#96 Back at my abandoned farm in the middle of the Finnish countryside

Saving Siskola
31 Mar 202423:02

TLDRIn this engaging narrative, the protagonist embarks on a journey to Siskola, a cherished retreat, amidst the thawing winter landscape. The anticipation builds as they navigate through the season's变换, reflecting on the beauty and challenges of nature's reawakening. From tackling slippery roads and icy conditions to the discovery of wildlife and the warmth of returning to a familiar place, the story unfolds with a blend of adventure, resilience, and the simple joys of seasonal renewal.


  • 🌨️ Winter's end is approaching with landscapes gradually revealing themselves under the melting snow.
  • 🚗 The journey to Siskola is filled with anticipation and the beauty of changing seasons.
  • 🌳 Leaf trees are bare but expected to be vibrant with green leaves soon, signaling spring's arrival.
  • 🚙 The road to Siskola is challenging due to thick snow and icy conditions, requiring careful navigation.
  • 🐦 A stop at Pusula's bird tower offers a glimpse of migratory birds returning from the south.
  • ❄️ Snow and ice make the path to the barn difficult to access, necessitating some assessment of the situation.
  • 🏠 Upon arrival at Siskola, there's a mix of damp and mold smells, but also warmth from the electricity used for heating.
  • 🧹 Spring cleaning is necessary at Siskola, with a focus on dealing with mold and maintaining cleanliness.
  • 🌼 Gardening activities, such as preparing garden beds, are among the tasks to be tackled at Siskola.
  • 🛍️ Simple, easy-to-prepare food items are purchased for convenience during the stay at Siskola.
  • 🐿️ The presence of a dead mouse under the fridge box highlights the need for thorough cleaning and possibly pest control.

Q & A

  • What is the current season and how does it affect the landscape?

    -The current season is transitioning from winter to spring. The landscape is slowly melting, with parts of it being revealed under the snow cover. The trees are still bare, but they are expected to burst with vibrant green leaves soon.

  • Where is the narrator going and why is it significant to them?

    -The narrator is going to Siskola, which has become their refuge and an important part of their life at the moment.

  • How does the narrator describe their journey to Siskola?

    -The narrator describes their journey as driving North through familiar hills and valleys on an almost deserted road, filled with anticipation and a sense of seeing a new place each season.

  • What did the narrator notice about the weather conditions upon their arrival at Siskola?

    -Upon arrival, the narrator notes that it is very cloudy with a completely white sky, and the temperature is 3°C, which is quite cold. Inside the house, it is warmer at 10°C due to the use of electricity for heating.

  • What challenges did the narrator face while driving to Siskola?

    -The narrator faced challenges such as thick and slippery snow on the road, which made it difficult to drive, especially since they did not have a four-wheel drive vehicle.

  • What did the narrator do after entering Siskola?

    -After entering Siskola, the narrator began with spring cleaning, changed into their Siskola jacket to avoid getting their clothes smelly, and planned to work on various tasks around the property.

  • What did the narrator find inside the house that indicated the presence of wildlife?

    -The narrator found barking sounds, which they associated with wolves that have been spotted in the area, and a dead mouse (vole?) under the fridge box.

  • What did the narrator do to prepare for the winter conditions?

    -The narrator bought winter working gloves, a hammer from the rift store, and planned to order a motor saw for cutting branches.

  • What kind of food did the narrator bring for their stay at Siskola?

    -The narrator brought simple food that is easy to transport and make, such as smoked salmon, spinach tortillas, mini mozzarella, tomatoes, olives, noodles, apples, and pistachios.

  • What did the narrator observe about the state of the garden and the road to the sauna?

    -The narrator observed that the garden was covered with spruce cones and the road to the sauna was icy. They also noted that the river was very high and that better drainage was needed.

  • What did the narrator think about the weather forecast?

    -The narrator expressed hope that the weather would improve the next day, as it felt warmer and the sun was looking out a little bit.



🌨️ Journey to Siskola Amidst Winter's End

The script begins with a traveler reflecting on the waning winter, noting the melting snow and the anticipation of spring's arrival. The journey to Siskola, a cherished refuge, is filled with familiar landscapes and the excitement of seeing the changes brought by the seasons. Despite the cloud-covered sky and the potential for more snow, the traveler is eager to tackle the to-do list at Siskola. A stop at Pusula's bird tower provides a glimpse of migratory birds returning from the south, adding to the sense of nature's revival. However, the journey is not without challenges, as thick snow and icy conditions test the traveler's ability to reach their destination.


🏡 Return to Siskola: Triumphs and Trials

Upon reaching Siskola, the traveler is met with a mix of joy and obstacles. The house, while warm, carries the unpleasant smells of damp and mold, indicative of the neglect during the traveler's absence. The cold weather outside contrasts with the warmth inside, a testament to the effective heating system. The traveler plans to undertake spring cleaning, including changing into specific attire to avoid mold transfer. The presence of wolves in the vicinity adds an element of caution and mystery, especially during nighttime ventures. The traveler also faces the daunting task of clearing a massive pile of snow blocking the barn, which holds essential tools for future projects.


🧹 Cleaning and Contemplation at Siskola

The traveler delves into the nitty-gritty of cleaning Siskola, finding no mouse droppings in the main room but discovering a dead mouse under the fridge. The cleaning process is arduous, with sticky residues from winter tape posing a challenge. A glimmer of hope appears as the sun emerges, brightening the day and hinting at better weather to come. Despite the winter's toll, structures at Siskola remain standing, and the traveler navigates through deep, icy snow with a sense of accomplishment. There's a looming task of removing a tall, crooked birch tree that poses a threat to the barn, a job that requires careful planning and execution.


