Insane Willy Wonka Experience
- 😲 在格拉斯哥举办的一场维利·旺卡经验活动因场景简陋和内容缺乏而引发了家长的愤怒和报警。
- 💸 该活动虽然收取了每人40美元的门票费,但只提供了一个小蹦床、一个肮脏的巧克力喷泉和一些乱七八糟的道具。
- 😨 有一个被称为"未知者"的怪物角色出没,目的是吓唬孩子们,这让孩子们感到极度恐惧。
- 🤖 该活动的宣传图片和演员的台词都是由人工智能生成的,导致内容离奇而不合理。
- 😥 一名扮演乌姆帕·伦帕的演员在活动中看到孩子们的失望和家长们的愤怒,感到非常难过。
- 🙈 即使在事件曝光后,该公司的负责人也试图用"全息纸延迟"等蹩脚的借口为糟糕的体验开脱。
- 😒 整个活动在组织、宣传和执行上都存在严重问题,最终成为了一场令人沮丧和可笑的灾难。
- 💻 人工智能在制作这个失败的活动中扮演了重要角色,但被滥用导致了不合理和糟糕的结果。
- 👮 家长们愤怒到不得不报警寻求公平对待,说明活动的质量之差超出了可接受的范围。
- 🤑 即使收费高昂,活动的组织者也未能提供应有的价值,导致了这一群众吐槽的丑闻。
Q & A
这个 Willy Wonka 体验活动是在什么地点举办的?
😲 一场在苏格兰格拉斯哥举办的威利·旺卡糖果工厂体验活动惨遭滑铁卢
🤖 这场活动宣传时显然滥用了 AI 艺术和生成的剧本
活动的宣传全程都在使用 AI 生成的图像和错误百出的文案。网站上那些看似奇幻的图像,细看之下充满了怪异和不合理的元素。活动方甚至让演员背诵了由 AI 生成的剧本,内容荒谬不堪,比如提到了"未知者"这个怪物角色,唯一任务就是吓唬小朋友。更有一位扮演乌帕乌帕人的演员,在被送上一颗小小的果冻豆后,不禁发出了感叹。
😥 这极为失败的活动导致举办方不得不道歉,并为参与者提供退款
The story of a Willy Wonka experience gone wrong in Glasgow, Scotland, captivates the internet.
Parents call the police to report a disastrous Willy Wonka themed event.
Families encounter an empty warehouse instead of the promised magical chocolate factory.
The event, advertised with AI art, charged $40 per entry and promised enchanting surprises.
Children dressed up for a magical experience left crying in disappointment.
Photos reveal a dismal setting with a murky chocolate fountain and sparse decorations.
No actual chocolate was provided at the chocolate event.
The vast, empty warehouse setting amplified the event's failure.
An Oompa Loompa actor appears exasperated in a widely shared photo.
Bizarre elements like excessive smoke and mismatched chemistry gear confuse attendees.
AI-generated images were used for advertising, leading to unrealistic expectations.
Actor's lines for the event were also generated by AI, contributing to the chaos.
The 'Unknown' character terrifies children, adding a nightmarish element to the event.
The event's failure becomes a sensation, prompting a company apology and refunds.
Despite intentions, technological issues and unrealistic expectations led to a memorable disaster.
