My First Day Living In Africa! *Nigeria*
- 🎬 视频的主人公对尼日利亚之旅感到非常兴奋和期待,他提到已经计划了一年。
- 🍴 主人公打算尝试当地的美食,并特别提到了Amala,这是一种当地的食物。
- 🤝 主人公在尼日利亚受到了热烈的欢迎,他与当地人进行了友好的互动。
- 📸 主人公提到了自己的社交媒体,包括Instagram,并与粉丝进行了互动。
- 💰 主人公表达了想要回馈社会的愿望,特别是提到了访问Makoko地区并提供帮助。
- 🏫 主人公参观了一个学校,并了解到学校需要更多的支持,比如建造更多的教室。
- 👦 主人公与学校的孩子们进行了互动,并向他们表达了支持和帮助的意愿。
- 🏃 主人公提到了自己的直播计划,包括在Twitch上进行直播,与观众分享他在尼日利亚的经历。
- 🌍 主人公表达了对尼日利亚的爱,并提到了未来可能访问其他国家,如加纳。
- 👕 主人公对尼日利亚的气候感到非常热,这是他对当地环境的一个直接感受。
- 👮 主人公在视频中提到了安全问题,暗示在某些地方需要警察护送。
Q & A
🎉 抵达尼日利亚,感受热情欢迎
🍲 探索当地美食,感受尼日利亚文化
🏫 访问Makoko社区,了解当地需求
🤝 提供支持,承诺持续关注Makoko社区
all right y we finally made it to
Nigeria everything is settled everything
is good I'm not going to lie I'm feeling
amazing we got to go get some good eats
explore a little bit and then we got
something very special that we're going
to be doing today that I've always been
waned to do for like I'm not going to
lie like I've been trying to do this for
like a year and we finally are here so
as the video keep going on we going to
see what's up next bro I could just
smell it already it just smelled like it
just smell like the motherland bro you
feel me come on bro you ready yeah oh
wait hold on I have to wait on my
security bro br that's good oh you sure
all right I mean uh I'm also gu oh you
okay okay okay okay okay okay I love
this place already bro I haven't even
seen nothing yet it's just nice and
hot what's up
bro brother what's going on bro what's
going on bro how you doing you good
thank you so much brother thank you so
much bro this is my brother F say what's
up what's up what's up n what's up okay
okay all right all right the day for the
day the for the day
if you guys see this that means we
successfully recorded edited and posted
in the same day come on bro W's fast
right yeah I don't know who you are but
I'm just like loving the vibe I do I do
I do only fans and [ __ ] I I have no I
don't do only fans okay okay okay enjoy
your trip all right yeah love that I
love the thank you so much appreciate it
damn you got drip bro damn outfit of the
day outfit of the
day you fly I'm looking for when I'm
while I'm here I'm looking for a nice
Nigerian Queen you feel what I'm saying
look for the Nigerian to but I ain't
going to lie this is the first country
I've been to and y'all who watch me that
are from Nigeria or Africa in itself
have emailed me every single minute of
the day text me everything bro y
literally are really showing support
already bro I'm not going to lie bro I
ain't going to cap bro y you making me
want to cry and [ __ ] but you feel me we
6 hours ahead it's 11:49 in the US it is
549 let me see how good my math is let
me see how it look boom 549 in the US BR
yeah what's your name Solomon Solomon
yeah nice to meet you Kai hey get her
get her get her hey say
hey hey what's up
[ __ ]
D I got I got two names for you yo
what's my name your name
is oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got
another can
can oh [ __ ] oh
[ __ ] yo what the [ __ ]
oh I've been at the airport for 3 Days
waiting for you bro 3 days for me days 3
days for you yo what the [ __ ] yo what
theck what the wait look
wait thank you bro what the [ __ ] you got
yes so you guys I'm giving him a name
okay from now on he now Family me on my
I'm giving F okay from now on she
Bo but he's crying cuz he wants to come
with me bro he's legit crying bro damn
bro look at everybody bro everybody came
dressed with the drums hey bro you don't
got a carry bro I'm an aspiring stream I
need a PC so I can start bro oh you want
you want a PC yeah I want to stream bro
I know I know but damn don't cry I'm
going see I'm going see you again I'll
be I'll be out here text me on Instagram
I already did 200
times okay so what's your Instagram one
one cash flow okay I got you hold on
hold on okay I'm going text you right
now I got I promise I promise I got you
bro I promise all right all right God
bless damn bro there's so much like
people bro I've never got this much love
off of touchdown he painted me what the
[ __ ] and it's like a good paint pain is
not a bad painting bro yo bro oh my gosh
chat oh my God if yall seeing this that
means we streaming tomorrow literally
bro people are on the highway look up
but I don't know if you can see through
that bro they're up on the highway just
to greet people bro bro we love you I
love you too I love you oh look look
look look look oh they whing they is W
yo this is
crazy word to my mother they whing yo
what the [ __ ] it's just like a movie
police escort now so look y'all I'm not
going to lie we have an action-packed
day the first thing I wanted to do when
I got down here and I've been seeing it
like I seen this place like a year ago I
believe and I've been wed to come here
and I'm finally here the first thing
I've always wanted to do as soon as when
I get out back out here was to
