Things are changing...
TLDRTyler 和 Todd 分享了他们的生活变迁和未来计划。他们从旅行到定居,从住在房车到建造太阳能圆顶屋,再到决定在新斯科舍森林中建立永久性住所。他们面对了加拿大生活的挑战,包括缺乏自来水、电力和淋浴设施。现在,他们定居在一个湖边小屋,准备改造卧室,同时等待春天的到来,以便重新开始他们的集装箱房屋项目。视频还展示了他们的日常生活,包括家庭能源评估,以及他们如何通过各种活动和改进来降低生活成本和提高能效。
- 👬 视频博主Tyler和Todd已经一起度过了5年时间,共同生活和探索。
- 🚐 他们曾放弃工作,将1996年的房车改造成移动小屋,进行数千英里的旅行。
- 🌲 之后,他们选择在加拿大新斯科舍森林定居,并计划开发土地,建设离网生活空间。
- 🏠 他们决定在这片土地上建造永久性结构,包括太阳能板和穹顶屋,以及用集装箱建造梦想之家。
- ❄️ 在经历了三个没有自来水、电力甚至淋浴的加拿大冬季后,他们决定购买一间位于附近湖泊的舒适小屋。
- 🎨 视频记录了他们翻新小屋卧室的过程,从去除墙面装饰到粉刷,旨在创造一个更明亮和鼓舞人心的空间。
- 🐾 他们的宠物Charlie在手术后恢复良好,现在已经能够自由活动。
- 🏡 他们通过家居改造,如安装新照明和百叶窗,提升了居住环境的舒适度和能效。
- 🔋 他们进行了家庭能源评估,以降低持续的账单和月度开支,提高房屋的能源效率。
- 🌐 通过效率新斯科舍省的计划,他们有望获得能源升级的推荐和可能的补贴。
- 🎥 视频博主提到频道将会有变化,他们将更加关注保护个人空间和心理健康。
Q & A
🏡 改变与适应:频道新篇章
🎨 卧室翻新:从暗紫色到明亮空间
🌞 节能改造:提升家居效率
🎥 创作与分享:频道的转变与个人反思
❄️ 冬季乐趣:冰上滑行与邻里关系
效率Nova Scotia的能源效率项目已经帮助超过40万新斯科舍人节省了40亿美元的能源成本,并减少了22%的排放。
you may have noticed we haven't been
here for the last couple of weeks the
truth is some things are going to be
changing with our Channel with the way
we share but before we jump ahead of
ourselves I'm Tyler and this is Todd
we've spent the last 5 years bringing
you along almost every Sunday as we
built a life together it all started
when we got the crazy idea to quit our
jobs and move into this 1996 RV that we
renovated into a tiny home on Wheels
thousands of miles of exploring later we
decided to hang up the keys and park it
in the Nova Scotia Forest it wasn't long
until we realized how difficult our V
life in Canada really was we set our
sights on developing the land into the
ultimate offgrid location for us to park
in the summer so we could travel in the
winter but what's that thing they say
about best laid plans we ended up
deciding to build some permanent
structures there from solar panels to a
geodesic dome to live in while we
pursued the ultimate dream of building a
home using shipping containers as it
turns out that was a loftier goal than
we could have ever imagined after
spending three full Winters in Canada
without running water electricity or
even a shower we finally broke I'm
getting Foaming Hand Soap in my eyes a
few months ago we made the decision to
purchase this cozy cabin located on a
nearby lake so we could avoid living
that way for a fourth winter in a row
we've spent the last few months settling
in here and making this place our own
while we wait for the snow to melt so we
can turn our Focus back to the container
home but of course with any project and
life in general there are always
setbacks you don't see coming now that
we're all up to speed make sure you give
this video a thumbs up and come along
good morning we are really looking
forward to today's project this has been
in the works for months we are doing
over the bedroom we spent the morning
taking off all of the face plates the
lights really just getting everything
ready to tackle this space we've got the
bed protected so we've got our babies
here to help us and we're just going to
make it way brighter like it's just so
dark and dingy in here I think it'll
feel so much bigger and I don't know
inspiring yeah I really want our bedroom
to feel like a space when we wake up
we're excited for the day and right now
it's just like the purple has got to go
it's got to go although there are some
of you who really like the purple so
sorry there's a can downstairs give me
your mailing address and I'll send it to
you okay we're going to get going on
this and start our first coat of primer
let's go so same as last time you cut in
all roll
yeah we always forget to give you guys
an update on Charlie since his surgery
but he is doing so well he's got his new
knee he's running around hey Charles
you're all better he's kind of like a
puppy because even getting into the
truck he can just bounce right into the
back seat now yeah he's yeah it's it is
really remarkable how well it worked hey
squirrel we're glad we did it hi squirly
okay so can I start rolling now is this
a different type of primer than last
time yeah it's a thicker one I don't
know if I like it no no it's like
significantly thicker yeah but it's to
make covering the purple easier if not
we probably have to do four or five coat
it's really just Painting and Decorating
like it's a gay man's dream yeah are you
a pretty girl
squirrel oh yes you pretty yes yes so
and you two are
handsome she's been really loving the
last couple nights she has been I don't
think that this will necessarily all be