the story of a Willy Wonka experien gone
wrong in Glasgow Scotland has taken the
Internet by storm and I love it I don't
think I've ever in all my life seen such
an impressive and inspiring dumpster
fire of an event it is just Mah it is
just perfect this event which was
supposed to give kids the chance to
experience Wily Wonka's chocolate
factory was so bad it prompted parents
to call the police to get Justice for
the horrors they had witnessed police
were called to an immersive Willy Wonka
experience after family showed up to an
empty Warehouse the event reportedly
charged $40 per entry that's per person
by the way advertised with AI art and
said it would be a journey filled with
wondrous creations and enchanting
surprises at every turn and oh what
enchanting surprises they found kids
were all dressed up and crying waiting
for what they thought was going to be a
magical experience yeah that's the
surprise no magic here just Sadness the
surprise was them crying if they called
the police that's how you know it was
bad cuz they didn't even do that in the
actual Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
and kids were dying in that movie and
honestly it does look like it was
terrifying take a look at some of the
images of the abandoned warehouse that
parents had to spend $40 to gain access
to okay here we have some sort of
chocolate fountain uh with murky brown
Water floating in it we have one bouncy
castle that can fit like three kids
giant empty space filled with table and
chairs you're probably thinking there
must be something pretty good to eat
here with all these table and chairs
probably some pretty tasty chocolate
right no there was no chocolate at this
event these photos look like a crime
scene dude these look like willly Wonka
had to flee the country after the FDA
found fentol in his chocolate so he has
to post up in an abandoned Factory to
keep the business going while the feds
are after him you got this lovely scene
I think that the size of the warehouse
really screwed them over honestly if it
was a smaller room things wouldn't it
wouldn't look so empty there would still
be nothing to do there but it wouldn't
look so sad in a way seeing this
photography light in front of this like
$2 Candyland backdrop makes me feel kind
of sad for the people who put on this
event like a you really thought people
were going to want to take pictures in
front of this [ __ ] of course not no if
two parents brought two kids to this
event it would cost
$160 and you're getting this I think I
get why they called the police honestly
dude if I was promised some kind of fun
Willy Wonka experience for the kids and
then showed up to this foggy Warehouse I
would think I was about to be murdered
in some kind of Willy Wonka themed Saw
movie and if that's not enough wait
until you see the nightmarish characters
they had running around this place so
this is one of the most famous pictures
to come out of the whole ordeal this is
an Oompa Loompa obviously a lot of
people are focusing on the facial
expression she's making in this picture
she looks exasperated and honestly I
don't blame her this has to be like the
worst acting gig she's ever had as far
as I know this actor wasn't putting on
the event she was just hired to be there
she's probably dealing with crying
children pissed off parents also I'm
pretty sure canonically the Oompa
Loompas are enslaved by Willy Wonka so
the facial expression makes sense in
that context too what I'm actually more
concerned with is everything else going
on in this photo why is there so much
smoke I'm not super familiar with the
process of making chocolate but I'm 100%
sure there should not be that much smoke
happening no wonder she's making that
face dude she's high as hell and I love
all the mismatched chemistry gear she's
got strewn about the table beers vials
this mysterious Elixir locked up in a
little glass box a
quill Oompa Loompas take notes like
Wizards from the 1300s I didn't know
that all right now the other two
characters that were at this thing I got
to introduce you to at the same time
because they're both in the same video
clip so let me introduce you to Willy
Wonka and The Unknown what is that it's
unknown man what the hell dude [ __ ]
everything else I would call the police
based off of that who is that demon
surprising twists and turns was right in
the advertisement I would not expect to
take my kids to a Willy Wonka experience
and have them be accosted by a shadow
figure I can tell you that right now
it's terrifying that willly Wonka says
what is that when he sees it what is
that like dude this is your chocolate
factory you don't even know what that is
we are so [ __ ] here's a different clip
of some other kids experiencing the
scare love
fantastic yeah that's the correct
reaction to seeing the unknown what is
that Wonka says it this kid says it I'm
saying it also I love that baby's
reaction that was like a primal instinct
to make that sound humans have evolved
for millions of years to make that sound
when they see the
unknown According to some reports that
I've read from the event the unknown is
supposed to be an evil chocolate maker
who hides in the walls and scares little
children is he a part of the actual
Wonka story no was it advertised that
there would be a child scaring monster
at this event no but speaking of the
advertising for the event one of the
most insane parts of this whole story is
that this company that made this event
House of Illuminati apparently used
exclusively AI generated images to
advertise this event surprisingly the
website is still up up so you can go and
check it out for yourself welcome to
Wily's chocolate experience dive into
the Whimsical of Wily's chocolate
experience exclamation point comma so
you've got images like this which at
first look like some kind of fun Candy
Land but then the closer you look it
doesn't really make any sense like what
the [ __ ] is this thing is that supposed
to be a bunny who the hell is that I
don't like the looks of these things but
then you get images like this
