuing to live or exist, especially in spite of difficult conditions or challenges. In the video's context, it is a central theme as the speaker describes overcoming adversity and 'fighting for life'. The phrase 'buried alive but very alive' encapsulates the struggle and resilience associated with survival.


Resilience refers to the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or to withstand hardships. The speaker's narrative is filled with instances that demonstrate resilience, such as 'I fought for my life' and 'jailbreak stylist I chisel, like sh shank', indicating a strong will to overcome obstacles.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. The script mentions 'a pen turn the stone, to a tablet', which is a metaphor for using one's creativity to transform difficult situations into something meaningful or beneficial.


Isolation is the state of being alone or separated from others. The line 'it was me and my pen, none of my friends none of my K none of my weapons one of my limbs one of my arms' illustrates the concept of isolation, emphasizing the speaker's solitary struggle.


Despair is a feeling of utter hopelessness and disappointment. The phrase 'I was in a dark space' is indicative of despair, suggesting a time of deep emotional distress and a lack of hope.


Triumph is a great victory or achievement. The speaker's narrative culminates in a sense of triumph, as indicated by 'now the lights back on', symbolizing the overcoming of previous hardships and a return to a more positive state.


Innovation is the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products. The speaker talks about 'my ideas turn the cage, in the Shark Tank', which suggests using innovative thinking to navigate and succeed in challenging environments.


Perseverance is continued effort to achieve a goal despite difficulties. The script includes 'tears over war paint, got to give Lord thanks walking through, the desert', which reflects the determination and persistence in the face of struggle.


Self-reliance is the state of relying on oneself, without depending on others. The line 'I made a beat with my elbow first, then my fist' exemplifies self-reliance, as it shows the speaker's ability to create and achieve without external support.


A challenge is a task or situation that requires great effort or skill to overcome. The entire narrative is filled with challenges, such as 'between a rock and a hard place' and 'walking through the desert', which the speaker must confront and overcome.


Transformation is a significant change in form, nature, or appearance. The video's theme involves personal transformation, as the speaker describes a journey from a 'dark space' to a place of light and success, as seen in 'the roof cave quick, rubble stone to kick'.


I was in a dark space between a rock and, a hard place knew I was alive when my, heart race buried alive but very alive

they be very surprised find out Harry, survived the boy who lived got tied up

from marry and trying to ride off into, the sunset with ner goodbye shot him off, his high horse

ate his American Pie, called his arrogant lies toss him in a, hole in Middle nowhere

where's his money now where his, wife at where his manager where his hype, at

then they threw the dirt on the, casket and into the hunt for the baby in, the basket

nobody Moses alone with the, Mallet that's when a pen turn the stone, to a tablet

jailbreak stylist I chisel, like sh shank I fought for my life

R, gibs and CLA Bank my ideas turn the cage, in the Shark Tank

tears over war paint, got to give Lord thanks walking through, the desert

same mighty sword not yet, tired but I might be, sore

I was in a dark place my mind was, playing tricks like Scarface

my pen, strong like a 1 in punch I ate all they, cornbread they don't want they lunch

I was in a dark place it was me and my pen, none of my friends none of my K none of, my weapons

one of my limbs one of my, arms I made a beat with my elbow first, then my fist

start knocking like the, Bell don't work and my palm was dep pin

from that one Fable the old legendary, story of the lunch table

then I kicked, the technique that was so fatal it went, fall down Babylon Jericho Dagon melt

every wall in the dungeon dragon we was, in the dark place now the lights back on

I just needed I just needed something I, could WRA on right then and there

the roof cave quick rubble stone to kick, kick another hole the dirt filled, another hole

a pin in the hand of a hero, a rose Clint fist clowing this way the, highs and the lows



I was in a dark space between a rock and


a hard place knew I was alive when my


heart race buried alive but very alive


they be very surprised find out Harry


survived the boy who lived got tied up


from marry and trying to ride off into


the sunset with ner goodbye shot him off


his high horse ate his American Pie


called his arrogant lies toss him in a


hole in Middle nowhere you never can


find where's his money now where his


wife at where his manager where his hype


at then they threw the dirt on the


casket and into the hunt for the baby in


the basket nobody Moses alone with the


Mallet that's when a pen turn the stone


to a tablet jailbreak stylist I chisel


like sh shank I fought for my life R


gibs and CLA Bank my ideas turn the cage


in the Shark Tank tears over war paint


got to give Lord thanks walking through


the desert same mighty sword not yet


tired but I might be


sore I was in a dark space my mind was


playing tricks like Scarface my pen


strong like a 1 in punch I ate all they


cornbread they don't want they lunch I


was in a dark place it was me and my pen


none of my friends none of my K none of


my weapons one of my limbs one of my


arms I made a beat with my elbow first


then my fist start knocking like the


Bell don't work and my palm was dep pin


from that one Fable the old legendary


story of the lunch table then I kicked


the technique that was so fatal it went


fall down Babylon Jericho Dagon melt


every wall in the dungeon dragon we was


in the dark place now the lights back on


I just needed I just needed something I


could WRA on right then and there the


roof cave quick rubble stone to kick


kick another hole the dirt filled


another hole a pin in the hand of a hero


a rose Clint fist clowing this way the


highs and the lows







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Survival StoryResilienceCreative WritingOvercoming AdversitySelf-RelianceArtistic StruggleLiterary TriumphMental StrengthCultural ReferencesMetaphorical Journey