🌲 Preparing for Spring Work at Siskola

As the traveler assesses the state of Siskola, they find the area littered with spruce cones and observe the need for improved drainage due to the gathered water. The anticipation of using a newly ordered motor saw for cutting branches adds to the list of upcoming tasks. The traveler also considers sustenance, opting for simple, easy-to-prepare food like smoked salmon, spinach tortillas, and various fruits and nuts. The return to Siskola is marked by practical preparations, from acquiring work gloves to arranging antique tools. There's also a hopeful look towards salvaging dumped strawberries, adding a touch of optimism to the day's endeavors.


🛣️ Navigating the Slippery Paths of Siskola

The traveler's exploration of Siskola continues with a focus on the challenges posed by the slippery roads and paths. A trip to the stream is fraught with difficulty due to the icy conditions, highlighting the need for caution and perhaps different footwear. The Silver Willow by the stream appears to be faring well, with no immediate overflow concerns. The presence of deer hoof prints in the ice offers a reminder of the local wildlife, adding an element of tranquility to the otherwise demanding day of work and observation at Siskola.




Siskola is a place of refuge for the speaker, signifying an important part of their life. It is a destination that the speaker eagerly anticipates visiting after a long time. The term is used to evoke a sense of familiarity and comfort, as well as the challenges and joys of returning to a cherished location after a period of absence. In the script, the speaker expresses their excitement and the difficulties they faced to reach Siskola, highlighting its significance in their life.


Seasons refer to the distinct periods of the year characterized by particular conditions of weather, ecology, and climate. In the context of the video, the changing seasons, particularly the transition from winter to spring, is central to the narrative. The speaker observes the landscape's transformation, with the anticipation of seeing the grass turn green and flowers bloom, indicating the renewal and rebirth that comes with the arrival of spring.


Anticipation is the action of looking forward to something with eagerness or excitement. In the video, the speaker's anticipation is palpable as they journey to Siskola, reflecting their emotional connection to the place. This keyword encapsulates the speaker's feelings of excitement and the buildup to a significant event, which in this case is the return to a cherished location after a long absence.


Nature refers to the natural world, encompassing all living and non-living things that exist naturally on Earth. The video script is replete with references to nature, from the melting snow and migratory birds to the vibrant green leaves and the river's high water levels. These elements of nature not only provide a backdrop to the speaker's journey but also serve as central themes, illustrating the beauty and challenges that come with the changing seasons and the speaker's interactions with the environment.


Challenges are tasks or obstacles that require effort and determination to overcome. In the video, the speaker faces several challenges, such as driving on a slippery road and dealing with the aftermath of a harsh winter at Siskola. These challenges add an element of struggle and resilience to the narrative, showcasing the speaker's determination to return to and care for their refuge despite the difficulties.


Wildlife refers to non-domesticated animals living in their natural habitats. The video script highlights the presence of wildlife, particularly migratory birds and wolves, in the area around Siskola. The mention of wildlife adds depth to the setting, emphasizing the natural environment's vibrancy and the coexistence of the speaker with other living creatures.

💡Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a thorough and deep cleaning of a space, typically done during spring as part of a renewal process. In the video, the speaker undertakes spring cleaning at Siskola, reflecting the need to refresh and prepare the space for the coming season. This activity symbolizes a fresh start and the effort to restore order and cleanliness after a period of disuse.


Gardening is the practice of cultivating plants, flowers, and vegetables, typically in a designated area like a garden or yard. In the context of the video, gardening activities such as assembling garden beds and caring for strawberry plants represent the speaker's connection to the land and their desire to nurture growth. These activities are part of the speaker's routine at Siskola, showcasing their dedication to maintaining and improving their environment.


Self-sufficiency refers to the ability to sustain oneself without reliance on external resources or assistance. In the video, the speaker demonstrates a degree of self-sufficiency by preparing and storing food, as well as undertaking maintenance tasks like cleaning and gardening. This keyword reflects the speaker's independence and resourcefulness in managing their life at Siskola.


Adaptation is the process of adjusting to new conditions or changing one's behavior to better suit the environment. The video showcases the speaker's adaptation to the challenges presented by the seasonal changes and the remote location of Siskola. This keyword highlights the speaker's resilience and ability to cope with various situations, such as navigating slippery roads and dealing with the aftermath of winter.


Isolation refers to the state of being alone or separated from others. The video script conveys a sense of isolation through the speaker's journey to and stay at Siskola, a place that seems remote and sparsely populated. The keyword underscores the solitude experienced by the speaker, as well as the peaceful and introspective atmosphere that comes with being in seclusion.


Winter's end is approaching with landscapes revealing themselves under the melting snow.

The anticipation of spring brings thoughts of green grass and blooming flowers.

The journey to Siskola, a cherished refuge, is filled with familiar scenery and excitement.

The changing seasons make the same road feel like a new place each time.

A first-time stop at the bird Tower of Pusula to observe migratory birds.

A challenging drive through thick snow and ice on a slippery road.

Arrival at Siskola after a difficult journey due to bad road conditions.

The cold temperature and cloudy weather at Siskola contrast with the warmth inside.

The unpleasant smell of damp and mold inside the house indicates the need for spring cleaning.

The presence of wolves in the area adds an element of caution and intrigue.

The struggle with a massive pile of snow blocking the barn entrance.

The satisfaction of assembling garden beds despite the challenging conditions.

The discovery and disposal of a dead mouse (vole?) under the fridge box.

The hopeful sign of surviving strawberries from the previous season.

The importance of proper footwear when dealing with icy and slippery conditions.

The anticipation of future tasks, such as cutting branches with the newly ordered motor saw.

The simple yet satisfying meal of smoked salmon, spinach tortillas, and fresh produce.