I remade our wedding video
- 🎥 这段文字描述了一个人五年前结婚时的情况,他提到自己当时没有足够的钱来支付婚礼摄像,所以买了一台相机并让表亲来录制婚礼。
- 🎶 他为妻子Abby写了一首婚礼歌曲,并在几个月前完成了创作。
- 📹 他用自己保存的婚礼视频素材,重新编辑制作了一个新的视频,Abby对此并不知情。
- 💑 视频中包含了他们跳舞和互动的画面,展现了他们之间的爱情和承诺。
- 🎉 视频的歌词表达了他对Abby的爱,愿意接受她的不完美,并且愿意在困难时刻支持她。
- 👴 视频中还有他和两位祖父共舞的片段,这是Abby最喜欢的部分,对她来说非常特别。
- 🤗 视频完成后,他向Abby展示了这个惊喜,她对视频表示了喜爱,并感到非常感动。
- 💔 Abby在观看视频时感到了一种复杂的情感,她既怀念婚礼的简单美好,又不想因为感动而哭泣。
- 📚 歌词中提到了“图书馆的书”,这可能象征着他们生活中的小插曲和挑战。
- 🤝 他承诺愿意成为Abby混乱时刻的粘合剂,尽自己最大的努力去支持她。
- 🌟 整个视频和歌词传达了一种深刻的情感和对未来的美好期望。
- 🎉 最后,Abby表示她非常爱他们的生活,并对他们的未来充满了期待。
Q & A
视频中提到的'For Better or Worse'是什么意思?
新郎在视频中提到了'library books that are long overdue',这是什么意思?
新郎在视频中提到了'breaking apart',这是指什么?
视频中的'Baby Let's Make a Deal'是什么意思?
视频中的'I know this feeling won't last forever ever'表达了什么?
💍 婚礼回忆与惊喜
five years ago when I married Abby she
was too drunk to I mean what am I say I
did not mean to say that she was too
young to drink at the wedding I also was
too broke to pay for a wedding
videography I spent $600 on a camera
that I bought off Amazon and had my
cousin record the wedding for us but
ever since I wrote this wedding song for
Abby a couple months back I thought how
cool would it be to remake the video
with all the footage that I saved
knowing that I'd want to remake the
video one day and so that's what I did
edited completely myself and she has no
idea so let's go surprise her hey babe
ohj Simpson died oh
oh hey I have a surprise for you and if
you want to come follow me I want to
show you what it is it's something very
exciting wait what did you give me a
dollar I wish okay sorry wait can I at
least shower or want no you just have to
watch this video that I made you ready
what yeah
okay okay ready I'm ready I'm ready go I
like the way that you
laugh when we're dancing under the
stars I like the way that you
smile because you hold the keys to my
heart and you're Never Letting Go
honestly I thought this love was for the
movies but here we are pinching myself
is this
real I know this feeling won't last
forever ever so Baby Let's Make a Deal
seem give me your bad days mistakes
losing your cool and your library books
that are long over two when you're
breaking aart yeah I'll be the glue to
your mess at least I'll try my best so
give me your
worst so give me your
worst oh For Better or
Worse what does that even mean
anyway tilt death to us
part maybe we can just skip that part
and honestly yeah I never thought this
day would come but here we are pinching
myself is this real is this
real I know this feeling W last for
forever so Baby Let's Make a Deal give
me your bad days mistakes losing your
cool and your library books that a long
overd when you breaking the F I'll be
the glue to your mess at least I'll try
my best so give me your worst k i
everything you bu you P to the puzzle it
do wor
the I hope I let to see the day when
we're all in one C wouldn't have any
other way so give me your B days
mistakes those in your cool and your
library books that are long overdo when
you're breaking
aart I'll be the glue to your mess at
least I'll try my best so give me your
worst this was really sweet also you're
so cute you are still so cute I love the
video of you dancing with both of your
grandpas and that to me was like my
favorite part and just I know how much
they both mean to you so um yeah just
like seeing that back was like really
special yeah I don't really have any
words that was really good I love our
life so much but then also I watched
this video and I'm like man I missed
that Simplicity I like want to watch it
and I also don't cuz I don't want to cry
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