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14 Dec 202309:04

TLDRThe video script discusses the effective use of ChatGPT, highlighting three key strategies to enhance its utility. It emphasizes the importance of custom instructions to tailor responses according to the user's background and preferences, the use of voice features to improve engagement and interaction, and leveraging ChatGPT for research to save time and effort. The speaker shares personal experiences and tips on how these methods can significantly boost one's career and problem-solving skills.


  • 🚀 **Custom Instructions**: Utilize custom instructions to inform ChatGPT about your background and requirements for tailored responses, enhancing the quality of answers.
  • 💡 **Understanding the Asker**: The more you define your identity and objectives, the better the AI can cater to your needs, acting as an extension of your thought process.
  • 🗣️ **Voice Features**: Engaging with ChatGPT through voice can increase engagement and focus, leading to a more interactive and dynamic experience.
  • 📈 **Open-Ended Questions**: Asking open-ended questions encourages broader and more useful responses rather than fixed answers.
  • 💼 **Personal Growth**: Using ChatGPT as a personal trainer for skills like questioning ability can lead to significant improvement over time.
  • 🔍 **Research Assistance**: ChatGPT can streamline research tasks by searching for and summarizing relevant information, saving time and effort.
  • 🌐 **Web Search Integration**: The integration of web search capabilities in ChatGPT allows for the provision of up-to-date and relevant data in responses.
  • 📊 **Data-Driven Answers**: Incorporating statistics and research results into your queries can lead to more informative and evidence-based answers.
  • 🛠️ **Tool for Efficiency**: ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for increasing efficiency in various tasks, from idea generation to content creation.
  • 🌟 **Future Skill**: Proficiency in AI tools like ChatGPT is becoming an increasingly valuable skill in the modern workforce.
  • 📚 **Continuous Learning**: The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptation when using AI to stay ahead in one's career.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's current occupation and location?

    -The speaker is a Senior Developer working in Silicon Valley.

  • How has the speaker been utilizing ChatGPT in their daily life?

    -The speaker has been using ChatGPT extensively for various purposes, including app development, routine conversations, and researching ways to use it more effectively.

  • What does the speaker believe about the future significance of the skill to use ChatGPT effectively?

    -The speaker believes that the ability to use ChatGPT effectively will become a significant competitive advantage in the future.

  • What is the first tip the speaker gives to enhance the use of ChatGPT?

    -The first tip is to use Custom Instruction to provide detailed information about oneself, which helps in receiving more accurate and relevant responses.

  • How does the speaker describe the impact of using the 'Voice' feature in ChatGPT?

    -The speaker finds that using the 'Voice' feature enhances their interaction with ChatGPT and makes the tool more enjoyable to use.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a method to improve question-asking skills?

    -The speaker suggests using ChatGPT as a personal trainer by engaging in conversations during commutes to practice and enhance question-asking abilities.

  • What are the three major changes the speaker predicts AI will bring to humanity?

    -The speaker predicts significant changes in the job market, innovations in the medical field, and an increase in personalized services as the three major changes brought by AI.

  • How does the speaker use ChatGPT for research purposes?

    -The speaker uses ChatGPT to perform research by asking it to search for materials, including statistics and research results, which can be used for idea generation, content creation, or studying.

  • What is the third tip the speaker provides for using ChatGPT effectively?

    -The third tip is to use ChatGPT for research by leveraging its ability to search for and provide information, which can save time on tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming.

  • What does the speaker recommend for those interested in improving their skills with AI tools?

    -The speaker recommends that they subscribe and like videos on the topic, engage by asking questions in the comments, and stay tuned for more content on how to effectively use AI services.

  • How can the 'Custom Instruction' section in ChatGPT be accessed and what is its purpose?

    -The 'Custom Instruction' section in ChatGPT can be accessed by clicking the settings button next to the name. It is used to provide the AI with specific information about the user and their preferences to improve the quality of responses.



📝 Maximizing ChatGPT's Potential with Custom Instructions

The speaker shares their extensive experience with ChatGPT, highlighting the importance of custom instructions to enhance the quality of responses. By providing detailed information about oneself, such as professional background, MBTI type, and interests, the speaker found that the AI's responses became more tailored and useful. They emphasize the potential of this skill as a significant competitive advantage in the future and offer three tips for others to utilize ChatGPT more effectively.


🗣️ Enhancing Interaction with Voice and Research Assistance

The speaker discusses the benefits of using the voice feature in ChatGPT, which was introduced about a month ago, and how it has improved their interaction with the AI. They also delve into the potential impact of AI on the job market, healthcare, and personalized services. The speaker shares their personal use of ChatGPT as a personal trainer for improving questioning skills and suggests that using AI for research can significantly save time and increase efficiency.



💡Custom Instruction

Custom Instruction refers to a feature or a strategy of providing detailed, personalized commands to ChatGPT to achieve more accurate and relevant responses. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of tailoring instructions based on the user's specific background, goals, and preferences. By sharing detailed information about themselves, such as their job, interests, or personal traits, users can guide ChatGPT to generate responses that are more aligned with their expectations. For example, the speaker, a senior developer, shares detailed personal and professional information to tailor the AI's responses to their career and content creation goals.