advertising the Twilight tunnel which
are so clearly AI generated it makes you
wonder if the whole of event was being
run by an AI because how could a human
not notice that there are so many typos
in all of these images you got dim tight
detractions Ural featuring dejection and
sde then you've got uring entertainment
which of course includes cat gatting
Cary tons and a padise of sweet tee and
on top of the website being seemingly
designed by AI apparently all of the
actor's lines were too which we know
thanks to this video posted by the actor
who played Willy Wonka going to be
poking a little bit of fun at the event
but I wanted to say before I start that
I feel for anyone who bought tickets to
this people who are expecting a magical
chocolate experience people who were
unfortunately captured by the unknown we
hope you are found soon so the first red
flag for me was when I was cast as wi
willly Wonka um anyone who looks at me
and thinks Wily Wonka and not Umpa
lumper is out of their mind I give off
major Umpa lumper energy I got cast as
the part on the Thursday um and was told
that I needed to learn the script for
the Friday so I said no problem send it
over the script was 15
pages monologue pretty much of AI
generated gibberish you know what I'm
kind of curious about if the script was
AI generated where did the unknown come
from did the event organizers just ask
chat GPT to generate a script about
willly Wonka's chocolate factory and it
just threw that [ __ ] in cuz that's
terrifying ch he was like hm planning an
event for kids huh I know just the thing
to add don't worry I'm great with kids
so I'll give you one of the lines from
the script uh I'm not going to do the
Willy Wonka voice because I think I've
embarrassed myself enough but one of my
favorite lines was there is a man who
lives here his name is not known so we
call him the unknown the
unknown is an evil chocolate
maker who lives in the
what we were told on the uh experience
to hand out a jelly bean one Jelly Bean
uh per child and A4 of a cup of Tesco's
un brand lemonade one Jelly Bean all
that smoke the Oompa Loompa had to
endure and she was just back there
cranking out one Jelly Bean maybe the
unknown was introduced as some way to
canonically explain why there was no
chocolate at the event sorry kids
there's no chocolate here today an evil
chocolate maker showed up and he shot
the Oompa loomas they're dead now so one
of the Oompa Loompas from the event also
posted a Tik Tok kind of poking fun at
the whole experience but the one actor
we haven't heard from yet is the one
that we all obviously want to talk to
the unknown unknown we need to know your
story what was your inspiration for your
performance how did you get into
character the unknown must have had the
worst time of any of the actors because
like you got hired to do a performance
of wily Wonka and you got cast as a
character that's not in Wily Wonka just
like an evil spirit that lives in
mirrors and then your job for an entire
day is to scare and confuse unsuspecting
children who have no clue what they're
in for every time a kid came around that
corner you just know the unknown was
like God damn it I got to traumatize
another kid the Oompa Loompa from the
famous photo ended up doing an interview
with vulture where she describes the
moment that children saw her for the
first time and it is very sad tell me
about the moment as the kids started
coming in did you see the Innocents
leave their eyes they were quite upset I
think they were confused but it was more
the parents I just looked at them and I
think they must have known when they
looked at me an older couple said to me
I really really hope you get paid well
for this this sounds like she's
describing people witnessing the
wreckage of a tsunami or something it's
crazy each individual person that laid
eyes on her had to take a second to
mourn when you say walk through how long
are we talking here to walk through this
event I'm telling you this would have
taken about 2 minutes I've never
experienced anything like this in my
life dude honestly that's kind of smart
cuz like 2 minutes isn't even long
enough to process like the first stages
of grief you're getting these people in
and out before they can even realize
they got scammed you know they don't
even know what the [ __ ] just happened
after the police were called people
started getting refunded the story blew
up the director of the company who put
on this event did eventually apolog oliz
I'm really shocked that the event had
fallen short of the expectations of
people on paper yeah dude on paper the
event was awesome no chocolate abandoned
warehouse Smokey Oompa just like the
movie there was every intention to hold
the event from the pictures despite not
being the best light hopefully you'll be
able to see that there was every
intention to hold the event no we know
you were planning on holding the event
that's kind of the problem I think a lot
of people wish you didn't unfortunately
there were unforeseen circumstances and
the event didn't come to life he's like
we were not expecting ing that evil
chocolate maker to show up the unknown
ruined the event these issues were
technological in
nature H we had ordered a holographic
paper that didn't arrive on time the
holographic technology in itself is
absolutely fabulous technology and
unfortunately there was a delay in
postage holographic paper no I don't
think that was the problem with the
event actually the lack of holographic
paper I don't know what holographic
paper is but based on his Reliance on
chat GPT and mid journey I do not trust
his opinion of absolutely fabulous
technology so I'm just going to go ahead
and assume the holographic paper would
not have helped well Gang This is surely
an event that will go down in the
history books I hope you enjoyed this
video if you're new here and you're not
subscribed yet make sure you subscribe
and turn on my notifications to join
Greg I'll see you guys next time bye-bye
4.8 / 5 (31 votes)

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