finished today it will be a long day or
so that's okay like what else are we
going to do you got a hot date somewhere
no feels bigger
good it's not race like you can't I I'm
going you can't pass me though I know
but I want you to go you're just rushing
to get the purple out yeah I want not
gone like this is the hardest color and
we've left it to almost the end yeah
like this is the one that I've been
nervous to tackle like I was not sure
how much work it was going to be but I
think it's going to be pretty good I'm
just going to wait and do that corner
when you're done thank you I was going
to come right over there but I was like
that might be encroaching on his space
should we wait to have lunch until after
the third C no I would do it like I
think we do two cuz we'll be able to
start that other one pretty soon once we
clean up all this mhm then s a
snack well we could have a snack after
one lunch after the next one and then a
snack after the no that's too much too
many snacks too many snacks we'll be
tired and we'll want to sit on the couch
so what we need to do just keep going
we're going to keep going we're going to
starve our our coffee is going to be a
hit of the pixie stick and a swig of
coffee oh I wish we had Ginger Snaps
that would put Dunkin or like a biscotti
wow I like it do you yeah right yeah I
bet you once this is done you're going
to feel so motivated to want to do the
bathroom next and coincidentally I
already have
a we got to modify the plan slightly I
am going to put on a pot of coffee we
recently switched from making pour-overs
to having an actual machine I'm liking
it a lot better it makes way more you
look like you're ready for lunch there
love I'm getting a little packet I got
bad news what protein bar
catch can you imagine that would be um
really sad look at the boys they're like
right with us today hey buddy for a
little security
detail hey bud how are you feeling
feeling good today's a good day it's a
lot but I got you and today's sunny I
find winter definitely doesn't help with
mhm emotions it's very easy when
something goes wrong I find to allow it
to spiral in the winter it's just a Dark
Lonely time you know that depression
monster always on your back always right
there she loves that staircase loves it
it's like mission control for her she
can see everything that's going on I'm
watching you as well I think she just
likes hiding in between the plants too I
could not imagine life without her or
these two like always by our side our
shadows how are you still not done I
don't want to choke
come on we're taking this on the road oh
did I tell you I get the power bill
yesterday how much do you think it was
for two months mhm well you're asking me
to guess so it's obviously not good
$1,316 ly mm-m and of that 537 was heat
so do not touch the
thermostat aren't you glad I booked that
appointment months ago when you told me
we didn't need
it I bet you a lot of people are
actually getting really high power bills
now well I the rates are up but also
it's been
cold wow mhm that's not very good mmm
anyway let's get back to work turn that
brown upside down and grab a
paintbrush I don't feel very motivated
right now that's okay we'll work to heat
up okay we're going to set it to like 60
or 58 at night like you're sleep what's
it matter if it's cold yeah well we're
used to the cold hello yeah poor
squirrel the only one awake is going to
have complaints about it I tell you what
I put it in my calendar to pay that on
the due date cuz they're not getting s
out of me ahead of time we are so happy
with how this room is looking it is just
incredible it's so bright the sun I love
it I feel like we say this every time we
just get the primer up but it it really
changed it look at the roof and the
light coming through the Skylight I
absolutely love it yeah it's just going
to be so so nice and like some plants up
there maybe yeah I think we have to do
the up lighting like we did in the I
think the room anyway we're getting
ahead of ourselves on the paint first
okay it is exciting though it's okay
it's okay to celebrate it's okay to
celebrate I think like when you start
acting like an adult it's all downhill
from there
yeah oh yeah that looks good I think we
are doing pretty good time wise I think
oh you distracted me love and I started
spraying in case anyone's wondering why
we're using baby wipes we just have a
very large amount of them left over