💡Voice Functionality

Voice Functionality is highlighted as a transformative way to interact with ChatGPT, marking a shift from text-based to voice-based commands. This feature, according to the video, enhances the usability of ChatGPT by allowing users to engage in more natural and efficient conversations. The speaker notes how using voice commands has improved their ability to formulate questions and engage with the AI, suggesting that this mode of interaction could significantly change how we communicate with artificial intelligence. The use of voice functionality is exemplified by the speaker's routine of using ChatGPT as a personal trainer for improving questioning skills during commutes.


Research in the context of the video refers to the use of ChatGPT for conducting internet searches or gathering information on various topics. The speaker describes how leveraging ChatGPT's web search capabilities can save time and enhance productivity. Instead of manually sifting through search engine results, users can direct ChatGPT to find and summarize relevant information, statistics, or research findings. This application is particularly praised for its efficiency in content creation, idea generation, and learning, demonstrating ChatGPT's ability to function as an advanced research tool.

💡Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage is mentioned as a significant benefit gained from mastering ChatGPT's advanced features and utilizing it effectively. The speaker believes that their skills in leveraging ChatGPT's hidden functionalities will serve as a substantial competitive edge in their career. This concept underscores the video's theme that proficiency in using AI tools like ChatGPT can enhance one's professional capabilities and opportunities, highlighting the importance of adapting to technological advancements.


Interaction with AI, as discussed in the video, refers to the evolving nature of human-AI communication, especially through the use of voice functionality. The speaker predicts a massive shift in how we interact with AI, suggesting that voice interactions will become a central aspect of future AI engagements. This notion is tied to the broader theme of the video, which is maximizing ChatGPT's utility by adapting to and leveraging new forms of communication, thereby enhancing the quality of interaction.

💡Questioning Skill

Questioning Skill is highlighted as a critical area for development when using ChatGPT, especially through voice interaction. The speaker shares their practice of using ChatGPT to improve their ability to ask meaningful and effective questions. This skill not only aids in eliciting better responses from ChatGPT but also translates to improved communication in professional settings. The focus on questioning skill underscores the broader educational and developmental potential of interacting with AI.

💡Career Success

Career Success is a central theme the speaker associates with the adept use of ChatGPT. By customizing instructions, using voice functionality, and leveraging the AI for research, the speaker suggests that these strategies can contribute significantly to professional growth and achievement. The narrative positions ChatGPT as a tool for gaining insights, improving skills, and enhancing productivity, which collectively can impact one's career positively.

💡Content Creation

Content Creation is mentioned as one of the practical applications of ChatGPT explored by the speaker. By using ChatGPT for idea generation, research, and even scriptwriting, content creators can streamline their workflow and produce more engaging and informed content. This application is part of the broader discussion on maximizing ChatGPT's utility in various professional and creative endeavors.


Efficiency is a recurring theme throughout the video, particularly in the context of using ChatGPT to save time and streamline tasks. Whether it's through conducting research, engaging in voice-based interactions, or customizing instructions, the speaker underscores how ChatGPT can significantly reduce the time and effort required for various activities. This emphasis on efficiency aligns with the video's message about leveraging technology to enhance productivity.

💡AI Impact

AI Impact is discussed in terms of the potential changes artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, can bring to the job market, healthcare, and personalized services. The speaker engages with ChatGPT to explore these themes, illustrating the tool's capacity to provide insights into significant societal shifts. This concept ties back to the video's overarching theme of understanding and utilizing AI's capabilities to prepare for future changes in various sectors.


The speaker has been using ChatGPT extensively for a year in various ways, including app development and everyday conversations.

The speaker believes that their proficiency in using ChatGPT is significantly above average due to their extensive research and application.

Custom Instructions are emphasized as a key feature to improve the quality of responses by aligning with the user's intent.

The importance of understanding the problem setter's intent is highlighted, drawing a parallel to the user being the problem setter when using ChatGPT.

The speaker shares a personal example of how they detailed their background and goals to receive more tailored responses from ChatGPT.

The use of the 'voice' feature is recommended to enhance the interaction with ChatGPT and make the tool more enjoyable to use.

The speaker predicts significant changes in the way people interact with AI, suggesting that the 'voice' feature will play a crucial role.

Open-ended questions are favored over fixed answers, providing more helpful and useful dialogues according to the speaker's experience.

The speaker uses ChatGPT as a personal trainer to improve their questioning ability during commutes.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking good questions and provides tips on how to do so.

The use of ChatGPT for research purposes is suggested as a way to save time and improve efficiency.

The integration of web search capabilities in ChatGPT is mentioned as a way to automatically include relevant research and statistics in responses.

The speaker shares their belief that using ChatGPT for research can significantly improve the quality of work, content creation, and learning.

The potential of AI services as an important skill in the future is discussed, with the speaker expressing their intention to create more content on this topic.

The speaker provides a brief guide on how to access and use the 'Custom Instruction' feature in ChatGPT.

The transcript concludes with a summary of the three key ways to better utilize ChatGPT: custom instructions, voice usage, and conducting research.