immediately and quickly give back you
feel what I'm saying just because I have
a large Nigerian support support base
and I came across a place called makoko
and I did my research on it and stuff
like that and I thought it would be good
to like give them people what they need
and stuff like that because y you're
going to see and there's a lot of stuff
that they can use that could be helpful
so I want to go ahead and as my way of
you know coming here just go ahead and
get that done ASAP before I do anything
else you feel what I'm saying go ahead
and get that done ASAP because bro this
is crazy it's hot as hell too no cap bro
got to go eat some good eats some good
eats taking you to eat Amala Amala Amala
what's that Amala is local food is like
mix oh
make me on my you about to eat some good
eat now feel me
woo I'm here my
friend oh yeah I need that I that's good
what the
[ __ ]
okay cuz my little man right here
y good right you want B like still made
from Beans I want anything everything
yeah what's your name say ID Idris okay
yo it is hot you like me yeah I like me
pause C that put that sh put
that yes yes give me that [ __ ] makes
your bone stronger yeah yeah yeah yeah
good good good are you hell no I'm hot
but the drip it's good drip it's good
drip you got to have a drip feel
me oh my gosh I feel like I'm at
home welcome to first time trying it
first time I try the first Nigerian eat
here man I'm going to be honest if it's
tough it's tough if it's not exactly
what I like I'm going let y'all know the
truth and the truth only got to make
sure the hands is good let me let me
check screen let me see let me
see good good good good let me let me
see let me see go go go go go mix the
soup together you mix the soup together
the soup together two different no
whatp sorry
sorry got
yeah yes oh no you you don't have to put
oh behind everything we be yes oh my god
sorry Nigeria is crazy yo I love Nigeria
love Nigeria love Nigeria love Nigeria
love Nigeria
yeah you don't have to eat it like no
but it's
hard that one is hard
what you say I said your mouth is sweet
now right my mouth is sweet
yeah probably the most hectic [ __ ] I've
ever experienced in my life this is so
crazy bro hey tell the people who you
are bro I'm bro son son son hey this is
this is my Nigerian Uncle this is my
Uncle enjo
this which bite thisone
mind oh yeah go
go yo everybody going crazy in here you
got come to America bro if I come to
America I will T your name of my
booty you know you know who Ray is yeah
you have to meet Ray 100% that guy is
crazy to with his tiny legs you crazy
too you are crazy you [ __ ]
crazy bro you African bro they don't B
you there your home yeah it is hot it's
hot is how we live there we don't check
temperature temperature is Cle we eat we
eat hot dog and hamburger hamburger won
make your dick big
bro wait Ry Rich you R rich I show oh
it's like 90° out here right now bro I'm
ready to change you some shorts tank top
legs out arms out skin out bro pause yo
I'm just taking everything in right now
everything is moving like I've been to
Japan I've been to Taiwan here
everything moves so fast like like I
don't even he's with gang he is with
shank bro you ugly you ugly as
[ __ ] all right now we about to go to
makoko see what these people need we we
going to make [ __ ] happen we going to
make [ __ ] work Mako I'm on the way it's
an honor for me to even come over here
and visit CH and see what's going on and
stuff like that so appreciate you guys
so much Nigeria you guys are absolutely
going crazy bro like I'm off the flight
I haven't even unpacked yet this is one
of the first things I wanted to do ASAP
look at my man's right there though look
at that boy that boy strong boy they get
started from Young no cap it is so hot
bro this is the hottest place I ever
been to in my life my uncle about to
pass out guys my uncle he tired of [ __ ]
I to was so I feel like in it in it you
know New York some G gang
[ __ ] I got I got to teach you some New
York [ __ ] say what to my mother what to
my mother say like what like how what
like what like how what like how yeah
like say say yo o your let me get a
bacon EG and cheese you talk too fast so
now I'm taking him on the boat let's go
on the boat let's go we got to take a
canoe over there and Cane swio canoe
Keno canoe it's Keno bro on Kathy un
Kathy made me learn how to do a canoe
it's Keno Keno Cano yeah why would you
now we got to go on the Cano holy going
through the Alleyways this is crazy bro
hi but this made me realize in life you
got to be very grateful for [ __ ] like
you got to be very grateful bro because
you bro like what what the
hi this is like bro this is crazy bro
holy crap
bro oh [ __ ]
[ __ ] speed speed I'm not speed no you
yeah oh stop they know me in here Dam
chat they know me in here oh I'm