since we moved out of the Dome they had
gone on sale just beforehand and they
they buy you time to between showers
busy wipes as we call
them couple of Sally's and wandas out
there are learning a new word
Harold what's a busy got a
mess clean it up with a busy
wipe I definitely think we're going to
need some art for this fall yeah I was
thinking you could draw me like one of
your French
what do you think about getting a fish
tank for in here a fish tank yeah no I
don't think so cuz you can't see the
fish in the
so we'll just catch a trout
and wow wow wow you're seeing the fish
tank aren't you still having fun yeah
I'm just like holding on to the feeling
what it's going to be like to lay down
and just like close my eyes people are
tobly going to be like surprised
surprised they pink the room white I
just like it because it makes it so the
paint color is not what you're like
focusing or thinking about yeah a space
like this it's all about the wood wood
in the bathroom wood in the shower
I you yeah CU we do what we do we you
W hun look at the sunset on the ice we
should take a
break I just can't get over how pretty
it is look at the
sunset it's beautiful so pretty what is
that it's big that's
people that's people walking
it's so
noisy wow our morning walks just got so
much more exciting because we can walk
the perimeter of the lake inside of the
road maybe in a little bit we'll can go
out there yeah get some skates yeah
skates are going to be a must
yeah cold though so you want know don't
know if it's still there
it's definitely cold you want to walk
around for a
bit that's left now it's
turn all right so Todd just finished
running strip lights all on that beam up
there so obviously this is very bright
in here and nice with these new lights
on but there's going to be times where
we want up lighting and it not to be so
bright wow looks good do you want to
turn off the
yeah what a
Vibe how good does that look look pretty
good show us the cobwebs really well
yeah it does okay I'm going to get
opening all of the boxes of blind
and we're going to get these put up on
Windows we're ready to do blinds they're
all put together I'm going to wait for
you it's like a fun thing that we can do
together it's like bonding time bondage
time something like that okay so we need
to make some decisions here we got to be
big people
okay what about where are we positioning
them oh
oh pretty much
centered yeah I would say
so I I really like
it but you can stop it too you can be
like you know what that's good yeah I'm
not very good at it okay it will be my
tour in the
morning h h h oh yeah I'm
H all night all morning oh yeah I want
cuz I don't know why I can't do it I
just I
can't okay so I think we bring in the
rug and start bringing Furniture in yeah
are we go with it like that centered on
the windows yeah we want the bed to be
centered on the Windows like it's such a
nice light yeah the purple was just so
like taking all the light out of the
space yeah wasn't calming was not The
Vibes that was so good
yeah it
do okay let's go eat go hungry hungry
hungry who wants supper who wants
cha today is really exciting so part of
us at the lake redoing them is wanting
to lower the ongoing bills and monthly
expenses and make it as efficient as we
can and the first step in that is by
having a home energy assessment this is
a program through efficiency Nova Scotia
available to all Nova scotians the way
it works is you go to their website and
you get connected with an authorized
service provider and what they're going
to do is go around and find all the
areas that are our house is inefficient
so whether it's draft coming through the
plugs on the outside or the windows
leaking or it could just be so many
different things they're going to give
us a detailed report and help us
prioritize our list of things to
accomplish so although we want to jump
right into putting solar panels in that
may not be the best bet if we're having
issues with insulation and losing a lot
of heat we should be focusing our energy
and time on that part they're just
getting in the driveway we're going to
let them get set up probably ask a ton
of questions because I'm really
interested to see how this all works and
where we can improve the efficiency here
got to get an average before I start
just to see what the like the average is
in your home like every house has a
natural vacuum to it basically just a
