그림체 도둑질당한 작가들이 내 그림 지키려 나선 이유 / 스브스뉴스

3 Nov 202206:21

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversy surrounding the use of AI-generated art in popular webtoons, specifically addressing concerns about the Nobel AI's collection of learning data without permission and potential copyright infringement. It highlights the public's mixed reactions and the challenges in legally protecting artists' works in the face of AI advancements. The script also introduces 'Illuminarty,' a program designed to detect AI-generated images, as a potential solution to curb misuse and protect artistic integrity.


  • 🔍 An investigation revealed suspicions that an AI-generated drawing was used in a popular webtoon, sparking controversy.
  • 🎨 The artist's usual style differs significantly from the controversial painting, leading to doubts about its authenticity.
  • 🔄 The artist replaced the suspected AI-generated cut with another painting, which only intensified the suspicions due to similarities.
  • 💭 Public concern over AI use in webtoons primarily revolves around the issue of learning data and potential copyright infringement.
  • 🚫 Nobel AI faced criticism for previously collecting learning data without permission, leading to a backlash against its use in commercial works.
  • 📈 The development of generative AI requires vast amounts of data, often collected automatically, which can include unauthorized use of copyrighted material.
  • 🤖 There are legal grey areas surrounding AI and copyright, as generative AI often falls into the realm of ideas rather than expression.
  • 🛑 Copyright infringement becomes a concern when AI-generated works are too similar to existing works, but there are limits to claiming infringement.
  • 💡 'Illuminarty' is a program being developed to determine the likelihood of an image being AI-generated, aiming to bring order to the market.
  • 🌐 The rapid application of generative AI in various industries calls for urgent discussions on relevant laws and measures to prevent copyright misuse.

Q & A

  • What is the main controversy surrounding the use of AI in webtoons as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main controversy is the suspicion that an AI-generated drawing was used in a popular webtoon, which raises concerns about copyright infringement and the ethical use of AI in creative works.

  • How did subscribers react to the change in the artist's painting style?

    -Subscribers who enjoyed watching the webtoon immediately felt the difference in the painting style and raised suspicions that the cut was similar to an image generated by Nobel AI, leading to concerns about the use of AI in the artwork.

  • What is the role of learning data in the development of generative AI?

    -Learning data is crucial for improving the accuracy of generative AI. Large amounts of data are collected through automation technology to train the AI, but this process can lead to the use of copyrighted works without permission, raising ethical and legal issues.

  • Why was Nobel AI criticized in the past?

    -Nobel AI was criticized for collecting learning data without permission, which led to concerns about copyright infringement as the images generated by the AI were seen as potentially violating the rights of numerous artists.

  • What is the legal stance on using learning data without permission?

    -In principle, obtaining the consent of the copyright holder is required. However, due to the intensifying competition in AI development, there are exemptions for using existing works in the AI development process, but this can be a complex area with potential for infringement.

  • How can generative AI potentially infringe on copyrights?

    -Generative AI can infringe on copyrights if the final product is substantially similar to an existing work. While AI can operate in the idea space rather than the expression space, if the generated work is too similar to the original, it may cross the line into copyright infringement.

  • What challenges do writers face with the rise of AI in the creative industry?

    -Writers face challenges such as the potential for their work to be used as learning data without consent, the difficulty in proving copyright infringement due to the nature of AI-generated works, and the need for legal protections in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and creativity.

  • What is 'Illuminarty' and how does it help in the context of AI-generated images?

    -'Illuminarty' is a program designed to determine whether an image is AI-generated by estimating the probability of its AI origin. This tool aims to help form a correct market order and reduce the misuse of technology that can damage the value of art.

  • How are artists and writers responding to the threat of AI learning their style?

    -Some artists and writers are expressing their concerns on social media and taking measures to protect their work. They are also interested in tools like 'Illuminarty' that can help identify AI-generated images, showing a desire for a culture of correct technology usage.

  • What is the broader impact of generative AI on industries and its rapid application?

    -Generative AI is impacting industries by introducing new methods of content creation and value generation. Its rapid application is prompting discussions on the need for legal frameworks and protective measures to address copyright concerns and ensure fair use of technology.

  • What is the call to action for addressing the issues raised by the use of AI in creative works?

    -The call to action is for relevant laws to be discussed and established more quickly to address the issues of copyright infringement and to develop devices or systems that can help reduce reckless infringement, thereby supporting creators during the transition period.



🖌️ AI in Art: Controversies and Copyright Concerns

This paragraph discusses the controversy surrounding the use of AI-generated art in popular webtoons. It highlights suspicions that a particular webtoon series may have used a drawing created by an AI called Nobel AI, which has been criticized for collecting learning data without permission, potentially infringing on copyright. The paragraph delves into the broader issue of generative AI and its impact on the art industry, including the challenges in determining copyright infringement due to the use of learning data and the potential for secondary infringement by indiscriminate use of generative AI. It also touches on the need for legal protections for artists and the development of tools, such as 'Illuminarty', to identify AI-generated images and promote the correct use of technology in the art market.