allergic gang don't follow me
hi not even going to cap this is hard as
hell to walk through bro don't cap like
seeing everybody like this at such a
young age like damn like that's crazy
like a of things yeah so you just give
them cash if that's what you're going so
the best thing to do is what get like a
list of everything they need like them
Conant and give them cash and they have
a representative that follows you maybe
back to the car and you give them cash
and we'll have to we'll have to see
exactly what everybody needs here and
then give them cash for it I got some
cash for it and then be able to
hopefully they they will go get it right
okay back make sure make sure okay Bet
cool I just want to make sure they get
what they need I got the cash but let's
see what they need and then give it to
the representative okay okay okay
okay I'm good right I'm good right sorry
don't be scared I'm good I'm good I'm
good I'm
good this is crazy bro
what's up you
good what's up so we going to see
exactly what they need what I can do to
help them and then they said the most
that I can do today is give them the
money the money give to them to see what
need that's the water like this like
look at this water bro everyday
lifestyle type
[ __ ] oh this this is a big canoe yeah
okay that's like the yach yeah oh like a
yeah is the principal you the principal
oh shoot how how old are you I'm 23
years old 22 years old you to put n your
school yes yeah can you show me around
let let me know some of them we have
385 children in the school so after the
school we pack the chairs for the off to
sleep here yeah and they sleep here yes
sleep okay and this is crazy bro this is
another classroom so they learn stuff at
I went to school in a class that's five
times bigger than this bro and We
complain about going to school bro I'm
going to help you today okay yeah yeah
this is seeking the is coming down is
seeking so we are looking for support to
bring it down and re something like that
so that you can strong yeah oh oh like
to make it strong okay we have the plan
also the with us okay all right y y damn
bro this is his office this is where he
get work done and stuff like that right
what what do you think you could need in
here yo so this building is seing the
major problem we having the old school
is the building is seing and due to
limited classroom We join two classes
together and our kg and kg1 together and
we have 365 children one classroom it is
too Crow we are looking for support to
build more classrooms have a environment
for learning okay
oh God bless
your am how are you everybody fine now
give him a love
cup love everybody we love
you say family you're welcome
sir welcome sir we love you we love you
yeah this is crazy
bro crazy bro hello children
hello hello say hello Fe hello children
hello say hello children tell you hello
children okay before we hand over the
back to them we are going to say we are
going to give shank a love C again
because last time he gave you ,000 happy
so give him a love cap
again so sh shank brought
one thank you first of all I want to say
um it it's so nice to meet all of you
guys you guys have so much great energy
I want to do as much as I can to help
you guys and just be able to make you
guys get better classrooms and stuff
like that whatever they tell me you guys
need we going to make sure you guys have
good stuff
him hey look though I'm going try like
through my whole stay here I'm here for
like a good week and a half the whole
time here I'm going to consistently be
making sure that yall getting stuff and
on top of that when I even leave I would
like to contact you guys at a good basis
so I want to see like next time I come
here it's a whole different a whole
different thing
J jump jump jump
I love you I love
you Nigeria I'm not going to lie you
guys are showing me a lot of love I'm
for sure doing another video while I'm
here out here in the meantime y'all will
be able to watch me on Twitch tomorrow
by the time you see this tomorrow at 400
p.m. or 5:00 p.m. 4: to 5:00 p.m.
between that time so make sure yall tune
in a whole bunch of IRL streams will be
going on and it will be at the top of
the description so everybody go to my
twitch so cuz then after I'll be able to
have fun and show yall around Nigeria in
the whole the food everything they
experience and you guys will getting an
amazing time just like how we was doing
in Japan Taiwan all that streams coming
soon after Nigeria y know what's next
Ghana Gana um other than that I'll see
you guys next time let's see if you can
show some love on this get the likes up
like it if you guys want and stuff like
that comment where I should go and I'll
see you guys soon
later me on my me on my me on my
4.7 / 5 (32 votes)

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