very minor but once you turn on exhaust
fans and stuff it'll you see it go up
and let's try it out ress oh yes oh wow
you can really feel the bre here you can
feel it you can see it right up oh my
God yeah yeah that would definitely be a
area oh that's so that's how you show
the walls yeah high-tech tools yeah
dollar skewer Darren spent the last few
hours measuring everything from the e
troughs to all the windows and doors
even testing each piece of glass for its
UV rating with all of this data and
measurements he's going to create a
model of our home that will show its
total yearly energy consumption and
we'll recommend which upgrades will save
us the most on our Energy bill plus
it'll allow us to apply for rebates and
grants to off set the cost of those
upgrades we won't get the report back
for a few weeks but let us know in the
comments if we should do a follow-up
video on this and what made the biggest
impact on reducing our bill once you do
everything up I come back and all I do
is just a blower door test and then I
just take a quick picture of any
invoices and receipts that you get okay
so we just learned something super cool
through programs like the home energy
assessment that we're getting done today
efficiency Nova Scotia has helped over
400,000 Nova scotians participate in
Energy Efficiency programs which has
saved 4 $4 billion in total energy cost
and has reduced Nova scotia's emissions
by 22% how awesome is that so much for
coming out guys take care thank you have
a great weekend you too it was great to
me see you that was super informative
that was really cool how do you feel
Eddie we're going to have a really
really good insulated house it's going
to be nice and warm oh good cuz I've
been finding it
through so our plan was to completely
finish this bedroom in this video we
have like 90% of it done it looks so
much better than when we started but
there is still a bunch left to do it's
always that 10% that gets you we've got
to do the ceiling fans we've got to do
trim around there we've got a cool idea
for that we want to build a frame to go
around the TV cuz we hate the way TVs
look in bedrooms but the reality is it's
functional the truth is though we
haven't picked up the camera in the last
couple of days Tod kind of talked about
it a few days ago where he's having good
days and bad days and it's been a couple
of bad days which is totally fine it's
and you may have noticed we haven't been
here for the last couple of weeks the
truth is some things are going to be
changing with our Channel with the way
we share
and I think what I kind of got in this
trap was I share these videos I'm the
one that edits them I'm kind of the guy
with the camera that's running around
you know after Todd whatever he wants to
do wherever he wants to go I'm there
with him and before when I was
struggling I would just push through it
and say okay we got to get the Sunday
video out and I I know how that was for
my mental health
and I'm want to be protective of Todd
when he's feeling vulnerable I don't
know if any of this makes sense but you
never know what someone is going through
even this 20 some odd minute video is
such a
small portion of what actually is
happening in our life and like you know
behind the scenes so to speak so I just
just want to be really protective of him
and his peace and his space
so yeah I can see him skating out there
it's finally cold enough for us to go
skating so that's pretty cool I I think
I'm going to go join him anyway thanks
for listening to me and I hope all of
that made
sense you won't believe it
strange as it sounds
magic follows you
around and the camera can't catch it you
won't see it in the me if I say look
behind you you turn around it
disappears I see it I see it I swear I
do I see EX
magic in
you wow got trick
and this is so cool to be able to like
skate as fast as you can with absolutely
nothing it's pretty
magical you reached inside and now I see
my future when I
look into your
eyes I see it I see it I swear I
do this is so cool like the fact that
just a couple months ago we were
kayaking here at Christmas and now we're
skating on the lake like it's just it's
so cool so I my eyes
open hard and amazed and if you start to
doubt it I'll remind you of the million
ways I see it I see it I swear I do I
magic in
you what do you think oh plus we get to
freeall our neighbors from this side
4.8 / 5 (32 votes)