🤖 Rapid AI Integration and the Need for Legal Frameworks

The second paragraph focuses on the rapid application of generative AI in various industries and the urgent need for the development and implementation of relevant laws to address copyright concerns. It discusses the emergence of AI-generated art and the challenges faced by artists and writers in protecting their work from unauthorized use. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of correct technology usage and the potential for tools like 'Illuminarty' to reduce cases of art value damage due to misuse of technology. It concludes with a call for faster legal discussions to mitigate reckless copyright infringement and support authors during the transition period, recommending viewers to watch a related video for further insights.



💡AI-generated art

AI-generated art refers to the creation of visual content using artificial intelligence, where the AI learns from existing artworks and generates new ones. In the video, it is a central issue as it raises concerns about copyright infringement and the ethical use of AI in webtoons, exemplified by the controversy surrounding the use of Nobel AI in creating webtoon images.

💡Copyright infringement

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder, thus violating their exclusive rights. In the context of the video, it is a significant concern as AI-generated art may inadvertently or intentionally use copyrighted works as learning data without proper consent.

💡Learning data

Learning data refers to the input that AI systems use to train and improve their algorithms. In the case of AI-generated art, this includes existing artworks that the AI studies to produce new images. The video highlights the ethical dilemma of using such data without the artists' consent.


A webtoon is a digital comic or animated sequence that is published online and is typically read vertically on mobile devices. The video discusses the application of AI in webtoons, which has sparked debates about the authenticity and ethical use of AI in this creative medium.

💡Nobel AI

Nobel AI is an image-generating AI mentioned in the video that has been criticized for collecting learning data without permission and potentially infringing on the copyright of artists. It represents the broader issue of AI and copyright in the creative industry.

💡Artificial intelligence development

The development of artificial intelligence involves the improvement of AI technologies to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. The video touches on the need for large amounts of data in this process and the potential legal and ethical issues that arise from data collection and usage.

💡Moral concerns

Moral concerns refer to ethical questions or dilemmas that arise from certain actions or practices. In the video, the moral concerns are related to the use of AI in creating art, particularly the potential for copyright infringement and the impact on artists' rights.

💡Illustrator's rights

Illustrator's rights pertain to the legal protections and exclusive ownership that artists have over their original works. The video explores the challenges that artists face in protecting their rights in the context of AI-generated art and the need for legal mechanisms to safeguard these rights.


Illuminarty is a program mentioned in the video that determines the probability of an image being AI-generated. It represents a potential solution to the problem of identifying and curbing the misuse of AI in the art industry.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI systems that are designed to create new content, such as images, music, or text. These systems learn from existing data and generate new outputs based on patterns and features they have identified. The video discusses the rapid application of generative AI in various industries and the associated legal and ethical challenges.

💡Transition period

A transition period refers to a temporary phase of change or adjustment as entities move from one state or system to another. In the video, it refers to the period during which laws and regulations are being developed to address the challenges posed by the rapid advancement and application of generative AI.


A popular webtoon series has sparked controversy due to suspicions of using AI-generated art.

The artist replaced the suspected AI-generated cut with another painting, which only increased suspicions.

The issue of AI learning data without permission is a significant concern in the art community.

Nobel AI has faced criticism for collecting data without permission and potential copyright infringement.

Generative AI technology requires large amounts of data, which often includes unpermitted use of artists' works.

The legality of using AI-generated art is complex, with challenges in determining the ownership of data used for learning.

There is a growing market for AI-generated illustrations, with some creators monetizing these services on talent donation platforms.

Illuminarty is a program developed to determine the likelihood of an image being AI-generated, aiming to bring order to the market.

The development of AI technology is outpacing the establishment of legal frameworks, leading to a transition period with potential copyright infringement.

The application of generative AI is rapidly expanding into various industries, raising discussions about its impact.

Artists and writers are seeking legal protection against the misuse of AI in the creation and distribution of their works.

The distinction between idea and expression in copyright law becomes模糊 when dealing with AI-generated content.

If AI-generated images are too similar to existing works, it may constitute copyright infringement.

The exclusive right of artists over their work may limit the freedom of expression if every individual work is considered an expression.

The community is actively discussing ways to prevent copyright infringement by AI, including the development of tools like Illuminarty.

The misuse of AI technology can damage the value of art and lead to financial loss for creators.

There is a call for faster discussion and establishment of relevant laws to address the issues surrounding AI and copyright.

The video recommends further watching for more insights into the issue of AI in art and its implications.